"A Brazilian black tarantula?!" you squeal, rushing over.

"Yes. I know not everyone is comfortable with spiders, so if I missed the mark on your gift—oh my."

You immediately open the enclosure and let her crawl onto your hand. She climbs up your arm and settles on your shoulder.

"You are Shelob," you whisper, revelantly, "I shall teach you to feast on the blood of Men and Elves."
Omg that is both adorable and incredibly cultured.
Name: Printemps, Jean-Luc Villeneuve
Power: Construct Creation, Energy Manipulation, Transmutation
Faction: The Four Seasons
Potency: 6
Ibis' Notes: We are well familiar with Printemps and his powers. But . . . there is something wrong with this sample. There is still an energy in it.
No, god no. Even if the energy no longer lingered I would not trust it.
Name: Wild Speaker, Inmaculada Ruiz
Power: Mental Manipulation, Ally Empowerment
Faction: SLAYERS
Potency: 3
Wild Speaker had the ability to talk to animals. When she did, the animal's intelligence was raised to humanesque levels. It sounds like an idyllic power, but apparently animals are terrible conversation partners. Birds mostly discuss wind-speeds and the location of seeds, dogs and cats swear like sailors, and bugs are apparently uniformly "total jerkwads". Still, Wild Speaker could order them to fight, which they often did if only for the novelty of committing violence with a purpose.
Ohhh telepathic elements and another Mental Manipulation and Ally Empowerment tag. Could in theory provide tags for Nox, Chatroom, or Bulwark builds if need be, though I'm not fully sure the powers really fit well in practice. Would depend on if Wolong finds something
Name: Epoxy, Chung Hye-Jin
Power: Fundamental Force Manipulation
Faction: SLAYERS
Potency: 5
Ibis' Notes: Epoxy, also known as "The Last Nail in the Coffin" was the second-in-command of SLAYERS and a member of Powers in her individual capacity. Her power allowed her to stick objects together on a molecular level through a subtle manipulation of the strong nuclear force. The objects she stuck together could only be released by her, and apparently she charged double to unstick things than stick them together.
Her nickname comes from her uncanny ability to place enemies in positions where she could stick them to objects that would completely immobilize them. Deadman famously broke his own neck to escape from her during one fight, and revived with his head facing the wrong direction.
A raw FFM source is nice, though notably Crimson Soprano allows for making FFM with only a 3 potency cost. Still, the ability to forcibly stick people in place could have some neat applications for sure.

Name: The Giant Slayer, Abigail Reyes
Power: Transmutation, Enhanced Strength
Faction: SLAYERS
Potency: 8
Perhaps The Giant Slayer was merely waiting for Opale, or perhaps her hyper-competence and destructive power frightened any potential partner. The Giant Slayer had the power to increase an object's size and mass to exponential levels, and then be able to swing the object as if it were its regular size. The Giant Slayer had immense strength, so this could result in her swinging swords the size of skyscrapers. This power let her become a regular hunter of Gold-Rank Behemoths and even Named-Rank on occasion.
Ohhh, okay this is really good. Its giving us a hint towards a synergy here with transmutation and in general it could to some really interesting options if you could pair with some defenses/speed. I would not touch this without Opale's permission but its got some good potential.

Name: Vulcan, Augustus "Gus" Schulte
Power: Algernon-type
Faction: SLAYERS
Potency: 13
Ibis' Notes: It seems doomed love and SLAYERS are inextricably intertwined, because Vulcan is the former lover of our Handyman.
He was an Algernon-type, specialized in metallurgy. He made all of the weapons and armor used by SLAYERS and often sold his creations to clients such as Steelheart and Valiant Silver.
He never pushed his power too far. He was too afraid of the Rebound. There is a certain wisdom in that, perhaps.
You can be more.
Huh looks like Prevail is a new Team or Something that Wulong will inform us about.

I doubt theyre going to reveal JU supposed crimes since if they had evidence they show that and used it to declare war. Like how Opales death would have been.
Ok, so now, moving to Opale...this could be a bit tricky. First, we obviously can't do anything too close to Hiver. So no ice/snow/winter thematics, preferably something that emphasizes the gravity aspect of her powers more, and, obviously, a feminine name.
[X] Plan Repulsion
-[X] Hero Name: Repulsion
-[X] Costume: Black boots. Silver bodysuit, with accenting black hexagons.
-[X] Crest/Sigil: Two black horizontal lines, in parallel, with two arrows pointing at each of them, one up (blue) and one down (red).
What will be Opale's new heroic identity?
Hmm, I'm inclined to do something to honor Ophélie. She was Autumn, right? Probably not something directly Fall themed, as Four Seasons as a whole sucked. But maybe worked in colored leaves, some sort of reference to the season?

edit: actually, hmm, did she ever plan to be on a hero team other than Four Seasons? Did she plan to go under a different name?
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I was gonna say at some point if Mona's surname, Morales, was a reference to a certain other rookie superhero taking up after a bigger one through Miles Morales
Hmm, so just thought of something. I think I know the answer, but it's best to make sure. @Bitterman, it's going to be common knowledge that Opale's identity used to be Hiver, right? So we can expect people to already know the basics of her power?
Man, I thought we'd get to vote on her guardian, thus granting Ibis another W. Still, glad that has been resolved. She can also annoy Mona now by calling her "Mana" instead, a privilege I'm sure she won't abuse in any way.

She can't change the shape of her construct body or move it unless it's damaged and she's reallocating what energy is creating what part of her body.
Well, that's not a no, but I imagine she won't harm herself just to train this for when it's needed. Still, it's something to keep in mind for strategy votes.
Arc's power is automatic and protects her from fatal harm. She has to think about using it all other instances.
Fatal harm, huh?
the next season of Magical Girl Gang: War isn't out until the new year.
Truly, we live in the worst timeline to only hear of this show and never be able to watch it.

