One thing that I wanted to say: for issue #3, can we do Justice Unlimited Wants You? Even if we don't get to see the voter-submitted candidates, i fr want more variety in our expansive, huge, incredibly large candidate selection of… one guy.
Besides, it's not like we'll be powering up John Henry right away. We'll still have to get some Goldnine with either Nora or Rakeem's provided quest. And we will have the money, assuming we successfully take down the Named-Rank Behemoth.
Yeh next turn if since were back in apiary we can boost John and get candidates. I still prefer to give John powers over any candidates as reward for loyalty if nothing else. Plus Both rhys and Mona had hidden bonus so John should give us 1 too. Probably Operation due to being an Old hand of JU or Hit due to his desire for revenge on Demon Flamez.
Also for those voting for Hearts and Numbers thanks and id like to point out another advantage of it.
With Hiver as our 5th member we only need 1 more hero for 6AP
Hearts and Numbers opens up new missions to take down villains operating in Uni. Now most likely the rewards for taking them down is gonna come in the form of money and control but theres also a chance we can get new Metahuman recruit as reward from the new missions, which would give us 6 AP for turn 3. Now thats admittedly a gamble but.
Smoke on the Water (AP 1, ESPIONAGE 4, OPERATIONS 4): The Demon Flamez were a gang of metahumans notable for their lack of concern for collateral damage and their fire-based powers. They were inmates of Wonderland until recently, and word is they've made moves to secure their former territory in the Old Industrial District. Which makes it all the odder that you've received a private communication from one of their members asking for a clandestine meeting.
Lady Leizi: We can thank our renewed control of the Worker's Mitt for the tip I received on the Demon Flamez. Certain elements of the OID are desperate to renew their contract with Justice Unlimited. Unfortunately, Powers is also making a play here, including possibly legitimizing and absorbing the Demon Flamez. Which makes it all the odder that Sparksurfer is telling every one of my informants he can find that he wants out and needs our help.
(Unlocks mission
Fire in the Sky, Intel of current state of Horizon, Chance of new metahuman DNA, +1 to control of OID, Chance of eventually recruiting Sparksurfer and Jorōgumo)
[3 Turns Until Expiration]
Demon Flamez mission gives us chance to recruit 2 Metahumans if one with a checkered past. Now we dont know if we can recruit by doing Fire in the SKy but its likely we can, since recruit is generally Requires and we have Mona to easily reach 9 rep if we can recruit both and give John Powers at turn 4 we can get
7 AP by Turn 5. Letting us do more missions instead of failing to save someone again.