One last thing before I go: a plan.

Base Potency: 10

Fast Track+Daggermaw+Soldier X+Memoria+Mister Hunch/Multiplex (can be changed)

This has [Enhanced Strength, Clairvoyance, and Enhanced Senses], for a type of psychic intended to be different then Yara; [Battle Senses], like in DBZ! (I've been enjoying Sparking Zero.) It also has EVERY SINGLE [Enhance X] keyword + Ally Empowerment.

For more details see the Godspeed Core. Narratively, this is basically a version of that with Regen and punching powers.

Alright, good night!
@Bitterman if someone already has a synergy that includes one of the Telekinesis components like Fundamental Force Manipulation would we need a new tag for the new synergy or will it use the tag inside the previous synergy?
It will need a new tag. Synergies don't break down.

They can, however, be parts of synergies in of themselves.
Does Ellie like girls ? She was a magical girl villain after all.

I kind of want to see NoraYas 2.0
She doesn't know! She's never thought about it or dated much really. Too busy trying to grow up so her mom can take it easy.
She's bisexual, but all her experience is with guys. "Kiss a girl" is on her bucket list!
That's Mona, not Ellie.
Also, apparently the ultimate psychic warrior would be Red Huntress+Nox+Daggermaw for our best option in fishing for synergies. X3 Transformation and X3 Enhanced Senses at Potency 13 sounds terrifying, and both Nox and Red Huntress are about scaling using your opponents, albeit in different ways.
She doesn't know! She's never thought about it or dated much really. Too busy trying to grow up so her mom can take it easy.
Oooof. She needs a break. I have a feeling she's going to overwork herself once she becomes a hero.

Unfortunately I think the only "break" option we have is the one that takes place on Elysium.
The obvious call for that, if we want to go that route, is Memoria/iSpy/Chatroom/Hunch.

x4 Clairvoyance
x1 Teleporation
x1 Ally Empowerment
x1 Invisibility

But that's too hyperfocused for my liking. We know multiple Clairvoyances are needed for those sorts of things, but we also have admissions that needing x3 of a power for a combo is super rare. x2 should do, and we can get that with 5/13.
I believe [Energy Manipulation] and [Clairvoyance] are both involved in the expression of [Telekinesis]."
Ooooh now I get it. I thought elementalism was going to be the synergy bc it's defined as energy in a medium, when it I really should've been focused on the energy itself and how it can be fluidly placed in a medium. Neat!

If I were to guess the other tag(s), I think the most likely last tag is 「flight」. Flight is basically telekinesis of the body, if you think about it. A theortical 4th tag wouldve been 「Enhanced Strength」because. You know. But potency bleedthrough could eliminate that need. This is assuming Telekinesis is NOT Clairvoyance/Strength synergy, of course.

【Edit】 If i would be so bold, I'll also hypothesis this: Energy Manipulation determines a Telekinetic's oomph, Flight determines control and Clairvoyance lots them track matter itself. Flight and Energy can be swapped but Clairvoyance I'm sure of. As such, I Hypothesize that Telekinetics we make will be Inelegant or Weak
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Hey, here is an interesting combination of defense and support:

It's just Zeno plus Daggermaw. Zeno is excellent at being a "tank" and providing ally support due to his shenanigans. Daggermaw addresses the main issue of Zeno in that he's otherwise a normal human by elevating Transformation and Enhanced Strength to Potency 10.

Also we really should send a gift to Daggermaw's family because his DNA is godlike.

Clairvoyance seems to be key, and that combo only has 1.
We could just put Mr Hunch instead and the principle of the built stays the same, even if we lose the guarantees.
At least give John Henry a backline support power. Don't give him a fronline or even side line power, we have too much of those already. We need defense and backline support.

Lady Leizi can handle the normal Intrigue stuff and Rhys can support her in that but when it comes to anything more exotic, we are defenseless (aside from the Apiary itself). Only Wolong technically counts as our way of exotic info war offense, but we already know he's slightly compromised (the handshake) along with all of New Dawn so he's ultimately hobbled in that area, and he has to split his time actually leading New Dawn too.
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I made Messenger and Traveler for a reason Powerful Clairvoyance and Teleport are great support.

