Anyways, how good is Glushko's Ammonium Perchlorate? Is it as boring and mid as it sounds?
It's Ammonium Perchlorate. It's the gold standard for solid-rocket boosters, we just need to work out the proper grain-sizes and binder materials to make it work. For solids, we'll probably be using it until the mid 2040s when nanotech finally cracks Octaazacubane. And even then, it'll still have some uses.

I want to immediately make a kick-stage, a sounding rocket, and a booster out of it. Ullage motors too. :p
Given how nasty gaseous fluorine is, somehow I doubt that FOOF forming in our reaction chamber will make things any worse for the safety of our Liquid fluorine rocket. ...Are there any vids on youtube of a fluorine-metal fire? Sounds cool.

Anyways, how good is Glushko's Ammonium Perchlorate? Is it as boring and mid as it sounds?

EDIT: There's hardly any hills near Mogadishu. Our engineers ran for a LONG time to get away from that.

Funnily enough, the Ammonium perchlorate is Jack Parsons' invention, both IRL and in quest. Glushko was setting up for phase 2.
Fun fact, actually - FLOX was considered IRL for use in manned Mars mission spacecraft, more specifically as a way to make a lander that is practical to transport, capable of carrying a useful payload down to and up from the Martian surface, and able to do so even from eccentric parking orbits (because these spacecraft were designed at a time where Mariner had proved that the atmosphere was too thin to use for flight, and nobody had tested aerobraking at Mars - not that it'd be liable to work for a manned interplanetary spacecraft, considering the masses involved).

Atomic Rockets - North American Rockwell MEM, if anyone is interested in taking a look at the mid-late 60s concept for what a manned Mars lander would look like.
Chemically speaking, Flourine is an oxidizer-the strongest oxidizer possible. This means that it can 'burn' things that don't get burned by mere 100% pure oxygen. And it's hellishly toxic to humans for the same reason, it goes after our delicate enzymes and muscles in to steal electrons.
For context, it's theoretically possible to build a rocket engine that uses Oxygen as the fuel and Fluorine as the oxidizer. Of course that presumes the existence of a chamber that wouldn't be immediately consumed by the crazy hot super oxidizer gas...

Because it's FLOX, not FOOF. That is actually a different mixture. Same chemicals, different ratio.
Technically the difference between FLOX and FOOF is that in FOOF the Fluorine and Oxygen have been reacted into one molecule, while FLOX is just a mixture of cryogenic Fluorine and Oxygen, with no reactions taking place.

I believe it's usually a case of adding a bit of LF2 to LOX to get a bit more performance.
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For context, it's theoretically possible to build a rocket engine that uses Oxygen as the fuel and Fluorine as the oxidizer. Of course that presumes the existence of a chamber that wouldn't be immediately consumed by the crazy hot super oxidizer gas...
Probably not as hot as all that. FOOF is bad because it hates being itself, it wants to dissociate and go back to being F2 and O2. They're both so electronegative they want to hang out with someone else (Carbon, Hydrogen, anyone other than the other guy). Oxygen and Flourine generally require some encouragement to get together, otherwise using them as a mixed oxidizer wouldn't be a good idea. The fact that you can in fact, just pour the pure liquids into each other, is a good indicator of how relatively well behaved they are with each other.
Honestly, "let's propel this rocket with fluorine" isn't even the most outlandish idea for Parsons. The booster powered by tantric energy is just one planetary convergence away...
How much more powerful is FLOX than conventional engines, and more importantly it it practical to use without so many extra necessary safety measures that it neutralizes the specific impulse gain?
How much more powerful is FLOX than conventional engines, and more importantly it it practical to use without so many extra necessary safety measures that it neutralizes the specific impulse gain?

Iirc, the improvement on ISP was only something like 10%, but now you have to deal with both hideously dangerous - and much more expensive - fluorine.

There are a few other rocket fuels that are also hideously toxic afaik, but they're usually only used when you need to store them for a long time (so missiles, mostly).
Iirc, the improvement on ISP was only something like 10%, but now you have to deal with both hideously dangerous - and much more expensive - fluorine.

There are a few other rocket fuels that are also hideously toxic afaik, but they're usually only used when you need to store them for a long time (so missiles, mostly).
The improvement on ISP is about 10%, but fluorine also has the advantage of being denser than liquid oxygen, so you can stuff more fuel in the same size of tank.

