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"Into a brave new world, fighting every step of the way. Do not be discouraged. Death is very possible." - My philosophy from February 2022

"NEVER DOUBT ME AGAIN. I CALLED IT." - Me, July 11th, 2024
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1: Dropped in the Deep End
You are... Disoriented, to say the least.

You are currently lying on your stomach. Fortunately, you are uninjured. You push yourself off the ground, and discover that the sights and sounds of Mitakihara's Mall have been replaced by...

It wouldn't be entirely out of line to call this "scenery" a cross between chicken scratch and a child's coloring book. Everything seems to be overgrown, flowers blooming from increasingly impossible locations.

As you stand amongst this delusion, a question enters your mind; how did you get here?

You attempt to work backwards through your thoughts, which are scrambling to make any sense of this strange realm.

What is your name?
[] Write in.

How old are you?
[] Write in. (CANNOT BE OLDER THAN 21)

Why are you in Mitakihara, anyway?
[] You were recently transfered from another school, and you were trying to get a feel for the area.
[] You weren't exactly a model student. Your parents, as well as the school board, thought that sending you to a quiet town would help.
[] Just sight seeing, really. Sometimes, you need to wander about and clear your head.
[] Write in.
2: Immediate Surroundings
[X] Yumi Konishi, 19, Learning The Area (Transfered)

Right. How did you almost forget? You had recently transferred schools for one reason or another, and Dad helped you get a small apartment. You were going to look for it, but then you got hungry, and found the Mall-

Slow down. Wait. You breathe, and focus on your current situation.

You are standing in the middle of some sketchbook gone wrong, and you should probably leave. Finding an exit is paramount. You look around for obvious exits...

(D20 ROLL: 5, Fail)

Nothing. Just you, the walls, and the flowers. At least, that's what you hope. You failed to find a way out, but there is a clear way forward. You could follow this trail, or maybe it's better to stay put.

[] Keep moving forward.
[] Stay in this area.
[] Write in...?
3: Down the Rabbit Hole
[X] Keep moving forward.

You weigh your options. Staying in one place makes you easier to find, although you don't think anything here that's looking for you has your best interests in mind.

You briefly consider staying off the trail, but touching those flowers seems like a bad idea. For all you know, they could be akin to poison ivy.

Following the trail, while dubious, may be the best call. Cautiously, you proceed.


You hear something, just up ahead. It sounds like... A younger girl's voice. Is she talking to someone? As you grow closer, you begin to understand her words.

"... Should have stayed in one place, just in case-"

"And just sit around and wait till something finds us?" A new voice interjects, a stark contrast to the previous voice's quiet and careful demeanor.

"But we don't know if-" Again, the softer voice is cut off.

"You're such a worry wort, Madoka! If there's anything here that wanted to hurt us, then it would've shown itself by now!"

As if on cue, several entities made themselves known. Or, at least, that's what you assume.

"W-What are those things?!" The girl now known as Madoka blurts out.

"Urk! Me and my big mouth!" The other voice says, with a fair bit of panic lacing her tone.

Somehow, you've gone unnoticed through all of this.

[] Fall back, you can't help them.
[] Rush in, punch a monster.
[] Call out to them to fall back.
[] Write in...?
4: Falling Back
[X] Call out to them to fall back.

"Hey, other girls! Fall back!" You shout in their direction.

"Huh? Who are-"

"R-Right! Sayaka, run!" The girl known as Madoka shouts back.

After a moment, the two girls round a corner, and you're finally able to see them face to face.

One has pink eyes and hair, put in twin tails, and the other one is blue, with shorter hair. They're also wearing what appears to be school uniforms.


You recognize the style immediately as Mitakihara Middle School's standard uniform. But there isn't time to make conversation just now!

"This way! Hurry!" You point down the way you came, and both of the girls follow closely behind.

"Who even are you?!" The blue girl shouts in between breaths.

"Save your breath for running! We'll do small talk later!" You respond. She seems to concede, as she doesn't respond. You still hear both of their footsteps, so that's good-

You skid to a stop. There's someone here, waiting at the spot you started.

