Al does have that Master ability. Make Riley despise Jack and the rest of the 9, and give her constant empathy for her would-be victims.

Thats was more of him using a loop hole after all he hasn't left the earth only his tech did. The real question is would his tech still work if he left earth or would if just go caput kaput.
Given that Tinkertech doesn't work by physics and instead works by direct and active intervention of the shard rewriting reality, yeah, a shard's influence definitely can extend that far. There's really no fundamental difference between either connection; it's just that the shard is programmed not to allow the one while having fewer constraints on the other.
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en that Tinkertech doesn't work by physics and instead works by direct and active intervention of the shard rewriting reality, yeah, a shard's influence definitely can extend that far. There's really no fundamental difference between either connection; it's just that the shard is programmed not to allow the one while having fewer constraints on the other.
Ah but do the shards consider tinker tech to be a power expression or the result of a power. Because if it's the first then they probably stop them working once they leave the atmosphere like any other power, but if it's the latter the shards might allow tinker tech to continue functioning outside of the atmosphere.

This occurred to me after I posted but a potentially easy way to figure this out would be see how tinker tech reacted in the presence of hatchet face, like does tinker text still work around hatchet face or not.
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At that point it wouldn't be Tinkertech. Just very advanced technology, probably produced by a Thinker.
Uhh, no... That wouldn't make it, "just very advanced technology", cause it's functions would still be reliant on dimensional fuckery. That's how tinkertech fundamentally works and why the "black box" thing exists. Most of the functions of a device exist in/pass through parallel dimensions.

Like, a piece of copper wire exists partially in a dimension that actually amplifies electricity instead of simply conducting it. So on one end of the wire you have electricity disappearing on contact with it and on the other end it reappears but in quantities that don't coincide with how much went in or how conductive copper is supposed to be.
The figures for Outer Dragons flying in space are kind of... wonky. I know we've gone over it in the Main Thread.

The rules offer no distinction based on the actual location of celestial bodies in relation to each other, unfortunately. I'm operating under the assumption that they take time to ramp up, however, so travel times would vary because it takes time to reach the kinds of speed which would be significantly faster.
I honestly just think of it as "Its a void dragon. the deeper into the void between stars they go, the greater the speed they can travel within it. so less "the dragon is building up speed" and more more "the deeper within its element the more it is capable of"
It nicely shifts a "how does it slow down" problem into "there is conceptual shananigans going on" for traveling and squares that circle without pain.
Intergalactic Dragon gunna break the speedometer.
Worm 63
How to Beat Fried Worms

Disclaimer: Worm is owned by Wildbow because nobody else wants it.


Chapter 63: Excorciation


Escaping the Earth's atmosphere hadn't taken Alec long at all. It only extended out about ten-thousand kilometers. Starting out, Alec could Teleport 1.8 kilometers at a cost of 50 SP and his base SP was 3000 while he regenerated 25% of that per minute, so he was getting back 750 SP per minute.

But that was before Alec's traits were factored in.

Temporal Perfection gave Alec back another 73 HP and SP per minute, and Character improved his attributes 8 points so long as he was unobserved, which ramped him up to 3800 SP while he was getting back 1,254 SP per minute for a total of 1,327 SP per minute. He could use Teleportation 26 times per minute which worked out reasonably well since it gave him an opportunity to re-orient between uses.

That was still, initially, only about 47 kilometers per minute. Without Teleportation leveling up, Alec would need somewhere around three and a half hours to escape the atmosphere.

In reality, he'd managed it in a bit more than two hours. Teleportation had leveled up pretty quickly under the conditions he'd been putting it through and its range had doubled at level 20. By level 40, he was moving 8 kilometers per use.

That still left him with the question as to how he was going to actually get to the moon, however. 8 kilometers times 26 uses per minute came up to 208 kilometers per minute which would be... doable. If Alec wanted to spend something like 30 hours just using Teleportation to try and go to the moon.

Honestly, though? That just sounded miserable. Doable and functional just weren't the same thing.

So, once Alec escaped the inexorable pull of gravity, he'd started doing something else instead.

He wrapped himself in a hug and used Vector on himself, applying momentum to his own body in the direction of the pale, isolated celestial body of the moon.

Alec had never actually tested how much kinetic force Vector would apply. By level 15 it would fire something off with the force of a 9mm bullet but he didn't know how it scaled or how it leveled before that point.

Well, starting off, it was significantly slower than just using Teleportation.

But, and this was the important part, there was no resistance in space to slow Alec down. He could, and did, just keep using Vector on himself to continue increasing his own momentum and speed!

Unfortunately, the Void Dragon did not have a watch on hand so he couldn't be sure as to how long it actually took for him to begin approaching the moon. He hadn't bothered trying to count and he just... kind of got lost in his own head as he kept on using the ability on auto-pilot.

Like Teleportation, Vector had hit level 40, and so too had the trait, Concentrate.

