They already hate Blancs, something that eat Warp they may launch a war or at least seek the Shroud destruction at every opportunity.
If i remember correctly the reason blanks are hated is that the more potent ones can actively hurt nearby Psykers so they might not actively hate the shroud right away, especially as it is actively opposed to chaos. though its nature as anti-warp and anti-precog might fritz them out quite a bit. if i were to guess as to how all 3 groups of Eldar would react it would be a bit like this.

Dark Eldar - A combination of a few jumping ship to join the Shroud, and a majority being either "Ew morals" or trying to do science to it considering that it is warp resistant.
Overall hostile but not more then usual
Craftworlds - A combination of far-seers freaking out over something having gasp effective free will, and some maybe jumping ship if Drich can give them a soul stone alternative.
Either hostile or neutral but probably not friendly
Exodites - Wary but rather indifferent so long as it is not their problem.
Strong neutral

But i'm not Drich or a 40k lore aficionado so i'm probably wrong.
If i remember correctly the reason blanks are hated is that the more potent ones can actively hurt nearby Psykers so they might not actively hate the shroud right away, especially as it is actively opposed to chaos. though its nature as anti-warp and anti-precog might fritz them out quite a bit. if i were to guess as to how all 3 groups of Eldar would react it would be a bit like this.

Dark Eldar - A combination of a few jumping ship to join the Shroud, and a majority being either "Ew morals" or trying to do science to it considering that it is warp resistant.
Overall hostile but not more then usual
Craftworlds - A combination of far-seers freaking out over something having gasp effective free will, and some maybe jumping ship if Drich can give them a soul stone alternative.
Either hostile or neutral but probably not friendly
Exodites - Wary but rather indifferent so long as it is not their problem.
Strong neutral

But i'm not Drich or a 40k lore aficionado so i'm probably wrong.

Corsairs/exiles would be likely to join up with Drich more so than not.
Corsairs/exiles would be likely to join up with Drich more so than not.
Ah forgot about them, also there is a chance that any and or all of them go full kill the necron/ctan like beings mode.
Harlequins would just keep doing their thing and probably try to prevent escalation though and most likely succeed as Cegorach is overall respected by the Eldar and would see the consequences of messing with the big scary warp eaters there is a reason that BESRMoW is a wonderful acronym


A year since the day, and Timaeus looked closer to six. He was fit and tall, his body just beginning to show the signs of the physique he would gain as he grew older.

He was smart, too. Gifted with incredible intelligence, a brain closer to a supercomputer than something of mere flesh. Every subject that was thrown his way, he mastered quickly.

Singleton ensured he possessed something even more important.


At ten thousand years old, Singleton had seen Humanity at its best and worst. His lessons were careful, conveying the experience he himself had picked up. He passed on his views, the careful attitude, and the creed he lived by. He made sure he was diligent in his teachings, drawing forth the best of the boy's abilities.

The first word Timaeus had spoken was 'dad'. If I hadn't known Singleton as well as I did, I don't think I would have picked up just how happy he was about it.

The second had been 'aunt'. Lucy had been over the moon in her delight.

Then he gave me a hug and I'd been over the moon in mine.


A year, and Sanctuary was experiencing a baby boom. It was going to be like that for a good long while. The preparations to handle it had been made, preparations which had proven adequate.

Preparations that had then been pushed to the limit when certain breakthroughs had occurred. I'd mentioned it before, but to repeat, the people of Sanctuary had been running a genetic engineering program. It had been going fairly steadily, progress iteratively marching forwards, expected to return full results in a few decades.

'Had' being the keyword, because nobody accounted for the presence of what was basically a psychic demigod in the form of Timaeus.

'Inspired' was a bit of a weak word, when it came to the attitudes of Sanctuary's scientists.

They had not been able to replicate his full augmentations, but frankly, that wasn't a mark against them.

The program leaped forwards decades in months, Humanity's genetic code optimized over and over and over again with fervour, all in the purpose of producing an even better Human. Stronger, faster, smarter, tougher, more powerful Psykers, yet still maintaining the emotional and mental stability that current augmentations possessed. That was then coupled with nano-scale cybernetic augmentation, producing an even greater result.

The program as it had existed beforehand had been extensive. As it was now?

It was ridiculous.

It took years to test, to refine. Working out all the little kinks was a careful task, done with hawk-eyed precision. It couldn't do too much on the psychic side of things for the current generation, but the future generation was more powerful still, near universally Psykers. The average Warp Connection would be five times more powerful.

But when it was finished, implemented? Estimates had to be revised. Fifty billion to sustain my larger bodies dropped to ten. Two hundred and fifty years dropped to just two hundred.

The final, perfected augmentations received a name. 'Man of Platinum'.

It was only the beginning.


By the time Timaeus was two, he looked ten. He was a little charmer, really, with easy charisma and a skill at talking to people that was just quite incredible.

That he also had a tendency towards exuberance, and physical overreaction for the sheer amusement of it...

Well, everybody had their quirks.

