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"Into a brave new world, fighting every step of the way. Do not be discouraged. Death is very possible." - My philosophy from February 2022

"NEVER DOUBT ME AGAIN. I CALLED IT." - Me, July 11th, 2024
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EX 1: Worry
Your daughter is...

Well, she's quite like how her mother was in many ways. Not all of them good. Of course, you'd never say that to her face.

Honestly, you're a bit relieved that she finally decided to move out. Only a small bit, though. She's still your daughter, and you still fret for her.

Will she make new friends? How will she cope with being mostly alone for so long? Will she be okay?

Will she remember to call?

You shake your head. Stop worrying, you think, it won't do you any good. You'll call her tomorrow morning if she doesn't call today.

You briefly wonder what and how she's doing. She's quite sociable, so she probably found a small group of people to call friends. That's your girl.

"I'm sure Yumi's fine." You say to yourself. "She'll be perfectly okay. I'm sure she's already made friends!"

At the same time, Yumi punches a clawed assailant square in the jaw.

"Yup, perfectly fine."
EX 2: Jack Bros: The Documentary
Welcome to our first episode of Demon Compendium. In this pilot, we will be taking a look into the lives of two particular demons. They are quite well known throughout Demon Summoning communities, and for a very good reason.

Today, we will be watching a Jack Frost, and its clan member, Pyro Jack. Let's see if we can find the pair.

"Hey, Frost! Look-hee here, ho!" This is Pyro Jack, also known as Jack 'o Lantern. This species of demons have quite the temper, but are somehow able to live peacefully with the more laid back Jack Frost.

Ah, here come one now.
"Wow, hee-humans have got stores full of gems, ho?!" Jack Frosts are common in colder climates, whereas Pyro Jacks prefer more humid areas. Here in Japan, however, they roam from city to city freely.

"No, snow hee-head! Over at the p-hee-za place, ho!"

It seems like the Pyro Jack has found a suitable area to forage for food. This is the job assigned to them, because they can float freely through the air. It makes locating nourishment and even treasures relatively trivial.

"They just throw away the p-hee-zas no one takes, ho? How wasteful!"

The pair of demons are approaching the dumpster, and are about to consume whatever they find inside. As they search, here is a fact of the Jack family; they are inherently playful by nature, playing pranks, and telling jokes to one another.

"We'll be hee-ting like King Frost tonight, ho!"

Ah, the hunt is successful! They are celebrating their newfound fortune by eating as much food as they can. Ravenous little things.

This concludes Demon Compendium, episode 1. We hope to see you again for next time. Be careful as you rest, lest a demon take over your body...
EX 3: Couldn't Be Prouder
"Hey, Ryoko." You say, looking down. "I'm sorry I haven't been around, work's been a pain."

The wind blows somberly. There's no noise besides that.

"I think you'll be happy to know that Yumi's flown the coop. It's weird not having her around the house, but I don't want her to turn into a shut-in."

The birds chirp, sending their song through the cold morning air.

"I think I put on a few pounds. Heh, you always said I should watch out for that! Now look at me."

The grass is still full of dew, but you don't mind. You sit down to get a better look.

"Ryoko, if you saw what Yumi's becoming, I'm sure you couldn't be prouder. I know I couldn't be."

You put your hand on her tombstone, and smile sadly.

"I miss you every day."

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EX 4: Sayaka's Morning
Your name is Sayaka Miki, and you had an... Interesting day yesterday. At least you have a new friend in Yumi now! She's brave, rushing down a Magical Girl so that you and Madoka could get away.

After dinner at Madoka's, you went straight home to go to sleep. You had a weird dream last night, ending with Homura breakdancing to seal a monster away.

Whatever. You try to forget that scene.

You're actually up early, so you get ready and out the door before 6 AM. You wonder how Madoka's gonna react to you being ready...

"Sayaka? You're awake early?" Hitomi asks in surprise. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Can't I just wake up early without-"

"Not really..." She says.

