I suppose I can look forward to being intensely amused if it turns out the Witches had back-up and upgrades from canon and we could have set off a giant clusterfuck by sending in the Jojos and making them panic.
Incapacitating enemies is a thing you know.

Honestly all the fear mongering is just going to make things worse; Joseph and Jotaro are skilled enough to not kill them even if the witches are going all out.

Stop underestimating their capabilities and let them aid in this.
Stop underestimating their capabilities and let them aid in this.
Wait, why did the same guy reply to me twi-ohh.

Honestly, my decision here's more about Tsukune than the JoJos. Getting enemies to like him through sheer force of compassion is basically the only thing he's good at right now. Let the dog have his day.
Yeah, Tsukune doesn't get any "badass" moments 'till... I think the monstrel arc. definitely not before the student protection committee arc.
Yeah, Tsukune doesn't get any "badass" moments 'till... I think the monstrel arc. definitely not before the student protection committee arc.
...are you tellin' me that Tsukune dangling himself over a cliff (without the benefit of shooting up on Moka-roids at that moment) to abort Mizore's attempt at suicide wasn't badass? :V

But yeah, his earliest "traditional" "badass" moment was during the first Kuyo fight, when he took an incineration blast for his waifu, got pumped full of Moka-roids, and then went VAMPAIA SUPAA MODO on the bastard.
Why does everyone think that the Joestar family lines special ability is punching people?

It's outwittting them and trapping them with plans and wits.

I just stated that's why Joseph's often called the best Joestar.
Why does everyone think that the Joestar family lines special ability is punching people?
More seriously, they use their plans and wits so they can beat people in combat. Which gets simplified in casual conversation to "punching." And the main Jojo of this quest is notable for unleashing horrifying fuckstorms of punches on people who've already been defeated, pic related.
Yeah, and each Joestar has had to face something much, much stronger than they are and survive by the skin of their teeth and their wits.
although to be fair, the second part of the manga reveals that the poor bastard was screwed over from the start - he's the only one who doesn't have the original Hokuto bloodline flowing through him
There's also the (probably non-canon) Flower of Carnage side story that makes him MUCH more sympathetic, while also not making every other character a jerk, in fact, making Ryuken much nicer
Shame that fast food won, perhaps there's still hope of Ruby trying to mess with Jotaro instead of Tsukune, much to the former's consternation after this arc. You know you want to see the perverted masochist with a bondage fetish try and get Jotaro to be her 'master'.
Shame that fast food won, perhaps there's still hope of Ruby trying to mess with Jotaro instead of Tsukune, much to the former's consternation after this arc. You know you want to see the perverted masochist with a bondage fetish try and get Jotaro to be her 'master'.
Do you want Mizore to kill a bitch? Because that's how you get Mizore to kill a bitch.
Yeah, and each Joestar has had to face something much, much stronger than they are and survive by the skin of their teeth and their wits.
And by their punching. Joseph, for instance, wouldn't have defeated the Ultimate Being if he weren't so dedicated to the sweet science that he kept punching with the arm that had been severed. :V
Shame that fast food won, perhaps there's still hope of Ruby trying to mess with Jotaro instead of Tsukune, much to the former's consternation after this arc. You know you want to see the perverted masochist with a bondage fetish try and get Jotaro to be her 'master'.
I don't think Eva's moving the quest over to QQ any time soon, is the thing.
And by their punching. Joseph, for instance, wouldn't have defeated the Ultimate Being if he weren't so dedicated to the sweet science that he kept punching with the arm that had been severed. :V
I don't think Eva's moving the quest over to QQ any time soon, is the thing.
My Shinji and Shiki quests are more likely to make the jump to QQ than this one is.
And by their punching. Joseph, for instance, wouldn't have defeated the Ultimate Being if he weren't so dedicated to the sweet science that he kept punching with the arm that had been severed. :V
I don't think Eva's moving the quest over to QQ any time soon, is the thing.

I don't intend for it to go anywhere, merely to see Jotaro and Mizore's reactions to Ruby's advances, probably Tsukune and harem going 'what the hell?' as well.