Star Wars An Officer and a Traitor (NO SV, you are an Imperial Officer and Traitor)

Okay everyone I do want some feedback, if possible?

The only thing I would say is perhaps bold the rewards/result, to more clearly differentiate it from the story text, but that's mostly small potatoes and a personal preference, other than that I can't really say anything is wrong.

One thing I really appreciate you doing is posting the results of the vote along side of the update, as someone who often has to catch up to quests, I personally like to know going in what was the results of the last vote so I don't feel lost going into the update, so those who don't do this make people like me want to go searching around for the last vote count and you posting it saves me the trouble, so much appreciated there.
So I tried to dig through Imperial Army stuff and what I found was a little too organized and jargonized to make sense of this late. It seems to be relatively reasonable, at least in practice. They do have a repulsorlift liquid navy. I mean, I guess I can see the value, especially if your primary flight platform is the TIE (can you say wind shear?)

On the plus side, Imperial cavalry / machinery has a lot of interesting things going on and that should be fun for tomorrow.
Well, we ripped Tarkin a new one, established ourselves, now lets get more of the old soldiery of republic and create OSHA
I remember an Imperial Cadet discovered a way to fix the AT-AT's glaring weakness during a simulated battle when his instructor left him alone in the cockpit as part of test to see how he'd function. By kneeling the AT-AT low to the ground and methodically picking off the attacking craft, he wiped them out because practically nothing could scratch the top armour.

Unfortunately he explained how he did it to the commanding officer who came to congratulate him… who was Veers, expert in armoured warfare, who had championed the AT-AT. So instead of a reward, the whole event was covered up and the cadet was transferred to the stormtroopers to garrison a backwater planet… Tatooine.
Unfortunately he explained how he did it to the commanding officer who came to congratulate him… who was Veers, expert in armoured warfare, who had championed the AT-AT. So instead of a reward, the whole event was covered up and the cadet was transferred to the stormtroopers to garrison a backwater planet… Tatooine.
...And Veers was actually one of the few decently competent Imperial officers.

Forced to play politics because a too short vehicle wouldn't have the appeal to be approved?
...And Veers was actually one of the few decently competent Imperial officers.

Forced to play politics because a too short vehicle wouldn't have the appeal to be approved?
Just remember kids: just because Clausewitz is correct that war and politics are interconnected and entirely realistic… dosent mean that Sun Tzu's idealism about a politics free military sometimes can be a good thing.

Cause sometimes shit like that can make you realize: Yes even the man who wrote the book on imperial armored warfare is beholden to his superiors.

And his superiors are stupid.

And he can be wrong.
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...And Veers was actually one of the few decently competent Imperial officers.

Forced to play politics because a too short vehicle wouldn't have the appeal to be approved?

Actually he's a fully fledged believer in the AT-AT, the leading authority on the machine who guest lectures at military academies and has tied his career to it because he lacked the typical aristocratic connections to advance higher than Major around the time of the incident in question.
Actually he's a fully fledged believer in the AT-AT, the leading authority on the machine who guest lectures at military academies and has tied his career to it because he lacked the typical aristocratic connections to advance higher than Major around the time of the incident in question.

We are soo gonna end up torpedoing his career by complete accident aren't we...
I mean let's be honest: we're about to torpedo half the imperial navy's officers career trajectories…

And by god it will be glorious.
I can only imagine the meeting itself. Constantine is standing on stage with a podium in front of a crowd of imperial officers and news crews and goes,
"Assembled officers of the empires, my argument"
*shows a picture of the AT-AT*
*Crowd murmurs*
*next slide shows that same AT-AT, but with clown make up and a big red nose*
"Thank you for your time"
*crowd erupts into violence*
To say you were pleasantly surprised by the lack of imperial Oversight among the Corellian Council was something that almost surprised you.
This sentence looks odd.
[]Meeting the Locals: The Locals have never really been things that the Empire cares about. You, on the other hand, care deeply about what they think of you. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: 80% Reward: You meet the locals, and decide to see what exactly they think of you, and your new Regime. Rolled: D100 + 110 => 111+20+24=154
Nat 1 plus 110 Omake bonus.