By that point, he'd gone through and absorbed a significant portion of Sanctuary's technological knowledge. Mikah took him to the scientific sectors, showing him firsthand the research that was always underway. A month later, and Timaeus had been submitting a fairly constant stream of upgrades and optimisations to various technologies, whatever had caught his interests lately.

Singleton started teaching him battle, after that. Tactics, strategy, how to fight, how to use his body to greatest advantage.

To no surprise, he was great at it.

Lucy, around the same time, had started taking him to meetings, letting him learn the governance side of things.

To no surprise, he was great at that, too.

As for me...



I raised my arm, light and energy gathering. It was slow, careful, the wave of scintillating power as perfect a shot as possible.

The breaker-wave hit a rock, and shattered it, marring the surface with cracks and weakness.

I gestured forwards.

Timaeus nodded, then held his arm up with his hand splayed. He breathed in.

A beam of power lanced out, punching through the rock in front of him.

And the rock behind that.

And the wall behind that.

And the Void Shield behind that.

And the Void Shield generator behind that.

Slowly, I turned, facing my Clasher-self to him. He held still, for a moment, before his entire demeanour changed into happiness. He flicked his arm up, splaying his hand in a ridiculously over-exaggerated 'what can you do' gesture, closing his eyes as he turned his head to the side.

"A little too much power." He said, smiling magnificently. It might have worked, except I could feel his burning embarrassment.


We practiced above ground, after that. Lucy's unimpressed and yet also unsurprised stare had made even him shift.

It took a surprisingly long time for him to figure out how to scale down the amount of energy he could draw to something that wasn't so... Let's be generous and call it focused.

On the other hand, I got a few new shapes out of it, so that was nice.


Seven years, and he was a young adult, larger than everybody around him, though still not quite done growing. His eyes had settled into a bright blue, just on the edge of natural colours. He was handsome, now, previous boyish cuteness having given way to a manly attractiveness.

He joined the military, where he quickly distinguished himself. Better than all of his peers, he earned the opportunity to join the top group, the Alpha Program.

Formed entirely of particularly powerful Psykers, he distinguished himself there, too. He and his Symbiont were simply on another level entirely.

He graduated faster than any other in history, going through a training program that normally took five years in just six months, which brought him to the trial by fire.

He, alongside the rest of the graduates, were sent to the mainland, away from the Silence, on the night of the Daemontide.

Their task?

Kill every Daemon they saw. Bring upon them the same suffering they had brought upon Humanity. If they reached at least a hundred kills, they were Alphas. If they didn't, they did it again next month, and the one after that, until they'd reached a hundred.

The batch this year had been particularly promising. Timaeus, of course, had been the head of the class. More surprising had been Juliana, who took second. She'd grown finely, a young woman now, who had started angling herself towards the Alpha program the moment she knew it existed, enticed by the prospect of being able to give back to Sanctuary while also being put in a position where she would get to kill Daemons. She'd worked very hard to make it happen.

Four others, too, all of them among the most powerful of the current generation.

That had been such a fun day. I remembered it so well...
The first word Timaeus had spoken was 'dad'. If I hadn't known Singleton as well as I did, I don't think I would have picked up just how happy he was about it.

The second had been 'aunt'. Lucy had been over the moon in her delight.

Then he gave me a hug and I'd been over the moon in mine.
This is adorable.
Slowly, I turned, facing my Clasher-self to him. He held still, for a moment, before his entire demeanour changed into happiness. He flicked his arm up, splaying his hand in a ridiculously over-exaggerated 'what can you do' gesture, closing his eyes as he turned his head to the side.

"A little too much power." He said, smiling magnificently. It might have worked, except I could feel his burning embarrassment.
The final, perfected augmentations received a name. 'Man of Platinum'.

It was only the beginning.
So, uh... Screw you, Astartes, you've just been one-upped? Because I'm pretty sure that, if this Primarch ends up with a legion, his Space Marines won't need any augmentation beyond what they already have.
This is adorable.


So, uh... Screw you, Astartes, you've just been one-upped? Because I'm pretty sure that, if this Primarch ends up with a legion, his Space Marines won't need any augmentation beyond what they already have.
Considering that all of the Space Marine organs are lesser versions of Primarch organs, literally cloned from the Primarch's flesh and DNA? Men of Platinum will be what the Emperor wanted Humanity to be, near-equals to himself and his sons.

Men of Stone are apparently alright. Men of Iron rebelled. Men of Gold were the bio-engineered soldiers being designed in M25. Men of Platinum will take back the stars. For the Emperor! For Sanctuary!
If human Psykers is Good thing for the shroud what about The Eldars if by any chance Given a Symbiont, In fact trading Symbiont for tech the Eldar has collected through the years they have existed is a great, and they could also trade Symbiont for access through Webway or other things. The fact of the matter is that the Symbiont could very well be a life saving and change the Eldar way of life combining with the Eldars potential as Psykers, Its a huge win for the Shroud and for the Eldar if they join the Shroud.
So, uh... Screw you, Astartes, you've just been one-upped? Because I'm pretty sure that, if this Primarch ends up with a legion, his Space Marines won't need any augmentation beyond what they already have.
I'd still wager SM augments would be an improvement. For one it'd give them all the assorted abilities that come with being a Space Marine. I doubt that a Man of Platinum would have the full set of extra organs.
Ahhh Primarchs. Genetically sculpted works of perfection.

