What I think is just as possibly dangerous as Jotaro is Jolyne if she is a ice woman in this universe. Stone Ocean is dangerous in and of itself, but if she can use her demon powers to freeze opponents (if she will be our daughter from Mizore) while they are tied by Stone Ocean, Pucci will die before he gets a chance to get Made in Heaven (because she was close to defeating him several times if I remember correctly) and Jotaro will be saved.
Jolyne being a yukionna will be one hell of a change.
Not just talking about the powers she'd get, even if they're great such as freezing enemies as you said or making ice clones of people, but the fact she'll have what's pretty much guaranteed to be a bigger group of people to interact with in the yukionna clan, unlike in canon when IIRC it seemed like she was really isolated.
[X]Tell her, pointedly, that that kind of attitude isn't going to make things better for anyone. She needs to have this discussion with Tsukune and Moka.
-[X] Make sure to point out that backing down just because Moka's being a pissy tsundere is probably a bad idea for everyone involved. It needs to be an actual DISCUSSION, not just going up and handing over her metaphorical lunch money.
Jolyne being a yukionna will be one hell of a change.
Not just talking about the powers she'd get, even if they're great such as freezing enemies as you said or making ice clones of people, but the fact she'll have what's pretty much guaranteed to be a bigger group of people to interact with in the yukionna clan, unlike in canon when IIRC it seemed like she was really isolated.
Remember to watch out that Auntie Moka doesn't spoil her too much. :V
I know what Stand Battles are, I'm not that green in the Jojo community. If we also learn the bullet trick Jotaro showed in part 4, we'll also have some range, and maybe take something from DIO and use knifes while time is stopped. Would shock any opponent to the point that it might prevent them from reacting in time.

What I think is just as possibly dangerous as Jotaro is Jolyne if she is a ice woman in this universe. Stone Ocean is dangerous in and of itself, but if she can use her demon powers to freeze opponents (if she will be our daughter from Mizore) while they are tied by Stone Ocean, Pucci will die before he gets a chance to get Made in Heaven (because she was close to defeating him several times if I remember correctly) and Jotaro will be saved.

Also Eva, if during Stardust Crusaders we requite Polnareff (most likely we will), then show the picture of his most ridiculously great pose. It's magical and everyone knows it!

Also, Kakyoin needs to become Morioh's MILF hunter. With him around, several opponent Stand Users would be defeated easily.

Keep in mind just as the good guys get the benefits of the crossover so do the villains.

Puchi would certainly have monster stand user allies he is not going to be the same as JOJO canon. Hell he could be a vampire just to keep the theme of the joestars endless battle against them.

DIO's surprime arrogance would not stand for anyone being superior to him in anyway. He'll find a way somehow to upgrade himself useing Shinzo Vanpires if not somehow subverting Alucard. He would never settle for second fiddle and really the only beings able to stop him is currently either sealed or in high school ( and not able to defeat him yet anyways)

Dio is without a doubt the true final boss of this quest and in doing so being a fitting viallin from both sides. From the JOJO side he's the guy who set everything into motion and by his actions brought the Joestar clan into the supernatural world and caused them no end of suffering. From the Rosario side he's basically the worst of both worlds both human and monster to become the closest thing to pure evil that exists.

To quote a certain lych
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Keep in mind just as the good guys get the benefits of the crossover so do the villains.

Puchi would certainly have monster stand user allies he is not going to be the same as JOJO canon. Hell he could be a vampire just to keep the theme of the joestars endless battle against them.

DIO's surprime arrogance would not stand for anyone being superior to him in anyway. He'll find a way somehow to upgrade himself useing Shinzo Vanpires if not somehow subverting Alucard. He would never settle for second fiddle and really the only beings able to stop him is currently either sealed or in high school ( and not able to defeat him yet anyways)

Dio is without a doubt the true final boss of this quest and in doing so being a fitting viallin from both sides. From the JOJO side he's the guy who set everything into motion and by his actions brought the Joestar clan into the supernatural world and caused them no end of suffering. From the Rosario side he's basically the worst of both worlds both human and monster to become the closest thing to pure evil that exists.
IIRC eva mentioned that we'll get things after Dio.
Since that's when Alucard will be making his move.
[X]Tell her, pointedly, that that kind of attitude isn't going to make things better for anyone. She needs to have this discussion with Tsukune and Moka.

Better not to be harsh when she's this vulnerable, I think. And it's consistent with our previous advice.
So... even post Dio we are f-ed?

