Tales of Love and Justice: Void born Hunters (MH AU)
Nature. What can be said about nature, which hasn't been said already? It provides for us, shelter us, and it intrigue us, permitting us lowly human to persist against all odds. However, nature can also be cruel. It has Natural disasters, illness and of course the 5-meter-long pickle dinosaur that can eat entire ecosystems into extinction. Wait… what was that last one!? Yes dear reader, dinosaurs; or better said: WYVERNS. This world is a thing of beauty, with wonderful vistas, exotic plants, and temperamental monsters. Now don't think that just because there are monsters that these creatures are out to get you… well maybe some of them are, but the less said about things like Rajang, Deviljho or Nakarkos, the better. While they may be called monsters, these creatures are more akin to animals, large, predatory, and sometimes elemental energy throwing animals. The eat, they drink, they sleep, they breed, they live, and they die. The number of creatures that can be found in this world is enormous, from the lowly Kelbi to the world ending Alatreon. These creatures come in all shapes and sizes and can be found in many of the vast territories of the world. Now you may be asking yourself, is there any way to defend ourselves from these beast's if they come close to our villages or cities? The answer is yes, if these monsters were to come too close to inhabited areas, or were disrupting the balance of nature, that's where The Guild and The Hunter's come in.
The Hunter's Guild is a World spanning organization that is in charge of dealing with many things, primarily rampaging monsters and making sure to maintain the balance of nature. Yes, the key word here is balance. Long ago, the "Ancient Civilization" was a world spanning civilization of great power and technological prowess. They bent the very rules of nature to their whims, capturing, slaying, experimenting on monsters and killing Elder Dragons in masse. Some of their many advancements led to the creation of weapons like the Switch Axe or the Charge Blade, but they also led to abominations against nature like the Tower, a massive structure made of Kushala Daora's, or if some rumors were to be believed, an eldritch horror known as the Equal Dragon Weapon. Is it really a Surprise when the God of all monsters, the Black Devil, Fatalis came to scorch the world clean, avenging all the draconic lives that were lost due to the Ancient's hubris? No, I think not. It's because of this tragedy that the Guild works tirelessly to maintain balance and co-exist with nature. This can be seen in the Guild's crest, which has 4 meanings depending on the symbol's: The highest symbol represents 'respect for nature,' the left symbol represents 'life as a community,' the right symbol represents 'prosperity from nature,' while the lowest symbol represents 'crafting from nature.'
The Hunter's Guild unifies and regulates all hunting activities. It collects hunting and gathering requests from all over the world, posting them within their gathering halls and the various outposts for hunters to undertake. Furthermore, the Hunter's Guild is responsible for determining areas that can be embarked upon when hunting. It will also sometimes restrict which hunters can enter certain areas, partly for safety and partly because of the potential for illegal hunting of monsters (poaching). This is an act punishable by death, if you did not know. Finally, the Hunter's Guild will build colosseums and arenas for controlled fights between hunters and monsters. They are typically used for training purposes, but also for the entertainment of the public. In order to undertake quests from the Hunting Guild, one must register themselves as a Monster Hunter. Following this, each hunter is given a specific measure of personal skill, or their 'Hunter Rank,' through which the Guild can determine one's ability to complete varying levels of requests. The Guild will also assign rankings to quests, ensuring that only those with the correct practice will conduct such tasks.
*Sigh* Quite the Organization huh? But they are necessary in order to keep the balance of nature, although they aren't exactly the only ones that do so. In some of the more remote areas of the Old World, there are settlements of humans and Wyverians that follow an even more direct connection with nature, Riders. These individuals bond with monsters from a young age (Hell since the monsters are eggs) and via the Kinship Ritual and Kinship Stones, they can tame monsters. They raise these "monsties" as partners, unlocking the greater power they hold within. In the beginning Hunters and Riders didn't exactly get along. Riders thought hunters as butchers that killed monsters without mercy and would trample their traditions and sacred grounds without mercy (See the Guardian Ratha incident), while Hunters saw Riders as Unnatural Savages that through some otherworldly means, where capable of "controlling" monsters, which let to both parties butting heads more often than not. It was only after the efforts of two courageous rider's and their Monstie Partners' Ratha (A strangely powerful Rathalos and a Razewing Rathalos respectively), with Hunter Assistance, that the Gap between the two began to mend (See the "Black Blight" Incident and The "Oltura" incident, for more details). Now a days, while not often, it is not weird to see a Rider among Hunter establishments, or even hunters and Riders working in tandem to combat bigger threats like an Elder Dragon.
