It wasn't mentioned, but I like to think Taylor didn't tell Gloria that she pushed for her to get the job. While teasing her about it might be a little fun, better to let Gloria think she got in entirely on her own (well, and her body's) merits.
I hope we get to see the Dragoon body doing normal things like flipping synth burgers in an apron, and getting people's reactions to it. Someone goes to meet her and she's doing the borg equivalent of yoga. Refereeing a football match with a cap and whistle (she just makes the sounds with her voicebox, she doesn't use the actual whistle).
There'll be plenty of chances for her to look scary at other times.
All the elevators are gonna need upgrading. A lift designed for 6 people can only carry 2 borgs. Ones designed for normal people might even have trouble with just Taylor's new body. The ones we see in megabuildings look pretty industrial, but you might not want Gloria's full class heading up for lessons at the same time.
Do you think Kiwi's first response will be "Where did you get this", or will it be "How did you do this?"
While the most notable thing about her area is the full-borg presence, there will of course be normals.
There'll be family members that want to stay together.
Tradesmen that offer specialised services will be required. Taylor can't service everyone once things start to get going, and it takes time to train up the newcomers.
Logistically, for many things, especially at the start, baseline helpers will be required.
Those that are heavily augmented, but not actually full replacements, might feel closer or more comfortable there. Some might have a 'you're not really one of us' sentiment but likely there'll be plenty that are understanding.
As a side effect, once support structures are visible, it will likely encourage some to make the change that were too hesitant for various reasons before. Might even be the occasional case of a relatively baseline person wanting to upgrade to fit in.
Most importantly though, the presence of baselines is important to prevent the full-borgs from becoming isolated and developing extreme feelings of separation. While Taylor would like a fortress, I don't think she wants one made of sentient tanks that develop anti-human sentiments.