"Whatever. Where's Madoka?"

"Most likely still getting ready. Should we meet her at her home?"

"Yeah, sure!" You then begin to walk with Hitomi to Madoka's place. It's a little chilly out-
Reach into the pale light, and grasp it.
You stop. "Hitomi, you say something?"

"No, what's wrong?" She replies.

"...Nothing, guess I just imagined it."
I await your call in a heap of metal.
You continue down the road, to Madoka's...
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EX 5: Trust
"Hey, Takeshi, can you watch Yumi tonight?" She asks, gathering her things for work, "I'm gonna be late, so I'm getting ready now."

"Oh, sh- cra- dang it, I've got an event to oversee. Want me to get a sitter?" You reply, absentmindedly looking over some unimportant documents.

"Don't bother, I'll just call-"

"I know who you're gonna suggest, and no."

"C'mon, Yumi's barely even seen him! I'm sure he's free, too!"

"The answer's still no, Ryoko."

She sighs, "...Is this about the fiasco in Yoyogi Park?"

"Yes, it's about Yoyogi. I just don't-"

"He's an officer, and it was an accident."

"He almost shot me, Ryoko."

"One time."

"You say that like it's normal."

"So he's a little jumpy! I get you only want the best for Yumi. I do too. Just let him handle it."

"No. Final answer."

"Just trust me, Takeshi! One time!" She approaches, frustration ebbing into her voice. "If you don't feel comfortable after that, we can call a sitter."

"... Fine. Call him, tell him to check in every hour."

"Every two hours, got it!"

You sigh, slumping your shoulders, "What kind of spell do you have on me, Ryoko?"

"The good kind!" She replies with a wink.
EX 6: Again.
Your name is Homura Akemi.

You've sat through this exact lecture... How many times? You've lost count, but it was enough to memorize it word for word.

You mostly spend class making sure Madoka is alright. Not that she'd fumble the subjects, but you like to have your bases covered.

Madoka seems conflicted about something. Given how many times you have seen and heard her, predicting her reactions and thoughts is second nature.

You know the look she wears. You've never liked that look. She wants to say something to someone, but she doesn't yet have the resolve mustered up to say it.

Granted, you had some of the same habits yourself in another life. You silently sigh. Is it truly possible to-

No. Thinking like that makes you sloppy. You can't afford to be sloppy. Back to the important topic, Madoka.

You wonder what exactly has her like this. It certainly couldn't have been Yumi, as she hasn't come into contact with Madoka today. Yumi...

She's a strange girl with an even stranger posse. A fairy, and an angel. You think there's a joke in there, somewhere.

Kyubey is a likely culprit for Madoka's mood. It most likely is trying to weave a web of half truths and oversimplifications, all to get her to contract with it.

Oriko and Kirika would have tried to kill her rather than dampen her mood, so they're right out.

Oriko. She said she couldn't see Yumi in her visions. Was she telling the truth...?

The bell rings, signifying lunch break. Madoka grabs Sayaka to meet Mami on the roof. You follow.

You briefly wonder what Yumi is up to.

You perish the thought. She'll probably tell you, for better or for worse. For now, you simply hope she's okay.
EX 7: I See You In Her
"Hey, Ryoko." You say for the fifth time this week. "It's me."

The afternoon sun bathes the graveyard, but it still feels cold to you.

"Yumi's fine. Just the other day, I saw her pick up another kid to move them from a bully."

Despite the somber mood, you can't help but smile.

"She's tougher than she knows. I'm not gonna tell her, 'cause she needs to find that out on her own."

You sigh. It's tiring being the only one raising Yumi, but...

"Haven't talked to your brother since the funeral. I know, I know... It's just... You've heard me say it again and again, so no use repeating myself."

A warmer wind blows through, and the trees nearby rustle.

"Your Mom's always asking about Yumi. I send her pictures when I'm off work."

Your breathing hitches for a moment.

"Everything about her... Her eyes, the way she speaks, how she carries herself... I see you in her."

