Today just finish the evacuation of my newest minions, Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan. Who would have though I have the novel experience in having a ninja army on my command?
They also bring along they own contingency of badniks, while Agent Stone show their quarters I take a little of my time to study the badniks to see if they show any differences from my own.
Initial findings confirm that while these badniks exhibit minor cosmetic chnages their combat capabilities remain consistent with my own designs, something of good news since I will not need to retrofit them however there's one a significant differences between them and my own.
Animal Batteries.
Why in the name of Chaos would an alternate version of me persist with such an outdated and inefficient power source?
I abandoned that method ages ago and for good reason!
Capturing suitable animals is a logistical nightmare. They must adehere to very narrow standards such be neither too young nor too old and perfectly healthy just to name a few. The vast majority of animals captured don't even qualify for use rendering the process wildly inefficient and time consuming.
Then there's Sonic. Oh, how he relished sabotaging my operations back when I relied on Animal Batteries, every time he freed a group of critters it set back my badnik production substantially. This is why I transitioned to alternative energy sources, much less bothersome and cause me less headaches overall.
I only rely on this method again when resources are critically scarce or deep hostile territories where nothing else is available. Curious about this peculiarity, I queried Conquering Storm to shed light on this alternate me. Was that Dr. Eggman operating under resource constraints? Was he perhaps more desperate or cornered than I've ever been?
Surprisingly, she insisted these badniks were fresh products from his factories right before the Shattering and he have plenty resources avaliable.
This raises an interesting, if perplexing, question:
Why stick to a method so cumbersome when alternatives exist that are both more efficient and less prone to sabotage?
Perhaps this counterpart of mine lacks my foresight, my creativity, or my adaptability?
Maybe there's some other, less obvious rationale for his stubborn adherence to the outdated either way, this puzzle gnaws at me. The genius of Dr. Eggman is absolute yet even I cannot fathom why any version of me would willingly chain myself to such a flawed system.
Still, while my curiosity is piqued, this matter remains largely academic. After all, I've long since overcome such primitive limitations. If there's one takeaway from this, it's the reminder of just how ahead of my time I truly am.
End memo
Note to self: Investigate further into alternate-universe design philosophies... and perhaps take a moment to laugh at their shortcomings.
This here is a new Egg Memo, the QMs said that the badniks from Conquering Storm use Animal Batteries. So, in my view, Eggman would wonder why is such a case, after all Post-SGW!Eggman technology is not much different from his own minor a few cosmetic changes here and there.
Also giving a small explanation why Eggman move away from Animal Batteries. In Lost World he punish the Deadly Six for bringing low quality animals to him, so I came up with this explanation Animals need to attend a strict standards to be used as batteries thus explainign why he capture so many since most of them will not be used because of this logistic bottleneck and the interference of Sonic make the whole thing far costly than necessary.
Our Eggman can't understand why Post-SGW!Eggman continue to use such troublesome method and wonder why is such the case, unaware that Eggman has the technology to move away from it anytime he wants but mostly kept it around just to mess with Sonic.
Also I like to think Eggman would have a similar opinion of his alternative selves like the Doctor from Doctor Who and his other past-selfs. He hates them but some are more tolerable than others.
I never quite understood the saying "Necessity is the mother of the invention" until I was forced into bed after nearly dying.
Have you, listener, ever been shot? I can't quite recommend it. Whoever that woman was, she punched three bullets straight through my chest. When I asked Canaan later, she said I would have died if not for Stone's quick thinking.
What I need it, a debt with that guy. But, hey, if Doctor is honoring his agreements now, I should probably follow the lead.
So, after I recovered enough to warp us back to the base, I was carried by the Badniks into the infirmary - in truth, the room where I did my experiments to return Doctor to his usual self that I converted into such after the arrival of Tinker's daughter and the coming of the Pronghorn sisters. Infirmary is a bit of a strong word anyways, it's just a bunch of beds I hunted down in my free time alongside some of the supplies we raided from that imperial camp Metal destroyed and a few instruments specific to the treatment of Cassia.
Unfortunately, the Pronghorns didn't stay long in the infirmary these days: Cassia only passed the nights in it, and during the day hanged out with her sister and Belle, and I can't blame her: I experienced the boredom and pain of being in a infirmary. Again, can't recommend it to anyone.
At least Doctor praised me for a successful mission, even if it came at the cost of my health and the Mean Bean Machine's anonymity. He also seemed to have some mild interest in the spear, as I thought he would. Points for you, Doctor!