But there's been rumors of a new discovery from the Ancient Civilization that may lead this peace to ruin… but we are getting ahead of ourselves. First, let me introduce myself. The names Jun Akimitsu, I am a Wyverian Quest giver and Guild Associate stationed in the Dusk Gloom, a city out in the border between The Old World and the Frontier. Well, what used to be the Frontier. Who knew that having a whole ecosystem of High Tier monsters, most of them near or above the Elder Dragon Level, would lead to the complete eradication of several Ecosystem's? If you can't catch it, I'm being Sarcastic. Luckily or unluckily if you ask certain hunters, not all monsters In that ecosystem where lost. There has been some reports of Frontier monster sightings in other locations in the Old World, so watch out if you are hunting out there.
Now lets see, you are a new recruit, and your being stationed in Dusk Gloom? That's… interesting. So I guess where heading home together, well speak a bit more about what I mean by interesting a little later… for now, where do you come from?
Place of Origin:
{} Kokoto Village: A village located in the northwest of the Old World, near the Schrade Region. This village is a midway point where several merchants commonly go to sell their goods from other lands. It's famous for being the retirement home of a Legendary Wyverian Hunter known as the "Hero of Kokoto."
(Kokoto is a village flowing with tradition, while it may not have some of the more fanciful discoveries and technologies most "Modern" hunters may have, the various trials individuals in this region have faced have made them masters of the traditional.)
-Gain additional 3-4 points in all stats if you start in this village.
- Start with mercantile contacts due to your upbringing in this village (You receive a 15% discount for all purchases due to your connections.
- Gain a higher starting Proficiency with Sword and Shield, Great Sword, Hammer and Bow weapons.
- No initial access to more "Modern" hunting tech like scout flies (To start).
{} Pokke Village: A small agricultural village located in the Furahiya Mountains, near the Snowy Mountains. This village is home to a great variety of fields and the infamous and mysterious Giant Sword, a mystery to all who witness it. Although, there are rumors that the blade is made from the materials of an extremely dangerous monster.
(Pokee is a fount of agricultural knowledge, and ancient traditions. Who knows, maybe you'll benefit from being born in this region?
-Gain Agricultural Knowledge, Letting you farm a vast soiree of Fruits, Mushrooms and Vegetables that can give modifiers to any food you eat.
-Gain the passive [Cold Hunter] increasing the Damage you do to enemies while in areas with cold weather.
-Due to living in the cold all the time you gain the passive [Cold Resistant], making more resistant to the effects of cold weather (Hot Drinks last longer), and increasing your resistance to ice damage slightly.
-Due to always living near the snow, harsh hot places aren't exactly your friend. (Cold Drinks are even more necessary when in desert or volcano biomes)
{}: Moga Village: A small fishing Village attached to a deserted island in an archipelago near the Great Ocean, Moga Village was the recipient of a vast amount of earthquakes in the past, caused by a legendary Elder Dragon Known as Ceadeus. The Titan of the deep was eventually slain by a valiant Monster Hunter and the village has been pretty peaceful since then.
(Due to living near the water all the Time Moga inhabitants are all expert fishers and are more than happy to be in the water).
-Gain Passive [Fishing Master]: Fish can't stop jumping in your basket, not only that you are an expert when it comes to dealing with Piscine Wyverns or Leviathans, dealing even more damage to them.
-Gain passive: [Under Water Combatant]: You are not affected by the effects of being underwater while hunting. Your damage and mobility is not affected by the effects of being underwater.
-While you aren't affected by the water like others, you still need to breathe. Luckily, you have some notes on a special breathing mask from the time you spent talking with the Hunter, you just need to find a way to create it. (Gain 1 Ancient Civilization Breathing mask blueprint)
{} Val Habar: A port Town bordering the Great Desert. This is a meeting place for al sorts of Travelers, merchants, and Hunters, looking to do business and Gather information. Being built near the Great Desert where the dangerous Dah'ren Mohran make their home, the town boast an impressive fleet of sand ships and devices that help keep the grand beast's at bay.
(Val Habar is a great place to live, being near so much Siege weaponry has given you an intimate knowledge in how to use them)
-Gain the Passive [Ship siege master] Giving you a unique mastery of siege weapons and how to best use them when on a ship.
-Gain the Passive [Heat Resistant]: Cold Drinks last longer while in Biomes with Hot Weather, and you gain a slight boost to your fire resistance. However, you do not like the cold, and hot drinks don't last as long in places with Cold Weather.
-Due to the "Frenzy" incident you are knowledgeable of the various ways monsters act and you know how to identify the effects of the frenzy or other disease like afflictions in monsters or people.
