Man, these dice do not like to swing any way but towards extremes it feels like. But hey, maybe we can see about maybe getting a regular sparring partner out of this.

I'd doubt Jojo would mind getting more practice in after the ass whupping he got- and it seems like most of Jojo's training lately hasn't actually involved applying it in combat anyways.
So this must be the Shonen levels of escalation I've heard about, Following this trend eventually we are going to face conceptual enemies like satan or some shit. Either way I'll see what happens next. I'm a little disappointed that we didn't have the opportunity to roll, But either way she's way too strong for it to matter.

Our next course of action obviously is a training montage while we lick our wounds, Because if some hopped up low tier monster can beat us then what's stopping the rest from doing so?

Though I've read so many quests already with the shonen cycle I dunno If this will deviate from that plot formula.

Final note: A rumbly in my tummy bested a joestar due to QM fiat :p

Um, whooops?

I'm sorry?
Nothing to be sorry about, QM just decided to dunk on us. It's called Rule zero.
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[X]Go back to your dorm and lick your wounds.
-[X]Grab Mizore on the way. You don't need pity or sympathy, but it's still comforting just to be with her.
[x]Go back to your dorm and lick your wounds.
-[x]Alone. Your pride's at least as battered as your body, and you don't want anyone's pity or sympathy right now.

Um, whooops?

I'm sorry?
I will at least say that if Jotaro had gone into that seriously committed to winning from the start instead of "just letting things play out as they will", he would have put up a much better showing regardless of whether he won or not.
Of course, I won't deny that Temporal Fuckery Nausea played a very significant role in the match as well, so in a lot of ways the "???" roll screwed you almost as badly as the nat crit on Jotaro's reaction to Revenant's aggression crit.
But hey, at least you got a new friend out of this! :V
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[X]Go back to your dorm and lick your wounds.
-[X]Grab Mizore on the way. You don't need pity or sympathy, but it's still comforting just to be with her.
Huh welp we just got served some humble pie.
Forgot how much we rely on constant effects to stay competitive.

Hopefully he treats this as a lesson learned and either pulls out SP's full form or Hamon full charge from now on

Temporal fuckery? Did Dio use Za waldo somewhere and we picked up on it?
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[x]Go track down Kurumu and let her unload her share of the ongoing bullshit so you can process it overnight. (random chance of an additional encounter at any point during the scenario)
[x]Go track down Kurumu and let her unload her share of the ongoing bullshit so you can process it overnight. (random chance of an additional encounter at any point during the scenario)
You feel an immense wave of nausea, and then the next thing you know, you're back in the ring and your limbs are racked with agony. Zombie Girl is popping an arm back into place at the shoulder, and you have no idea if she threw it out or if you did that during your nausea-induced haze.
But does 'how it happened' really even matter if it fails to have any bearing on the 'end result'?
Another wave of nausea hits, and as you barely suppress the urge to puke, the next thing you know, Zombie Chick has you slung across her shoulders like a sack of bricks. With a monstrous heave and a yell of what sounds like some kind of gothic-inspired attack name, she slings you around and slams you face-first into the mat, the remainder of your limp body following closely behind.
I will at least say that if Jotaro had gone into that seriously committed to winning from the start instead of "just letting things play out as they will", he would have put up a much better showing regardless of whether he won or not.
Of course, I won't deny that Temporal Fuckery Nausea played a very significant role in the match as well, so in a lot of ways the "???" roll screwed you almost as badly as the nat crit on Jotaro's reaction to Revenant's aggression crit.
But hey, at least you got a new friend out of this! :V
Invisitext. I wonder if we actually made a friend though. If we didn't yet, then I suppose we should just visit again for a rematch at some point.

Narratively speaking, I'm okay with how this went. We weren't really invested in winning, which was reflected in Jotaro's attitude, and we/he got a wake-up call out of it. Turns out that despite all our bullshit, we're still a human in a school of Monsters and we should be mindful of that fact.

[X]Go back to your dorm and lick your wounds.
-[X]Get both Mizore and Kurumu. You can start recovering, Kurumu can get her sobbing done, and Mizore can continue patching everyone up like a goddamn purple-haired savior.
Our adorable group of kouhai still need our help and having Mizore there to help with social would be better than Jotaro trying to do it alone.
I bet that nausea was caused by that weird feeling we got back when we talked to Yukari. Intrigue is afoot. Could the student council have hexed us? Or someone else?

[x]Go track down Kurumu and let her unload her share of the ongoing bullshit so you can process it overnight. (random chance of an additional encounter at any point during the scenario)

I'm a fool for random encounters.
we got whooped.... jesus! ok so now we know, undead monsters reign supreme.... Vampires, zombies, etc. They op op.

[X]Go track down Kurumu and let her unload her share of the ongoing bullshit so you can process it overnight. (random chance of an additional encounter at any point during the scenario)
Hm, I can think of a way to spin this so that we keep our "don't mess with him" reputation.

Basically: When questioned, just say that she didn't piss us off beforehand, then point to what we did to her predecessor as an example of what happens to those that DO provoke us.

That'd give them the idea that they might be able to win a "friendly" match, but that they should still be careful with us, since one misstep could lead to (insert name here): Retired. Which is largely true, really; how seriously Jotaro takes a fight is directly proportionate to how much his opponent pissed him off.
[X]Go back to your dorm and lick your wounds.
-[X]Get both Mizore and Kurumu. You can start recovering, Kurumu can get her sobbing done, and Mizore can continue patching everyone up like a goddamn purple-haired savior.
[X]Go back to your dorm and lick your wounds.
-[X]Get both Mizore and Kurumu. You can start recovering, Kurumu can get her sobbing done, and Mizore can continue patching everyone up like a goddamn purple-haired savior.
[X]Go back to your dorm and lick your wounds.
-[X]Get both Mizore and Kurumu. You can start recovering, Kurumu can get her sobbing done, and Mizore can continue patching everyone up like a goddamn purple-haired savior.

Sounds like the best bet to both heal and help Kurumu because Jotaro doesn't social well. Also we do need a good sparring partner and zombie chick just screams JoJo friend to me.
[X]Go track down Kurumu and let her unload her share of the ongoing bullshit so you can process it overnight. (random chance of an additional encounter at any point during the scenario)
[X]Go back to your dorm and lick your wounds.
-[X]Get both Mizore and Kurumu. You can start recovering, Kurumu can get her sobbing done, and Mizore can continue patching everyone up like a goddamn purple-haired savior.

Sounds like the best bet to both heal and help Kurumu because Jotaro doesn't social well. Also we do need a good sparring partner and zombie chick just screams JoJo friend to me.

I'm hoping for a chance for a rematch (whatever other bullshit was going on, we made the mistake of not taking it seriosly. Not a mistake we'll make again) and establishing the extent that Jotaro can, anyway.
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[X]Go back to your dorm and lick your wounds.
-[X]Get both Mizore and Kurumu. You can start recovering, Kurumu can get her sobbing done, and Mizore can continue patching everyone up like a goddamn purple-haired savior.
I'm hoping for a chance for a rematch (whatever other bullshit was going on, we made the mistake of not taking it seriosly. Not a mistake we'll make again) and establishing the extent that Jotaro can, anyway.
Honestly, why?
We're going to have a lot on our plate, spending it on some random person just seems weird when events keep progressing and certainly won't slow down.
The JJBA side of things haven't fully started up yet.