... I hope this isn't going to be some nonsense Devil's Bargain where both options suck, I can't fucking take the stress of this event.
We are getting Hiver the mother of all presents! What do they like? They can have it! I'm serious if it needs AP next Issue Im voting for it!
Edit: Also oh gods Mona what's happening!?
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Behind The Hero: Dryad's Circle
by SolarGemX
Nowadays the word Superhero can be seen everywhere, and can range from small independent groups to massive globe wide super corporations. Many consider powers that are flashy or powerful are what is needed to make it anywhere in the world of heroics; well that and sufficient backing from districts or high end organizations. And while there is perhaps a nugget of truth in that statement, there are as many small independent heroes and groups doing their own kind of heroics. Why don't we look at one of said groups? In todays episode of "Behind the Hero" we share a glimpse at the Search and rescue team The Dryads Circle.

Active for over a decade this group of 6 heroes came to be when its founding member and Leader, Esmeralda Lastra, also known as Lady Lily was volunteering at reforestation effort in Yellowstone in America, the park had suffered from a massive fire because of thunderstorm that occurred the week before. Lady Lily at the time was an independent hero that volunteered to help with her powers to hasten the recovery of the plant life in the park. Her abilities included the creation and manipulation of vines capable of carrying around the weight of a full grown man, but her strongest ability was stored within the vines she created, if cut the vines would secret a purple colored sap that accelerated a plants natural growth cycle, a 8oz bottle or two of this sap is capable of turning a small seed into a mighty tree, so the young hero thought she was perfect for assisting in this endeavor.

The second member of this future hero Group is Sir Ursa or as he was known back then Bernhard Frost, a medium size Teen at the time he had visited Yellowstone in order to attend the event as part of a extracurricular activity at his school. Young Bernhard is capable of transforming into a 7 foot tall Grizzly bear with enhanced strength, at the time he was capable of lifting around 400 pounds of weight when transformed and wasn't really interested in the event as much as he was interested in finishing the event to gain some extra credit.

The third member of this ensemble is Skye Harrison also known as Steel Crane a teen with a slight dysmorphic power that made her look like a Harpy of myth, Steel colored feathers (That were capable of being thrown like knives) and wings forming her arms and copper like talons for feet, young Harrison was actually not attending the event but flying above it circling the skies of the park. When later asked why she was flying during that time the girl just said and I quote: "Why wouldn't I? Have you seen these wings? They were meant for Flying!". Yes the young empowered at the time was basically going for a fly-by and was just observing the event from a different point of view. Not knowing that her help would be immensely useful in the short future.

Our fourth member of the day is Known as Bee Trooper or when in civilian clothing, Melissa West. Young miss West just like Miss Harrison above had a dysmorphic power as well, just instead of avian traits she had Insect or hornet traits. Compound eyes, chitin, a stinger, slightly large insectile wings, but a mostly human body. The young hero was resting in a distant corner of the event, away from most people. Melissa was and still one of the more introverted members of the Dryads circle, not helping the fact that many people are slightly afraid of her appearance even when the girl is actually quite kind... even though one of her main powers is to stingers that can shoot out of her wrist capable of injecting a highly potent paralytic from them, slightly adding to the fear factor. (Even with these factors, the fact that she is introverted is perhaps the most baffling thing to be pointed out when in a couple of years she and Steel Crane came out as a couple. Something about extroverts adopting introverts... never mind we need to get back to the program).

The fifth member of the circle Michaela Violet also known as T-Cat (Named after her fondness for felines and her cat inspired gear) was actually a bit of thief in the past, she had joined the event in order to pickpocket people, her main ability was vibrating her hands and feet and sense people in about 2-3 mile area. Miss Violet pickpocket people while being innately aware if anyone was looking in her direction. Even with lest than stellar origin she soon became a valued member of the circle and help in many future rescues, specializing in searching for lost civilian or individuals stuck underground. (A fun fact of this power is that T-Cat can lower or speed up the vibrations in her hands making her a VERY good Masseuse.)

The sixth and final member of this group is perhaps the oddest of the bunch, the 30 year old (at the time) jolly member of the circle Osmond Des, also known as Croakchestra. A fully dysmorphic individual Mister Des has the appearance of a anthropomorphic Frog with a rotund belly. In contrast to his appearance he is quite jovial and is a fan of many types of music and actually was actually hired by the event coordinators to provide musical entertainment for the event. Mr. Des ability is perhaps one of the most baffling in the Scientific hero community. You see, Completely separated to his appearance Croakchestra has a set of powers that would be quite potent in any other individual, he is capable of summoning rainfall by hitting his stomach like a drum, the amount and potency of the rain increasing the longer he plays on his "drum". Additionally he can manipulate water to a small degree, no larger than a baseball. He usually uses these powers in tandem to create small "tadpole" shaped water constructs in his hands, who he later throws with surprising force at his targets, these "water balloons" his as hard as a baseball...thrown by a professional athlete... so as one can assume, they hit pretty hard.

