Does indoctrination (orientation) and basic training include BDs? I imagine Taylor would be worried about subliminal tracks and subtle brainwashing. I doubt she be able to bring her own wreath or firewall, and I doubt the trainers would be happy if they caught her modify the issued braindance wreaths.
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Can Taylor make AI if she frames the question right? Like, 'a biological computer that replaces and simulates brain function, including higher-order functions'.

Sort of unrelated but I think the LANCER setting would go great with shipgirls, like Arpeggio shipgirls. Cool vehicles + debates about the role of inhuman sapients.

also, reminder that some (most?) coronas and gemma aren't even detectable on brainscans, and Bonesaw + Panacea only could do it with regularity because of experience
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It's been a while since I read the culture novels but an avatoid is basically a shipgirl if the ship was a Hyperintelligent AI Singularity (A Mind.) They kind of blur whether or not it is organic or mechanical technology though, but I think one could easily take over the entire Cyberpunk world in about a week (and most of that would be travel time) if it didn't care about casualties, including taking care of those pesky AI problems the net has. I think they could sit on a nuke and not be substantially injured if it went off, but it kind of depends on which avatoid it was.

Google 'Culture Avatar vs Avatoid', there's some discussions of the difference between the two, Avatoids are mentioned in some of the later books and are more able to blend in with the myriad sorts of 'Humans' in The Culture, and sometimes more expected to do independent operations away from their larger Mind self (though again, this depends!). Both types have a bunch of weird abilities, being custom bodies for Minds that are capable of some level of independent operation (though whether they are intended as such varies, like I mentioned), and the line between the two blurs, because these are ersatz custom bodies for machine demigods...
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Well, it looks like Taylor finally hit the radar of the first of the terrifyingly important people who will be keeping a close eye on her. I wonder what effects this meeting will have on Taylor's future, besides TT playing hardball on her recruitment I mean?

Is Taylor related to a family that can, potentially, goes toe-to-toe with Arasaka? I wonder what the Astor family will do when one of their ' promising lost lambs' shows up on their radar? Anyone else think they might just buy Trauma Team outright, lock, stock, and barrel?
Astors, etc, etc (a few others are listed actually IN Eurosource and PacRim)... go toe to toe with Arasaka? That jumped up family? Isn't that what hirelings are for? Like the EU, the US Military, Militech/LG?

The author spelt it out: "Trillionaire" Arasaka might be worth more... but they don't have the hard core (why do you think in 2020, they tried so hard to make ties with the Imperial family?) network of favors, friendships and companions. In real terms, when Grandmother Astor states that this corpration needs to be ... adjusted... shall we say? It gets adjusted. In real terms, only the US, Russia, China and the EU can at least match those players. I won't call them the secret rulers of the world, they're not. But no one rules them. And they don't take kindly to those trying.

(Most of your *old* families, by and large, are of the mindset: "Why would we want the paperwork and risks? " )

There's a reason for the concept of gap year in Europe.

As for hitting the radar... in a way she was never off those who really matter. By and large, most CEOs of your major multinats in CP... won't go agasint the real power. Astors and their cadets... are.
Presuming the author is remaining true to current politics.

I have ten bucks that say Grandpa and Grandma Astor-Armstrong are already in Night City having already the Mega-block Taylor is currently living and one of the nicer Mega-blocks in NC as the housing in the city. Taylor arrives in the apartment to find Jin engaging in negotiations of with her grandparents.
Unlikely. Taylor hasn't justified that level of... "Returning her to the fold." I hinted in my omake that... Annette in essence wrote herself out of the family... and before they bring her daughter home, they need proof she'll be worth it.

Not the first, nor the last time a child of those families wanders off the res to be different. And sometimes, they're brought back, sometimes their children are... sometimes they're not.

Annette being killed? Highly unlikely, unless something very critical was screwed up by her wandering off. As she wasn't mainline, almost impossible. However note, Danny not dying, shows that the actual decision makers in the family were very fond of her, and accepted her walking away with grace.