[]The Tarkin Doctrine: Why did the Emperor give Tarkin... that Blasted Idiot, full authority when making the Imperial Doctrine. This is going to be stellar... You can feel it. Cost 0 Credits: Chance of Success: 100%/70%/50%/40%/??? Reward: Will Critique the Tarkin Doctrine. Can possibly win friends within the Imperial Military.Rolled:D100 + 110 => 210 +23=233
Nat 100 plus 110 Omake bonus.

Finally, the way to truly defeat magoose dice:
Excessive Omake-Bonus!
Psychology in warfare.
Psychology in warfare.

Warfare in general involves a lot more psychology than one may expect. Because it is not just a clash of equipment, training, and doctrine. But also a clash of personalities, a clash of wits as officers and commanders try to outmaneuver each other. Which is why the quality of the officer corps is often very important. And not merely chain of command and basic tactics, but intelligence, observation, and adaptability are highly important. Any good plan should be written with the assumption it will be broken, for unless you are able to predict every single element, there will be something that will break the plan and force improvisation, which is where the real test often would be.

While we are better prepared than the Republic, and by extension Jedi, were during the clone wars, we must remember that even with better and more refined tactics and strategies, they are still vulnerable to disruption. Especially when faced with new threats that rely on stealth and obfuscation to make up for the sheer gap of power. This also highlights a general problem in the military, mainly the focus on big and flashy designs leave gaps and weaknesses in the lineup that limits options for officers in the field, which when combined with the influence of the Tarkin Doctrine, may leave a large part of our forces rather predictable.

Tarkin is a capable commander, but somewhat predictable thanks to his background, preferring to rely on brute force over finesse, which can be a weakness even as he is clever enough to make it work for him so far. Others whom emulate him through the Tarkin doctrine may end up falling short, due to not having the skills and understanding Tarkin has. Thrawn meanwhile is the opposite, preferring intricate, brilliant plans incorporating what he learned by studying the art of whatever group he finds himself against. And yet for all his brilliance, it is also likely to be his weakness, ironically enough. As much like anyone trying to emulate him, his methods require knowing the enemy, though he is able to greatly alleviate it using his understanding of people to glean the needed information through art connected to the group. There is a very real chance that should some OCP pop up in one of his operations, it could throw off his plan and force him to scramble and salvage the situation. Of course being Thrawn, he likely would handle it better than other commanders, between his brilliance, treatment of the officers working under him, and his experience.

And of course, different officers and commanders likely bring with them their own strengths and weaknesses, brought by their temperament, beliefs, experience, and many other factors. Which, isn't exactly a bad thing, as having a diverse set of commanders could help in keeping the Imperial navy less predictable, and more likely to have one better suited for whatever situation the Imperial Navy may face.

A/N: Decided to try and do something covering a less doctrinal topic, and focusing a bit more on theory and fundamentals, something we might recognize from Sun Tzu.
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."- Sun Tzu
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An overview of the Imperial Army: Introduction, hand weapons, and artillery. Featuring the MM-3.
An overview of the Imperial Army: Introduction, hand weapons, and artillery. Featuring the MM-3.

Generally, Imperial Army doctrine relies on training situation specialists, equipping them with specialized gear, and relying on those circumstantial advantages to overcome their enemies. So long as there is time to prepare beforehand for the circumstances troops are going to encounter, accurate understanding of those circumstances, and equipment to give them advantages in those circumstances, this is an effective strategy.

Individual soldiers may be tasked with carrying pistols, carbines, rifles, anti-vehicle, or anti-aircraft weaponry. Crew-served heavier weapons are available, as well as the usual variety of grenades and other tools of war as suited to the circumstances. Again, with preparation time and accurate intelligence, the appropriate tools can be selected. Notably, these weapons will be carried by flesh and blood soldiers, due to the Imperial Senate outlawing the use of battle droids; also outlawed by the Imperial Senate is the use of disruptor weaponry.

