What are the Constantinests
The new series has introduced an interesting Schism in the Imperial forces. A product of the massive table flipping on the event Dubbed the Doctrine wars, which resulted in such a major shake-up, that once the dust settled from the explosion and some disaster control by specific elements, left a irreconcilable Schism in the Empire's military philosophy. While the Tarkanists are familiar, being the adherents and those whom tied their career to the Tarkin Doctrine, the Palps loyalists and and general politicos. The Tarkanists operate on a philosophy that is very familiar, partly because it is built around the Tarkin Doctrine, which also ensures the eternal membership of the Big gun lobby. Numbers wise, the stormtroopers are naturally a bastion of the Tarkanists. The navy is split down the middle, with the Tarkanists typically holding more of the important positions thanks to the silent support of Palps and possibly his assets. The army, interestingly enough trends more towards the Constantinests, presumably because of the culture, relative obscurity, and generally having more emphasis on effectiveness. Though, one notable Army Tarkanist, is General Maximillian Veers whom got caught rather close to the metaphorical explosion due to his tethering his career to the AT-AT.
While the Tarkanists is very familiar, the Constantinests are not. One of the big questions are what ideas are at the core of said group? Yet, it is unsure if they even have any Core doctrine yet, thanks to the fact they don't have any Doctrine to rally around, just a man who, when faced with the Tarkin Doctrine, done the neigh-suicidal move of openly questioning the doctrine written by Palp's favorite moff. This, the Scathing critique on the painfully incomplete Tarkin Doctrine is the core of the Constantinest philosophy. And for this reason, it is highly likely that the Constantinests would be far more unpredictable compared to the Tarkanists, partly because they don't base their approach on a doctrine, but on ideas. One that recognizes some crucial truths that their counterparts lack.
Their philosophy is built on balance in some ways. Shown when Constantine called out the Tarkin Doctrine's Achilles heel, it's overreliance on fear. Alongside critical points such as the importance of supply lines, crew, and simply the ability to cover the area that needs covered. These facts likely feed to one central idea, which is likely largely shared by the others. This likely leads to those with a preference for smaller ships and vehicles to trend towards this group, but doesn't preclude use of big ships or vehicles. At it's core though, it largely dismisses the sheer importance the Tarkin Doctrine gives fear, while promoting a focus on measured response that any fan knows just isn't Empire style. There is a decent chance we may find some interesting and dangrous company join their company in the future, ESPECIALLY the genius Admiral Thrawn, whom almost certainly resonated with the message Constantine said, in spite of inevitably being on opposite sides of the political spectrum.
A/N: Decided to try a little something, essentially a sheet that tries to theorycraft a bit of the new 'faction' in the Empire from a more meta view. A group, that has their central core currently formed only through a brave, and possibly slightly insane moff's logical Challenge against the official Doctrine.
Also, interesting Note. The split seems to also allows easier recruitment of the more moderate Tarkanists.
(Sets Loyalty of all officers in the Imperial military, not Emperor Loyalists, or Die, Hards, to 0. Meaning they are much easier to sway towards rebellion, sedition, and republicanism.)
Since this only doesn't affect Emperor Loyalists, or Die Hards. No mention about either side of the divide.
Edit: And I kinda messed up on the army section, putting Tarkinist instead of Constantinests. Cause honestly, the impression I get gives me the feeling that the Army would resonate more with the message, in part because their role is kinda more in line with it anyway, short of the armor devisions, and even then it is more likely that it would be politicos or those whom tied their career to something close to the Tarkin Doctrine like the AT-AT that would be the army Tarkinists...