for some reason, i always dont like transliterated jutsu names..

nice update anyways
Why Toru has worse chakra control regardless of having practiced more control exercises? Unless Kohaku has freakish natural talent like Sakura(who could master the exercises her first try) I simply don`t see that happening.
My heart is happy, I love procrastinating on my prelims, especially math ones :), this update is the perfect thing, I love the way you write battles though, they aren't overly exposition-y or too quick, they're a nice in between, I apologise for not reviewing more, it's my horrible habit, just know that I always read your updates :)
Thank you! and don;t worry about not always reviewing, I suck at it too.
Great chapter though you repeated Yumi's name in place of kohaku's. Or something along those lines. Anyway thanks for the awesome chapter.
Thanks for catching that! fixed.
Double update! I'm glad we're learning about this sensei. I hope we learn more about where he stands, why jonin work in different circles, and what parts of history he's influenced. Thanks for the terrific content!

I wonder if Toru could beat immediately-pre-Chunin-exam Sasuke right now.
We will, over time. AS for the sasuke/toru match up, at just pre chunin exams, it'd be really close.
To beat pre-Chunin-Exam Sasuke is easy: either you do things he cannot replicate without dedicated training, or you do what most mook against Sharingan (or any Special Eyes user, basically) should do; attack him from blind spot. Guess what Kawarimi good at?
Lye, methanol (found in perfumes for easy access), and various other chemicals applied to the eyes. Find a way to aerosolize it, even obito stopped wearing those goggles of his after he got crushed. turns out those goggles were actually smart to wear. If you are blind due to chemical burns on ones eyes it's hard to use your sharingan, or byakugan. SRank shinobi might just regenerate it, but you still create an opening.
Just make sure all of your allies wear goggles over thier eyes, they will need them if you use these tactics.

Might work better if mixed with high grade hallucinagenic substances if your team also wears gas masks.
These are in line with that. but the thing to remember is combat styles. Younger Sasuke is a straight line fight, usually. he rushes his opponents, goes for strong openers and heavy attacks. he does pull some tricky shit at the same time, but the core of his style is offensive.

Toru is Evasive. he doesn;t like to throw the first punch if he's seen. he'd dodge and counter, leave openings that are trapped to hell and back, lead and chase his opponent. I'd say this if Toru starts on the offensive before Sasuke knows the fights started, he wins. If Sasuke manages to take initiative and engages in CQC, he wins.
for some reason, i always dont like transliterated jutsu names..

nice update anyways
I wasn;t sure about that either, but they are, sort of, proper names. so when someone does use them in combat, I feel sort of obligated to use the full name.
Why Toru has worse chakra control regardless of having practiced more control exercises? Unless Kohaku has freakish natural talent like Sakura(who could master the exercises her first try) I simply don`t see that happening.
This is one of those Civilian modifiers. Kohaku's clan is, while small, fairly nobility for their village. from a young age, she had tutors and teachers and was expected to put a lot of effort into her training, same s the rest of her family. she also uses jutsu more, and while she was never taught anything on the level of tree walking, her clan does have a few dozen other minor exercises that led to her having fairly good control. on top of that, her jutsu rely greater on shape manipulation then nature transformation, surprisingly.

Yumi is a Nara. She throws herself into training. she may not seem it, but she's a workaholic sometimes.

Then we have Toru, who is just behind Kohaku on control but has a bit of a thing that throws him off.

Toru has what I'm referring to as a level of 'Instinctive response'. It's how his chakra reacts without prompting. it's why he actually picked up tree walking so easily but didn;t figure out chakra strings until he had researched. it's why he uses the seals to cast genjutsu. his chakra Moves because of intent. more than effort. it's why when he tried to move, to run to escape, he was instinctively reaching to wall walk but was on the floor, its how the sliding thing appeared.

Kohaku has measured, thoughtful, control of her chakra, even if not precise. Yumi has a practiced control she can;t do as many weird tricks as Toru, but her Jutsu for the Nara clan are performed almost flawlessly Chakra wise.
since he's learnt chakra strings, are we going to see more done with it?
i.e heat seeking chakra strings to catch fish, using superior speed to string up opponents, get things from the other side of the room instead of having to walk there?
You better watch out! You better not cry!
You better not pout, I'm tellin' you why!
(Yamanaka) Santa Claus is coming to town!

