Yayyy, we "Only" get fucked up, but I don't think anyone's dead!

Of course, he might get to keep attacking, and then we all get TPKed but hopefully it won't come to that?
The universe is balancing our luck with Wolong. Quick, someone bring their finest livestock to the nearest volcano, we must appease the RNGods!


EDIT: The RNGods approved of the volcano sacrifice for this roll.
LucidProp threw 1 20-faced dice. Total: 17
17 17
Idle minor question: If Leizi were to use her -3 to an Espionage DC on a check with a staggered Minor/Moderate/Major success, for the sake of example a 5/10/15, would it only apply to the closest DC that we didn't pass over (so, after stat is taken into account, if we had 9, the usage would turn the Moderate from 10 to 7), or all of them at once (so now it's 2/7/12)?
Idle minor question: If Leizi were to use her -3 to an Espionage DC on a check with a staggered Minor/Moderate/Major success, for the sake of example a 5/10/15, would it only apply to the closest DC that we didn't pass over (so, after stat is taken into account, if we had 9, the usage would turn the Moderate from 10 to 7), or all of them at once (so now it's 2/7/12)?
It would be all at once.

Another d20!
We had 4 NPCs getting involved here, Hiver, Handyman, Lady Leizi, and Mona I think, and only one of those rolls were particularly bad. (And I think it might have been LL because she was the one they were focused on--but she also has the shield that keeps her from getting absolutely flattened too).

The rest were mitigated, I think. The question is "Do we have an escape strategy though or does Scarlet Maturity get another round to murder us all with"
Another decent roll!

Basically, this should be okay unless all of these were against Lady Leizi with 3 damage attacks every single time. Or unless that nat 4 landed on Handyman.

Or the worst case scenario. "Everyone is taking a 3 damage attack every roll, and we just got stackwiped", but I don't think it's that bad.
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