.....fucking Christ, does she sincerely believe that?!
7/10 for the chapter, mostly because I disagree with how you have handled Kurumu here or rather how you have handled [Kurumu's feeling for Tsukune vs. her friendship with Moka]
My critic has three points
1. Tsukune is not hurt by this, he is rather just frustrated with the situation, which is
not hurt and Kurumu should know this, thus her feeling sorry for herself has no basis other then Moka
2. Moka and Kurumu are not [that close] yet, they might friends, but they aren't battle sisters yet, the fought one [major enemy] so far and in fact had even less fights together then compared to canon, given that their canon counterparts would have already faced the disciplinary squad at this point
3. Tsukune is as far as Kurumu is concerned at this point of canon, her [destined one] her Chosen love that she should look her whole life for and which is as far as we know the pinnacle of her species culture, given that Kurumu was ready to brainwash and enslave as many male students as possible to find it, until she was stopped and for who she would risk her life without a second thought, as seen by her canon counter part, which had no seconds thoughts about saving Tsukune when he was accused of being human, which is something that is punished by death
So in my opinion between the fact that they should be as much friends as they are rivals in love at this point of the story and given the sheer importance that Kurumu places on her Tsukune for being her [Destined One], as well as the relationship that is implied with it, I think Kurumu should be far more stubborn and protective about her relationship with Tsukune and care less about Moka's feelings, not because she lacks empathy but simple because her feelings for Tsukune simple outweigh her friendship with Moka
Never mind the fact that this result always lied at the end of this road, given that they were always in a competition for Tsukune's affection,
There would always be [the sad One] that lost the race the moment the other won and Kurumu's should have known this at least intellectually, if not in her heart