So, I'm enjoying this. However, I have to ask about Kohaku's jutsu names. Is there a particular reason you use the English loanwords "enba" and "saramanda" instead of the Japanese "hibana" and "sanshouo?"
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since he's learnt chakra strings, are we going to see more done with it?
i.e heat seeking chakra strings to catch fish, using superior speed to string up opponents, get things from the other side of the room instead of having to walk there?
Chakra strings will be a thing you will see a lot. trust me. when Toru finally gets the hang of it, he'll use them ALL THE TIME.
You better watch out! You better not cry!
You better not pout, I'm tellin' you why!
(Yamanaka) Santa Claus is coming to town!

So, I'm enjoying this. However, I have to ask about Kohaku's jutsu names. Is there a particular reason you use the English loanwords "enba" and "saramanda" instead of the Japanese "hibana" and "sanshouo?"
...Uh.... Can I blame Google Translate? like, seriously. I typed in 'Ember Wind' and it gave me 'Enba Fu'. But! If you have a better translation for it, by all means! Hand me the knowledge! I'm always willing to make edits to accommodate changes in knowledge.
Chakra strings will be a thing you will see a lot. trust me. when Toru finally gets the hang of it, he'll use them ALL THE TIME.
Kohaku: "Do you really need to carry yourself everywhere with chakra strings?
Toru: "its for training, really..."

i mean, if he can thicken them/weave them together, he could probably make a very discount Earth grudge fear.
wether like Doc Ock, or making a larger construct.
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Should the sometimes be emphasized? Or maybe we missed something about her in the past chapters?
Nara and a workaholic? I'm afraid you've lost me.
Nara guys are the (outwardly) lazy ones. Nara females are the one who drags Nara guys to do something (visibly) productive. Also, Shikamaru's lethargic, in my opinion, partially caused by his genius; he can't find anything worth doing besides games (read: things that he had to struggle to gain something) up until the kerfukle that is failed Sasuke retrieving attempt.
...Uh.... Can I blame Google Translate? like, seriously. I typed in 'Ember Wind' and it gave me 'Enba Fu'. But! If you have a better translation for it, by all means! Hand me the knowledge! I'm always willing to make edits to accommodate changes in knowledge.
My process is much like yours, except when Google Translate spits out an obvious loanword, I use normal Google to figure out what the actual Japanese for that word is, then I plug it in. In the case of "Enba-fu," however, I'd go with "Hibanakaze" instead. "Hibana-fu" just sounds like the worst Chinese martial art.
I wasn;t sure about that either, but they are, sort of, proper names. so when someone does use them in combat, I feel sort of obligated to use the full name.
just saying, it doesnt roll with the word "jutsu". full english would be better, like --release/technique or whatever..
What's the cargo capacity (volume/mass) for a storage scroll?
What's the limits on what can stored?

How hard would it be to stuff a storage scroll to max capacity with explosive tags? With them all set to a set or a single detonation?
Because that could make one heck if a grenade. Toss scroll really far, remotely release cloud of tags in mid air with one signal, then detonate them all.
Or fill one with large qauntities of sand or dirt and release it midair. Then you have a jutsuless equivalent of a cloud of smoke.
Maybe make one to release a large barrage of kunai or shuriken that you then attach chakra strings to manipulate them. Maybe even dense clusters of razer sharp wire ready to unspool everywhere with just a single tug of a chakra string. Next best thing to a wind release jutsu creating blades of wind. The bonus being if someone on your team could add lightning chakra to the mix while someone else holds them in place with shadow binding.
Even better if you can fit such a seal on your cards for easier throwing, and a smaller more focused area of effect.
Empress- 2
Heres another chapter!

I savored the taste of ramen as I pointedly ignored the stares of my two teammates and the bewildered look on my sensei's face.

"But… How did…" Yumi muttered from my side.