For ground defense and siege offense, the Imperial Army employs a variety of both static and self-propelled artillery. Usage varies, though some suffer from unacceptable drawbacks. Two examples include the v-188 Penetrator anti-vehicle cannon and the Mobile Mortar 3 light artillery. While the v-188 has acceptable power, its range is rather poor. The MM-3, however, is the first of many vehicles we will discuss with heinously atrocious drawbacks such that their use is more hazardous to the Empire than to its enemies.

The MM-s3 grenade launcher's targeting computer is poorly located, leading gunners experienced with the weapon to aim it without anything more advanced than the mark one eyeball. While I have no arguments with the internal capacity of 12 and a fire rate around roughly one round per second, the choice of placing it on the WW-676 Repulsor Sled is foolish. While the sled is fast and maneuverable owing to powerful repulsorlift engines and an efficient power plant, a single stray bolt from a blaster rifle can cause severe damage as it is entirely unarmored, which makes the decision to house ordnance storage for the mounted grenade launcher within this highly energetic and highly fragile frame questionable at best. Additionally, both pilot and gunner are entirely exposed while mounted on the vehicle, which also leaves them vulnerable to a single stray blaster bolt.

Were I to redesign the system, targeting optics would be improved on the weapon. As for the vehicle, both pilot and gunner would enter an enclosed and armored cockpit. The vehicle itself would be sufficiently armored to give it a better chance of safe return after a sortie than a snowball on Mustafar. While this would add some weight and decrease the vehicle's speed, I find it difficult to imagine this would decrease the vehicle's already atrocious deployments before expected loss rating.

A/N: I expect this will end up being a series, as there are many bloody stupid Imperial Vehicle designs.
Which is why the quality of the officer corpse

Tarkin is a capable, but somewhat predictable thanks to his background
Either that "a" is redundant or there is a word missing after "capable".

preferring to rely o brute force over finesse

having the skills and understanding Tarkin Has.
The Imperial Armed Forces: Lets not forget the boots on the Ground
The Imperial Armed Forces: Lets not forget the boots on the Ground
As most of you reading this must already know, there is currently a heated debate raging through the Imperial High Command in regards to the Navel doctrine that is to be implemented for our esteemed space forces. I am not here to talk about that as the title of this dissertation should have forewarned you. No, I am here to hopefully shine a spotlight on some current and potential future issues which may cripple our ground forces.

One of the issues that shocked me the most when I went through the current state of the Imperial Armed Forces was the sudden and complete dismissal of all active clone troopers. Why would any military completely dismiss a large group of Loyal, Hardened, and Effective veterans of a galaxy spanning war? This is an egregious waste of talent that could be used to train new recruits even if we take them off of frontline duties. The clones have a vast array of talents and experiences they were either trained in as they grew or gain in combat or practical experience during the galactic civil war that would be an undeniable boon to our new recruits. I have also discovered that there is a shocking lack of funds to help said Clones integrate into society in ways that aren't military service, which will in the (disgustingly) best case scenario lead to mass unemployment and homelessness for these heroes as they are either forgotten or discriminated against, to the most dreadful scenario where they are forced into a life of crime. I shouldn't need to elaborate why a sudden influx of highly trained, competent, and widely skilled men into the criminal underworld would be a very bad thing. Now, before I explain my next point that this is only my opinion and open to disagreement, but the ceasing of new clone troopers is to me a big mistake. While I do not think they
should or could be the sole armed forces of the Empire, their many years of training and their teamwork forged through childhood are near impossible to replicate through the standard training methods. This gives us a core of highly skilled recruits that can be relied upon to solve a myriad of

Some of this paper's detractors may call me biased and to be completely honest they would be correct. During the clone wars I would have gladly taken a squad of clones over 3 squads of soldiers from my own Homeworld, as I would have been secure in the knowledge that they wouldn't get spooked or freeze up, jump the gun and ruin an ambush, or sell me out to the separatists for some quick credits. The clone troopers were renowned for their loyalty and competence and I believe the Empire is in dire need of these characteristics.