But yeah, it's dangerous and hideously expensive, especially compared to liquid oxygen which you can just make on site from the air.
How much more powerful is FLOX than conventional engines, and more importantly it it practical to use without so many extra necessary safety measures that it neutralizes the specific impulse gain?
Iirc, the improvement on ISP was only something like 10%, but now you have to deal with both hideously dangerous - and much more expensive - fluorine.

There are a few other rocket fuels that are also hideously toxic afaik, but they're usually only used when you need to store them for a long time (so missiles, mostly).
Having run some testing with the Lite version of Rocket Propulsion Analysis, FLOX 30 (ie., 30% LF2, 70% LOX by mass) gets about 6 seconds better specific impulse when burned with the same fuel (RP-1/kerosene) in the same engine (a very rough approximation of the RS-56-OSA). FLOX 70 (which, predictably, flips the amount of LF2 and LOX) gets an extra ~7 seconds compared to FLOX 30 - which is only about 1.6 seconds better than what pure LF2 would get in the same engine.

Formatting is from the trial version of RPA 2.3.2 Standard, numbers were generated using the Lite version (except for the first entry that the formatting was copied from - my own testing showed that the outputs were more or less identical).

# FLOX/Kerosene demo, LOX/Kerosene control
# Estimated delivered performance
# Parameter Sea level Sea level (flow. sep.) Optimum ex Vacuum Unit
Characteristic velocity 0.0000 0.0000 1767.2800 0.0000 m/s
Effective exhaust velocity 2258.7600 2286.5800 3041.2900 3214.7100 m/s
Specific impulse (by mass) 2258.7600 2286.5800 3041.2900 3214.7100 N·s/kg
Specific impulse (by weight) 230.3300 233.1700 310.1300 327.8100 s
Thrust coefficient 1.2781 1.2938 1.7209 1.8190

# FLOX/Kerosene demo, FLOX30/Kerosene (30% LF2, 70% LOX by mass)
# Estimated delivered performance
# Parameter Sea level Sea level (flow sep.) Optimum ex Vacuum Unit
Characteristic velocity 0.0000 0.0000 1852.2100 0.0000 m/s
Effective exhaust velocity 2269.7500 2367.8800 3125.5000 3273.5000 m/s
Specific impulse (by mass) 2269.7500 2367.8800 3125.5000 3273.5000 N·s/kg
Specific impulse (by weight) 231.4500 241.4600 318.7100 333.8000 s
Thrust coefficient 1.2254 1.2784 1.6874 1.7673

# FLOX/Kerosene demo, FLOX70/Kerosene (70% LF2, 30% LOX by mass)
# Estimated delivered performance
# Parameter Sea level Sea level (flow sep.) Optimum ex Vacuum Unit
Characteristic velocity 0.0000 0.0000 1880.5400 0.0000 m/s
Effective exhaust velocity 2319.4600 2388.3800 3176.0300 3343.2400 m/s
Specific impulse (by mass) 2319.4600 2388.3800 3176.0300 3343.2400 N·s/kg
Specific impulse (by weight) 236.5200 243.5500 323.8700 340.9200 s
Thrust coefficient 1.2334 1.2701 1.6889 1.7778

# FLOX/Kerosene demo, LF2/Kerosene
# Estimated delivered performance
# Parameter Sea level Sea level (flow sep.) Optimum ex Vacuum Unit
Characteristic velocity 0.0000 N/A 1853.2300 0.0000 m/s
Effective exhaust velocity 2363.6500 N/A 3138.2300 3358.7100 m/s
Specific impulse (by mass) 2363.6500 N/A 3138.2300 3358.7100 N·s/kg
Specific impulse (by weight) 241.0300 N/A 320.0100 342.4900 s
Thrust coefficient 1.2754 N/A 1.6934 1.8124

Nozzle flow settings: Inlet condition (Contraction Area Ratio 6), Exit condition (Expansion Area Ratio 25)

On the whole, I agree with 10ebbor10, barring some very extraordinary circumstances.
Oh, I forgot.

There's another advantage to a hideously unstable fuel that loves to detonate, which is that it does simplify the ignition system somewhat. As FLOX is hypergolic with a lot of fuels in a lot of combinations, it might see use as an early upper stage propellant if we need something that can restart easy and often.