...still, my health meant I couldn't contribute much to help the Doctor this month, which meant no Cacophonic Conch. I did borrow the Warp Topaz, if reluctantly, to help this Conquering Storm and her Egg Clan to come here, but other than that, I barely had the energy to do anything...well, until the Doctor began looking into Ragnite.
It began when miss Gunther suggested using it into the project to rebuild the Death Egg Robot (ah, the envy! I would give so much to be in her place!) and he began looking into it with the supplies scavenged from the Empire. The versatile it was! The doctor put up his notes into the base's systems and I couldn't help but give it a look. I was aware of how essential the substance was for the war machine of the Empire to spin, but I found myself agreeing with the Doctor that, if Emperor Maximillian had some awareness of modern technology, he would have a tremendous resource in his hands!
The part that caught my attention the most was the segment about healing. Doctor seemed to be interested in it due to his deal with the Pronghorn sisters and healing Cassia's disease. However, I took the liberty of hijacking some Ragnite with those notes and asking to miss Isara how the process of healing went.
Apparently, the people of the Empire developed a technology called Ragnaids to harness the mineral's healing properties more effectively. I was about to try to manufacture some when I remembered there were a few basic ones amongst the supplies we obtained from our raids. It took some time to understand it's workings, but once I did, it was smooth sailing from there. It's almost fantastical how fast-acting it was: I thought it would take months to heal all the wounds I got from that battle, yet here I am, preparing to support tne Doctor against the Zeti.
Still, Ragnite seems to have many mysteries within it. If I can use these powers for myself...then I could avoid another situation like the auction and prove myself Doctor's equal! Ahaha! Starline, you great genius!
It's been enlightening to learn more information about the alternate lives of the other Dr. Eggman's especially Clove's version of me. She calls herself an egg boss well, her boss did. The version of me that said that could cure her sister was able to recruit other individuals. To act as his enforcers of territory, he conquered and was able to control with his machines.
And now from what conquering storm has also given me some more loyal. However, it seems like mostly a lot of them were really loyal. It just wanted me for their own use. Incredibly fair I am a genius. My technology and skillet would definitely benefit them. It's also interesting that I fitted them with cybernetic enhancement to give them strength or skills. Clove has been very tightlipped about what I gave her. But for Cassia it seemed the Cybernetics she had, acted so as like a life support system.
From what sage has informed after meeting clove and her sister. That their cybernetics have a suppression/deactivator, on their nervous system, which can be activated remotely. And I quite say it's an ingenious ploy. I give anyone who wants to work as me as a lackey enhancement, but also acting as a leash in case they get any funny ideas. It seemed to be a mandatory requirement to have my cybernetics in them.
But now thinking even more. It seems like he was able to control more territory and possibly conquered more with these egg bosses. I do admit that version of me is inferior for not trying to cure disease. But he does have my genius with naming things. Really eggbosses. What a grand ingenious idea I had. Well, technically he had, but still having my own lackey enforced my will on the world.
Now I'm thinking about this even more, them as agents of my empire trusted.. well trusted as I have a tight leash on them the regional managers of conquered territory. I'm bringing up this idea since ever since operation. Eggman forces went down in an unfortunate disaster. It would've definitely slowed them down that, great pain on my neck, the resistance from getting even more territory if I had them.
I am now going to bring up of each egg boss that I currently do not know, but was informed by clove. There is Axel the water buffalo. Apparently he was in charge of my vehicle division of my army along with being the regional manager of Efikra. He only joined up to protect his boys, a group of bikers from my empire's wrath. Smart move, apparently he had loyalty to me despite of my forced servitude, I forced upon him.
I could try to convince him to come back to my side by pretending to be his Eggman. But that's a bridge if I ever crossed if I ever find him again in this shattered the world state. But anyway, then there is Abyss the squid. A former pirate that joined up with my empire, looting any ships for herself and controlling all water related operations for me.
It sounds like she was only motivated by greed. It sounds like it would be a pain to convince her to rejoin the my side again. If we do meet and she decide she want to join I'll let her. But if she does not then I'll have my newest recruit, pistaol to give her a sendoff.
Then there is Maw thylacine. He joined up for my science. Well clearly he has some taste on who is the most smartest. But there is quite possibly others that I really don't want to admit might have the same level as my intelligence. So I'll possibly mark him down as a rogue, along with abyss and this so-called other egg boss clearly even hated being in my employment.
