[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.

Anything else world be out of character, really.:grin:
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.

This is the kind of problem Jotaro handles best. Tempting fate with that "only a formality" line, though. Hopefully this time Star Platinum can convince them to accept defeat.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
[X]...you know what? Fuck the wrestling club and whatever grievance they think they have. Chopper robbed your own Mechanics Club, and you made him pay for it.

Is this the smart option? No.

...Do I want to do it anyway? :grin: Yes.
[X]...you know what? Fuck the wrestling club and whatever grievance they think they have. Chopper robbed your own Mechanics Club, and you made him pay for it.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.

Not sure why people are voting to ignore this, I'd rather nip it in the bud so that Tsukune, Moka, and Kurumu can handle their drama without anyone being taken hostage.
That is an Excellent point.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.

Gives us a chance to get some practice fighting with Star Platinum without risking our friends in the process.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
-[X] Give them the chance to back down and leave you and your friends alone before you beat the crap out of them. They haven't done anything yet so they deserve that much.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
[X]...you know what? Fuck the wrestling club and whatever grievance they think they have. Chopper robbed your own Mechanics Club, and you made him pay for it.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
[X]...you know what? Fuck the wrestling club and whatever grievance they think they have. Chopper robbed your own Mechanics Club, and you made him pay for it.
-[X] Make sure to tell them you don't care about them, you only had a problem with chopper.
--[X] Thank Gin for the warning.

I figured we should at least include a 'thank you' for Gin, since despite not liking us he still warned us

Who knows, it might even lead to another friend down the road
[X]Accept the challenge on the Wrestling Club's own turf. Finish this business where it began, before this can escalate and involve any of your friends.
-[X] Give them the chance to back down and leave you and your friends alone before you beat the crap out of them. They haven't done anything yet so they deserve that much.
--[X] Thank Gin for the warning.

I like these additions.
I figured we should at least include a 'thank you' for Gin, since despite not liking us he still warned us

Who knows, it might even lead to another friend down the road
It's not a warning, it's a challenge. Gin providing this information isn't to protect us from getting ambushed or some such, it's to convey the Wrestling Club's desire for the fight the votes say we're about to go have. Jotaro's got no reason (beyond out-of-character knowledge that Gin becomes a good guy in the source material) for getting friendly with him, and him acting as the agent of some asshole would, if anything, reinforce that.
It's not a warning, it's a challenge. Gin providing this information isn't to protect us from getting ambushed or some such, it's to convey the Wrestling Club's desire for the fight the votes say we're about to go have. Jotaro's got no reason (beyond out-of-character knowledge that Gin becomes a good guy in the source material) for getting friendly with him, and him acting as the agent of some asshole would, if anything, reinforce that.

No it is a warning because in case you forgot, this is fucking Youkai Academy, where if somebody wants to start a fight they simple start a fight and it's not like the Wrestling club lacks members or that we lack 'mob/lackey-class' enemies that could act as simple messengers, in case the new Wrestling club captain needed somebody to play messenger,

Also since that makes Gin an 'outsider' in this situation, the Wrestling Club have no reason to involve him which means it is highly unlikely that he heared it from them

Given Gin's occupation as a member of the NPC, it is far more likely that he found out about it through gossip and then, despite having no reason to tell us, came to us to tell us about the Guy, which makes it a warning

And for that I want to thank him, nothing more,

Because he warned us despite our relationship and that is something I can respect
No it is a warning because in case you forgot, this is fucking Youkai Academy, where if somebody wants to start a fight they simple start a fight and it's not like the Wrestling club lacks members or that we lack 'mob/lackey-class' enemies that could act as simple messengers, in case the new Wrestling club captain needed somebody to play messenger,

Also since that makes Gin an 'outsider' in this situation, the Wrestling Club have no reason to involve him which means it is highly unlikely that he heared it from them

Given Gin's occupation as a member of the NPC, it is far more likely that he found out about it through gossip and then, despite having no reason to tell us, came to us to tell us about the Guy, which makes it a warning

And for that I want to thank him, nothing more,

Because he warned us despite our relationship and that is something I can respect
Assuming he's not straight-up lying, he did in fact have a reason for telling us. Specifically that he was asked to, presumably by the Wrestling Club.
"I don't want to have to see your mug either," he says with an annoying sneer, "but I was asked to give you a message.
We could speculate about why he got sent instead of some Wrestling Club member (I figure he just knows someone and none of the actual club members have class with us), but it doesn't particularly matter. What matters is that he's not doing it for our benefit. He's doing it on the say-so of some asshole who wants us punched in the face, and we owe no gratitude for that.