{} Kamura Village: A quaint Village located towards the eastern Providence of the Old World, Kamura Village recently was the subject of "The Rampage" a frenzy where every 50 years a whole swat of monsters would rampage towards the village, bringing destruction in its wake. It was only after the Valiant efforts of a Hunter living there that the truth of the matter was discovered, Ibushi and Narwha. These elder dragons were eventually slain, and The Rampage was eventually quelled.
(The most modern place around, Kamura is famous for a lot, but more importantly the Palamutes, The Cohoots and the Wirebugs, there seven hidden techniques for more advanced hunters.)
-Start with a Palamute companion, a Cohoot, Understanding of how to use Wirebugs and a Hidden Technique scroll of your Starting Weapon.
-Start with the passive: [Battlement Siege Master]: Making any siege weaponry you use when in a single location deal more damage.
-Dango, Dango, Dango! You love those rice cakes; too bad they aren't that much of a community outside of Kamura. You can eat other stuff, but you do want a sweet treat every so often. So sadly, you receive less of a bonus from eating at the canteen in comparison to others. (80% in comparison to 100%)
Jun: Huh, well that's interesting. Now… how old are you? Also don't lie, we need to know if you are disallowed from certain quest's or not.
{} 10 years old: What the hell are you doing here? You are not a hunter, so why would you be…OH! That explains it, you're a Trainer/Rider? Hmm having a Monstie with you sure would balance the fact you can't swing a sword to save your life.
-Due to your age and lack of physical training, you cant wield a standard weapon. However you do have a New World Clutch Claw and slinger in case of emergencies.
-Due to your age You can only choose the Trainer or Rider Classes to begin with, however, you and your "Monstie" gain a 1.5 exp multiplier due to the fact that you are extremely resolute in improving their strength, this is essential since without your monster you are pretty much Wyvern Food.
-You can't buy weapons, but the extra income you get from quest is instead used to finance some other establishments, you don't have to pay to eat in the canteen and you gain a random extra material from any hunt you participate in.
{} 16-18 years old: The more "Standard" age for a Hunter, Rider or what else mind you. Just make sure you know are doing and follow order, when necessary, we don't need any risk takers here.
-No direct bonuses, but no restrictions either. You are a malleable spirit, and you could probably learn and master different styles or roles, if necessary, just don't become a Jack of all trades master of none, ok?
-This age group is perfect for Hunter, Riders, and Burst Hunters.
-Have a few extra bonuses if taken alongside the Burst Hunter Background…
{} 20-24 Years old: You've seen your share of things in the world, and while you are only starting now, you have had a few extra years to sharpen you craft.
-Gain a Bonus of 3-4 points to all stats if taken alongside the Hunter Background.
-Gain a free Mastery of 3 Weapons plus 1 Hunter Techniques for each if Chosen alongside the Hunter Background.
-Gain an extra bonus if taken alongside the Burst Hunter Background.
-The extra years have made you better at what you know, but it also means that its harder to learn new stuff. (Take a penalty when starting to learn a new weapon, technology, or Hunter Art).
Jun: Ok… age is registered, lets leave the weapons for later, thanks to some discoveries we have a larger selection than the Standard 14. We have tonfas and even Magnet Spikes, lying around, although the latter 2 are MUCH harder to upgrade, so don't go for the "ooooh shiny" unless, you're sure. Now… between you and me, this guild card can say anything… but are you just a Trainer, a Hunter, a Rider or… something else?
{} Trainer: You and your Monster gain a 1.5 exp multiplier due to your expertise in raising them. Trainers have a much easier time teaching monster different ways in how they can use their powers and natural advantages in creative ways. An example of this would be teaching a Rathalos how to use their fire in creative ways, like dropping fire balls from the Sky, creating vortex of flame to surround enemies or maybe increasing the ways they can use the venom in their talons to catch prey. You can train up to 6 different monsters at a time.
-You Start with a New World Clutch Claw and Slinger.
-You don't get weapons, just like the angry 10-year-old above.
-You Start with an updated Monster Encyclopedia thanks to your time learning about monsters.
-You start with knowledge of Expert Foraging skills (You gain more from Foraging Spots).
-Armors Cost a bit less. Hey, no weapons doesn't mean you can't have armor.
