"Justice Unlimited is enhancing its members by taking power from the Leviathan!"
"A thief believes everybody steals." - E. W. Howe.

That's such a specific allegation that there's no way they're not doing it, right? It's basic mirror politics; accuse someone else of something you're doing to hide the fact that you're the one doing it, and use it to justify your actions against them. Every single fascist regime in history does it.
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Skips pages

Alright, what's on fire?
eehhmm... We went with the lunch approach, we rolled kinda so-so in the begining before Popping off near the end (thanks catlover!) We used arounfld 3-4 omake points since we rolled well thanks to bonuses and oh we failed every single ops roll (3 were automatic losses thanks to whats obviuosly a Wolong clone, 1 was natural). And oh yeah. WE ONLY HAVE BLACK SWAN IN THE MISSION BECAUSE OF A NAT 20 HIT. Otherwise we would have immediatly lost Mona, even before we began the mission.

Other than that a little discussion about morality, the potential horrifying AU of Mona going Rouge and starting her own Nugen or NewDawn hating our guts if we were assholes and talking about what may happen in the future.
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I think I just convinced myself that SB is Key.

What if the clones are made of the memories of their person they're based on? Key absorbs a person's memory and the more she gets, the more lifelike the clone gets in terms of personality? She can get powers and appearance from a corpse, but if she wants it to be smarter, it has to be from a living person and she needs a longer contact period.
"A thief believes everybody steals." - E. W. Howe.

That's such a specific allegation that there's no way they're not doing it, right? It's basic mirror politics; accuse someone else of something you're doing to hide the fact that you're the one doing it, and use it to justify your actions against them. Every single fascist regime in history does it.
Tbf were technically straling powers from both leviathan theough hos blood and Corpses of dead metahumans.

Our method is jsut way better compared to their shitty psychci siphon that needs an Orbital elavator and risk waking up a god
I can also think of one other alternative aside from a dedicated mental manipulator: an Algernon creating a relevant gadget. I don't put it past Stockpile to not have created a temporary mental incapacitator thingy or whatever to catch certain metahumans.
I mean this is why I'm in favor of diving into Nora's Gadget Gacha with an action or two this turn.
This is pretty premature given that we haven't recruited her yet and there's no guarantee that she going to be a high potency candidate (even if it is very likely). But I like the idea of giving Yara a power set based on her sister. So I made a build. Behold, the Better Uiara.

The Better Uiara
DNA Profiles
: Hydrocity (1), Steadfast (2), Antaeus (3), Umibōzu (7)
Potency: 13
Donor Keywords: [Elemental Manipulation] x2, [Invulnerability] x2, [Energy Manipulation], [Construct Creation], [Enhanced Senses]

The logic here is that Hydrocity and Steadfast guarantee an expression of [Elemental Manipulation] and [Invulnerability] respectively. Plus Hydrocity and Umibōzu were extremely synergistic teammates in life so I expect that their powers will combine extremely well. Antaeus is here because his power ramped up over time like Uiara's did, so we'll either get that or some sort of boost when in contact with water which this combo should be able to create ex nihlo.

Antaeus is probably the least important so he could be removed to lower the potency and reduce the risk of side-effects if we wanted.
Yara is a T9 confirmed by QM. Also majority is pretty much going for a psychic synergy to counteract our members espeically BS weakness to it.

Also considering how much Yara seems to worship Uirra it actually wouldnt be good for her to get powers similar to her sister since id just make her likely to immitate Uira insteqd of being herself.
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Oh, I fully agree that its not what JU needs right now and probably not healthy for her in the slightest. This build is deeply impractical given the current information we have. It just tickled my fancy to see if we could replicate Uiara's powers with what we have now, especially given that we're trying to recruit her sister. I'm not seriously advocating for this build, it was mostly a thought exercise.
If we're talking about Nox builds, I still believe in my Carmilla build, just because of Steadfast probably factoring into the Psychic Invuln Bitterman hinted a few pages ago.
Yeh and honestly while a Broad range of aynergistis power works.

Mona shows how having small but stacking potent powers works. With her Mega flightX2 and Invulnerability letting her hit lihht speed.

With Her FFM solar absorption funny wnough mainly to reduce collateral damage from attack.