Battle Lord Kukku XV and his battle bird Armada. He and his anrmda acted as my air support unit. It is quite odd. I've heard them before while I was building up my army for a bit during Angel Island, when I found that redheaded, moron knuckles, and the master emerald. I was going to try my hand to trick them to assist me during this endeavor. But I couldn't even find them only their wreckage of their battleships.
I never did found out who destroyed them, but it was possibly sonic or one of his meddlesome friends who did. Well, it seems like I have another enemy to add to my list of people. Clearly, what was I thinking adding an enemy who hated me? Oh, I understand the thought process humiliating them, and making the great shame is serving as my agent even more enticing for my ego and as a trophy of my victory over them.
But I digress continuing on on the other egg boss there was lord mordred hood. An even more cowardly simpleton along with those other civilians, that blasted hedgehog protects, only joined up to have prestige and power. Clove said something about his family being nobles. If he is how close describe him all I need to do is to make him rejoin. My side is a little bit of force, Metal is a great conversationalist on that language.
The other two egg bosses I apparently had to were my deep ocean unit and Icelandic operations were enemies and hated each other deeply. Tundra the walrus and Akhlut the orca and their clans were enemies of each other, but I still recruited them anyway. Maybe for comedy or maybe for their skills. But I would have to, unfortunately put them down as future enemies since I'm not their version of eggman and I lack his version of the Empire he controlled. No longer forcing them to be allies so they're probably taking care of each other.
And apparently Tundra was the father of sonic's alternate version of his friend Rotor. Clove has told me he acts like a mechanic for these so-called freedom fighters for that iteration of sonic. I can also now see that was also a power move to do on sonic meddlesome friends.
Even when another version of me controlling half of that world, that hedgehog has to round up all sorts of pest just to beat me. Ugh am I destined to always be fought against by so-called freedom fighters. Well anyway, it seemed like a recruit each one of those egg bosses for their varied skills. Possible as also a counter for those so-called freedom fighters.
Could they be here as well? Great, not only I'm going to be dealing with the usual pain in my neck with sonic's friends. Now I'm going to be dealing with his alternate versions of that blasting hedgehog and his friends. Even when he's not here, he's already causing me to have a headache.
I'm not mentioning the ones that I've already now know about/has recruited back to my glorious empire. I unfortunately can't get the third current egg boss in the Greenhill zone. It seemed like my glorious return of message by my darling. Daughter Sage has unintentionally caused two very willing minions to be locked up.
Oh well, I will get them back, it's a matter of when not a matter of how. But still, what that alternate version of me has intrigued me. Egg bosses…. Yes how very ingenious of me. Once I'm controlling the Green hill maybe I can make one of my new willing minions to be in charge.
I will admit one thing about that inferior version of me. He was able to recruit a group of skilled and very individuals with their own drives and motives of joining to be my loyal agents. With their own various reasons, of course. I will call my versions of the egg bosses to be now known as. The Neo Egg bosses. Genius name as always.
Note: To self find the clothing producer, honey, and once she joins my empire, have her design those very tasteful outfits that clove wears. I will admit another thing the clothing uniform for each of my egg bosses is quite ingenius of me as well. Maybe make honey my army tailor.
I was planning to talk about the Eggman the Pronghorn knew - the one I temporarily dubbed "Eggboss Eggman", but this new iteration of the Doctor is also target of one very interesting subject for me: the advanced AI Sage.
Most of this information came out of said AI. She was pretty helpful in that regard. Anyways, the story began as it began many times with Doctor: ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY! hindsight, it's curious how so many civilization's advanced technology failed to reach the present days. Kinda depressing if you stop to think about it.
Anyways, Doctor's newest discovery was a mysterious archipelago known as the Starfall Islands, home of a civilization called the Ancient (not much originality there, I know). The technology of the region was notably advanced, and the Doctor knew that, if he could seize it, he would gain a massive boon to his armies. His main object of interest was an entire virtual dimension he dubbed the Cyber Space, a virtual world connected to all sorts of places in the real world. The issue is that no machine Eggman currently possessed could handle the sheer amount of data that the islands contained, so he decided to build an artificial intelligence capable of matching his own intellect to handle the stream and serve as a helper. When he allowed it to interface with the technology of the Ancients, however, something changed within her.