Which was nice, Alec supposed, but he quickly realized that he had a problem coming up rather quickly as the moon expanded in his field of view.

He was coming in hot and he'd forgotten that he needed to slow down!

Spreading his wings, the void dragon tried to re-angle himself as the pale surface approached-
Alec did not, in fact, succeed at bleeding off his momentum. Rather, he slammed into the lunar surface with sufficient velocity to crater it, sending rocks and dust flying high into the vacuum of space, barely constrained by the limited gravity of the tiny satellite.

From within the new crater, dozens of meters deep, Alec sneezed and closed out the window warning him that his Shield of Glass had shattered, absorbing the blow that should have turned him into a void smear across the surface of the moon. It was going to be a while before that was back up, actually a few hours as it recovered from the damage debt he'd just inflicted on it.

Woo! Rules Lawyering for the survival!

Alec silently laughed as he hurried out of the crater. The reduced gravity meant that the flying chunks of rock he'd sent up with his impact wouldn't be coming down any time soon, but... he still didn't want to get hit by them.

Once he was sure he was free and clear of the impact zone, the outer dragon stopped to look up. To gaze upon the Earth. From so far away, it just seemed so... insignificant. And yet, it held billions of lives. Billions of hopes and dreams.

They were all so very small, in the end, but that did not make them unimportant.

The terrestrial body reflected off the dragon's yellow eyes, the clouds upon it swirling slowly as the Earth continued to turn.

How many versions of the Earth were now barren? How many trillions had been eaten by the Warrior and the Thinker in their mindless hunger?

If he could, Alec would have sighed. He'd already had time to get introspective, now he needed to get to work.

Starting off, Alec extracted a metal ball bearing from his inventory. After an instant of focus, it was yet another Marker for him to teleport to. Saving him the long, long trip between Heaven and Earth.

Dropping the metal ball, Alec spared the Earth one last glance before he spread his wings and ascended with a mighty flap. He took off at speed, darting over the barren landscape until he reached the dark side of the moon.

The closest region that was fully obscured from the Entities. A place beyond what they bothered to observe, outside the range of all but their most potent Shards. It was, so far as the brilliant idiots were concerned, simply too resource intensive for them to bother watching the moon. Not when they'd already observed and analyzed the nearby space and genuinely lacked the intelligence to imagine something other, something beyond their experience that could even exist.

Running his tongue along his teeth, Alec's claws trembled.

It was time.

It was past time.

Reaching into himself, reaching beyond the well of SP that the administrator of his system had grafted into his soul, Alec touched something deeper. Something that had become fundamental to his self, his actions and his choices.

Dipping a metaphorical finger into the seemingly bottomless pool of magic that he'd been focusing on for what felt like years, Alec closed his eyes and held his hands in front of himself. Slowly, carefully, he molded a spell that he'd mastered and memorized, written into himself deeper than flesh or bone but well and fully soul-deep.

With a subtle pulse, a shimmer formed into the space before him, growing into an oval of light that was only just barely larger than himself.

For the first time since he'd been forced unto Earth-Bet, Alec cast Gate.

Stepping through the shimmering portal, Alec was met face-first with fresh, clean air. He could hear the sounds of water dripping nearby. He felt grass, live and healthy, underneath of his claws.

"Hah..." the dragon laughed, a knot of tension in his chest unwinding as he took in the sight of the cabins in front of him, the house over to his left, the orchard towards the back on the demi-plane. "Hahah!"

Just being there, Alec could feel a part of himself that had been deprived begin to awaken. It was as though he'd been dehydrated, with tacky lips and dry eyes that he'd been ignoring as best he could for as long as he could.

His head whipping to the right, to a small pond wherein a spire rose from the center with a strange, blue crystal dripping water into the pool below, Alec stumbled towards it. He literally tripped on his way to the pond but forced himself to move!

Burying his head under the life-giving, magically enriched waters, Alec drank greedily. The dragon filled his belly, filled his body with magic until he literally could not stomach any more.

And then he pulled his head free and rolled over, his stomach sloshing and his eyes burning as he stared directly into the artificial sun he'd made for his realm from a Light Elemental.

"Heh..." Alec chuckled to himself, tears burning at his eyes.

Earth-Bet didn't have magic. At all.

And he was a creature that -could- exist without it, generating it from himself ex-nihilo. But... it felt wrong. In a lot of ways.

It was like looking at a world that was drab and gray, colorless and lifeless.

--Creator?-- a voice asked directly against his mind. Looking to the side, Alec caught sight of what almost looked like a large, iron ball with limbs and an iron helmet for a head. One of his iron golems, made to maintain the demi-plane. The one talking to him had the number '5' painted on its chest. --Are you well?--

"No, Johnny," Alec admitted, his words slow and carefully enunciated. The dragon raised one claw and covered his crying eyes with his forearm.

