Save who?Everyone on the ship, everyone under your command even, knew you loved your wife, more than anyone in the galaxy… Save
I kind of feel like bringing up the Malevolence and how it was a strike team of bombers that crippled its main weapon, whereas a bunch of capital ships would've been target practice for it.
Holy freaking SHIT, that's powerful! I am extremely tempted to take this, however...[]Political Prominence: You have risen to the occasion and you have been rewarded greatly for your efforts. (All rolls will gain an additional +20 permanently. Will be able to create the Empire's New Doctrine next turn and in the following turns. All Imperial Trust Actions, if you choose the Imperial option, will now give triple the bonus. Taking rebel options now gives no suspicion points.)
This is a very good point, so with that in mind...I'm not certain we want the entire Imperial navy to follow our doctrine, we are planning to rebel Afterall, and letting the navy follow Tarkins fuck ups anyway might be a better idea.
TLDR, Tarkin doesn't read supply reports and letting him fuck up the broader Imperial navy might be a good thing.
[X] Plan: Tarkin Can't Count