the little things done during the negotiation such as 5 people vs 4 are all power plays... The solution is being willing to walk away, you build things into the contract that penalize such actions.

I wonder who the man that stopped to help was associated with?

She should send a msg through Wakako to Biotechnicas rep asking what they are going to do to make it right after their poor actions.. then base her reaction upon what they say and do.
Where's Jean disappeared?

  1. as speculated earlier he's in the invisible truck with the injured truck driver. Unlikely. The truck probably barely noticed the hit and trucked on to do truck things in trucky places. Without a Jean.
  2. Astor ninjas grabbed a flying Jean, midair and jumped with him into an invisible aerodyne. They are now with Jean in their secret ninja base, questioning him, in a polite, british sort of way. Unlikely. There wasn't enough time for them to get away before Taylor emerged from the wreck.
  3. Jean is right behind Taylor shadowing her every step with a tazer to her neck. Clever boy. Unlikely. Jean lacks speedware. She'd leave him in the dust.
  4. Jean flew clean off the high road to a trashpile beneath. Possible. Taylor was in shock. When you drop something like, say, a high velocity body, it can roll surprisingly far. It happens with lego pieces. It can happen with a Jean. But Ruslan's body didn't disappear. If they started with the same velocity they'd end up together, right?
  5. The helpful ninja did something useful with Jean before he offered help. He came with in a van. Vans got trunks serial killers like Dexter Morgan adore. Helpful ninja gagged, tied and dragged Jean into his van's trunk. Then Taylor drugged helpful ninja and stole his van. Jean is right behind her, tied in the trunk. This is the most likely answer. Will Jean thump for 'help'? Will he cower in fear the whole drive? All this and more on the next installment of Skitterdoc2077.
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William (the Astor-Armstrong cyberninja retainor) had directed Taylor's protection team leader to assign only one minder at Azure Plaza. I assume that means that there is no aerodyne or teams of stealth cyberninja's laughing at the misfortune of the schmuck assigned to make contact with their primary. Taylor likely incapacitated the only member of the protection team nearby. Jean has likely escaped or gone in hiding nearby.
"A succulent ninja, sir."

"I don't care how attractive the assassin was, Philby!"

"No... I mean, it was an autonomous, sentient aloe plant, sir."
You know I am imagining Jean waking up in a dark room. Then a light shines and there is mr Jin. Then Mrs Wakako. Then Kiwi. Then Gloria. And finally Taylor. Patting a pigeon.

"You know Jean you made enough mistakes to kill you anyway. But you also made little David cry. And when David cries, I get angry. When I get angry Mrs pegpig gets upset. And when mrs pegpig gets upset people die … slowly. "

Then all the lights come on and a hundred cyborg pigeons descends.
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Okay, Biotechnica trying to backstab Taylor was more or less expected; they're a mega, dealing with a lowly normie, that's what mega's do. Jean and Rus trying to backstab Taylor was a bit of a surprise; they'd seemed a bit smarter than that, but greed can make men very, very stupid.

As for whoever decided to kidnap and/or ice Gloria? Whoever that was had best hope and pray that Taylor A) successfully revives Gloria, and B) does not learn who they are. Because for this? For violating the sanctity of her home and trying to commit murder and kidnapping under her roof?

If Taylor can find a target? Night City is going to meet the Escalation Queen. And, as this is Night City, there will be no God to pray to for mercy; only Escalation sweeping the streets in a reaper's gale.

(also in your place I probably WOULD have cut the chapter at the moment she and Rus shot each other; it would have been too perfectly evil not to)
Are the people from Biotechnica acting like they have some back end knowledge, testing and probing Taylor during the transfer? It looks like they think they have something. Ruslan and Jean say they have someone that can change their genes and provide a whole new id, Biotechnica?
Are the people from Biotechnica acting like they have some back end knowledge, testing and probing Taylor during the transfer? It looks like they think they have something. Ruslan and Jean say they have someone that can change their genes and provide a whole new id, Biotechnica?
but if they were working with bio why did they not betray Taylor way earlier? like during the shoot out or car chase.
they probably aren't or the ambush was something that BT didn't tell them about or arrange with them before hand. likely they are through another fixer, but thought they could cut the two of them out of it by using the ambush anyway
Fuck! Who knows when they'd arrive? I glanced up and moved into high gear. In one running jump, I leapt over the SUV they were using as cover, and as I landed, I grabbed the still-conscious one's head and thumped it firmly into the ground, knocking him out.
One of my favorite scenes in this chapter. ;-)

I glanced around, verifying that everyone had their mask on before I pressed a button on top of the Tinkertech device. This caused the half-sphere to open up like a clamshell. Immediately, dense clouds of what appeared to be fog flowed out of the machine, filling the entire room up very quickly. I had been worried about the cloud going underneath the door of the conference room, but these doors were basically airtight due to their soundproofing.
A basic Nano weapon?

Then I watched them pause for a couple of seconds, talking with each other, even seeing the led Med Techie shrug
led should be," lead"
but if they were working with bio why did they not betray Taylor way earlier? like during the shoot out or car chase.
One possible explanation is that they were planning to sell to Biotechnica, but didn't actually tell the corpos anything beyond what was needed to confirm they were working for the source of the chemical they were buying.

