It sounds strange that the Compact seems to spend so much time and resources on everything except making and testing various faster-than-light propulsion, since this could require having special geometries of the hull and how things are arranged on the inside, especially since they can't use the known means to enter the Warp. Some possibilities might include creating multiple "shells" of warping space-time like in some versions of how the warp drive works in Star Trek. Another might be find some other partial reality that could be entered into like hyperspace of Star Wars which is kind of like a variant of those using the Warp. Another might might be like using some means of interacting with theoretical sub-atomic wormholes to find the desired destination (or in the general area) and temporarily expand them to sufficient size to travel through. Maybe even working with theoretical particles like tachyons might result in something like wave-motion technology of Star Blazers/Space Battleship Yamato. These might need a lot of out-of-the-box thinking and experimenting with, since different technologies might require additional technologies to make them practical like sensors that work with that method of transportation so you can navigate and avoid hazards.

Related to that would be the impact on military hardware, whether weapons, vehicles, tactics, strategy, logistics, etc. Also there is the impact of Shroud on the above. Aside from empowering individuals or acting as Langoliers, the Silence aspect could be extremely useful as it could act like a form of ECM against enemy Warp abilities (and senses) and some forms of technology.
All known FTL tech in 40k aside from some of that employed by the Necrons (not all, they figured out how hack the Webway during the War in Heaven using Dolmen Gates) uses the Warp in some capacity, so developing and testing FTL technologies in the middle of an active Warp Storm is... tricky...

The only means of FTL in 40k that doesn't involve the Warp in some manner is the Necron inertialess drive, which while good is limited to approximately Star Trek style 'warp' speeds; taking decades to centuries to cross the galaxy from one side to another, compared to months to do the same via the Warp (assuming nothing horrible happens.) The other issue with the inertialess drive is that the Necrons are the only people who know how to make the damn things, and good fucking luck getting them to explain their science and technology.

So the Webway isn't actually in the warp itself so Compact humans should be able to use, same for anybody else that gets a Shroud symbiote, that's one method of getting around if/when they find an Eldar gateway.
Finding a gateway and getting access to it is far easier said than done, unless the Eldar want you to use it as part of some esoteric gambit.

And it actually was part of the Warp, the Old Ones just partitioned it off from the rest of the Immaterium with their psychic power and technology. Technically speaking the Webway is still part of the Warp, there's just a wall between it and the rest of the Warp, a wall that is very much cracked and full of holes by now. It's basically made out of the part of the Warp that borders the material plane, then artificially extended into the Materium and anchored to Webway portals and the like.

The Webway also appears to be semi-sentient in some form, as it automatically detects intrusion via Necron Dolmen Gates and seals off the 'infected' areas until the Dolmen Gates are shut down, or even actively shunts everything within out into the greater Warp entirely.

In short, accessing and using the Webway is very tricky; the Old Ones built it to be able to defend itself against incursion by the Necrons, and even in its fragmented, decaying state it is still more than capable of fucking up your shit if it thinks you don't belong.
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I take it you never watched this modern classic?

It is a spirit that has physically manifested. You chop it to pieces then bind each piece to a blessed container and seal them far away from each other. The body can be parted as evidenced by the knife thrust. Use a panabas or an axe and start dismembering the annoying shit.

Edit: If it was set a hundred years earlier, you'd have a horde of headhunters from all over the world swarming in to take such a valuable skull and manna for themselves
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I wonder how the Speranza AI would react if it was The Compact which found and repaired it instead of the Mechanicus.
Extensive use of Stone AI drones fits with the Grey Goo humanity cross as well; in Grey Goo literally every single human unit is an AI drone with the singular exception of their ultimate unit, the Alpha, which is a giant flying mech-suit piloted by a single human. The most number of humans ever deployed onto a battlefield by Grey Goo humanity is one, and nine times out of ten they just get by with AI drones.

With the Valiant units becoming Men of Stone in the cross-over, that would translate to the AI drones being Stone AI as well, so it makes sense that the people of Sanctuary would be inclined to throw massive swarms of Stone AI drones at things to solve problems first and foremost before deploying humans to back up the drones only if absolutely necessary.

It would also probably translate into the primary difference between Men of Stone and Men of Iron is that the Men of Iron were built for independent self-replicating functionality, sent off to do their own thing under their own supervision, whereas the Men of Stone were intended for regular interaction with and\or oversight by humans. The Men of Iron would basically be this crossover's version of the Goo.