With this varied group of powers one can imagine why Dyads Circle is known as a very potent Search and rescue team with priority during natural disaster relief and reforestation. Plant Growth, Enhanced strength, two Fliers (one with paralytics), what is basically a human radar and natures own fire fighter, is no surprise they make such an effective team. As shown during their debute at this very same event.

Steel Crane was the first to notice that something was a miss, staring at a column of smoke rising not to far from the main event of the time, but very soon the entire avenue was aware of this fact when A Massive fire began to spread, causing panic among the attendees. As people fled the scene trampling over each other, each member after some deliberation began to act. Croackchestra using the microphone he had while putting music croaked and hollered making people calm down and walk out in a semblance of order, Lady Lily using her vines began carrying people that were injured during the initial stampede, while initially wanting to leave as fast as possible T-Cat stayed when she sensed a couple of animals trapped under some of the stands that broke down (and ironically saving the owners of said animals that where caught trying to save their animals), T- Cat tried to help them but didn't have the strength to pull them out, that's when Sir Ursa Transformed and helped Lifting the debris covering the trapped civilians (Even if T-Cat jumped a little seeing a giant bear come out of nowhere she quickly went and help. (Afterwards she insisted that the Sir Ursas appearance did in fact, NOT Scare her even a little bit.)
Bee Trooper was probably the only one to notice when Steel Crane went to the source of the fire, following the wild flier they discovered a group of Individuals (Around 3-4 adult males) with gasoline and molotov cocktails setting fire to the forest; arsonist's. Being a hothead Steel Crane Rushed at the group with talons raised, ready to give them a beating, and after a bit of incredulity, Bee Trooper followed, quicky neutralizing the group with talon and stinger, just as the first few drops of rain began to fall, courtesy of Croakchestra.

Once the dust was settled and the criminals were being taken to prison, the 6 individuals who had just met by a quirk of fate began to talk, and as they say the rest is history.

Authors note:
Another little story, not for DNA or anything mostly for fun (and maybe more points to save our team from this clusterfuck). Here is my Search and Rescue inspired team. The Dryad Circle! I took a bit of inspiration from Pokemon again for the abilities.
Esmeralda was based on Meganium's ability to promote plant growth and health, Bernhard was based on the Bear Pokemon Like Ursaring, Skye was based on Skarmory a steel bird, T-Cat was a mix of Toph from Avatar the last EarthBender and those cat style headphones people buy, Bee Trooper was based on Beedrill and the name was based on the Yugioh cards with the same name and Croackchestra was based on Politoed with a pun based on Croak and Orchestra. Hope you all enjoy!
Also, can I say I just love this?
I mean, she's Silver Age Superman apparently, it's probably going to be some awful choice between "Let the villain get away unharmed" or "Be responsible for a calamity because that's what it took to stop the Villain"
. . . can someone summarize our rolls so I have them all in one place?

I'm lazy enough to give a +1 for it.
d20 ops (8)
d20 hit (9)
d20 rep (11)
d20 hit (17)
d20 hit (1)
d20 esp (7)
d20 hit (7)
d20 hit (5)
DM rolled a D4 (3)
d20 hit (19)
d20 hit (8)
d20 (11)(+5 added to it from thread points)

If taking the end results of the advantage rolls I believe it ended up as this?
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d20 ops (8)
d20 hit (9)
d20 rep (11)
d20 hit (17)
d20 hit (1)
d20 esp (4)
d20 hit (7)
d20 hit (5)
DM rolled a D4 (3)
d20 hit (19)
d20 hit (8)
d20 (11)(+5 added to it from thread points)

If taking the end results of the advantage rolls I believe it ended up as this?
The ESP was a 7 after advantage, and I'm not sure what that HIT 5 check was, but the rest seem right. Thank you! +1
The ESP was a 7 after advantage, and I'm not sure what that HIT 5 check was, but the rest seem right. Thank you! +1

Well, okay, no saving that ESP check. Now, a very important HIT check, no advantage.

I'll take on this tribulation, I can do nothing less. (Rolled a 5)
My bad with the Esp one, but this is the source of the hit 5 I put in thread wise.
We are home free! All that we have left is Family Drama, that will be low-stakes and have no active consequences, just random rewards and minor choices for flavor and narrative!