If they named Taylor or delivered her into their hands without direct leverage then Biotechnica wouldn't need to pay them after all.

Which could explain the plus sized attack on their escape vehicle.

If they were just the edge runners they presented themselves as then it's a lot of risk for little reward. Could be that the chemical expert was actually the seller playing a shell game as Taylor ultimately did, but that's still a gamble from the corpo's perspective.

However, if Ruslan and Jean credibly claimed to know who the source is there's now a definite payoff for taking them.
"And Jean was never heard from, again. By anyone."

Probably not a bad fate for someone who used a Stranger character in the MMO he shared with Taylor...

Of course, our Cyberdoc Author may well have something... more interesting in mind. :)
I wonder if David inherited chrome affinity from Gloria. She got two point blank shots to the chest, Taylor will need to replace good chunk of her body. Definitely new lungs and heart, likely spine. Maybe a Sandevistan while she's up to it?
I wonder if David inherited chrome affinity from Gloria. She got two point blank shots to the chest, Taylor will need to replace good chunk of her body. Definitely new lungs and heart, likely spine. Maybe a Sandevistan while she's up to it?
I mean, if you go to the actual source-books for CB 2013 and 2020 (I haven't looked into Red yet), then the ability to resist cyberpsychosis isn't "chrome affinity" it is "humanity", and it is kept up by...having a support structure, not engaging in self-destructive behaviors, and so on. David's "Chrome Affinity" was more "naturally social, develops strong connections with others quickly". If you want to throw in some real-life science instead of just game mechanics, there probably was also some "has low immune response to cybernetics" or some such, which I guess could be "chrome affinity".
I wonder if David inherited chrome affinity from Gloria. She got two point blank shots to the chest, Taylor will need to replace good chunk of her body. Definitely new lungs and heart, likely spine. Maybe a Sandevistan while she's up to it?
Is living somewhere with a pet pigeon (or, in fact, anything living needing some TLC) going to be good for David?

I wonder if Taylor could sell 'live walls', of greenery (for internal use, in homes), with semi-random different flowers, that extract pollutants from the air (including mould spores), are anti-asthma, and overall boost your immune system? Just needs water and occasional (cheap) nutrients... She could avoid telling people the petals provide multivitamins...
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I mean, if you go to the actual source-books for CB 2013 and 2020 (I haven't looked into Red yet), then the ability to resist cyberpsychosis isn't "chrome affinity" it is "humanity", and it is kept up by...having a support structure, not engaging in self-destructive behaviors, and so on. David's "Chrome Affinity" was more "naturally social, develops strong connections with others quickly". If you want to throw in some real-life science instead of just game mechanics, there probably was also some "has low immune response to cybernetics" or some such, which I guess could be "chrome affinity".

Cyberpsychosis is just mental health issues for people too cool to admit they have mental health issues :V
Cyberpsychosis is just mental health issues for people too cool to admit they have mental health issues :V
Mental health issues where people hurt themselves, or regard themselves as having little or negative worth, not something you find much game mechanics for, where they (directly) affect others, on teh tother hand... And, where there's boosted strength, and weapons, involved...

Some might be... concerned about the lack of symmetry?

(Or, empathy.)
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So Taylor has her million for medical school, and another two million for shopping. Women be shopping, amiright? Shopping for advanced medical equipment.

I suppose that's still nowhere near enough money to steal nanite fabrication technology.
It seems throughout the story that body mod places are a step under ripper docs with many ripper docs also offering body mods? I am kind of surprised that Taylor hasn't gotten her hands on a Nanite Vat yet.
I am kind of surprised that Taylor hasn't gotten her hands on a Nanite Vat yet.
Taylor needs to rebuild her liver. It got shot. Possibly worth noting is that livers have in excess of 500 (!) different functions in the body...

While she's doing this work, maybe she could throw-in the ability to act as a nanite synthesiser (as well as the backup heart facility she previously added)?
Taylor needs to rebuild her liver. It got shot. Possibly worth noting is that livers have in excess of 500 (!) different functions in the body...

While she's doing this work, maybe she could throw-in the ability to act as a nanite synthesiser (as well as the backup heart facility she previously added)?
she only lost the backup heart function as it severed a few synthetic arteries or the like, the liver part is still functional
she only lost the backup heart function as it severed a few synthetic arteries or the like, the liver part is still functional
Is that 'as far as she knows'? The blood vessel damage was obvious, and needed immediate attention. As a cautious cyberdoc I'd expect she'd want to carefully check-over her liver for less immediately obvious damage. Wouldn't you?

And, while she's doing that, shard-let might push to do... improvements.
Is that 'as far as she knows'? The blood vessel damage was obvious, and needed immediate attention. As a cautious cyberdoc I'd expect she'd want to carefully check-over her liver for less immediately obvious damage. Wouldn't you?

And, while she's doing that, shard-let might push to do... improvements.
Taylor knows her stuff. If sh claims her liver is functional minus the heart function, I believe. her.

Earlier she discussed early stage plans for smooth toes in the bathtub. The obvious organ for that is the liver. So far her liver is pretty standard cyberware. She added a spare heart function and airgapped it but she didn't turn her liver into the revelry of mad science it ought to be as far as its core functions. I hope that changes. She's still vulnerable to various chemical attacks right now.