Well, the alpha is the only crewed unit in the game, also the game units are supposedly museum pieces and only Singleton and Redgrave really know much about warfare on the human side with Singleton being the vastly superior of the two in strategic capability.
I wonder how the Speranza AI would react if it was The Compact which found and repaired it instead of the Mechanicus.
Probably much more positively, as the Compact actually understand what they are doing unlike the Mechanicus and the primary issue the Speranza seems to have with humanity\the Mechanicus is that in its eyes they are ignorant superstitious savages. That is assuming that it isn't a shard of the Void Dragon though, if it is a Void Dragon shard then its reaction would depend on what actually happened between the Void Dragon and the Emprah; whether the Emprah subjugated the Void Dragon, they came to some kind of agreement or something else entirely.

Well, the alpha is the only crewed unit in the game, also the game units are supposedly museum pieces and only Singleton and Redgrave really know much about warfare on the human side with Singleton being the vastly superior of the two in strategic capability.
Yes, but that's because in Grey Goo humanity went out and explored a huge chunk of the galaxy and found nothing; tons of worlds supporting all kinds of alien life, but none of it intelligent or even all that interesting from a scientific standpoint.

In this crossover, humanity went out and explored a huge chunk of the galaxy and found all kinds of things, like Orks and Eldar and Jokaero and Demiurg and Kinebrach and Rak'Gol and more. So they never turned inwards and mothballed their military systems in the way that Grey Goo humanity did, because unlike Grey Goo humanity they actually found things worth investigating and exploring.
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In terms of FTL systems, In grey goo it is shown multiple times to be able to enlarge keyholes to macro scale wormholes as the primary FTL in that universe.
Also, on the FTL side - They are not just packing up a ship and sending it out into space. They are packing up their civilization and sending it out into space. Worst case they spend 200 years flying to somewhere not in a warpstorm and start eating asteroids until they rebuild the whole fleet around a working FTL concept. Burning 400 years or is way less costly than messing with punching holes in the warp in the middle of a warp storm.
In terms of FTL systems, In grey goo it is shown multiple times to be able to enlarge keyholes to macro scale wormholes as the primary FTL in that universe.
Drich has stated earlier in the thread that in this cross keyholes are not a thing, which is why the Goo doesn't exist and the Men of Iron took its place instead.

Also, on the FTL side - They are not just packing up a ship and sending it out into space. They are packing up their civilization and sending it out into space. Worst case they spend 200 years flying to somewhere not in a warpstorm and start eating asteroids until they rebuild the whole fleet around a working FTL concept. Burning 400 years or is way less costly than messing with punching holes in the warp in the middle of a warp storm.
Yeah, you really don't want to fuck with Warp travel in the middle of a Warp Storm, Warp Storms are not conducive to travel; even Daemons have difficulty navigating Warp Storms.
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I just had a fridge thought - Orks only really go wild when under the influence of a WAAAGGGHHH. In small numbers they are civilized enough that you can hire them as mercenaries. When exposed to the WAAAAGGGGHHH they turn into the serious threat that the Orks are known for.

I wonder if the Shroud can eat a WAAAGGGHH? I wonder is the Shroud can hijack a WAAAGGGHH? Just symbiote an ork warboss and use his connection to the WAAAGGGHH field to jam a bit of Shroud between Mork and Gork and their followers. From there it should be able to eat the field that makes ork tech work. It may even be able to take over the part of the ork WAAAGGGHH that directs orks to targets.
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o_O i wonder if the shroud does what ya said sword and the orkz evolve into all mekboys but with tech thats not waaagggghhh bullshit


My growth was... slower. Measured. Careful. In terms of actual numbers, I didn't grow much at all.

In terms of energy, though...

That was another matter entirely.

My income ticked up and up with every passing day. Even just Timaeus was a considerable increase, but with the rest of the next generation coming into play, optimized genetically for robust minds and great Psychic potential? Further strengthened by their own parents, already more powerful through their Symbiosis?

It was a lot. And it grew quickly.

The number of Entity-selves jumped up equally quickly, just to store it all. My refinement experiments began to speed up as I matched the income, generation after generation of shapes tested and tweaked into peak efficiency. Those done, I moved on to new shapes, and then more shapes, and then more...

It was just waiting, really, for the energy income to grow even more. Refinement passed the time, the years draining away as it happened. Groundside, I felt that I was quite complete, in terms of roles and shapes.

Spaceside, though... That was another story.