Oh, I hope we get the whole fight with the school police soon. Just finished that arc in the manga and I really want to beat the shit out of that smug bastard who killed us the first time (I keep forgetting names dammit!), but first we'll need to study, train both our Hamon (or Ripple or Sendo, Zeppeli doesn't give a f***) and meditate to control Star Platinum. Who knows, maybe we'll unlock Time Stop and master it to up about a second, which could give us some advantage against enemies.

FYI, how should we call our Time Stop Ability?

[] Stand Still (got the idea from Devil May Cry 3), Command: [Star Platinum: Stand Still! (time freezes)]?
[] Just Star Platinum, Command: [Star Platinum! (time freezes)]?
[] Nothing, you don't give any command and just stop time silently, surprising your opponent?

It's not a real vote, but I would like to hear what you think. Did I make this believable enough? Will Eva actually decide to make this question a literal choice for us all once we unlock time stop? Who knows.

Right now, as a proud, strong, ass-kicking senpai, it's our responsibility to make sure our underclassmen turn things south. We have a cool-headed girlfriend who can be understanding enough, and if those fucking "Justice" brats show up, we ORA ORA their asses until they fly to the moon with Hamon burns. (Sorry, I still dislike these punks, and we still have an unresolved matter with the spider-bitch)
So... even post Dio we are f-ed?

Oh, I hope we get the whole fight with the school police soon. Just finished that arc in the manga and I really want to beat the shit out of that smug bastard who killed us the first time (I keep forgetting names dammit!), but first we'll need to study, train both our Hamon (or Ripple or Sendo, Zeppeli doesn't give a f***) and meditate to control Star Platinum. Who knows, maybe we'll unlock Time Stop and master it to up about a second, which could give us some advantage against enemies.

FYI, how should we call our Time Stop Ability?

[] Stand Still (got the idea from Devil May Cry 3), Command: [Star Platinum: Stand Still! (time freezes)]?
[] Just Star Platinum, Command: [Star Platinum! (time freezes)]?
[] Nothing, you don't give any command and just stop time silently, surprising your opponent?

It's not a real vote, but I would like to hear what you think. Did I make this believable enough? Will Eva actually decide to make this question a literal choice for us all once we unlock time stop? Who knows.

Right now, as a proud, strong, ass-kicking senpai, it's our responsibility to make sure our underclassmen turn things south. We have a cool-headed girlfriend who can be understanding enough, and if those fucking "Justice" brats show up, we ORA ORA their asses until they fly to the moon with Hamon burns. (Sorry, I still dislike these punks, and we still have an unresolved matter with the spider-bitch)

No just the opposite. Post DIO Jotaro would be one of the most powerful people on the planet. However even the most powerful people on the planet have weaknesses or can be defeated by certain stands.

Take Dio for example dude can body basically anyone and everyone in the world and is extremely difficult to defeat. However he'd be defeated instantly against the Sun stand user and death 13 if it caught him while asleep ( if he still sleeps it looks like he does but not sure) could kill him.Not to mention certain situations can be used to kill him like say UV lights and sunlight.

To use a part 4 example the Hand is easily more powerful then anything else even SP. However it's user just... can't really use it correctly. It's a one hit kill, teleporter, distance closer, unbreakable sheild and fucker of so much stuff. But how it's used is clumsy at best.

Power While useful is not the determining factor in a fight in JOJO. It's the mind behind the power that makes them strong.

Calm down that fights going to happen but I'd like to push it back as long as possible.

It already has a name Star Platinum: The World.

We also just got our ass kicked. I feel the need to reiterate this one more time we are not invincible Makeing a dumb mistake is always lethal.
Yeah, I remember The Sun now... wow its user really was stupid.

Empress was also impressive, The Lovers, whatever Stands the Darby brothers use. They were all incredible Stands that were not based on strength. I know that strength is not the biggest factor. Hell, the recent episode in Vento Aureo showed that. Stands are brilliant powers because of that factor.

In a close range fight, Star Platinum has a major advantage in terms of speed, power and endurance and a time stop to give an edge and to prevent an ability usage, but we aren't invincible, that is true.

I also didn't understand what the fuck happened in the fight that we lost, it wasn't clear enough (that was probably the intention, I just didn't realize what happened).

On another note, EvaUnite01 said that he hated the name Star Platinum: The World (I myself love it, it's so awesome hearing it, especially in the ultra manly voice of Daisuke Ono. "Suta Purachina: Za Warudo!", pure manliness). I just want an alternative name he would approve of if we don't go with Star Platinum: The World.