She's simply standing casually, dressed in a strange white outfit.

"Ah, Kaname! Thank you, stranger. You've saved me the trouble of looking for her." Her voice is cold, cautious, and unnerving.

"You... Were looking for me?"

"Yes, I assure you, it's of the utmost importance that you come with me. Your work here is done, stranger. Hand them over so that I may bring them to safety." Her disinterested tone is putting you on edge.

[] Comply, their safety comes first.
[] Ask the girl in white something.
-[] Write in.
[] Confer with your allies.
[] Do not relinquish the girls.
[] Write in...?
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5: Official Introductions
[X] "Do you know where the exit is?"
-[X] "... Wait, do you know what is happening?!"
[X] Watch your body to see if there is something strange with you.

You check yourself before speaking. You're still you, completely unchanged.

"So you know where the exit is?" You ask.

"Oh? I thought even novice Magical Girls knew how to enter and exit Barriers." The girl in white responds.

"Magical Girls?!" The blue girl chimes in. "You're both Magical Girls?!"

"Woah, woah, back up!" You sputter out, motioning your hands wildly, "You know what's going on?"

"Correct, stranger. Now, let me take these two to safety."

"If you know where the exit is, let's all go together!" The blue girl says.


You swear she makes a face at the blue girl's words.

"Fine, fine. Follow me." Your party moves toward the girl in white, and so do you. As you do, the world and scenery shift, eventually giving way to the normal world.

The two younger girls are relieved, but you're still a bit on edge. "We're safe now?"

"Relatively speaking," the girl in white answers. "Now, I believe we're quite overdue for introductions."

"I'm Say-"

"I know your names already. Sayaka Miki," she points to the blue girl, "And of course, Madoka Kaname." She says, shifting her gaze to the pink one. "But," she continues, "I'm afraid I lack your name, stranger." She finishes, resting her eyes on you.

"Yumi Konishi," you respond, "What about you?"

"My name is Oriko Mikuni," she bows slightly, "And I want to protect this world. Unfortunately, this means I must slay you now."

[] Write in???
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6: Battle
[X] Amalgam Vote

"Y-you can't be serious!" You blurt out, "How does killing me save the world?!"

"We haven't done anything!" Madoka adds.

"Yes, yes, you haven't done anything... Yet." Oriko's eyes lock with Madoka's. "If you contract... It would be disastrous. As for you," she focuses on you, "You're an enigma to me. I've seen what happens when Kaname contracts, but I can't see you. Everything about you is hidden from me. In short, you're dangerous, Yumi Konishi. So that's why-"


You rush her down as she's lost in thought, and tackle Oriko down. "Run, damnit!" You call to your impromptu party.

"B-but what about y-"

"RUN!" You order. The two girls relent, and fall back into the people filled mall.


Oriko tries to move her arm, but you catch her with your right hand, and keep your left forearm on her throat. If Dad taught you anything, it was how to end a fight.

"What the hell is your problem?!" You growl, and her eyes go wide.

"You don't understand, you couldn't understand! Witches are Magical Girls! And-"

You push your arm into her throat even more. "Magical Girls? Witches? What does that have to do with any-"


You feel something sharp scrape across your back, and you turn to retaliate.


You swing with all your might, and hit your would be assailant clean in the jaw. The girl is clearly caught off guard, and falls to the ground, clutching her chin.

"How dare you touch my Oriko!!" She shouts, still holding her jaw where you struck.

You get a good look at the new girl. She's clad in black, and wears two sets of claws on her hands. One of those claws is dripping with blood.

[] Battle strategy?
[] Run?
-[] How?
[] Write in???
7: Sensitive Situation
[X] Grab Oriko. Try to always have her between yourself and the other girl.
-[X] March in the direction of the anomaly, but try to not give to the entrance all of your back. You want to avoid the possibility of Oriko simply kicking you into it at the last moment.
[X] "So, Oriko, have you ever seen yourself saving the world? How much is you just guessing?"