{} Hunter: Everyone knows who the Hunters are. The armor, The weapons, the skills, and the backing from the Guild. If you are a Hunter, you make sure nature is kept in balance, take quest in order to help the local populace and maybe fight an Elder Dragon or two. Being a Hunter grants you a higher stat cap and more stats per level up, not only that you can mix and match armors and weapons in order to defeat your opponent. A Good Hunter is one who is prepared for all potential threats, just make sure you don't use all your Zenny when making armor sets, ok? (Gain a Proficiency in the weapon you use. You are an official Hunter of the Guild, which means as long as you follow rules, you can pretty much go anywhere).
-A Famous Hunter near the Dusk Gloom is a Hunter Kaneko Akemi and her Palico Purrson.
-You can use any of the weapons.
{} Rider: A class that falls in between Trainer and Hunter, these wardens of nature use their skills and their "Monsties" in order to maintain balance in nature. A rider has the same access to weapons and Armor as hunters, but don't have the same level of expertise in using them as a Hunter. However, they are capable of defending themselves and their monster companion unlike the Trainer.
-A rider can have up to 3 "Monsties" in their party, can use armor and can wield Sword and Shields, Great swords, Hammers, Hunting Horns, and Bows, with some other weapons as special cases.
-Gain Access to Kinship Skills and to The Right of Channeling (eventually).
-A somewhat famous Rider that resides near Dusk Gloom is the Rider Himari Kuromi and her Seregios "Altergeist."
-Other famous Riders that have been seen in Dusk Gloom and in other parts of the world are the "Arch Mages" Riders posing incredibly powerful monsters as companions. An example is Kirata Kuromi and her Astalos and Kushala Daora, "Yuki" and her Gammoth and Velkahna, Kirei Sora with her Glavenus and Lunastra, and Bashira Akasuki with his Mitsutsune and Inagami. (How the hell did they get ELDERS as monsties!?).
{*} Burst Warrior/ Hunter: A
VERY rare and dangerous type of "hunter." Burst warriors are individuals that have somehow gained access to an ancient piece of Ancient Civilization Technology, The Burst Heart. Through unknown means the Ancients managed to twist a Kinship Crystal with a source similar to the Black Blight and a drop of an unknown beings blood in order to create gems capable of transforming their wielders into Human/monster Hybrids for a set amount of time, granting the user the power of the Monsters… essence? Trap within. Burst warriors are the strongest of the classes, granting a much greater amount of power and defense in comparison to a hunters armor or weapon. Any user is essentially "switched" the Hybrid body for a period of time and once the transformation is over, returns the user unharmed (and with their clothes, weapons, and armor intact). However the transformation does come with some side effects. Depending on the monster contained in the Burst Heart, the user will also gain some of their instinct's, and weakness, for example an Astalos Burst Heart would make the user slightly more violent and weak to the Ice element. The Guild is tasked with keeping a STRICT eye out for any Burst Hunters, making sure to capture them, due to their effect in the world's balance. Even more so since, unlike riders, being a Burst Warrior paints a VERY large target on your back. For some unknown reason wild monsters tend to become more violent when facing a Burst Hunter, Monsties are surprisingly calmer, but are uncomfortable when near them and Elder Dragons? They
HATE Burst Warriors. Theorized by some researchers of the Guild, Elder Dragons have an inborn instinct inside of them, making them seek out BW's with the aim to kill them, due to mistaking them for the Ancients' of the past. This hatred lead Elder Dragons into rampaging around various Ecosystems, destroying the balance of nature until they kill their target. Its primarily because of this that The Guild seek out Burst Hunters.
…aah. Now I see why they send you over to me. Don't worry, I'm not going to rat you out. Dusk Gloom is the perfect place for you and any other Warrior. You see, while most of the Guild seek out Burst Hearts in order to eliminate them, a small fraction of the Guild has seen the mounting appearances of Elder Dragons in the Last few decades and worry that eventually, we wont have a Hunter or Rider Capable of dealing with them. So they made Dusk Gloom as a sort of base for Trainers, Hunters, Riders and of course Burst Warriors, in order to deal with more dangerous threats. Every single Guild member, including myself, who is stationed there is aware of the Burst heart Phenomenon, and our aim is to better understand the secrets of the Hearts in order to maintain natures balance. However we need to be careful, since we are also potentially considered disposable assets, since they can't afford to break the balance in power and order established by the guild, so we need to make sure to keep the "Heat" off us. Don't worry you are not the only User out there. We actually have a full team of Burst Hunters in Dusk Gloom. Let me show you some copies of their Guild Cards:
1-10 Rank 1 monster (Most herbivores and some of early monsters like Velocidrome or Seltas, etc…)
11-19 Rank 2 Monster (Monsters like Kulu-Ya-Ku, Yian Kut-Ku and Pukei-Pukei, etc…)
20-29 Rank 3 Monster (Blue Yian Kut- Ku, Arzuros, Quoropeco, Paolumu, etc…)
30-49 Rank 4 Monsters (Zamtrios, Nerscylla, Anjanath, Rathian, Palamute etc…)
50-69 Rank 5 Monsters ( Rathalos, Narcaguga, Yian Garuga, Zinogre, Monoblos, Seregios, Diablos, Tigrex, Barioth, Glavenus, Astalos, Gammoth, Misutsune, Legiana, etc…)
70-79 Rank 6 Monsters (Stigian Zinogre, Pink Rathian, Azure Rathalos, Green Narcacuga, Fulgur Anjanath, Acid Glavenus, Brute Tigrex, Ivory Lagiacrus, etc…)
80-89 Rank 7 Monsters ( Brachydios, Rajang, Deviljho, Bazelgeuse, among others)
90-100 Rank 8 Monsters and Variants ( Elder Dragons, Deviants, Rare Species, Unique Species)
Name: The Story Weaver or Weaver for Short.