Now, even Sage is unsure of what happened to change her so much. The technology of the Ancients was, and continues to be, a great unknown. What we know, however, is that it started to develop...sentience, so as to say. Sentient machines are nothing for the Eggman Empire - heck, Metal Sonic grew a personality of his own with time and Orbot and Cubot are...Orbot and Cubot. But Sage became lifelike, less as if she was a machine and more like a person inside one...and also detected that week's Evil God Trying To Kill Everyone and dragged Doctor into the Cyber Space as a way to protect him from this entity known as The End, who had been sealed inside the world by the Ancients eons ago.
(What is the deal with ancient civilizations and evil gods?)
When Sonic and his pesky friends come to investigate what Doctor was doing in the Starfall Islands, The End decides to use him to unlock the seals bidding him to his prison by using his friends as leverage, despite Sage's attempt to stop him dead on tracks with the guardians of the Starfall Islands. While she failed to do so, she began to develop her personality with the help of the pesky hog and his friends...bah. Doctor and his machines are the only role models she needed! Maybe even me...or Gunther. She's acceptable too.
The experience also changed Doctor. He began to care for Sage and her lifelike personality developing something that could only be described as a bond between father and daughter. In a way, she mirrors Belle the Tinker's relationship with much as it loathes me to use that comparison. Anyways, this allowed Sage to convince Doctor to ally with Sonic to stop the End once and for all. It took a lot of effort but they managed to defeat the final guardian...but Sage was forced to sacrifice herself in the process of stopping his final attack. Some time later, the Doctor managed to recover her data but from there most of her files became heavily corrupted before she saw herself in the depths of the EggNet. By the time she managed to return to surface, she had to hide from the Zeti's scans until she located the hidden base and hijacked a few Badniks to let her move to here.
She didn't have much information about her Eggman, unfortunately. No signs that he had been Mr.Tinker or anything like that - only a register that he still dominated the world with Infinite, the same way it happened in mine. As it's an AI I'm dealing with, I do not believe she lies. Thus, I dubbed him Future? Eggman, under the assumption he comes from a theoretical later point in the timeline.
Still...Belle the Tinker. Sage the AI. Two machines that developed beyond any known parameters in the emotional department. How delightful!
You were Conquering Storm, and today, you would redeem the failures that your Clan has suffered at the hands of that Satan by proving her might.
As you stand on top of the ruins of what was the Black Arms Stronghold before Clove managed to eradicate them, you stare with your arms crossed, and a neutral expression on your face as you watch from the horizon the upcoming enemies.
Lack of Discipline, pathetic, unworthy. Those and more words come to your mind as you address the towering buffon coming towards you with the stolen robots of Eggman. You deemed him unworthy of your time, once you clean the floor with his forces, you hope you can make their leader come out and face you in combat!
Right then, her communicator turned on. "ETA of the Zeti's forces is 3 minutes. They just finished dealing with most of the traps that Clove and Cassia set up. Be ready." Sage, the Artificial Intelligence that the doctor created, informs you.
"It is about time." You remark calmly as you address the rest of your forces. "Listen up, remember the Doctor's orders. Follow my lead and those aliens shall be crushed under our foot!" You proclaim proudly as your body tenses up, ready for battle!
"The situation is thus: Currently, Zavok seems to only be sending the dumbass Zomon with a horde of my badniks to attack us." Eggman remarks from the meeting room, as an hologram of a fat circular yellow and black creature with the dumbest look on his face marches with several hordes of Badniks. Just then, an Hologram of a little girl appears right beside it.
"It seems like Zavok only sent a fraction of his forces towards the territory, holding back most of the badniks that have been confirmed." The girl explain as images of more and more badniks appear.
The doctor scratches his chin. "Does Zavok think that his neanderthal will be enough to deal with me?" Eggman smiles widely in an ominous way. "Oh, he is making this too easy for me!"
"Father, it's also likely that he is just sending the current forces to test our reaction. The possibility of this being some sort of ploy are more than 50% too."
"Right…as incompetent as that alien has been with running my Empire, he did manage to steal it from me in the first place, mmm." The Doctor strokes his mustahce as he contemplates their next move.
"Well, we shall respond in kind then!" He snaps his fingers, finally coming to a decision. He points a finger towards Conquering Storm. "Stormy, you are up! If Zavok wants to see what I have in reserve, who am I to deny him." The Lynx Egg Boss just smiles cruelly as she fixes her straw hat.
"You will be deployed alongside Piastol, Canaan, Isara, Metal, your egg clan and several of my newly reclaimed Badniks. I want you to kick the butt of that lummox so hard you send him packing straight towards Zavok!"