"I'm really not."
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Chapter 63 Character Sheet
Worm Version 0.6.3: Character Sheet
"--Are you well?--"
"No Johnny.... I'm really not"

Nobody is a Worm-world is OK. But considering all the crap Alec has been doing, and the pressure of knowing how messed up the world is...he is due for a nice trauma-derived knowledge induced PTSD breakdown.
Ugh, stressed magically on top of mentally (though that seems to happen depressingly often for Alec anyway. A bit of time to decompress a bit is just what the doctor ordered.


Number Johnny-5 is Alive!

Sorry, but once I read the name and description I could not help myself.
Alec did not, in fact, succeed at bleeding off his momentum. Rather, he slammed into the lunar surface with sufficient velocity to crater it, sending rocks and dust flying high into the vacuum of space, barely constrained by the limited gravity of the tiny satellite.
That's weird. I didnt think teleport conserved momentum. It doesnt conserve orientation, so even if speedything goes in speedything goes out, teleport to the surface of the moon, facing away from it. Ta da! all the time you need to Velocity yourself back to reasonable speeds without hitting rock.
Alec silently laughed as he hurried out of the crater. The reduced gravity meant that the flying chunks of rock he'd sent up with his impact wouldn't be coming down with a lot of force, but... he still didn't want to get hit by them.
If they come down at all, they will come down with the same speed they went up. That's how gravity works if you dont escape the gravity well.
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On the bright side, it's not often that one can say that going on a murderous rampage or fifty can make the universe a quantifiably better place.

As in, measurable in kilonazis.

(The green line is the hypothetical offspring of Sauron and Cruella de Ville.)
Worm-verse wears on everyone, even multiverse Void-dragons like Alec. The sheer hopelessness of the place and its people makes it unbearable for anyone with a modicum of morals or hope to live there without becoming twisted and amoral (looking at you Rebecca). That sociopath Doctor Mother and the Shard-puppet Contessa manipulating thing in the background just makes it worse.

To think some people actually want to be isekai'ed there.

The reduced gravity meant that the flying chunks of rock he'd sent up with his impact wouldn't be coming down with a lot of force...

...that's not how gravity works, Mister Ficser. Lower gravity means it would just take longer for the rocks to fall back down. If the impact shot up the rocks at the speed of an rocket, it would come back down and hit the ground at the exact same speed, especially with no atmosphere to slow it down.
...that's not how gravity works, Mister Ficser. Lower gravity means it would just take longer for the rocks to fall back down. If the impact shot up the rocks at the speed of an rocket, it would come back down and hit the ground at the exact same speed, especially with no atmosphere to slow it down.
lower gravity also means lower escape velocity especially with a thinner atmosphere with less friction, so they could have gone fast enough to escape the gravitational pull and enter orbit around the moon or into space
That's weird. I didnt think teleport conserved momentum. It doesnt conserve orientation, so even if speedything goes in speedything goes out, teleport to the surface of the moon, facing away from it. Ta da! all the time you need to Velocity yourself back to reasonable speeds without hitting rock.

After Alec got outside of the Earth's atmosphere he began using a different skill. Vector, which imparts direction and magnitude (Oh yeah!) to a held object, was used on himself as it could escalate functionally unchecked without gravity or air resistance.
After Alec got outside of the Earth's atmosphere he began using a different skill. Vector, which imparts direction and magnitude (Oh yeah!) to a held object, was used on himself as it could escalate functionally unchecked without gravity or air resistance.
I think what @MaimakteriAnn was getting at was that he could have just used Teleport to dodge the Moon and have time to slow down without hitting it, by changing the direction he was speedything-ing in. Then again, it's not exactly out of character for our boy Alchemist to not think of things like that on the spot, if he hasn't given them at least some amount of prior consideration. Also, Rule of Funny ;)
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I think what @MaimakteriAnn was getting at was that he could have just used Teleport to dodge the Moon and have time to slow down without hitting it, by changing the direction he was speedything-ing in. Then again, it's not exactly out of character for our boy Alchemist to not think of things like that on the spot, if he hasn't given them at least some amount of prior consideration. Also, Rule of Funny ;)

Ah, yeah, I see.

Yes, that would have worked.

Yes, rule of funny went into that. And, yes, Alec doesn't always have time to realize that his initial plan isn't going to work before it blows up on him.

That actually happens to him a lot, really.
lower gravity also means lower escape velocity especially with a thinner atmosphere with less friction, so they could have gone fast enough to escape the gravitational pull and enter orbit around the moon or into space

True, especially helped by the fact that the moon do not have an atmosphere. But it's kind of unlikely. A quick google showed me the escape velocity of the moon is 2.4 km/s. In comparison, the muzzle speed of a Glock 19 (a common handgun) is 370m/s, slightly over the speed of sound. Unless Alex hit hit the moon at Mach 7, the rocks he sent up will eventually come down.