Gender: Genderfluid.
Burst Heart: *Rolling* Result 96: Nergigante
This monster grants an immense amount of physical strength, adaptive bone defense and a slight regeneration factor. However, the beast within is violent towards most monsters, especially elder dragons. When confronted with an Elder Dragon the User may end up forgoing strategy in order to kill the opponent Elder. This Crystal can evolve into a Ruiner Nergigante Burst Heart by {???}.
Name: Luna Crysbel
Gender: Female
Burst Heart: *Rolling* Result 91:- Razewing Rathalos
This monster holds an enormous amount of power within it, making it far stronger than most of its kin. When used, the user will start without the ability to fly until the [Wings of Ruin], or [Wings of Salvation] passive is unlocked. Requirements: ???
Additionally, this monster has a Hunter Prey Relationship with the Elder Dragon Oltura, because of this you gained the Nemesis: [???] who if met, will do everything they can do to kill you.
Name: Ashe Cross
Gender: Male
Burst Heart: *rolling* Result 100: Primordial Malzeno
An extremely potent Burst Heart, The Primordial Malzeno within the gem seems almost… tranquil. The user of this heart will find themselves controlling the immense power within with much more ease. However, this Creature has a deep-seated hatred towards Gaismagorm and the Quorio, seeking their annihilation if in the same area, but be careful. If in the same area as the flying leeches, The Quorio will know that you could make a perfect host and if you were to fall in battle while they are in the area, they will attempt to force a "symbiotic" relationship with you. Gain Nemesis Qurio and [???] the user of a Gaismagorm Burst Heart.
Name: Terra Kille
Gender: ¿?
Burst Heart: *Rolling* Result 89: Brachydios
A powerful Burst Heart containing a powerful offense and defense, this carnivorous Brute Wyvern will provide an incredible boon to the user. Not only that, but the user can also evolve the Burst Heart into a Raging Brachydios Burst Heart or a IceBlast Brachydios by [???].
Jun: You see, you aren't alone here. So, what monster do you have if you don't mind me asking?
{*} A Pitch-Black Wolf with red Lightning, you are the user of a Stygian Zinogre Burst Heart.
{} A Frozen Ambush Predator, who uses ice and claw to defeat their foes, you are a Barioth Burst Heart User.
{} A tail larger than a man, acid cutting through most armors, you are an Acid Glavenus Burst Heart User.
Jun: Gotcha! Well that seems to be everything in order, c'mon and follow me, the next sky ship heading to Dusk Gloom leaves in an hour, might as well head there together, oh right what is your name?
Name: Rei Maruki
Gender: Female
Jun: Ok Ms. Maruki, lets head towards your new home.
Authors note: Hey, I made it! Thanks to everyone that offered their ideas for this one. Hopefully, it looks good? I could probably add some additional things but I this is a good groundwork if anything. Also, is it Strange to say I see Rei having a Stygian Zinogre as a monstie/ Burst Heart?
As for some of the things here… You Roll 3 Times for the starting Monstie/Burst Heart. Higher numbers doesn't
always mean a better result. Zetakille wanted a Voljang, and while he got a Brachy instead… well Raging Brachydios isn't the only thing that a normal Brachy could become. For example, a Misustsune Burst Heart could become a Purple Misutsune, a Soul-Seer Misutsune or an Electric Bubble Misutsune. So if he found a Rajang for example…food for thought.
I don't know if I made the Origin Villages good or not, but I would pick Kamura probably.
Trainers are basically the Pokémon option. You need to be creative with this one so expect a lot of potential write ins. (I would be cooked if I was a trainer).