I agree, we should wait with fighting and build ourselves back up after the loss. I just hate these anti-human, militaristic f***s with a passion, and while they "want" to "keep the peace" and "protect the school", they are f***faces. Also I want to see the love triangle play out further, and as I said, we need to train. No way these monsters will leave us be after hearing about our defeat.
We also might need to fight the Medusa again, since she had a pivotal part in the School Safety Committee arc. Let's hope we can get Gin back for that, since he was really good in there.
I also didn't understand what the fuck happened in the fight that we lost, it wasn't clear enough (that was probably the intention, I just didn't realize what happened).
That's okay; Jotaro doesn't understand what the fuck happened either.
Neither does Zombie Chick, for that matter.

On another note, EvaUnite01 said that he hated the name Star Platinum: The World (I myself love it, it's so awesome hearing it, especially in the ultra manly voice of Daisuke Ono. "Suta Purachina: Za Warudo!", pure manliness). I just want an alternative name he would approve of if we don't go with Star Platinum: The World.
I already have one in mind, and it's technically even both still Tarot-based and thematically appropriate.

I agree, we should wait with fighting and build ourselves back up after the loss. I just hate these anti-human, militaristic f***s with a passion, and while they "want" to "keep the peace" and "protect the school", they are f***faces.
Yeah, they're basically Youkai Yakuza Nazis.
[X]Ask Kurumu if she really thinks that fantasizing about killing herself will magically solve the problem. It's only slight hyperbole on your part, but a verbal slap in the face like that should piss her off enough to get her back onto a healthier mental track.
[X]Tell her, pointedly, that that kind of attitude isn't going to make things better for anyone. She needs to have this discussion with Tsukune and Moka.

Kurumu trying to cut herself out of Moka's and Tsukune's lives would just end up with everyone feeling guilty over the situation. And that leaves nobody happy.
[X]Tell her, pointedly, that that kind of attitude isn't going to make things better for anyone. She needs to have this discussion with Tsukune and Moka.
[X]Tell her, pointedly, that that kind of attitude isn't going to make things better for anyone. She needs to have this discussion with Tsukune and Moka.

Kurumu trying to cut herself out of Moka's and Tsukune's lives would just end up with everyone feeling guilty over the situation. And that leaves nobody happy.

We'd be dealing with Moka saying the same damn thing right after.

The only way jotaro can get this taken care of is to take drastic action.

The three of them are going to be locked in a room with both the sane members of the friends circle standing guard with clubs and not let out until they've hashed everything out.
...OKAY THAT'S IT. :anger::anger::anger::mad::mad::mad::rage::rage::rage:



At least we might make this right before crazy shit like Kyukou and the Anti-Thesis appear. We need them emotionally strong for when shit hits the fan.

Speaking of Anti-Thesis, people like Keira and Hokubou (kinda forgot their names, so this isn't how their names are spelled, but you get who I'm talking about) are really strong and though opponents that would require us to close the distance either by working together with the rest or use time stop.
[X]Tell her, pointedly, that that kind of attitude isn't going to make things better for anyone. She needs to have this discussion with Tsukune and Moka.
[X]Tell her, pointedly, that that kind of attitude isn't going to make things better for anyone. She needs to have this discussion with Tsukune and Moka.
At least we might make this right before crazy shit like Kyukou and the Anti-Thesis appear. We need them emotionally strong for when shit hits the fan.

Speaking of Anti-Thesis, people like Keira and Hokubou (kinda forgot their names, so this isn't how their names are spelled, but you get who I'm talking about) are really strong and though opponents that would require us to close the distance either by working together with the rest or use time stop.

We have far more options then just time stop for fighting at a distance or closing the distance.

Star finger gives us a surpriseing way of starting or ending a fight well outside of the usual 5 M range.

Bullet flicking ( or icicle flicking as we have an unlimited source of those) combined with SP's vision gives us far more range then most stands and can certainly close out a fight depending on the opponent.

Hamon is endlessly versatile and can turn anything into a lethal weapon especially against monsters.
We have far more options then just time stop for fighting at a distance or closing the distance.

Star finger gives us a surpriseing way of starting or ending a fight well outside of the usual 5 M range.

Bullet flicking ( or icicle flicking as we have an unlimited source of those) combined with SP's vision gives us far more range then most stands and can certainly close out a fight depending on the opponent.

Hamon is endlessly versatile and can turn anything into a lethal weapon especially against monsters.

Of course! I keep forgetting about Star Finger (mostly because Araki forgot about it)! Anyway, we should look for substances that conduct Hamon well (such as oil) and find containers or places we can keep them on our body.