I really, really liked this omake. You absolutely captured the feel of old world aristocratic intrigue. The near-absolute trust, the use of network all - all fantastically and perfectly executed.
My suggestion on what Grandmother Astor-Armstrong should do would be to directly meet Taylor.
Not... yet. She still hasn't quite proven she's of the Blood. But... realistically? There's several ways they can find out. If this was my plot...

1: Find out her goals. (Ie, Med School, this is an acceptable profession for the Blood, after all, at least cadet lines.) Contact TT, discuss options:
2: Dangle the offer that Dr. Anno's got in front of her.
3: If she refuses, Dangle another not quite as... enslaving
4: If she refuses that trap, then a third 'not quite as bad'
5: if she passes *that* trap... then 'move' a 'inheritance' to her from her mother, when she turns 18 or 20. to allow her to attend medical school on her own.
6: Sometime during the medschool... keep track of her grades. Arrange for her to 'win' a vacation with the 'right' people. See how she interacts and is interacted with.
All of the above is contingent on her not selling her superantibitoic or sleep inducer or anything else 'impressive' without getting tied to a corp for good.
7: If she mamages to loot Biotechica or simliar without getting trapped by the corps... or does very well in the tests above... THEN bring her in for the final tests, to bring her home.

That's how it's done.

PS: Does anyone know if the Astor-Armstrongs are mentioned in CP cannon? Asides from the IRL Astors, I don't see the connetion.
They aren't, or I can't recall. (They *might* be in the three Euro/UK books, the Astors are more a British/American family now.)

No way her teammates will be informed if she is basically a corporate princess. They'll keep it confidential.
Gossip is Gossip. She's getting Princess, because, someone will squeal that she's slumming it.

Please, Taylor is not a Corporate Princess. She is a princess of those who own the corprations.

Much higher tier, y'see.
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So it seems like Chiuwugeon kindof makes it up as they go along. With the original chieurgeon shard throwing around super plagues willy nilly for their creative host (Bonesaw); It is no wonder the derp-bud suggested targeted bioplagues so fast!

Looking forward to seeing Taylor wrestle her speciality further and further off mark as she notices how well it worked with the ICE.

Perhaps she will have a stray thought on growing infrastructure, then be struck by the idea of an organic dimensional portal home. lol. Would make for a fun omake atleast.
Astors, etc, etc (a few others are listed actually IN Eurosource and PacRim)... go toe to toe with Arasaka? That jumped up family? Isn't that what hirelings are for? Like the EU, the US Military, Militech/LG?

The author spelt it out: "Trillionaire" Arasaka might be worth more... but they don't have the hard core (why do you think in 2020, they tried so hard to make ties with the Imperial family?) network of favors, friendships and companions. In real terms, when Grandmother Astor states that this corpration needs to be ... adjusted... shall we say? It gets adjusted. In real terms, only the US, Russia, China and the EU can at least match those players. I won't call them the secret rulers of the world, they're not. But no one rules them. And they don't take kindly to those trying.

(Most of your *old* families, by and large, are of the mindset: "Why would we want the paperwork and risks? " )

There's a reason for the concept of gap year in Europe.

As for hitting the radar... in a way she was never off those who really matter. By and large, most CEOs of your major multinats in CP... won't go agasint the real power. Astors and their cadets... are.
Presuming the author is remaining true to current politics.

Unlikely. Taylor hasn't justified that level of... "Returning her to the fold." I hinted in my omake that... Annette in essence wrote herself out of the family... and before they bring her daughter home, they need proof she'll be worth it.

Not the first, nor the last time a child of those families wanders off the res to be different. And sometimes, they're brought back, sometimes their children are... sometimes they're not.

Annette being killed? Highly unlikely, unless something very critical was screwed up by her wandering off. As she wasn't mainline, almost impossible. However note, Danny not dying, shows that the actual decision makers in the family were very fond of her, and accepted her walking away with grace.

Not... yet. She still hasn't quite proven she's of the Blood. But... realistically? There's several ways they can find out. If this was my plot...