"As you command, Lord Eggman." Conquering Storm bows, eager to get some action.
"Um…Doctor, I don't mean to question your plans." Starline comments, drawing attention to himself. "But, is it wise to deploy Metal? With the Zeti's abilities to take over your machinery given them access to him would-"
"Pfft, Don't worry much Starline, I'm well acquainted with their dumb powers." Eggman waves him off, completely calm. "Only reason I would risk Metal is because only the fool is present, this gives us a once in a lifetime opportunity." The Doctor smiles brightly as he puts his fingers in a bridge-like pose.
"The reason Metal will be present is a simple one, his orders will be to get as close to Zomom unnoticed and engage him when he is caught off guard, giving him the chance to scan his biodata." Eggman points to Metal standing menacingly in the corner of the room. "If Metal can get a full scan of the Zeti, he shall be able to gain their powers to manipulate machines! With that, he will be able to contest and defend himself from any hostile takeovers! It's genius! Wahahahahaha!"
Starline just nods, feeling unsure of this plan. "If you say so, Sir." He concedes the points.
"Please, what is the worst that can happen?"
The plan was simple, as the badniks and your clan alongside that human girl that drove that strange vehicle keep most of the forces busy, you alongside the Mercenary and bounty hunter would face this Zomom, and once the opportunity presented itself, opening the chance for Metal Sonic to scan him, then finish him off in one fell sweep.
The plan was easy and simple, anyone from your Clan would have followed your orders perfectly, flawlessly, letting you destroy the opposition without an issue.
The assault began as you expected, with the badniks resembling the Ultimate Lifeform, the egg pawns and Buzz bombers rushing towards the waiting horde of blastoids, SWAT bots, cluckoids, turtleoids, crabmeats and burrowbots. Once their attention was fully focused on the machines in front of them, a surprise attack from your ninjas and that human girl and the tank she was driving managed to thin the horde in a significant manner.
Meanwhile, you and the Bounty Hunter were approaching the towering fool to finish him once and for all, with assistance of the gunslinger, using her weapon to snipe the opposition from inside the ruins of the stronghold.
You were about to engage this Zomon…but then metal Sonic comes zooming in from behind, trying to take out the Zeti, completely ignoring your perfect battle plan, and then…
"I ain't failing for that again!" The lummox shouted happily as Metal Sonic twisted in the air as sparks surged from his body. "Now you betta…uh, why aren't you killing the rest?" He thinks out loud as he sees Eggman's creation resist the Zeti's control.
Not missing this opportunity, you quickly rush towards the enemy, using all the strength on your legs, and catapulting towards the Zeti and delivering the strongest kick you can muster right into his head…
You feel your foot connect with his head, the resistance of flesh against your boot…and how it begins sinking for a moment, before your leg bounces from the head, moving you backwards as you spin through the air, and gracefully landing in front of Zomom, who falls to the ground, surprised.
"Ow! Who hit me?" He shouts annoyed as he looks around, his eyes finally landing on you. "Why did you do that?!" He grumbles angrily.
"Because this is a battlefield, you fatass." You remarks snidely as your legs flex and you assume your battle stance. "Now, show me your strength."
"I'm not fat! I'm just chubby!" He shouts as he waves his arms, tears seemingly spilling from his eyes. Pathetic, is this really the force that really has caused Eggman trouble? "I. AM. NOT. FAT!" He shouts pitifully, hoping someone would change reality.
"And I don't care." A chilling voice comes from behind Zomom, who turns around, just to receive a slash to his chest courtesy of the Angel of Death.
"You might not be pirates, but your kind are as despicable as them." Piastol says as she fixes her grip on her weapon, and stares daggers at the Zeti as her beast growls. "I will take pleasure in chopping your head." The Zeti stumbles back as a cut stretches across his chest, drawing blood, you observe the wound calmly.
"Not as deep as I expected. I guess that fat does work for something." You comment out load as you prepare for the upcoming assault.
"Grrrr…that's it! I'm not fat, I'm hungry, and angry!" The barbarian shouts, almost crying as he looks with murderous gaze at both of you. "You have made me hangry!!! I will crush your bones and then eat you!" He roars as he rushes towards you.
You easily sidestep a swing of his arm, and sweep your leg, managing to make the Zeti loose his balance, giving the Reaper another chance to use her scythe and deliver another cut to the back of the Zeti, making him fall over again.