You're crying, but you're smiling too. You never thought it possible, and yet...

"I'll raise her right. How we would've. I miss you every day."

You wipe your eyes, and put your hand on the headstone. You close your eyes.

"Fifth grade's been crazy..."
EX 8: Understanding
Your name is Kyoko Sakura. It's been an interesting day so far, and that's putting it lightly.

But hey, at least you got pizza!

Right now, Yumi is talking it out with some other Magical Girl, and you've discreetly slipped out of the room. You've never been one for stuff like that.

Yumi's Red Guy is out in the big room, too. Looks like he's been breaking some of the boxes out of boredom. He turns to you.

"Yo, they done in there?" He asks.

"Nope." You reply simply.

"Damn. How long does it take for humans to fight other humans?"

"They're not fighting, they're negotiating."

"Ugh." The Red Man swings his weapon, breaking another box. "I hate negotiating."

"Not my thing either, but what can you do?" You shrug.

"Hey, you seem tough for a human, red girl. Mind spotting me?"

"You gonna bench press a crate?"

"Yup. What, you think I was born with my sweet muscles?"

"...Were you?"

"I mean, I was, but that's not the point."

"Alright, I'll try to spot you."

"Fuck yeah." Big Red then picks out a box, clears a small spot out, and begins his reps.

You think you understand him a bit...
EX 9: Turbo Granny's Kickass Day!
Your name is... Eh, screw it! Doesn't matter!

Everyone just calls you Turbo Granny, and that's a damn fine name! You once clocked over 100 KM/H. You've always been striving to beat that record.

Sometimes, when you're on the highway, you pull up to people's windows. "Live to ride, ride to live!" You always shout at fellow speed demons.

Your grandson's got quite the need for speed as well! He and you often ride together, seeing who can outspeed who. It's always a joy to see him.

You're getting ahead of yourself. Today, you found a nice stretch of road in town. Straight, empty, and just waiting for you!

That's when some jerk in a shit box went screaming by, and almost hit some poor little kitty and it's friend! Now, you're all for speed, but hurting animals?

That's cause for an ass whooping!

You go screeching after him without a second thought, and he eventually stops. He gets out, mumbling about how "Some damn animal" almost got in his way.

That's when you jump him. You punch as hard as you can, and when he goes down, you kick him with your skates. After a few minutes, you leave.

"Watch the road next time, fucker! Ahahahaha!" You cackle, speeding off to another destination.


Your name is Homura Akemi. You're currently walking to Yumi's from school. It'd be best to check in on her, given her... Reckless behavior.

That's when you see-

"Amy?! How did you get out?" Amy turns and mews at you, standing near the side of the road.

You move to pick her up off the street, and as you do, someone speeds by, almost hitting you and the poor cat.

You turn to try to read his license plate-

"Is that an old lady?"
EX 10: Late Night Phone Call
You sit down after a rather long day at work. You got your promotion, but with it came even more paperwork. How can you keep this up?

The phone begins to ring, of course. You lethargically get up, and answer it. "Hello, Konishi residence?"

"Takeshi, it's me." Ryoko says. To say she sounds tired would be an understatement. "Listen, this case's paper trail goes deeper and deeper, and I have to order all of it. I'll probably be home in the morning."

"I'll figure something out for Yumi..."

"If you want, I could call Mom and Dad. I'm sure they'd love to have her!"

You think for a moment. Ryoko's Mom is friendly towards you, but her Dad and you just don't get along. Still, they are Yumi's grandparents, so it would be unfair to-

"Takeshi? You zone out again?"

"Err... No, I was- nevermind, yeah. Do you think they're up? It's pretty late..."

"Dad's a night owl. I'm sure he's up."

"Alright, call them. I can take Yumi over in the morning."

"Copy. Love you, bye."

"Love you too, Ryoko."

She hangs up. You sigh, putting the phone down. Kazamino is quite the drive...

You already said you'd do it. So that's what's gonna happen.

You always stick to your word.
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