Oddly enough, Timaeus might have one of the best upbringings out of all his brothers.
Nothing odd about it, a 10,000 year old wiseman and an anti-chaos soul shield will do that to you :p

I'm really interested to see how the Federation (that is their government name right?) reacts to big E's 'show of force' and how in effective it will be on a planet or Fleet of 10 billion powerful psykers and their symbionts...
I'd still wager SM augments would be an improvement. For one it'd give them all the assorted abilities that come with being a Space Marine. I doubt that a Man of Platinum would have the full set of extra organs.
If they're using Primarchs as an inspiration? I think they could do better. Big E might have been the 'best human' but remember than designing the Primarchs took him ages, and he mostly did it alone. Humanity's ascension was a work of collaboration, some of the finest Federation minds, with the Silence, and a 'finished' primarch to reference?

SMs will NEED their power armor to stay competitive against nuhuman Joe.
If human Psykers is Good thing for the shroud what about The Eldars if by any chance Given a Symbiont, In fact trading Symbiont for tech the Eldar has collected through the years they have existed is a great, and they could also trade Symbiont for access through Webway or other things. The fact of the matter is that the Symbiont could very well be a life saving and change the Eldar way of life combining with the Eldars potential as Psykers, Its a huge win for the Shroud and for the Eldar if they join the Shroud.
If the Shroud sufficiently dampens their exposure to Chaos, it's almost invaluable to them, because by default when Eldar die they get eaten by Slaanesh (unless they have a soul stone). Not needing to be in skin contact with a psyrock and the mental discipline of an ascetic monk literally your entire life would be quite appealing, methinks.
Considering that all of the Space Marine organs are lesser versions of Primarch organs, literally cloned from the Primarch's flesh and DNA? Men of Platinum will be what the Emperor wanted Humanity to be, near-equals to himself and his sons.

Men of Stone are apparently alright. Men of Iron rebelled. Men of Gold were the bio-engineered soldiers being designed in M25. Men of Platinum will take back the stars. For the Emperor! For Sanctuary!
For the Silence of Peace!
The batch this year had been particularly promising. Timaeus, of course, had been the head of the class. More surprising had been Juliana, who took second. She'd grown finely, a young woman now, who had started angling herself towards the Alpha program the moment she knew it existed, enticed by the prospect of being able to give back to Sanctuary while also being put in a position where she would get to kill Daemons. She'd worked very hard to make it happen.
Dang, I find Juliana even more impressive the Timaeus. Timaeus is a genetically engineered super soldier, while Juliana is a near to a natural born pysker as you could find on this planet, and yet she is second only to Timaeus in killing Deamons.

If/when they meet up with the Empire of Man, I could see the Sisters of Battle idolizing Juliana if the two human factions remain on good terms.
Uh oh. I really don't like the phrasing of this part. Makes me feel like the next part is going to be total disaster.
Well one of the only things the Shroud thinks is fun is eating tonnes of Daemons, so presumably the Primarch stepping outside of the Silence draws in more Daemons than normal.
Eh, if it's counted as good they probably dealt with it somehow.
Dang, I find Juliana even more impressive the Timaeus. Timaeus is a genetically engineered super soldier, while Juliana is a near to a natural born pysker as you could find on this planet, and yet she is second only to Timaeus in killing Deamons.

If/when they meet up with the Empire of Man, I could see the Sisters of Battle idolizing Juliana if the two human factions remain on good terms.

While I find it unlikely that they will, I agree.
If the Shroud sufficiently dampens their exposure to Chaos, it's almost invaluable to them, because by default when Eldar die they get eaten by Slaanesh (unless they have a soul stone). Not needing to be in skin contact with a psyrock and the mental discipline of an ascetic monk literally your entire life would be quite appealing, methinks.
It runs into the basic problem that they're all huge assholes. Like genocidal level.

The Shroud would be invaluable, but it's attached to a mind that is not going to be sympathetic to them.

Which is sort of the weakness honestly. The Shroud is very protected against normal vectors of corruption and memetic warfare, but it's still a single point of failure.

Essentially unlimited resources are going to be thrown against that point.
There is ultimately a core difference between the two post-humans. The Space Marines/Primarchs are deliberately designed to be war machines from the ground up. The 'men of platinum' are more jacks-of-all-trades.

Also this might be a point of contention for Big E. The Primarchs and Space Marines were not supposed to end up as humanities new rulers after the Crusade. They're all supposed to :turian:retire:turian: to let humans be ruled by humans (and/or him).

And this branch of humanity are not exactly 'baseline' humans anymore. They're closer to the space marines and Primarchs when you get down to it.
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Also, the candidate pool for Astartes-augs is inherently extremely narrow. Meanwhile, any old shmuck can get Platinum'd (though the Psyker-ness has do be done pre-natally).