Skitterdoc 2077

Taylor seems to be really odd in her actions this chapter. We get shown she will flirtatiously wink and sashay at a random neckbeard but is also supremely dense on romantic matters and prefers super vanilla hand holding BDs? Like what is her characterization regarding this
Before she disconnected, I asked her, "Do you have any contacts for a body and paint shop? I want a complete re-spray done on my new car."
Want to bet that it comes back in an understated but dignified red with subtle green highlights?

Also she should get a recommendation for a good mechanic to look at the engine. A proper tune up will improve the mpg and only shave 10-15 mph off the top end at most.
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Taylor seems to be really odd in her actions this chapter. We get shown she will flirtatiously wink and sashay at a random neckbeard but is also supremely dense on romantic matters and prefers super vanilla hand holding BDs? Like what is her characterization regarding this
She just started play acting which is a safe prelude for the actual thing for teens. Similar to little girls' makeup sessions. Will she graduate eventually to pecks on the mouth and, shudders, groping? Maaayyybe.

Her friends in the dollhouse could arrange a date for her with Anders. They know she's into him. Taylor refuses. She fears it ruins her fantasies with 'Mr. Maximilian.'
The PoV from the building manager must be really interesting. I'm sure he was told by Mr.jin how to handle the "totally not ripper doc" in the building. And at first, that's probably not a big thing. Looks like a hard-working girl doing a side gig helping her neighbors.

Then she's starting to come back home with larger and larger weapons.

Oddly lumpy bags, "Must she take them up the main entrance? we have a shipping elevator.."

Just casually dumping "medical waste". "At least she labels things properly.. the boys in the dump love her for that"

Then just leaves in a family car. And comes back with a giant monster, overfilled with..stuff. "The video of their corp princess making the police fill out and file the proper forms for everything is a big hit with the young men."

At least the rumors about her skipping the gang entirely and working directly for the boss's boss make more sense now.
I love this.
Taylor seems to be really odd in her actions this chapter. We get shown she will flirtatiously wink and sashay at a random neckbeard but is also supremely dense on romantic matters and prefers super vanilla hand holding BDs? Like what is her characterization regarding this

She's trying to be social with a bunch of much more socially (and sexually) experienced older people. Fake it 'till you make it. It doesn't last once she realizes who Anders is and falls into embarrassment when she uses his full name that he didn't give her.
nice chapter thx for writing it
fun compliment for taylor going to become the local nick name for her i hope :D
still get why her fixer liked's her taylor has no idea's of getting her drink named after her a nice stable long term contract is rare after all in this city
Minor question/correction @SpiraSpira
I'll have them couriered over to your office today or tomorrow morning at the earliest.
As the great and all powerful interwebs defines 'no later than the time specified' I think that this should instead be ' the latest.'

Great chapter, glad to see her making some more contacts/friends. New job offer as well :) Dommy Mommy Boss indeed.

As an aside, I have to wonder how much my character 'V' would have to pay for parking spots since I went out of my way to collect all the cars in the game, LoL.
Therapy? What is that? Can we sell it? ...what do you mean it would actually reduce our profits? Yeah, you are obviously cyberpsycho so you are going to die now.

I expect you can sell it and the richer people in cyberpunk quietly get some form of it for themselves (quietly because can't admit weakness). But it being largely unavailable to the rest of the population fits.
I expect you can sell it and the richer people in cyberpunk quietly get some form of it for themselves (quietly because can't admit weakness). But it being largely unavailable to the rest of the population fits. you ever hear about the corpo execs going cyberpsycho? No, it is always the Miltech grunts, the booster-gang dumbasses, or the rockerboys that went over for the vine. What does this say to me? That the highest reaches KNOW what causes Cyberpsychosis and can prevent it, but the narrative is too useful for them to release said knowledge.
@SpiraSpira I understand it's a trope and everything but aren't you making Taylor a bit too dense and... uhh insecure is not quite the right word?

She lived in CP world for more than 2 years. Long enough for any issues from Winslow time to at least fade. And I straight-up don't believe that she was not hit on (in an obvious manner that is impossible to misinterpret). She is not some drone that has no life beyond home-work-home. And to live that long in Night City and not know people to be unable to infer the meaning of kinks?
Taylor thinks she needs certification to be a back alley doctor.

She is a bit out of touch with reality.
Its sad how hard therapy is to get in the Cyberpunk universe. Taylor is the best psychologist in the world but you cant truly do therapy on yourself sadly.
Therapy? What is that? Can we sell it? ...what do you mean it would actually reduce our profits? Yeah, you are obviously cyberpsycho so you are going to die now.
dommy mommy boss lady will get you on the comfy bed and order you to talk about your problems. See, therapy does sell when you dress her snazzily and give her a crop. For some bizarre reason there's no sex though.
It's really nice seeing Evelyn before she got ground down, and same with Himeko. I always felt like CDPR had pretty dim view of the sex workers in CP2077 as they all got pretty shallow motivations and writing, basically always treated like victims or completely self serving.
I would love Taylor to meet young Rita, I have a feeling they would get scarily well lol
i personally think it would be hilarious and even cute for Taylor to get with (not) Kaiser. A person who understands, even just peripherally, why she would want a more romantic and touchy feely relationship i imagine is rare in the Cyberpunk universe and no matter what you say about Kaiser he is a smart man who knows how to get things done so if even some of that intelligence, cunning and business acumen is available to his doppelganger than i could see this as the start of a beautiful relationship and maybe even the start of a budding corp....Medhall perhaps ;)
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It's really nice seeing Evelyn before she got ground down, and same with Himeko. I always felt like CDPR had pretty dim view of the sex workers in CP2077 as they all got pretty shallow motivations and writing, basically always treated like victims or completely self serving.
I would love Taylor to meet young Rita, I have a feeling they would get scarily well lol
Part of that is a bit of an unspoken compact with various politically loud communities.

You can't really show successful and well-adjusted sex workers, nor can you show the good they do for society. The narrative has to be maintained and heaven forfend you show sin as a good thing.

It irks me a little when you think about the fact that the only reason the trafficking and abuse happen is because we view workers as lesser than, when in all honesty they should be treated with the same level of cultural respect as any therapist or healer.
It's a Nomad modified car.

It's ALREADY at the best it can be made to be.

To be more clear in my statements:
Nomad cars are tuned to get every last drop of horsepower the engine can achieve, which is great for tearing through the badlands but not so much for the city. Plus it was a Raffen car so I don't know what kind of maintenance it's had. So I was saying that it actually needs to be downtuned slightly for better fuel economy so she doesn't need a third job to fill the tank. Also it probably needs mufflers because those straight pipes ringing behind your head is like getting your teeth drilled.
Nomad cars are tuned to get every last drop of horsepower the engine can achieve, which is great for tearing through the badlands but not so much for the city. Plus it was a Raffen car so I don't know what kind of maintenance it's had
A Nomad is probably the best person to handle this, actually, not a city mechanic.

Nomads have to deal with long distances and possibly unreliable logistics where running out of fuel could be a literal death sentence. It stands to reason that they'd only optimize for performance at the expense of efficiency in scouting or fighting vehicles, and that even then they would know how to retune those for fuel efficiency when they don't actually need to take truly rough terrain.

A city mechanic isn't going to be as good because for them, fully stocked gas stations every 5 miles are a fact of life.

Too bad she didn't (iirc) ask for that Nomad family's numbers. Getting their contacts was the first thing she should have done, IMO.