imagine taylor meeting adam smasher, but is lacking a weapon so just randomly pulls out a bloody bat from storage just so she has something and adam sees it and locks up.
So, Taylor runs her "Home" and her other body does Medical for them all.

We saw what the VooDoo Boys may think.

Will we get a view of the NUSA? They did an insertion to Pacifica and are cleaning up smaller gangs. What do they know about a Gang of Borgs? I mean, are the Cautious or "We can break them"?
I think people may be missing another aspect of the militarized relationship here. Taylor has already explained in the previous chapter how military leadership is specified for people with eusocial tendencies.

Consciously or not, the behavior that her dragoon self is displaying here fits the same tendencies. Collaborative, combative, and eusocial.
Why are the Voodoo boys being so deferential to Taylor, calling her Samedi's hand? Have they noticed she doesn't have an actual body inside the Dragoon, and jumped to the wrong conclusion?

So couple of things to point out here,
Firstly, even with a normal dragoon there would not be a "body" inside the frame. It is a total cyborg conversion body. (If you want to get REALLY creepy about it, her dad kept and tay is litteraly using some dude's corpse as her proxy…)

Secondly, dragoons are dangerous. Like rediculously dangerous. A single properly equipped dragoon is a match for dozens of enemy borgs (partial cybernetic conversions) and enough of a threat that sending standard troops is essentially pointless. Its armor is more closely compared to LAV's and light tanks rather than infantry. And as tay was explaining, the rotary canon it had when she found it was a legitimate AAG meant for mobile deployment.

Typical dragoon pilots require stupid amounts of drugs to even function in those frames. They are more like smart zombie rather than soldiers, as Taylor mentioned the sensor suite is overwhelming for most. Combine all of that, with the fact that not only was she completely lucid, she was downright restrained in her response…
The closest comparison as a combatant anyone could make at this point is: Adam smasher.

If I remember right baron Samdi is essentially a god of the dead…

So yeah, calling the big guy essentially "deaths Hand" seems pretty damn appropo to me…
Taylor's Dragoon body has a limit or was it corrected?

I think it could function a limited time?

She takes it out sometimes, like when Kiwi needed back up.

What I am trying to ask is. Did Taylor fix the problem so the borg body is fully functional?

Also as a side? The body was equipped with heavy gun, the one now owned by a contact.

Did someone blab where it came from?

A Dragoon in charge of a 'Gang'?
AFAICT an independently-operating Dragoon is basically not a thing. Nobody wears a Dragoon all the time. Nobody who is wearing a dragoon is cognizant enough to engage in diplomacy unless they're swimming deep in high-functioning cyberpsycho territory - and to be there they'd have to have significantly modified the Dragoon to take out the normal inhibitors.

The Big Guy is a major frame-of-reference anomaly in the form of a walking tank that is known to be homicidal and scary for how not-homicidal it sometimes is.

EDIT: It should be noted for comparison here that Adam Smasher's borg body isn't even remotely the same class as a Dragoon, at least at its base. Adam is a scary scary guy and presumably quite good at what he does, and his body is probably customized to be a lot more combat-ready than the labor-oriented chassis it started as? But a Dragoon is an ultralight battlemech.
Taylor's Dragoon body has a limit or was it corrected?

I think it could function a limited time?
It has a weak fuel tank, so if it's operating at higher energy draw than its battery systems can feed it only is good for a few minutes before it burns all its hydrogen.
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imagine taylor meeting adam smasher, but is lacking a weapon so just randomly pulls out a bloody bat from storage just so she has something and adam sees it and locks up.

Wait... is that bat one of Smashers when he was in a gang or someone like Morgan had it?

I honestly assumed it was a personal souvenier from her dad. Like he beat someone really annoying with his own bat or something.
I'm pretty sure it's Adams baseball bat from when he was a NY street kid a century ago.