I think we can have a fantastic synergy with Mizore, since she can create icicles and ice spears that we can throw with Star Platinum (hey, maybe we can do what Jotaro did against Pucci: stop time and throw a spear), or have a rope from Hamon-conducting material to grab an opponent's limb from afar and burn them with Hamon.

Once we learn bullet flicking, we can use ST's speed to flick them really fast. Star Platinum really is versatile even without Za Warudo itself helping it.

Well, Jotaro's mind is still his greatest asset, as a sharp mind and knowledge are the key factors in Stand Battles, plus we have Hamon to do major damage to Youkai, as well as a Stand with strength close to that of a super-vampire.

We will show both world, the Stand World and Demon World why Jotaro Kujo is to be feared.
.....fucking Christ, does she sincerely believe that?!

7/10 for the chapter, mostly because I disagree with how you have handled Kurumu here or rather how you have handled [Kurumu's feeling for Tsukune vs. her friendship with Moka]

My critic has three points

1. Tsukune is not hurt by this, he is rather just frustrated with the situation, which is not hurt and Kurumu should know this, thus her feeling sorry for herself has no basis other then Moka
2. Moka and Kurumu are not [that close] yet, they might friends, but they aren't battle sisters yet, the fought one [major enemy] so far and in fact had even less fights together then compared to canon, given that their canon counterparts would have already faced the disciplinary squad at this point
3. Tsukune is as far as Kurumu is concerned at this point of canon, her [destined one] her Chosen love that she should look her whole life for and which is as far as we know the pinnacle of her species culture, given that Kurumu was ready to brainwash and enslave as many male students as possible to find it, until she was stopped and for who she would risk her life without a second thought, as seen by her canon counter part, which had no seconds thoughts about saving Tsukune when he was accused of being human, which is something that is punished by death

So in my opinion between the fact that they should be as much friends as they are rivals in love at this point of the story and given the sheer importance that Kurumu places on her Tsukune for being her [Destined One], as well as the relationship that is implied with it, I think Kurumu should be far more stubborn and protective about her relationship with Tsukune and care less about Moka's feelings, not because she lacks empathy but simple because her feelings for Tsukune simple outweigh her friendship with Moka

Never mind the fact that this result always lied at the end of this road, given that they were always in a competition for Tsukune's affection,
There would always be [the sad One] that lost the race the moment the other won and Kurumu's should have known this at least intellectually, if not in her heart
7/10 for the chapter, mostly because I disagree with how you have handled Kurumu here or rather how you have handled [Kurumu's feeling for Tsukune vs. her friendship with Moka]

My critic has three points

1. Tsukune is not hurt by this, he is rather just frustrated with the situation, which is not hurt and Kurumu should know this, thus her feeling sorry for herself has no basis other then Moka
2. Moka and Kurumu are not [that close] yet, they might friends, but they aren't battle sisters yet, the fought one [major enemy] so far and in fact had even less fights together then compared to canon, given that their canon counterparts would have already faced the disciplinary squad at this point
3. Tsukune is as far as Kurumu is concerned at this point of canon, her [destined one] her Chosen love that she should look her whole life for and which is as far as we know the pinnacle of her species culture, given that Kurumu was ready to brainwash and enslave as many male students as possible to find it, until she was stopped and for who she would risk her life without a second thought, as seen by her canon counter part, which had no seconds thoughts about saving Tsukune when he was accused of being human, which is something that is punished by death

So in my opinion between the fact that they should be as much friends as they are rivals in love at this point of the story and given the sheer importance that Kurumu places on her Tsukune for being her [Destined One], as well as the relationship that is implied with it, I think Kurumu should be far more stubborn and protective about her relationship with Tsukune and care less about Moka's feelings, not because she lacks empathy but simple because her feelings for Tsukune simple outweigh her friendship with Moka

Never mind the fact that this result always lied at the end of this road, given that they were always in a competition for Tsukune's affection,
There would always be [the sad One] that lost the race the moment the other won and Kurumu's should have known this at least intellectually, if not in her heart
Yeah, it does seem a little peculiar that Kurumu's THIS distressed. I wonder if there might be other background history or information that Jotaro doesn't really know about....

Beyond that, I'll try to get another Moka Sidestory up soon, after which will come the next update.
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Also, recall that we're less than a month out from the quest's anniversary, so if anyone has any questions they'd like to field for the Totally Superfluous Fourth Annual Q&A Special, now wouldn't be a bad time to start thinking of them.