That'd also mitigate the cost issue, because most of your oxidizer is in your bottom stages, and you can use a sane combo for that.
Upper stages are also more sensitive to Isp gains, and you don't have to worry about protecting your launch pad from the toxic byproducts.
The big problem, I think, is that 1) FLOX/Anything is basically guaranteed to have an HGOL tag, which plays merry hell with any chance of getting Korolev to be happy about working on it, and 2) upper stages are also sensitive to weight gain, and trying to reliably store and use FLOX in a rocket stage already promises to be a pain in the ass even without the mass constraints imposed by trying to launch on an upper stage.

That said, I could still see something like the G-1 or RD-301 pop up (albeit with FLOX instead of pure fluorine, at least initially).
1955 World Council
You had come back from your vacation to a different world. Oh, most of it was the same as you'd left it, but there was one, large exception.

The FAS had been defeated while you'd been away.

Given that you had been away from the newspaper stands while you'd been visiting your parents, your first clue that anything at all had changed had been when you'd returned to your office in Mogadishu, and seen the headline of the paper sitting on your desk - Korolev's doing, no doubt. It felt like there was a weight gone from your heart, and you'd had a spring in your step ever since.

Now, as you walked through the buildings the Council had been allowed to use for its meeting in Christchurch, you heard snippets of hopeful conversation, but also noticed the absence of some of the Councilors you'd come to know over the last several years. You hoped that they had simply not been elected again - whether by choice or… not - but you knew that most of the missing faces had come from North America, and remembered the last Council you'd attended.

You sighed as you entered the Council chamber - in reality, it was a well-covered sporting venue - and were all but physically assaulted by the sound of five thousand people arguing this, that, and the other. Five years running, now, and I still never quite get used to the sheer noise and press of people.

1955 World Council

The Internationale (Marxist-Leninist) - (The Internationale's Marxist-Leninist wing, primarily formed from the former Soviet Union. They lean more authoritarian than most of the other major factions, given their ideological bent, but are also heavily pro-industrialization and trending towards shedding the -Leninist side of their ideology.

The M-Ls are currently running a campaign to electrify Eastern Europe fully, and seeking allies in the endeavour. With the conflict with the FAS in North America now over, their militant arm has returned to their homes and is once again engaged in the business of disarmament, and they are likely to push for additional funding to be devoted to the Health Department to cover the needs of the many wounded. The fighting there has also given them a newfound sense of comradeship with their Int(D) siblings.

The Internationale (Debsist) - The Internationale's Debsist wing, primarily popular in Anglosphere regions and particularly in America. Less authoritarian than the M-L wing, they are also somewhat reserved on the topic of transitioning to a fully non-hierarchical society due to their roots as a socialist movement.

The Debsists have emerged battered from their engagement with the Free States, but are on the whole riding a victory high after the closing months of the war. They are still engaged in efforts to root out the last holdouts of FAS diehards in North America, but they are very likely to be interested in restarting and accelerating the now-doubly post-war reconstruction efforts. The fighting there has also given them a newfound sense of comradeship with their Int(M-L) siblings.

The Internationale (Councilist) - The Councilists are the largest faction of the Internationale by a small but significant margin, advocating for the devolution of power into the hands of locally- and trades-based councils, thus their name. This is the faction most comfortable with non-hierarchical society and anarchist teachings.

The Councilists are currently focused mainly on building up the productive forces in Eastern and Western Asia, as well as South America, as those are the bases of their power. They are interested in a high-tech industrialization effort driven by a space center akin to Mogadishu in order to diversify the industry in either South America or Asia.

United Workers' Front - The UWF is something of a vanguard party, regularly getting into brawls with SDL members. Their numbers include many of the people fighting to keep the forces of capital and authoritarianism from rising again, and as such their main focus is maintaining enough security funding to allow local community defense organizations to fend off guerrillas and partisans, which are still active in much of the world. They are relatively non-hierarchical in bent, but tend also to be somewhat more socially conservative. They are the smallest of the major parties, but they are not without weight. Geographically, their strongest base of support is South America.

Freed now from the needs of supporting a war, the UWF have returned to their homelands and lent considerable weight to reconstruction effort in South America and elsewhere. They are still calling for the expulsion of the SDL, but with the recent end of the FAS war there are few willing to go along with an action that might spark another, wider conflict, even if they sympathize with the desire. The UWF are likely to ask for the establishment of a permanent standing force under the Council soon.

