....Heh. And while we're at Mechanics club, we can get in our afternoon workout by benchpressing a car!

Okay, so maybe that's straining what we can actually accomplish. But I can dream.

Well, Jonathan easily tore apart a thick iron collar with his bare hands, but that was, you know, Jonathan. Jonathan after Zeppeli gave him his power via Deep Pass Overdrive, at that. So it's within the realm of possibility, just not anytime soon.

Why do people want newpaper club?

It's where our juniors/friends are going to be, so we can hang out more. That's my reason, anyway.
What, you think Kurumu's going to join the Mechanics Club?
Why do people want newpaper club?
Jotaro interviewing people

"Interview With Some Asshole From Some Club

-By Jotaro Kujo

So the other day I interviewed some useless punk from the Karate Club, he spent a lot of time trying to recruit me, talking shit about the newspaper club and some other stuff. I wasn't really paying attention.

But then he said some shit about my dolphins.

So I couldn't have that, and I decided to give him some supplementary lessons

After that, he begged me to not mention the incident to anyone. So I told him it happened during the interview, so he was shit out of luck.

The End."
You mean like when I killed Bill Clinton?
Or when Hadiz got me rickrolled by Aleister Crowley with a Nat 20 and 98 roll in Salt Quest.

Or when I rolled 8 critical failures in a single turn during Ryouga Quest.

By the way, why haven't you shown up in Rebuild of Apocrypha? You've got 22 Salt Tokens and shit, and I'm really getting into the rhythm of regular updates for it.
...We could always start cosplaying as a witch.
Jotaro Kujo, standing in the emptied-out newspaper club room, was not amused.

Around him was a pale dress, made almost entirely of ribbons, and ruffled at the waist, whereupon the blouse ended and was met by a pink, frilly, sparkling piece of fabric not even fit to be called a tutu.

He said nothing. He just glared at the vampire from the brim of his cap. That, at least, he had kept for this ill-planned endeavor. Or, more accurately, no one had been willing to challenge him for it.

"I-I know you don't like it, senpai," said Moka, backpedaling at the unspoken question in the air that was "why, god, why" and that seemed to positively ooze disapproval, "But we need to hide that you're a human, a-and witches are the most 'human' monster, so..."

Tsukune sat in the corner looking down. He was trying very hard not to laugh and trying harder not to show his fear of the consequences should he fail.

Gin... was nowhere to be seen. He'd heard their suggestion and wisely decided to vacate the premises. No amount of company from the fairer sex would've made this worth it.

Mizore was... eyeing Jotaro from the ducts above, her face red enough to illuminate them alone. The outfit Moka had chosen had been very form-fitting, and she couldn't stop her gaze from roaming over that perfectly-formed chest, those tightly-fitting stockings... oh, no. She had to calm down before she fainted in here.

There was a sound of the door scraping open, and Jotaro turned with perfect precision to put himself in the most intimidating pose he could muster, giving his best death glare.

And so it was that Kurumu Kurono walked into her first meeting at the Newspaper Club to find a Ripple-using magical girl[?] in full regalia and sporting a stance so fabulous she could do naught but stare in awe.

"Yare yare daze." No one knew precisely what went through Jotaro's mind in that moment. But later that day, they found a trail of property damage and dumbstruck students leading all the way back to the dorm.
I'm sorry I had to do it
don't hate me senpai
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From what people have said, it's where our friends will be.
And we'll be stuck dealing with that Werewolf.

And newpaper club is boring.

Not to mention, the characters only joined because Tsukune joined, I doubt Mizore will join if Jotaro doesn't, and we don't need to spend every minute with that single group.

Mechanics club would actually be interesting, even the Karate club would be better.
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And we'll be stuck dealing with that Werewolf.

And newpaper club is boring.

Mechanics club would actually be interesting, even the Karate club would be better.
I disagree

EvaUnit01 has a great head for humor and he's got a good grasp for Jotaro as well, given his ability to sell the shipping routes we've placed Jotaro on.

Jotaro Kujo, Investigative Reporter, would doubtless lead to comedic gold
SPC? I don't know what that means. Shark Punching Center?
Student Protection Committee.
Which is lead by the guy that just Bad Ended us.
I disagree

EvaUnit01 has a great head for humor and he's got a good grasp for Jotaro as well, given his ability to sell the shipping routes we've placed Jotaro on.

Jotaro Kujo, Investigative Reporter, would doubtless lead to comedic gold
Alright people, pick anything but Newspaper, because if TehChron doesn't support it then it's clearly the sane, non-suicidal option.
And Tsukune's going to follow Moka, who also isn't remotely interested in mechanics. Outer or Inner version.
And why do we care what Moka wants to do, Mizore is the waifu.

Basically, I just want to see Jotaro interact with more than just the same 4 people over and over again.
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The karate club is obviously the best choice over some attempt to stay close to canon.
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[X] Mechanics Club

Considering the Stardust Crusaders' relationship with vehicles this sounds like it could be useful.
Are we sure it isn't a general Joestar curse rather than something specific to Joseph?

It's not like a mechanic can revive a burned down steamboat. Or a crashed plane. Or a ship that was only kept afloat by a Stand wielded by a super intelligent Orangutan.
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