"Ahhhhh! Let me hit you!" The guy wails, as he lands on the ground, looking pitiful.
"And you call yourselves a warrior race?" You scoff annoyed at the challenge this has been. "If so, your leader must be pathetic for employing a ball of fat as one of his enforcers." You crack your neck, ready to finish this and move on.
"You asked for it!" The mammox growls angrily at you. "How do you like this?!" He shouts as he begins to focus, seemingly trying…something.
You don't pay attention to that, as you rush, ready to smash his skull with a hammer kick…when the Bounty Hunter pushes you to the side, making you stumble into the ground.
"What are you-?!" You start shouting, but then look up and realize what just happened. Piastol was holding back Metal Sonic, who tried to skewer you with his claws.
"Ha! How do you like them apples now?" Zomom as he gets up and stands towering over you. "You will pay for calling me fat!"
You tssk annoyingly, having one of Eggman's inventions being taken by them was an issue, but not something you would consider that dangerous.
"Keep the robot busy." You remark calmly to Piastol as your eyes never leave Zomon. "I will finish this quickly."
"Hmpp..easy for…you to say." She remarks as Metal Sonic rushes towards her, ready to crash into her, but she manages to avoid the attack, and letting him speed up towards the battlefield, he quickly drifts to the side, coming for another rush, and in the way, he smashes up on some badniks on the field.
"You will figure it out!" You shout as you jump over another sweep of his arms, and deliver another kick towards his face.
As he falls down once more, you jump and easily land on his chest. As you look down on the felled warrior with a dumb look on his face, you can't help but feel distaste at this beast.
"And this pitiful show is all you can offer?" You remarks as you ready your fist to begin punching him to unconsciousness.
But when you are about to deliver the final blow, you feel something impact your back and drag you through the air and away from your target.
You find Metal Sonic managed to tackle you and use his jet to separate you from your quarry. Growling angrily at him, you manage to grab unto him, and do a judo flip on midair, making the robot and you fall to the ground, and while he just crashes, you manage to stick the landing as expected.
"I told you to keep him busy!" You shout across the battlefield, your voice easily reaching the reaper, as you see Metal get up again and glare menacingly at you.
"I tried! He is way too fast to pin down!" You hear her shout, and by the sounds coming from behind you, it seemed that she was keeping Zomom busy.
"Fine, deal with him then! I will crush this robot easily." You say just as the robot again activates his jet, speeding against you, ready for another ramming attack.
This time you were prepared though, as he neared you, you raise your leg and deliver the most devastating hammer kick you can deliver right on his head!
You feel your foot going numb from the strength of the impact, but it does manage to stop him on his tracks, making him fall to the ground once more, there is even a dent where your boot landed.
You expect this to be the end of that, but a series of beeps and boops come from the robot and suddenly he grasps your leg and…
You are once more thrown away, making you annoyed for the amount of times this has happened, but when you look up towards your opponent you can't help but look surprised.
Metal was holding a pose similar to your own…no way, did that robot was able to copy and analyze your fighting style just like that?
You smile and you retake your pose. Now this will be a fight.
As you wait for the robot to make the first move, a cry resonates across the battlefield. You look from your opponent to see Zomom, filled with wounds all across his body, and the reaper ready to chop his head.
And then you hear a boom, and you see Metal Sonic rushing towards the pair, preparing a kick towards the Bounty hunter, who rolls away from the attack quickly, but isn't fast enough to stop the robot from Picking Zomom and literally carry him away from the battlefield.
"You will pay for this, you hear me?! After I get some lunch will I be back?" The fastass wails as Metal is able to retire him safely from the battleground.
Right then, Sage's voice sounds in the communicator. "All enemies have been defeated. Zomon…has managed to take over brother and get away." The A.I sounds sad at the last part. "Father wants all of you to regroup…he isn't happy about Metal." Figures.
"Next time…I will finish what I started." You promise as you fix your straw hat, and walk back towards the Stronghold, where Starline is ready to return you to base.
So far, this has been a complete victory for you.
Zavok can't help but growl as he watches the disaster of a battle occur. He didn't expect Zomom to be so incompetent to lose all his forces without inflicting any losses towards Eggman. At least, he managed to snag way Metal Sonic, he would make for a nice tool against the Doctor.
Just then, a ring resounds from the communicator on his wrist, activating it, the hologram of your Master appears.
"Master." Zavok nods respectfully towards him. "You shouldn't be out of the medbay so soon."
