A good thing about the winning plan is that Miss Naught already has strong suspicions about Project Prometheus and is fairly close to JU already, and Gentleman James seems fairly trustworthy.
[X] Lowering the Mask
-[X] Speech Givers
—[X] Lei Zixuan
—[X] Wolong
—[X] Black Swan
-[X] Crowd Workers
—[X] Chatalet
—[X] Chaucer
—[X] Miss Naught
—[X] Gentleman James

I wanted to try my hand at a plan that reflects that this isn't just a recruitment pitch, it's a memorial for the original Justice Unlimited and in many senses all the heroes who fell during the Movement. Having Lady Leizi lower her mask and give an eulogy as Lei Zixuan will give the public a chance to see how much she actually cared for her old team and friends. It might also help LL personally address her grief. Wolong is a shoo-in to showcase cooperation between hero agencies, and Black Swan will be a symbol for the new generation of not just Justice Unlimited, but heroes in general.
From an opsec perspective I'm leary of putting any of New Dawn* on crowd work. The more people who know or guess what PP is, the sooner the public and the Philosopher's Hand find out.

*except Wolong but litterally every plan has him giving a speech
[X] Plan: Secrets
-[X] Speech:
--[X] Lady Leizi
--[X] Wolong
--[X] Chatelet
-[X] Work the Crowd:
--[X] Chaucer
--[X] Dr. Ibis Jr.
--[X] Black Swan
--[X] Maddie

Exactly. We know Lethal Anodyne lets in any young women of a certain . . . attractiveness. I believe Samsara can get in—"

"But I'm ugly and he's old," Gerridae says.
So team members elligible for the club: Lady Leizi*, Black Swan*, Valiant Gold, Chatelet*, Handyman**

*lack of a secret identity might alert LA
**I'm assuming he's not limited to male appearences, but i dont know how he'd feel about it
From an opsec perspective I'm leary of putting any of New Dawn* on crowd work. The more people who know or guess what PP is, the sooner the public and the Philosopher's Hand find out.

*except Wolong but litterally every plan has him giving a speech
[X] Plan: Secrets
-[X] Speech:
--[X] Lady Leizi
--[X] Wolong
--[X] Chatelet
-[X] Work the Crowd:
--[X] Chaucer
--[X] Dr. Ibis Jr.
--[X] Black Swan
--[X] Maddie

So team members elligible for the club: Lady Leizi*, Black Swan*, Valiant Gold, Chatelet*, Handyman**

*lack of a secret identity might alert LA
**I'm assuming he's not limited to male appearences, but i dont know how he'd feel about it
LL is too well known—she doesn't wear a mask. Handyman would probably pass. Chatelet is old enough (36) that her going to a nightclub would stick out.
the Creature's Den (formerly the English-McLeod Neighborly Neighborhood Livingtainment Community).

Wait what's creatures den
Bitterman mentioned as being one of the city districts.

Also, I wonder what the relationship between the OG Justice Unlimited and the Defiance Unit. Was it more Batman and the Joker, or the Flash and the Rogues ? I'm betting on the latter considering what we know of them both.
Uh, @Bitterman, why is the Creature's Den named that? Is there just a crap ton of Behemoths there, or is that a RAFO thing?
I made a map of Horizon. It has a bit of a slapdash feeling to it and I think I messed up a few locations, though.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. I'm so bad at maps. However, Marajo is actually oriented the other way, with the Atlantic on the east coast. And the Leviathan is on the shore, partially in the water. But the borough locations are more or less right in relation to each other! +1!
Also, I wonder what the relationship between the OG Justice Unlimited and the Defiance Unit
Memoria and Lady Leizi made out once. True facts.
Uh, @Bitterman, why is the Creature's Den named that? Is there just a crap ton of Behemoths there, or is that a RAFO thing?
Towarri always said to not worry about because she's had it "handled".
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X] Plan Balanced Approach
-[X] Speech Givers
—[X] Lady Leizi
—[X] Wolong
—[X] Chatalet
-[X] Crowd Workers
—[X] Gentleman James
—[X] Mona
—[X] Doctor Silver
—[X] Chaucer
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. I'm so bad at maps. However, Marajo is actually oriented the other way, with the Atlantic on the east coast. And the Leviathan is on the shore, partially in the water. But the borough locations are more or less right in relation to each other! +1!
Thanks for the plus 1 ! I'll edit the map accordingly.
Memoria and Lady Leizi made out once. True facts.

Please tell me more.
Towarri always said to not worry about because he's had it "handled".
I didn't know Towarri used he/him pronouns…
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Memoria's death marked the downfall of The Defiance Unit, so imagine my surprise to learn that he was very much alive until recently. It seems Uiara spared him and Lady Leizi helped him disappear. He was working as a "free agent" until his (real) demise in the QZ.
Memoria and Lady Leizi made out once. True facts.
Well, that definetly makes me more interested to see what exactly happened with that whole fiasco.
You never really fit in as a kid growing up. New York City was a lot better off than a lot of places in the States, but everybody knew to avoid Manhattan like the plague. The rich folks made their homes there and made it clear who was and was not welcome. Growing up in Queens was a little easier, even if you nearly got kicked out of school for napping through Bible-study.
So I'm going to make a wild inference that a combination of reactionary evangelical fundamentalists winning the "culture war" and severe late-stage capitalism has caused the United States to backslide into the late 19th to early 20th century culturally.

Are we ever going to get a timeline/high-level overview of the world history for Project Prometheus?
So I'm going to make a wild inference that a combination of reactionary evangelical fundamentalists winning the "culture war" and severe late-stage capitalism has caused the United States to backslide into the late 19th to early 20th century culturally.

Are we ever going to get a timeline/high-level overview of the world history for Project Prometheus?
Depends how much of it comes up in story? I have more of the American lore developed because that's what I know.
Rakeem was dating Renee/Palisade at the time. She wanted to make him jealous.
I see. This probably didn't help with her reputation of being the bad girl in Justice Unlimited, I can imagine.

I should post my list of Defiance Unit headcanons one day.

So I'm going to make a wild inference that a combination of reactionary evangelical fundamentalists winning the "culture war" and severe late-stage capitalism has caused the United States to backslide into the late 19th to early 20th century culturally.
I don't think there even was a culture war to start with. POD is 2001, it's unlikely gay marriage was legalised and all the other stuff that led to the reactionary crapbasket we have now. It also seems 9/11 never took place ?
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I see. This probably didn't help with her reputation of being the bad girl in Justice Unlimited, I can imagine.
Hey, it worked, didn't it?
I don't think there even was a culture war to start with. POD is 2001, it's unlikely gay marriage was legalised and all the other stuff that led to the reactionary crapbasket we have now. It also seems 9/11 never took place ?
No, it did. Like a week after the Leviathan fell. The PATRIOT Act wound up being WAY worse if you can believe it.