[X] "Yare yare daze."
[X]"...so, you come up here often?"

We can pick two, you know.

The first will be about the situation in general, the second will address our follower.
[X]Introduce yourself.
[X]"...so, you come up here often?"

The words themselves are a bad pick-up attempt, but Jotaro's so deadpan Mizore will honestly wonder if it's that, or if he's being completely serious.
Hm, are the Joestars of the nobility? I know that George was quite a wealthy man given his bitchin' estate but I'm not sure if there's an actual title involved, rather than merely being a wealthy gentleman.

EDIT: Well I've tried out the 7th Stand User thing, I've somehow managed to create a female Caesar (personality wise) with a gassy ninja.
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[X]Introduce yourself.
[X]"...so, you come up here often?"

Not exactly IC since he is talking here but then again I guess he might be unsettled right now so anything is possible.