"Psychology, and hero worship," I said with a grin as I took another bite of ramen.

"Is that even allowed?" she pressed.

"I checked, and yes, it is allowed. The Konoha Nin Lawbook states that using available civilian resources in a non-dangerous non-combat manner is acceptable as long as they are rewarded appropriately for both effort and productivity. They haven't graduated yet, that makes them civilian." I pointed out, before sipping at the broth.

Ah, good ramen.

"You… are correct." Sensei added, having obviously made the leaps that the civilian children fell under 'civilian non-lethal mission assets'. "But wait, how did you… ah, you played it backward. The act was the reward in their eyes. And your words all but pushed them to it."


Team 17 sat in silence as they finished their meals.

"Toru?" Kohaku spoke softly.

"Yes, Kohaku."

"You are disturbingly manipulative." she deadpanned.

"Thank you, Kohaku."


I stretched as we walked back towards the mission office.

It's been a week since the now standard D-rank mission started. Most of them have been grunt work, and aside from my fun time playing Tom Sawyer, most of them went about how'd you expect. Walking the partnerless dogs for the Inuzuka, a few missions for general maintenance around town, clearing a field for an older farmer on the edge of town. The standard.

Beyond that, Sensei started adding modifiers. Like for instance, I could only walk the dogs while using my still developing chakra sliding, which was a pain in the ass until I got the dogs to work together with me. Kohaku had to use a careful fire to clear out a bunch of dead brush at the farm (the ash made for good fertilizer, apparently) without setting a shed or the other crops on fire.,Yumi had to use her shadows to mark out sections of wood or material instead of using a pencil, and then cut them. Things that weren't particularly hard, but definitely pushed us to develop precision and reflexes.

We stepped up to the desk and handed over the signed mission scroll. Sensei looked down and back at us, before looking back. And suddenly I was tense and on guard. My teammates stiffening at the same time.

"Is there a Tora mission available?" Sensei asked nonchalantly.

'Oh. Fuck.' I mentally ran through my arsenal. I needed to swing by the pet store and grab some stuff.

"Yes, there is. Tora mission: D-rank." The mission chunin nodded, pulling a scroll from the pile.

"Perfect! Let's go, team, we have a cat to cat-… You okay Toru?"

Both Yumi and Kohaku looked at me, confusion on their faces, and I blinked before noticing a deck of cards frozen mid shuffle in my hands.

"No. I know about Tora. This is going to suck." I said, deadpanning as I flipped the cards into a complicated three loop shuffle, before folding them, noting with a twist of glee how I had landed the deck in New Deck Order. Cool.

I stashed them in a pocket and pulled out a small wallet.

"Sensei. Are we allowed prep for this mission?"

Both Kohaku and Yumi were now really looking confused. They glanced at each other and back to me.

Sensei nodded. "Sure, if you think it'll help."

"Cool. Go ahead guys, I'll meet up in a few minutes."

"We'll come with." Yumi declared, turning to follow me.

"Yeah, Toru, fill us in."

"Fine, but we gotta talk and walk. If what I know is right, Tora's is already on the run."

As we moved through the market I started explaining the basics, (which is all I really knew).

Tora is known as 'The Demon Cat' and is the pet of Madam Shijimi, who is the wife of the Fire Daimyo. From what the rumors say, she;s also overbearingly affectionate to her Cat, often crushing it in uncomfortable hugs and refusing to let it wander. As such, it gets fed up and makes a break for it.

And because it's such a relatively high profile mission, it's our job to find and return it.

"But what's the issue, it's just a cat, right?" Yumi asked as I walked through the aisles of a pet store, finding a simple collapsible cat carrier, a bag of catnip, and, at the final consideration, a leash.

"No, Its a cat that for the last three years since Madam Shijimi has gotten it has made a daily attempt to escape from her clutches and has been regularly facing young ninjas for escape. As such, it's gotten damn good at evasion. It also will act half feral and lash out with intent to injure if we catch it." I paid the shopkeeper and sealed the supplies in an empty card (Queen of hearts) I had on hand, stashing it up to my sleeve.