I had the shapes ready, of course. I'd thought them up shortly after I got my mind in order and realized where and where I was. I had never deployed them, however. Hadn't given them any refinement, other than the theoretical kind.

Shapes that large wouldn't need the kind of refinement I went through for my planetbound shapes, though. That much of my flesh and energy together would be able to change itself far more easily than anything lesser. Refinement would happen through the mere process of existing. I could have supplied the energy needs through planetary harvesting, but again, I was in no hurry.

How much did a few years, even a few dozen of them, matter in a plan that was going to last a hundred and thirty five, just for the setup? Nothing, really.

So I waited. Ten years passed, and then another ten after that. I slowed my refinement experiments as the day of the Lightchaser's completion came closer and closer, allocating more and more for storage. I ended them completely when it was finished, joining everybody else in watching the ship float into orbit, its gleaming silver-white form a bastion of sanity against the inanity of the sky.

The next day, I plunged the reserves gathered over the previous weeks into a single project. The largest thus far, but also the smallest of my true fleet-shapes.

The Harbinger Probe.

Six hours of growth, a significant chunk of my energy income tied up, and the Lightchaser had its first attendant. Far smaller than the massive city-ship, it had a completely different role; long-ranged operations.

Technically a scout, though it was a scout in roughly the same way that the Man of Iron would use the term. It was meant to be sent off to the frontier, more or less alone, but...

Well, most 'scouts' didn't eat a planet whole if you left them alone for a few months.

It was... certainly nice to have it, though. It was a rough shape, at first, draining significant amounts of energy just to keep it up, but a few months of self-refinement took care of that problem, dropping the sustainment cost down to a third of the original.

There was another component, too; more than just the physical capabilities of the body. As it grew and was refined, so too did my mind. Thoughts speeding, reach expanding...

No longer did I have to split myself apart to cross to the continent. Even just the single Harbinger-self allowed me to maintain full awareness and connection across a much wider range, a fact which I quickly put to good use by making two more.

All three together, and I could expand the Silence significantly.

Something the Compact with quick to take advantage of. We scanned the world repeatedly, looking for those last few survivors, though we didn't find any. Resourcing operations expanded significantly in the aftermath, even as the second Lightchaser began to be constructed...

That, for the most part, set the tone for the rest of the time we spent waiting.

At twenty years, the population of Sanctuary was at eighty million. They had one Lightchaser and I had three Harbingers.

Forty brought it to a hundred and eighty eight million. They still only had one Lightchaser, but now I had six Harbingers.

Sixty years brought their numbers to four hundred and thirty eight million. They had two Lightchasers, with the third nearing completion. I had thirteen Harbingers.

Eighty years had the population breach a billion. They had five inhabited with a sixth ready to go. I'd reached twenty Harbingers, less than I could have had, but only because I was beginning to experiment with even larger shapes. I had an idea, see, about the kinds of foes we might end up facing, and I'd decided that I'd need shapes to fill the equivalent roles. The Harbinger was a perfectly good general purpose scout, but...

Well, specialization had its upsides.

I didn't have that many, for the moment. One or two for each theoretical class. I had no experience in space combat, after all. Adaptation required exposure.

One hundred years brought the population to two point three billion, and a hundred and twenty took it to five and a half.

The plan was on track. The final fifteen years took the population to over ten billion. Forty six Lightchasers completed in that time, as well as scores of autovessels to go with them.

The full attendant fleet had not been created. Instead, the number was divided roughly between protective vessels and simple mass storage ships. Lightchasers had their own resource storages, yes, but they were outmatched by these dedicated vessels holding nothing but raw mass feedstock, capable of keeping the fleet going for millennia if they needed to.

A precautionary measure, of course. We did not actually expect to take a thousand years. We were expecting, at the absolute most, a few years.

But this was the Warp we were dealing with, and even with my presence, having a backup plan was always a good idea.


We were ready. They day had come. The plan reached the zenith; stage three.

Now it was just up to me to get us through it.
'D be really interested in a Timaeus POV interlude, especially one with his thoughts on the shroud
You know... there's this time-travel shenanigans with warp travel, who knows maybe when Drich and co gets out of the warp, they may end up literally anywhen from 30k to 50k.
Feels odd seeing the compact as the good guys after reading so many fics with the Compact as the bad guys.

Also, where will the automated fleets come from?
Dritch, you are an insparation to all Planetary Annihilation commanders, and I think you may end up sparking a series of Shroud Conciousnesses as well, with how well you are writing this.
Keep it up mate- and know we are behind you.