1: Find out her goals. (Ie, Med School, this is an acceptable profession for the Blood, after all, at least cadet lines.) Contact TT, discuss options:
2: Dangle the offer that Dr. Anno's got in front of her.
3: If she refuses, Dangle another not quite as... enslaving
4: If she refuses that trap, then a third 'not quite as bad'
5: if she passes *that* trap... then 'move' a 'inheritance' to her from her mother, when she turns 18 or 20. to allow her to attend medical school on her own.
6: Sometime during the medschool... keep track of her grades. Arrange for her to 'win' a vacation with the 'right' people. See how she interacts and is interacted with.
All of the above is contingent on her not selling her superantibitoic or sleep inducer or anything else 'impressive' without getting tied to a corp for good.
7: If she mamages to loot Biotechica or simliar without getting trapped by the corps... or does very well in the tests above... THEN bring her in for the final tests, to bring her home.

That's how it's done.

They aren't, or I can't recall. (They *might* be in the three Euro/UK books, the Astors are more a British/American family now.)

Gossip is Gossip. She's getting Princess, because, someone will squeal that she's slumming it.

Please, Taylor is not a Corporate Princess. She is a princess of those who own the corprations.

Much higher tier, y'see.
You seem oddly certain of the details of this fictional family Spira made up.
Sure, the Astor family exists irl, but Winged One's point still stands, as far as I know the Astor family has never been mentioned in the Cyberpunk source material, hell it's entirely possible they're practically non entities who just happen to still have some money.
As an addendum, adding aristocratic families and their idiosyncrasies to a story rarely ends well, though I might just be burnt out by by bad Harry Potter fanfic using those tropes.
Astors, etc, etc (a few others are listed actually IN Eurosource and PacRim)... go toe to toe with Arasaka?
I'm sorry for not knowing that the Astors were that important and powerful. Arasaka seemed, or at least in CP2077 and Edgerunners, appeared unstoppably powerful.

However note, Danny not dying, shows that the actual decision makers in the family were very fond of her
I just that Danny not waking dead for the offense of trying to marry Annette indicated that Annette's mother was the younger sister of the Astor family head.
Also, I really like your seven-step plan for how Grandma Astor-Armstrong should proceed with her interactions with Taylor.
I'm sorry for not knowing that the Astors were that important and powerful. Arasaka seemed, or at least in CP2077 and Edgerunners, appeared unstoppably powerful.
There are different kinds of power. The Astors are very rich, and very well connected. The Arasaka are almost as rich, and have a private army, but aren't as well connected. Think of it like this: the Astors are so rich that they can buy anything they want. The Arasaka are so rich that they can invent or produce anything they want.
You know with Taylor Shard having not restriction I would look to see a Omake about the reaction of Night City as someone setting Titan Taylor off in the middle of the city
Truly a Outside Context Problem
You know with Taylor Shard having not restriction I would look to see a Omake about the reaction of Night City as someone setting Titan Taylor off in the middle of the city
Truly a Outside Context Problem
Except that Titans are the Shards in control, rather than the Hosts. Plus, they are Ward-shit, and Ward-shit should be ignored whenever possible.

Edit: Is Bobot-Man just going through the whole thread and giving "winter" reactions to everyone?
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I think it was implied that Taylor had a second trigger inside the locker already
It was implied she had a modification to her power from the sensory overload of her bugs, yeah. It has been called a 1.5 trigger and a second trigger by fans, but it was never confirmed in text or in WOG as far as I know. So, it was related to the power QA gave her rather than the trigger itself.

This has concluded your niche detail confirmation session.
but it was never confirmed in text or in WOG as far as I know
In Venom 29.7 Taylor's trying to figure out how to remove restrictions on her power for the fight with Scion. She talks with Doc Mother and Number Man about second triggers for a while and they say that they used to sell second triggers, but they stopped bothering with it because it wasn't worth the effort and the kind of people who sought out the service got themselves killed before they could pay for it more often than not.

Eventually he uses a brain scan wand thing on Taylor and a few other people and concludes that Taylor has already had a 2nd trigger, guessing that it probably happened soon after the first trigger. It's possible that he's wrong or lying to make Taylor drop the topic faster, but I doubt it.