I could swear there's some art of young Adam with his bloody bat, but it might be from a fanfic.
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Why are the Voodoo boys being so deferential to Taylor, calling her Samedi's hand? Have they noticed she doesn't have an actual body inside the Dragoon, and jumped to the wrong conclusion?

Actually come to think of it: considering T pretty much reenacted
Marie likely saw one hell of a Daemon, cause Tays a dirty cheater that cheats and spoofed+outsourced her stacked defenses.
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Taylor should download a DNA and fingerpint databank to a personal storage. She can use it to identify the blood on the bloody bat or fingerprints on the handle while offline.
The housing in Pacifica was mostly utilised by former workers in Pacifica, too, which made the situation all the more tragic. I couldn't, in the end, just watch them suffer predation—at least not the ones directly in front of my face. There was way too much injustice in the world to be expected to solve all of it, but getting to the point where I could ignore it right in front of me wasn't the type of person I wanted to become. I had told David not to practice what he didn't want to become, so I had to take my own advice here.

Ever the heroine, WeaverTaylor.

Uh oh, not that kind of Dummy Plug, I hope?
He was also the Borg I wanted to see the most right now. His voice synthesiser spoke in an affected German accent, but I was almost positive that wasn't his real background. Still, it gave me a name to call him, "Herr Schatten, John... do we have any ID on the visitors?" For some reason, Herr Schatten, or Mr Shadow, seemed to think the name I had picked for him was very amusing. When I asked about it in the past, he just called it somewhat familiar and nostalgic, then refused to comment further.

No fucking way...seriously, the man would have had to disappear completely after nuking Arasaka Tower.

Is this fucking Shaitan chilling around Night City?
No fucking way...seriously, the man would have had to disappear completely after nuking Arasaka Tower.

Is this fucking Shaitan chilling around Night City?
Possibly, all we know of his fate is that he fought Smasher, was wounded and managed to flee before the nuke went off and 'reunited with the rest of the team.'

Also random thing I literally never noticed, but know how if you start trouble Mac-Tax/NCPD comes after you? Yeah, in Pacifica instead it's a bunch of Afterlife Mercs (at higher wanted levels, lower ones are just NCPD drones) coming after your bounty if you start randomly killing people and shit. I honestly never knew that, learn something new every day.
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Back sheathes work fine for normal people, even with large swords.... provided they are designed so that the sword comes out the side, which is generally ahistorical. But having an overengineered sheathe, or even one that's active or automated would be fine. Shadiversity has two videos on his custom back scabbard:

Also, wouldn't a very large Japanese style sword be a Nodachi or an Odachi? Also, I can't imagine those would be UNPOPULAR in the setting! Also, Daikatana is a badly made video game.
Adam: - Shaiiitaaaan!
Shaitan/mr. Schatten: - Adaaaam!
Taylor dragoon: - no fighting in da house!
Dummy plug : [sings "komm susser tod"]
Also, wouldn't a very large Japanese style sword be a Nodachi or an Odachi? Also, I can't imagine those would be UNPOPULAR in the setting! Also, Daikatana is a badly made video game.
Daikatana just means "big sword". But yeah, if we're being correct the term should be Nodachi (field sword) or Odachi (large/great sword), and usually for something to be qualified as an Odachi the blade length should be 90.9cm (35.8 inches). However like with most Japanese sword arts there is no exact definition of size for an Odachi.

Also just remember while the Voodoo Boys do use a lot of spiritual terms and stuff, they actually don't believe in such things anymore with their leadership even stating "We left our gods in Haiti" and considering Haiti is currently at the bottom of the sea... well you get the idea.
EDIT: It should be noted for comparison here that Adam Smasher's borg body isn't even remotely the same class as a Dragoon, at least at its base. Adam is a scary scary guy and presumably quite good at what he does, and his body is probably customized to be a lot more combat-ready than the labor-oriented chassis it started as? But a Dragoon is an ultralight battlemech.

Adam Smasher has used several bodies, by 2077 his body is in fact a modified Dragoon.