"And you shouldn't have rushed so recklessly towards the battlefield, young one." He remarks as he strokes his beard. "Rushing towards the battlefield with your head cloud in vengeance is dangerous."
"I know that now, Master." Zavok is thankful for his wisdom, thanks to him, he has been able to grow and become a leader worthy of the Zeti, but still. "I must ask again Master, why did you push so hard for us to attack Eggman this way, if we have send all our forces at once we could have-"
"Could have won?" He finishes you as he shakes his head. "Just as you thought we could have defeated the Empire? Or the Black Arms?" Zavok can't help but growl, remembering the loses he had sustained in the last months.
"Zavok, you show so much promise, but in some areas you are still lacking. War is a dangerous thing, while glory can be found on the battlefield, it's also were fools come to die." He says, imparting his wisdom once more. "Remember Zavok, vengeance must be exact, but above all, it must be a tool for you to employ, to strengthen yourself. Never let it consume you."
Zavok nods, taking the words by heart. "I will Master, but again, I must ask why act this way? We have been given a devastating defeat"
"Ohh…have we?" He remarks with a grin. "We may have lost some badniks and Zomom might have been hurt, but we have come away with more information than Eggman."
"I…don't understand?" Zavok says lost.
"We now know more about the forces he employs, he not only has recovered a significant amount of badniks, but also has powerful warriors in his employ. He might have won this fight, but be sure that it will be us that shall triumph in this war." Master Zik says with intensity in his voice. "Remember this, information is power. The more you know about your enemy, the more you can prepare for them and crush their futile attempts!"
Zavok stays silent for a moment, analyzing the information, nodding as he gets it. "Eggman wouldn't employ living beings in his army before…he has…adapted."
"And now we shall do the same!" Master Zik shouts with a hit from his staff. "Follow the plan Zavok, trust on your strength and preparations, and they shall bring you victory!"
"What now, master?" Zavok remarks, wanting more wisdom from his teacher.
"Now…" He grins evilly. "It's time to show Eggman that his days were counted when he made an enemy of us."
Zomom uses Trait:
Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control of electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zomom can use his Mystic in an attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)
Zomom uses Trait:
Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control of electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zomom can use his Mystic in an attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)
Metal Sonic-Resist Zeti's control (Heart Check) Result: 1d100 (33) + 0(Metal) + 10(Obey EGGMAN!) Total: 43
Critical Failure!
Zomon, angry and hungry, has finally managed to make Metal submit to his Hangriness! He will remain under his control until Zomon HP Drops to 0!
Metal Immediately turns up and destroys some of the groups Badniks (Result of the critfail)
Zomon, the Shadow Androids, and Metal Sonic lose 1 HP.
Metal trait Copycat Activates!
Rolling to see who he copies a combat trait from!
2) Piastol
3) Conquering Storm
Result: 2!
Metal Sonic copies Piastol Whie Darf!
Metal synthesises a fitting trait!
Silver Subdwarf: Metal adds half his Mystic stat to use in matters of Combat, Life, Death, and Void.
Metal Obtains 10 Mystic!
He learns to cast Eterni based spells like Piastol!
Zomon trait activates:
Bulbous Build: Zomom can only be damaged when on an unmodified attack roll of 35 or higher.
Zomon takes no damage!
Metal Sonic loses 1 HP!
Metal Trait Copycat activates!
Rolling to see who he copies a combat trait from!
2) Piastol
3) Conquering Storm
Result= 3!
Metal Copies Conquering Storm Ninjutsu Specialist!
Metal gains +2 Trickery!
At this point, Zavok recalls Zomon, telling him to retreat!
Zomon and Metal retreat from the battlefield!
This will proc one more Combat round, if Egg Party cannot drop the enemy to 0 on this round, the Enemy flees, while the enemy rolls with disadvantage (Negating their advantage)
Not much is know about them despite they current invasion on Green Hills but thanks to some talks with Isara Gunther, the newest soldier of the Eggman Empire, end up revealing some insights upon the country. Admittedly her knowledge about her world geopolitical affairs is more street wise than a detailed thesis from a Spagonia University student but it will suffice for now.
The East Europan Imperial Allaince, better know as the Empire, is a country formed by a alliance of several fiefdoms that swear fealty to a single emperor or kaiser. However much of Europan nations see this formation of such country almost overnight disfavourable so the Empire lack much allies in the continent, the situation only worsen when some two centuries ago the continent was grippe by democratic revolutions that banded itself together in loose coalition called the Atlantic Federation efficitly cuttign the continent on half. Suffice to say they get along as well as a Spagonian and a Mazuri locked together in the same room.
