Terror from the Depths
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Terror from the Depths
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Hello Director Jewel, this is Mayor Marlowe of Seaside Bay speaking.
First, let me extend my heartfelt thanks to you and your team for the invaluable assistance you've provided to our community, your leadership has been a beacon of hope during these trying times and the Restoration's efforts do not go unnoticed here.
That said, I'm reaching out about something of great urgency, which I fear could spiral into an even larger crisis if left unchecked. As you're undoubtedly aware, maritime travel has become nearly impossible for any vessel not heavily armed since the Shattering. This is due to the creatures my staff have taken to calling the "Deep Ones." One of my aides is quite the fan of cosmic horror stories and, well, the name stuck.
Either way, these creatures have been attacking ships with increasing frequency and ferocity including large fish schools and sea predators. What's worse, they've disrupted ocean ecosystems, even more that the Shattering done by bringing species from other universes togheter, to such a degree that most marine life has fled to shallow coastal waters in a desperate bid for survival.
Our fishing industry, the lifeblood of Seaside Bay, is on the brink of collapse. The ecological imbalance is nothing short of a nightmare and the ripple effects are already being felt by our comunity and neighboring ones.
For months now the local fishermen and marine biologists have been monitoring this phenomenon and alarmingly realize the pace of fish migration, or rather their desperate escape from the Deep Ones has been dwindling. If this trend continues, we're looking at the complete extinction of sea life in the deeper waters.
Even more troubling director it's the encroachment of these creatures toward the coastal areas, reports indicate that they're getting close to Green Hills coast.
I know the Restoration has its hands full with the Black Arms, badniks, and other immediate threats but I implore you not to overlook the potential catastrophe the Deep Ones represent.
If they exhaust their food supply in the open ocean, who knows what they'll do once they reach our shores?
I urge you to take this matter seriously. Seaside Bay is ready to assist in any way we can but we lack the resources and expertise to deal with this threat alone. Please Director Jewel, don't wait to act until it's too late.
I hope to hear back from you soon.
*Message ends*
This is something I was planning to release when he omake banning was made since that's been lifted I decided to post it now.
Basically there's other big threat real close to us that is just as deadly as the Black Arms.
The Vortex.
I don't remember if in the games they ever revealed they name so I decided that someone named them the Deep Ones and the name stuck. Anyway I imagine the voxtex attack sea life to such a extent they decided to get out of they habitats and into unfamiliar waters creating a ecological disaster since not only is extremely crowded but have fiss that were not supposed to be there as well.
Obviously the vortex would eventually kill all fish on the sea at some point and some people are noticing the rate of this migration is getting smaller each month that pass.
The Vortex territory include all the oceans in the world all they infrastructure is in the sea bed completely unreachable for anyone to even get a look on what they are doing except be able to monitor they attacks and sightings.
At least with the Black Arms you can point a telescope at the Ark to be able to see on the distance on what they are doing but the Vortex enjoy full secrecy of anyone.