Next up is the Imperial Army's gear. Why have they been issued this subpar uniform with only a chest plate and clunky helmet? We're the GALACTIC EMPIRE for goodness sakes! We have the resources, technology, and brain power to come up with something better OR we could just use variations of a proven design like, oh I don't know, either the Clone armor of today or reinstate and modernize the
Old Republic Trooper Armor of yesteryear. This exact same argument even goes for the better equipped Stormtrooper Corp. where just a few days ago I saw a trooper slam the top of his helmet on a auto-door that stuck before opening all the way. When I asked him why he didn't duck he said he didn't see the top of the door. He couldn't see the top of a doorway not 6 inches above him and this is what we're giving our best and brightest, like we WANT them to be blindsided by the enemy! Why get rid of a helmet design copied from the Mandalorians? They aren't a peaceful people who stumbled onto a workable design for Kriffs sake, they are a warrior culture who through thousands of years of fighting and a couple Galactic wars have refined their gear to be some of the best. They have helmets which allow wide fields of view and decent protection. Finally I come to the standard weapon of the Empire the E-11 blaster rifle. I do actually believe this is a decent weapon system for the troops on the ground. I would prefer the DC-15 blaster carbine for a couple extras it came with but that's more personals preference. No my gripe is the near abandonment of support weapons. Sure, you might protest and say "We still use the DLT-19" and I'll respond with "how many per squad" because the truth is I've seen entire platoons with 1 or 2 true support weapons and that can only lead to disaster. Our troops are in serious need of more support weapons per squad. I also believe they could benefit from having 2-3 DC-15A blaster rifles per squad in areas where mid-long range combat could occur, because while the E-11 is good at short to mid combat, it falls off at longer ranges.

And finally I get to the Vehicles. Now this might surprise the read to know that I think the current line-up of vehicles are sufficient in their current capacity on the caveat that they are shuffled into more focused roles. The AT-AT is a solid walker platform with good armor, a nice elevated sight line, good firepower, and decent troop carrying capacity. It excels at urban and open terrain warfare with decent ability in swamps and light forests. But for all its pros the cons are glaringly obvious. All its weapons are in the head limiting its firing arc to 120-140 degrees max, the legs are prime targets as even one destroyed will likely destroy the walker or at least remove it from the battle, and the under carriage is vulnerable to concentrated small arms fire unlike the rest of the walker. A major problem I have with the recent decisions regarding military vehicles is the scrapping of the AT-TE, because whose bright idea was it to SCRAP A WALKER CAPABLE OF CLIMING VERTICAL CLIFFS!? Dozens of times throughout the civil war the capability's and endurance of the AT-TE were shown in phenomenal ways like General Skywalker's (May He Rest In Peace) use of them to ambush General Grievous during the Battle of Bothawui IN SPACE, or the assault on the temple complex the Separatist were using to hold Rotta the Hutt where they were able to scale a near vertical cliff. The Saber tank is actually fine as is in my opinion, combining durability, speed, and firepower quite nicely. In my opinion the 74-Z speeder should just be shelved and have the BARQ speeder reinstated as it is better armored along with reinstating the LAAT as it brings the ability to deploy either troops, vehicles, or supplies rapidly to any battlefield.

In conclusion, These are most of the issues plaguing the ground forces as I see it. I believe that fixing them will allow our troops to better fulfill their duties in protecting this great Empire from dissidents, terrorists, Pirates and slavers.

Here you go @Magoose, my (hopefully) well written rant. May I have my goodies?
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the current state of the Imperial was
"Imperial Armed Forces was"?