► AnApple
Replied On Dec 21st 2067:
Is my boy Earthen Owl okay?! That's all I care about in all of this! Is he???
I have successfully gaslighted Earthen Owl's singular fan into existence. My life is now complete.

"Uhh, Alice—Mendicant—approached me like on my second day here? Said it was their "sacred duty to help all cracked eggs grow into chickens. Or make omelets or whatever".
They're a little confused, but they got the spirit.

Still, Wild Speaker could order them to fight, which they often did if only for the novelty of committing violence with a purpose.
This is probably a lie; anyone who's interacted with geese know those monsters understand hate. The violence is the purpose.

SLAYERS seemed doomed to fall apart until The Giant Slayer recruited the team's now-iconic roster and slew Hundred-Hands Hecatoncheires.
It was something of an irony that a group named "SLAYERS" and who was famous for killing a Named-Ranked Behemoth
Really puts into perspective that slaying a famed Named-Ranked Behemoth is incredibly impressive and can be a huge claim to fame, while Justice Unlimited took one down and everyone reacted as if that was just business as usual (admittedly, proving that JU was still extant, but still).
Continuing on why Prevail wont talk about the Stage connection Exceed has I can think of a few reasons.

1.They actually have no solid proof that VS Stage experiments caused the movement. Stockpile is convinced due to his reverse engineering and the brass supposed info but its shown that hes kinda have espionage as Dump stat considering he bought in too GJ propaganda and never really cottoned on GJ was just meant to takeover Horizon. But part of the reason VS never really talked about the Stage is the fact that its New Age knowledge bullshit that can easily be laughed at by a scientific commucnity. Saying that VS was messing teh collective unconciosness without any solid proof would just get people to say theyre slandering VS especially since its know VS released a psychic attack to stop The Movement at cost of her life. Its too risky for them reveal their suppose crimes or atleast.

2.The Philosophers If they Know about The Stage in some way obviously isnt gonna want knowledge of it to be public beyond their control. Since people would try to look into it and might actually figure things out like VS. It kinda feels liek The Hand and Lantern use the stage partly with their powers. COnsdiering Lantern seems to have ridicioulous psychic projection to spy on people and get info dominance.
...well now I'm torn for what we want to do for our next Fill-In. On the one hand, we have The Interlocutor, confirmed enemy of the Philosophers, and Uiara/Osayin info that Yara might want to know about.

On the other hand, a direct line into What The Hell The Philosophers Even Are, and the opportunity to counter-scry Lantern and give her even more anxiety.
Anyways, moving onto the vote! We should absolutely avoid anything that involves the weather or seasons for obvious reasons. Considering her powers are about barrier creation and manipulating gravity, and her name is French for "Jewel" or "Precious Stone", those two could be a good source for inspiration.

As fun as introducing new heroes always is, I dread them because I know the limits of my creativity and those limits are not very high. Thankfully, the rest of the thread is here. Truly, superhero marketing is the hardest job in Horizon. :p
...well now I'm torn for what we want to do for our next Fill-In. On the one hand, we have The Interlocutor, confirmed enemy of the Philosophers, and Uiara/Osayin info that Yara might want to know about.

On the other hand, a direct line into What The Hell The Philosophers Even Are, and the opportunity to counter-scry Lantern and give her even more anxiety.
Actually The Interloculator isnt something I'm sure is an enemy of the philosophers it kinda sounds more like Kings enemy and target for why he disappears all the time. We know The Interloculator made a move in teh QZ during the movement atleast which would explain why King went missing and why the Philosophers think Interlocutor is gonna get cought soon.
Anyways, moving onto the vote! We should absolutely avoid anything that involves the weather or seasons for obvious reasons. Considering her powers are about barrier creation and manipulating gravity, and her name is French for "Jewel" or "Precious Stone", those two could be a good source for inspiration.

As fun as introducing new heroes always is, I dread them because I know the limits of my creativity and those limits are not very high. Thankfully, the rest of the thread is here. Truly, superhero marketing is the hardest job in Horizon. :p
Chihiro would proablby hel with that as our PR manager ;v
I already gave Repulsion but Gravitron (Gravitrix? Gravitress?) is another one I had in mind.

Apple? You know, like Newton?

Or maybe Newtonia?
Repulsion doesn't really vibe with me since while it's descriptive of her powers, it's too reminiscent of rejection which is basically what her entire experience with 4 Seasons was.

Newtonia sounds excellent though. Alternatively, Eureka works too since that's supposedly what Newton said after seeing the apple fall from the tree. It's a feminine name and references her powers in a indirect manner.

If we go with either of this, however, I am absolutely against a apple as a emblem. Apple emblems are associated too much with the company we all know.
Dubstep-autotune remix [here].
Now I'm curious what Moon River was going for with this video specifically. Is it some diss track for Scarlet Maturity, or a hacker's calling card after pwning the site? If there was a song in mind here I'd like to hear it haha.

So, can we get a general agreement not to fuck with whatever the fuck maturity did to that dna profile?
Agreed, until we better understand it I don't want to risk creating a hero who's automatically bound to Scarlet Maturity's lifetime loans.
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Also I'm going against the grain and saying that we should totally study Scarlet Maturity's energy so we could cut off his 1UPs, but unfortunately the only metahuman power specialist we know of is Valiant Silver, currently dead as doornails and Lady Leizhi's conscience won't allow us to make an Algernon type. But hopefully we'll get a similar chance in the future when we are more prepared.

For Opale's hero name I have a bit more of a esoteric inspiration, the French scientist who first translated Newton's work and expanded upon it:

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