"So what do we do, since you're so well informed."

"Well, Taicho, we go hunting," I said, grinning as I spooled a line of ninja wire and cloth into my hands, wrapping the end of the wire in the cloth and then forming a loose loop in the end.


"Toru, Cut it off! Kohaku Keep on it!" Yumi called from her position running on the roof tops above me.

"Got it! Make it go left ahead!" I called back, before flowing chakra through my legs as I jumped and slid under a low hanging street sign to the left of the street, sliding along the dirt into the first few feet of a fenced up back alley between buildings before pushing off the ground and mantling over the fence into the alley proper.

This alley angled to the right, the same direction the cat was now going. If Kohaku and Yumi made it turn, It would put me right in front of it. I pulled the queen from my sleeve as I ran, and just before the fence at the end, I heard a shout.

"Toru. Target Inbound!" I paused and focused, forming a half snake as I closed one eye.

Send the chakra out, focus, feel the pull of the life around me, the pulse of chakra from...

Figure on the roof. Dark chakra focused.

Figure on the ground, running, flickering feelings of flame.

Animal, anxious, angry, instinctive.

A faint echo from… somewhere, reminiscent of Sensei.

And then I moved, lunging from the alley with wire already flying from my hand, a small weighed net woven of ribbon and ninja wire.

The cat saw it and leaped, only for the second wire, this one cloth wrapped and glowing faintly with chakra, struck, looping several times around its back legs. The tug of it sent the cat off balance, and suddenly a spear of shadow struck towards it, holding the cat in place.

I was quick to hold the catnip in its face, rubbing the leaves to help release its chemical scent. I waited until the cat seemed to relax, and then pulled the cage around and placed Tora in. I also was careful to remove the wire and check to makes the cat was fine.

"Red ribbon confirmed, markings confirmed. Yep, this Tora." I called out, as Yumi dropped her jutsu, and Kohaku came to rest beside me. The now drugged out the cat was mewling softly from the carrier.

"So, back to the Hokage's office?"



Ten minutes of watching in sympathy and some level of vindication as the cat got held tight by the overbearing noble, though in its drugged out state it actually seemed rather relaxed, Team 17 departed for the day.

"Oh, yeah, before I go," I hung back to sensei, "Permission to begin learning explosive tags, sensei? I'll need someone to observe testing on occasion."

"Theory only for now. Once I find someone who can watch your testing, you can do practical work."

"Hai, Sensei."
Well, looks like they got Tora without being all scratched up. Like a proper ambush wizard should :)

Anyway, what's actually the backstory of the noble member of team Santa? And why did she come to Konoha? I figure that should come up soonish.
Anyway, what's actually the backstory of the noble member of team Santa? And why did she come to Konoha? I figure that should come up soonish.
They were probably non-inheriting members of the family used to improve relations between Kanoha and the noble family. Having members on site makes it easier to discretely/securely pass messages to the ninja by keeping things in house. They may also be dealing in some of the cities logistical needs.
"I checked, and yes, it is allowed. The Konoha Nin Lawbook states that using available civilian resources in a non-dangerous non-combat manner is acceptable as long as they are rewarded appropriately for both effort and productivity. They haven't graduated yet, that makes them civilian." I pointed out, before sipping at the broth.

Wait, what happened? All I got from the first part is that Toru used the academy kids as grunt work for some D ranks? Is that right?
Does seem to be that way. He used the story of Tom Sawyer manipulating the kids into whitewashing the fence as inspiration, and did the same thing. I think.
If you don't translate so people know what they are, due to some sort of otaku elitism, then you may as well just put the entire thing in Japanese, and keep it for the otaku.
Honestly I'd rather keep it all in English. What does usin Japanese names for techniques really add?
Wait, what happened? All I got from the first part is that Toru used the academy kids as grunt work for some D ranks? Is that right?
Ah the advantage of being in the thread since nearly the start. Basically yes. Back in the day someone suggested that Tom Sawyer esque scams are a great march for Torus personality and approach. Rougedruid responded enthusiastically.
That was a reference starting last update with the fence painting mission last update.