You think and act quickly, grabbing Oriko from the floor and using her as a shield against the new girl. You're bleeding, but you don't focus on it. Your left arm is around her neck, and you're pinning her right arm with your right hand.

Your back is to the "Barrier" you just exited. It's risky, but you have to buy those other girls all the time you can.

"So, Oriko, have you ever 'seen' yourself saving the world?" You ask, your anger poorly masked, "How much is your own guesswork?"

"I saw Kaname's Witch destroy Mitakihara- no, the world! I have to stop it!" Oriko responds, apparently nervous.

"Yeah, my Oriko is right!" The new girl chimes in, "You should've died when she asked!"

"New girl, shut up. Oriko, you didn't answer my question."

"I'm sure I could have, but you interfered with my sight! How?! What kind of Wish... Wait- you don't have a Soul Gem!" Her voice perks up. "Kirika, she's not a Magical Girl!"

"What the hell does that-"


This Kirika girl is almost too fast to keep eyes on. Almost. You can react here.

[] Toss Oriko at her and book it!
[] Fall back into the Barrier.
[] Something else? (Write in.)
8: Run!
[X] Toss Oriko at her and book it!

You've hung around long enough. You shove Oriko towards the girl named Kirika, and Kirika moves to catch her.

Then, you bolt.


You quickly enter a populated section of the mall, effortlessly weaving through the crowd. You probably got blood on some people, but you have bigger things to worry about.

You exit the mall, and begin to head to...

Damn. Where do you go now?! You're new to the area, and only vaguely know of some important places.

Maybe you should go to the hospital, and get your back looked at. You could also go to your apartment, hunker down for a while and plan your next move. The only other option you can think of is looking for Sayaka and Madoka.

What to do...?

[] You're injured, go to the hospital.
[] Go home, you need a plan.
[] Find the other girls.
[] Write in?
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9: Finding the Gals
[X] Find the other girls.

There'll be time for TLC later, you've got to find the others! It's about 4 right now, which means school's out for the day. Damn, where do you begin looking?

Suddenly, you hear a voice from behind you. "Are you Yumi Konishi?" It's a female's voice, cold and composed.

"Who are you? Wait, you're not with that Oriko chick, are you?" You respond cautiously.

"I am not. Madoka Kaname said you saved her life."

"Slow down, you know Madoka? Where-"

"She is safe, as of now. She was worried about you, come with me."

"Who even are you?" You ask, turning around.

You then meet this girl face to face. She's wearing a Mitakihara Middle School uniform, and has long, almost black hair.

"My name is Homura Akemi. Oriko and Kirika are most likely looking for you, so we must hurry. Furthermore, I would like to treat your injury."

[] "Lead the way."
[] "How do I know you're telling the truth?"
[] "Dad told me not to go with strangers."
[] Write in?
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10: Base of Operations
[X] "Lead the way."
-[X] "So what is this whole all about anyway? First that there was that weird place, then I'm attacked by a bunch of pre-teens that are spouting about the end of the world?"

"Alright, lead the way."

Homura looks almost confused. "You trust me? Don't you have questions?"

"'Course I do, but we can talk on the way!" You respond.

"I... see. This way, then." Homura points to an alleyway, and you begin your trek through the grey maze.

(D100 EVENT ROLL: 52)

Your foot hits something. You both stop to look, and find a loose pipe to have stopped your walk.

[] Take it, could be useful.
[] Eh, leave it.

Either way, you continue.

You decide to make conversation. "So, what just happened with..." You gesture wildly, "... All that? I mean, first I wake up in a weird garden coloring book hybrid, then I get attacked by preteens who want to stop the end of the freaking world!"

"That strange place was a Witch's Labyrinth." She answers without turning around to face you. "As for Oriko and Kirika, they are... Enigmas to me. Frustrating enigmas, but enigmas nonetheless."

[] How do you know their names?
[] I get that. The frustrating part, at least.
[] Write in?
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