Especially if telepathy allows John to port others wothout needing to touch them. Extremely useful in making allies dodge attacks and hindering enemies by putting them somewhere else.
Our "dedicated backline cape" will need to be able to defend himself unless we devote someone solely to bodyguard him, and we are ways away from the being a good idea. The chances of John's version of Teleportation we get being usable in combat are a total crapshoot, especially since Memoria's doesn't seem to be. We can't afford a "backline" right now unless they can be useful while still sitting in the Apiary.
How are we defining front, side, and backline? Maddie's a backliner, as a minion summoner who's job is to create chaos through mooks and keep people occupied with a side of movement support through airlifting with Nevermores.
How are we defining front, side, and backline? Maddie's a backliner, as a minion summoner who's job is to create chaos through mooks and keep people occupied with a side of movement support through airlifting with Nevermores.
Maddie brings along her own bodyguards so it's not the same. If we put more vulnerable squishies under the same amount of defense we're just making them a better target.
Our "dedicated backline cape" will need to be able to defend himself unless we devote someone solely to bodyguard him, and we are ways away from the being a good idea. The chances of John's version of Teleportation we get being usable in combat are a total crapshoot, especially since Memoria's doesn't seem to be. We can't afford a "backline" right now unless they can be useful while still sitting in the Apiary.
Eh a powerful backline support is by their nature more fragile in direct combat than than those with a fighting apec.

Even in my plan Millions letting John fight is more because Energy is pretty versatile tag and if it remains the same being able to port to an area flood it with mines and then port out is a pretty bitching strat.

Combat with support powers can work but its needs to be well made or its just half assing build.
Considering our Teleporter is Potency 10 and iSpy has no range limit, there's nothing stopping John Henry from just snapping a picture of the Apiary/tagging our personnel there and just going back home with someone if it gets too hot for him.

With Invulnerability from Can't Touch This, he can apply this to attacks too. Someone about to shoot him or one of our dudes? The bullet has been teleported back at the enemy because with iSpy, he tagged the shooter/someone nearby, saw through their eyes, and sent bullet right back at them.
How are we defining front, side, and backline? Maddie's a backliner, as a minion summoner who's job is to create chaos through mooks and keep people occupied with a side of movement support through airlifting with Nevermores.
Maddie is forced into the sidelines of battle because of her range issues. Her minions can't get a certain distance away from her so she is 'forced' to joining us in missions.
BTW wulong discovery shows why Mona is so bullshit.

Crimson Soprano+Novalight was pretty much both creating a synergy and doubling down in both Energy Manipulation and Flight. Steadfast and Soldier then buff her defense.

We really did just hit the bullseye in creating the most Broken Hero as our first recruit.
If John gets teleporation, that's, at bare minimum, an evasive power that lets him get out of the way of attacks.
I don't think Memoria used his power for evasion.
Considering our Teleporter is Potency 10 and iSpy has no range limit, there's nothing stopping John Henry from just snapping a picture of the Apiary/tagging our personnel there and just going back home with someone if it gets too hot for him.

With Invulnerability from Can't Touch This, he can apply this to attacks too. Someone about to shoot him or one of our dudes? The bullet has been teleported back at the enemy because with iSpy, he tagged the shooter/someone nearby, saw through their eyes, and sent bullet right back at them.
The problem of John Henry going home is that he's not with us. Even if he can teleport back when the fight is over he is not part of the fight itself.

My proposal for a Teleport build would actually be either Memoria plus Red Huntress or Memoria plus Golem plus Hydrocity. Both have a viable chance of increasing the available targets for Memoria's teleport while also providing agency in combat for most situations.
I feel like you all are forgetting that needing photographs thing with Memoria is probably not going to carry over to whatever we slot it into. It was just an interesting quirk/medium of how his power manifested.