[X]Before you do anything else, lightly hamon the cabinet.
-[X] Properly announce that you've returned home.

Jotaro does love his mother, despite his demeanor. In canon, he kills DIO for her, and he'll do it here too.
[X] Before you do anything else, lightly hamon the cabinet.
-[X] Properly announce that you've returned home.

I realy want to know what "properly announce" means in Jotaro's book.

Whyyyyyyyyy does JoJo sound so Upperclass british in that dub?

It's like they went out of their way to find someone who sounds as inappropriate as possible to voice him.

This is why people like me hate dubs, and insist on subs no matter how good individual ones might be. Because of shit like this.

And then fucking Suzie Q sounds like something out of a modern day mall. WTF guys.
Johnathan's influence on people who influenced him? *has no idea of Joseph's nationality*

My problem is not that he sounds British (though, if I remember right, he grew up in New York, right?) But that he sounds specifically "upperclass" british, with over the top enunciation, proper formality and that "pip pip, cheerio, etc" bullshit. (Also, from the mind of someone who has the most superficial understanding of british, like an American very obviously pretending to be British)

If you remember the two thieves from Disney's animated 101 Dalmations, that's the characterisation(if not as evilly mooky) I expect of Joseph.
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My problem is not that he sounds British (though, if I remember right, he grew up in New York, right?) But that he sounds specifically "upperclass" british, with over the top enunciation, proper formality and that "pip pip, cheerio, etc" bullshit. (Also, from the mind of someone who has the most superficial understanding of british, like an American very obviously pretending to be British)

If you remember the two thieves from Disney's animated 101 Dalmations, that's the characterisation(if not as evilly mooky) I expect of Joseph.

He actually grew up in Britain or atleast spent a decent amount of time there. Given the fact that he just moved to New York as of the first episode, the drink vendor was surprised he hasn't had Coca Cola and just reached the harbor.

Also George Joestar II Joseph's dad was a member of he royal airforce, so while he was married to Lisa Lisa so yeah Joseph definately spent some time in a England.
It's practically the second thing we learn that he's a delinquent, not a posh gentleman.
Well, sure, but I wasn't talking about that. Hence only quoting the bit of the post that was talking about Britishness.

And thinking about it, it's possible they were deliberately fucking with expectations by making Joseph sound posh. After all, before the delinquentness comes out, the first thing he does is stick up for the guy who robbed him, not unlike George the first going "yeah I totally gave Dario that ring and wasn't robbed at all." Giving him a cockney lout accent ruins the surprise for anyone expecting him to act like his saintly forefathers.
Well, sure, but I wasn't talking about that. Hence only quoting the bit of the post that was talking about Britishness.

And thinking about it, it's possible they were deliberately fucking with expectations by making Joseph sound posh. After all, before the delinquentness comes out, the first thing he does is stick up for the guy who robbed him, not unlike George the first going "yeah I totally gave Dario that ring and wasn't robbed at all." Giving him a cockney lout accent ruins the surprise for anyone expecting him to act like his saintly forefathers.
Even if that what they wanted to go with, I don't think it's worth him having a voice that clashes so much with his character. Besides, there's more British accents than "posh" and "Cockney". You can have him sound like a troublemaker without sounding like a crook. And how does giving him an ungentlemanly accent ruin the surprise of him being a gentleman? If anything a posh accent would make you expect him to be noble, while a delinquent being nice would make kindness a surprise.
And how does giving him an ungentlemanly accent ruin the surprise of him being a gentleman?
That's not the surprise, though. That's the opposite of the surprise. In the words of Speedwagon, "His face is the same as Jonathan's but his personality is far from a gentleman's." George Joestar set Dario up with a business and took in his son after Dario tried to rob him, and asked for Dio to have a proper burial next to his father after Dio murdered him. Jonathan Joestar died hugging the head of the man who'd started deliberately fucking him over within literally minutes of meeting him and had been the cause of basically every awful thing that happened to him for years. When Joseph's first lines are to defend the guy who just picked his pocket, it looks like more of the same. Then he starts beating up cops, calling them Yankee bastards, and talking about how he wants to flip up American girls' skirts. Surprise.
[X] Before you do anything else, lightly hamon the cabinet.
-[X] Properly announce that you've returned home.
He actually grew up in Britain or atleast spent a decent amount of time there. Given the fact that he just moved to New York as of the first episode, the drink vendor was surprised he hasn't had Coca Cola and just reached the harbor.

Also George Joestar II Joseph's dad was a member of he royal airforce, so while he was married to Lisa Lisa so yeah Joseph definately spent some time in a England.

Just about the first thing we learn about Jojo, before he even gets a line, is that he has a clearly British accent.

Again, the issue isn't that he sounds british, but that it sounds like the worst kind of non-british voice actor trying to do a british voice.

And failing, ending up sounding like a caricaturish joking imitation of such.

On top of not having been told anything about the character's personality, so getting the characterisation all wrong.

I am watching Phantom right now, incidentally, and it is hilariously over the top. And the other guy was right, this isn't the right place for this. I'm done, it was outrage posting.


To get back on topic, Hey, has anyone realized we took Mizore home? To meet(if accidentally) Mom?

Has no one considered the implications of introducing Holly Kujo to possible waifugirlfriend?

[Jk]Do the thing to the other thing!

[X] Before you do anything else, lightly hamon the cabinet.
-[X] Properly announce that you've returned home.
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[X] Properly announce that you've returned home.
-[X] Pull Mizore out of wherever she's hiding first.
[X] Properly announce that you've returned home.
-[X] Pull Mizore out of wherever she's hiding first.
[X] Properly announce that you've returned home.
-[X] Pull Mizore out of wherever she's hiding first.
-[JK] "She followed me home, and it's too much of a pain not to keep her."