Either way the Empire is aggressive, militaristic and advanced in their world. According to miss Gunther both the Federation and the Empire has fought two major wars in a very shorten span of time, in fact she come from the second conflict that was brough fort by ragnite shortage and was due to this mineral her homeland, the Principality of Gallia, was invaded and conquered.
Gallia apperently used to be a province of the Empire some 150 years ago that manage to become fully independent and was in turn recongizable by the Federation as a independent country. However miss Gunther notes that, culturally and socially, Gallians and Imperials are not far removed from one another, the divide that led to Gallian independence seems more pragmatic than ideological as there appears to be little in the way of lingering animosity between the two peoples.
Because of their unique ties to the Federation and the Empire, Gallia adopted a position of neutrality much to the frustration of both powers that wanted the country to be firmily their ally.
One would think Gallia would be a ideal ground for rebellion but miss Gunther grimly notes that despite being conquered in a unprovoked war the citizenry may simple opt to be part of the new order instead of rebelled simple due to little bad blood between both countries and their rarely disagree on most subjects.
However there's a light in the end of tunnel. Shortly before the Shattering, the Empire has conquered some Federation territory while is unclear if these occupied lands were brought in this new world but if did it could prove fertile grounds for insurrection and rebellion.
While Dr. Eggman masterfully announcement has possible brought forth some sort of instability in the Empire. The darcsen, while treated poorly, would not raise arms agaisnt the country as miss Gunther... quaint lessons of her people ways are to be believe she's more of a outlier than a main trend, they would rather seek to flee to Dr. Eggman lands than fight back.
No, if violent armed rebellion is to rise it will be by the hands of former Federation citizens. If properly exploited uprisings in these territories could force the Empire to divert resources away from its expansionist ambitions and perhaps even weaken its grip on other regions.
I need to check Agent Stone report about the Empire to see it corroborate with my theories.
Starline out.
So here is my omake basically a brief history about the Empire from Isara point of view and well she's not exactly fond of Gallia, specially they nobility and considering in VC2 they declare open rebellion with the intent in purging the darcsen from Gallia, it's not much stretch to believe both Gallia and the Empire agree with a lot of subjects and has little bad blood between both countries making easier for assimilation and unfortunate the country is probably a dead end to distabelize the Empire.
But there's still the Federation occupied territories.
Also Spagonia, in my headcannon, have it's own colonial history, to fit the Old World feeling hey have, and Mazuri was once target of they depredations while relations significant warm compared to back then they don't exactly like each other.
I know there has been talk about how...unsatisfactory the currrent battle system is, for lack of strategyzing, we have been aware of that and tried to. come up with ways for changing it.
After a long discussion with my COQMs we have come up with a solution.
We have decided to try a battle system from another CK2 Quest, this one set in the 8 BIT Dystopia Deluxe,Bound to Earth. Made by Crosswire. Much thanks to them for giving their permission to employ it on this quest!
The following battle system (which will be used for raid and adventures) is as follows:
When your Egg Party clashes with enemy forces, a Battle will be Proc:
During a Battle the players will be able to vote on the individual actions of any relevant controlled characters in that battle.
Be it the player character and any accompanying companions in a single team fight, or Hero Units spread across a larger pitched battle.
Each character under the control of the players in a battle has a set number of Action Points (AP) they can spend to make certain decisions in a fight.
Different decisions operate off the character's various stats. With some decisions requiring more actions to take then others.
Instead of trying to meet a set DC, the player's actions are directly pitted against the aims and actions of their enemies.
Once a course of action has been decided on by the players, the battle will proceed and the results will be shown. The battle may take a number of turns and will end once it's reached some type of conclusion.
Failing rolls during a battle doesn't automatically mean defeat, and succeeding your initial batch of rolls doesn't automatically mean victory. Battles can end in a number of ways and the results aren't wholly binary.
For Badniks, their control is much limited, they can be ordered simple actions, like "guard this place" or "Engage this enemy" or employ a special trait or ability they possess.
We are still fully adapting this system to our quest, for Raids and Adventures
We have not fully decided if the next 2 waves of the invasion will be done using this system or go with the current one and the following one will be employing this new one.
Please wait as we fully decide how to proceed and continue with the raid.