Venom 29.7 said:
"Or it's already in your reach. You can't have a second trigger because you already had one," he said.

I blinked.

"Given the signature, it's very possible you had two trigger events in quick succession. Not uncommon. The horror of manifesting your power, it prompted another trigger."

"No," I said. "There's got to be something."

"If there is, a second trigger event isn't it," the Number Man said. "I can check your allies, but we can't do much more. We used to rely on Contessa's power to determine the exact event needed for a second trigger."
I don't know why, but I imagine the Drill Sergeant just being so shocked, almost like his worldview was just disturbed.
I mean, during my basic training we had one instance were we were waiting to go somewhere with a light load ( think 10kg or so ) and then one fucking moron ask the drill sergeant ( dont exist in my army but close enough) if we were to take the rest of the gear aswell. The guy was so shocked to see somebody ask such a stupid question.... so we had to run back to our barracks and get the other stuff . So instead of 10kg we had 25kg+ . Whole fucking Kit safe guns and plate. Man what a dipshit. The best strategy for basic is to turn your head of and do everything be the letter of the law.
Armstrong you say... NANOMACHINES SON.
You know, it's funny, but up until this post I was thinking of a different set of Armstrongs, for some reason.

As an addendum, adding aristocratic families and their idiosyncrasies to a story rarely ends well, though I might just be burnt out by by bad Harry Potter fanfic using those tropes.
As another reader frustrated with it in bad HP fics, I feel like the problem with adding the aristocracy to a story is mostly in treating the aristocracy (and, as such, having more money than god) as fundamentally morally neutral. I suspect a Cyberpunk fic won't have that problem.
In Venom 29.7 Taylor's trying to figure out how to remove restrictions on her power for the fight with Scion. She talks with Doc Mother and Number Man about second triggers for a while and they say that they used to sell second triggers, but they stopped bothering with it because it wasn't worth the effort and the kind of people who sought out the service got themselves killed before they could pay for it more often than not.

Eventually he uses a brain scan wand thing on Taylor and a few other people and concludes that Taylor has already had a 2nd trigger, guessing that it probably happened soon after the first trigger. It's possible that he's wrong or lying to make Taylor drop the topic faster, but I doubt it.
I think the key word here is "possible". It isn't outright confirmed merely highly likely, which was what i meant. Its a thing Worm does were it rarely says things outright and uses implication instead of directly stating things. But, yeah, I agree with you that Taylor probably had a second trigger.
As another reader frustrated with it in bad HP fics, I feel like the problem with adding the aristocracy to a story is mostly in treating the aristocracy (and, as such, having more money than god) as fundamentally morally neutral. I suspect a Cyberpunk fic won't have that problem.
Maybe your frustration is due to your inability to see them as anything but morally dubious at best.
What is your ideal? I'm a fan of the spartans because they look like humans and are not bulging muscle monsters like the astartes.

I could 100% see taylor as Cal-141 with dark hair.

Look into Rogue Trooper by 2000AD Comics, their versions of Super Soldiers are rather interesting.

Rogue Trooper - Wikipedia

Elemental Phenotypes in Battletech are better than Astartes in my opinion, stable genetics that breed true, improved Senses, Reflexes, Strength, Speed etc. They have a really good set of Gene Mods that often get overlooked, most people tend to focus more on the Power Armour that shares the name "Elemental".

"Greenpeace" from Dominion Tank Police is a very impressive Optimised Human.

She both has Photosynthesis and can process Toxins and render them safe as a Metabolic Process.

She was designed to survive a World with the entire Northern Hemisphere rendered Toxic to Humanity unless living in Sealed Environments and Structures or wearing NBC gear.

Plus.... Greenpeace has Wings that are Functional despite being Human norm in Size and Weight.

For ULTIMATE levels of Genetic Optimisation however, you want to look to Duna Typhon of Black Magic.

Even more potent than her though, are the Zoaforms in Biobooster Armour Guyver.

From Trooper level Zoanoids, to Elite level Hyper Zoanoids, with the Uppermost Tier that function as Super Weapons and Generals.... Zoalords.

With Alkanphel as the Supreme Zoalord above all others.
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