I do have a question though: Do you think Nora knew about this if your right?
Maybe, maybe not. Despite her knowledge and legacy, I'm pretty sure that Nora never met the guy personally. And even if that possibility had occurred to her, there's a real chance that she would have forgotten.
[Strong Speculations]

...He made himself a goddamn Megazord fleet. Of course.

(giant lightbulb materializes itself above my head)

Wait a minute.

And Nora believed you could talk to it. She better be right. Black Swan's extreme sensitivity to psychic fields should allow you to reason with it. Or, if you'd prefer to do it personally, Nora claimed there was equipment in her lab that could let you do so.
Name: Valiant Gold, Noelle "Ellie" Han
Power: The EXCEED-BEYOND Armor
Side Effect: Extreme Psychic Field Sensitivity
...There's a non-zero chance this could end with Ellie forming a bond with a giant Megazord fleet.
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Did Abigail/Giant Slayer have to grow her weapons in all scales at once, or could she, eg. Make a sword's blade longer and bigger, but keep the hilt at normal size?
...He made himself a goddamn Megazord fleet. Of course.

(giant lightbulb materializes itself above my head)

Wait a minute.

...There's a non-zero chance this could end with Ellie forming a bond with a giant Megazord fleet.
Honestly for a Sentai Fanboy who used a Red Ranger emblem it does seem wierd he never made a megazord.

Hardlight contrusct as a specialty would have let him build zords yet it seems he never had one.

Its not like you cant see how useful a zord would be even against just Behemoth who broke out of qz and hell there are definately emergencies that could use a giant mecha to pulp someone like 22s.

Edit: R train even makes sense as a name unless thats just something the public gave it.

Its The Red Train.
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It could also be really funny if we over, thought it and there's just a dude who loves building trains
Etrian Odyssey Untold: Prometheus Flames
Very nice! I was wondering if this quest's concept could be applied to other genres! +1!
Did Abigail/Giant Slayer have to grow her weapons in all scales at once, or could she, eg. Make a sword's blade longer and bigger, but keep the hilt at normal size?
All at once.

And let's just say I'm so happy you're finally doing the R-Train mission next turn.
TBF Turn 4 is pretty early considering all the other Limited missions.

Honestly the ideal is pretty much 2-3 AP untimed mission then the rest being timed to make sure we dont miss out on anything.
...that actually makes me think of something extra we can throw on top of the abuse accusations: Ete isn't in Crusade for any moral reason, she just wants revenge on JU for Jean-Luc's death, something that was his own fault for signing Faust's contract and getting power from SM. Hardly a heroic, noble thing to do. Very at odds with your intentions, White Hawk.
On one hand, SM is now stronger because of his absorption of Primtemps, so that's gonna be A Problem.
Well, you guys could not have known that's what would happen.

And ultimately, even if SM hadn't gotten killed and 'collected', Powers/Dominion would still be a problem, would still be openly expanding. They might still be doing that, but if they are, then they would do so in secret, and slowing down to not get caught. They're ultimately forced to play damage control.
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I feel like Faust would have still gotten censured because of what Moon River recorded, because that was about his power enslaving people in contracts.
Free power boosts look a lot more attractive to people if you don't know they'll get you killed.
Eh, given SM's relative invincibility, the unknown but large number of people he's contracted with, and the fact that among the few people powerful enough to kill him at least two are presumably too heroic to kill a literal scapegoated human...

I figure plenty of people will still take the contract if offered.
Which is presumably the biggest reason Scarlet Maturity worked with Faust and obeyed his orders, because Faust helped ensure that that nasty little secret remained secret.
13k words. Two updates and a half worth of content. Out tomorrow. I have the day off, so it might be an early chapter.

Remember to vote if you live in the U.S. Everybody make sure to take care of yourself in these times.