I should need to elaborate why
"should not need"

a sudden influx of highly trained, competent, and widely skilled into the criminal underworld would be a very bad thing.
There's a word missing after "skilled". I'm guessing it's "soldiers".

Some of this papers detractors

as I would have been secure in the knowledge that they would get spooked or freeze up
"would not get spooked"

The clone troopers renowned for their loyalty and competence
"The clone troopers are renowned"?

Next up is the Imperial Armies gear.

"He could not see"

the top of a door way not 6 inches above him

it falls of at longer ranges.

Champion Ships and the Navy
Champion Ships and the Navy
Or how the core idea of the Tarkin Doctrine can be more reasonably applied.

The ISD, while a remarkable ship with few peers, isn't suited to fufill both it's role as a main workhorse ship and as a true symbol of Imperial might. Because as ideal as it may seem currently, perceptions, much like reality, have a tendency to change. And producing the ISDs required to make it the workhorse of the navy is exactly that.

Now why would that be? After all, an ISD is still an ISD no matter how many are made right? But well, not really. Not only would having so many ISDs increase the chance of an ISD falling, ranging from crew folly, a cunning trap, or poor maintenance rearing its head at a bad time. It would also risk normalizing that type of craft, losing some of the intimidation factor through exposure. Simply put, the rarity of such a ship also serves to highlight the feeling of it being special, powerful. Something which is hard to preserve when it starts appearing everywhere, which both would weaken the psychological impact of it's presence, while also serving to create a level of predictability, as no design is perfect and our enemies will learn the flaws of the ISD, whether we are aware of them or not.

There is no such thing as a perfect design, the realities of design and research don't allow for it. So ideally, we should instead of seeking multirole perfection in big ships, reconsider our approach and instead design a Star Destroyer that would, instead of functioning as an everything ship, focus on being something to be deployed when serious escalation is required. Not only would this preserve a degree of gravitas to the design the ISD may lose in fulfilling it's intended role, as it may instead lead to ISD scale turning into the new normal, sapping some of the intimidation of the design as it's prodigious size loses the significance by becoming normalized.

I fully recognize that the ISD if used as currently planned would still make the ISD and it's design into a symbol of the empire. But, perception is something that can change drastically from different context. As envisioned, it is likely it would go from being a symbol of power to merely a symbol of the empire, as people get used to seeing such ships often. Especially as raw statistics dictate that every new ship added to do standard duty, the more chances the stars may align an incident that weakens the perception of power. Whether it is the ISD failing to capture a fleeing quarry, a ship seized in a boarding or mutiny, or force forbid, destroyed in a battle it shouldn't have wound up in in the first place. There are quite a few ways that one could damage the perception of absolute power here that we want to foster. While my proposed method is in no way immune to those potential problems, especially with the fact they are supposed to be fielded to deal with more troublesome problems. The policy would both lessen the numbers that must be kept in full operation, while also possibly helping mitigate loss of face should threats prove tougher than expected, due to their deployment in the first place being a sign that the Empire recognizes the trouble as a threat. Or it might not, psychology is complicated, and either way, having champion ships that serve as a symbol of strength should help manage the difficult task in allowing them to fill their role.

A/N:...Well, was inspired by a certain video. While it is only about perceived value of a purely digital item, well...
Since it's psychology, it probably does also apply here to a degree, as well. The Empire did undermine the psychological weight of the ISD by producing and using so much, it became less of a symbol of might, and more of both a symbol o the empire and a standard ship, which may have factored into projects such as the Executor, to create something head and shoulders above the workhorse ISD. And well, this is probably a radical take on big ships doctrine. Big ships good, but emphasizing the intent of the big ships being big deals, and wanting to focus on that by taking a path to try and either delay or preempt the escalation that leads to the Legends Star destroyer situation. Essentially aiming at less multirole everywhere craft, but a few craft that would instead deal with crises, being special troubleshooter ships instead of the envisioned one for every planet.

Edit: Fixed some spelling and grammer.
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