Free Workers of the World - The FWW formed from the Industrial Workers of the World following the end of the Revolution. Growing to encompass all trades and occupations, from steelworkers to chemists to prostitutes, the FWW relentlessly campaigns for greater rights and protections for anyone performing work that society values.

The Free Workers are, as befits their scattered nature, somewhat concerned with everything everywhere. Most of their efforts are social - they are fighting to enshrine the rights and respect for people of orientations other than straight, for one thing, which is why Dr. Turing is a card-carrying member - and less concerned with physical infrastructure as a general rule. They are, however, still largely comprised of factory workers, and as such are firmly in favor of getting additional industry and electrical infrastructure built, as they can recruit from those workers easiest.

Social Democratic League - Having the middlemost numbers of the major parties, the SDL draws under its banners everyone who wants a seat at the table but isn't aboard with either a transition to full communism or socialism, wishing to see a limited return of capitalist thought. Some members are considerably more extreme, to include monarchists and populist authoritarians.

With the drawdown of fighting in North America, one would think that the accusations and suspicions leveled at the SDL would at least somewhat subside, and one would be quite wrong. If anything, now that there's not an active war to fight anymore, the SDL is held in more suspicion than ever. Particularly as new Councilors who look strangely like reported FAS leaders have appeared on their roster this year.

Colonized Peoples' Advancement League - The CPAL is another middleweight party focused on providing restitution and assistance to those peoples crushed by the weight of Imperial (and imperial) oppression across the world. Their major foci are on building equality of opportunity, infrastructure and industry in places that had been extracted from by the world's powers.

The CPAL is currently trying to keep too much funding from being hovered up for use in rebuilding the colonizer nations. With the end of the FAS conflict, they are requesting renewed focus on building infrastructure and providing services to previously-colonized lands. Their current concerns remain building up Africa and the Pacific Islands.

Total Councilors: 5000
Stances on IEC (Strongly Favor/Somewhat Favor/Somewhat Oppose/Strongly Oppose)

Int(M-L): 80/458/320/0
Int(D): 20/230/170/0
Int(C): 50/750/200/0
UWF: 5/300/50/20
FWW: 20/377/300/0
SDL: 18/390/420/5
CPAL: 27/400/197/0
Minor: 10/25/27/38

Council Liaison Reports:
Objectives of the World Communal Council

Complete Post-War Reconstruction (36000/200000)
Defeat Partisan Forces

State of the World

Total Education: 70
Total Electrification: 72
Total Industry: 69
Total Infrastructure: 74
Total Security: 43
Total Partisan Activity: 34

Mediterranean/Saharan Africa
Education: 7
Electrification: 7
Industry: 7
Infrastructure: 7
Security: 2
Partisan Activity: 3

Sub-Saharan Africa
Education: 7
Electrification: 6
Industry: 5
Infrastructure: 6
Security: 4
Partisan Activity: 5

Eastern Asia
Education: 10
Electrification: 8
Industry: 10
Infrastructure: 10
Security: 6
Partisan Activity: 6

Western Asia
Education: 9
Electrification: 11
Industry: 11
Infrastructure: 11
Security: 7
Partisan Activity: 6

Australia and New Zealand
Education: 6
Electrification: 7
Industry: 7
Infrastructure: 7
Security: 4
Partisan Activity: 3

Education: 10
Electrification: 10
Industry: 9
Infrastructure: 11
Security: 6
Partisan Activity: 5

North America
Education: 8
Electrification: 9
Industry: 8
Infrastructure: 8
Security: 9
Partisan Activity: 3

South America
Education: 7
Electrification: 8
Industry: 8
Infrastructure: 8
Security: 4
Partisan Activity: 3

Pacific Islands
Education: 6
Electrification: 6
Industry: 4
Infrastructure: 6
Security: 1
Partisan Activity: 0

Here you can spend and gain PS advocating for policies, pursuing programs, and performing tasks for the WCC.

Funding Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope

Current WCC Budget: 40,000RpT//160,000RpY
Current IEC Budget (without extras): 600RpT//2400RpY (1.5%)
Current PS: 70

[ ] [FUND] 0.25% - Returning to your initial funding percentage would seriously constraint the pace of operations you've become accustomed to, so, realistically, it's not an option. Politically, that's another matter. (-500R/turn, +55 PS)

[ ] [FUND] 0.5% - Reducing your funding share to half a percent will be somewhat less constraining to your ambitions than a quarter of a percent, while still being painful, but could buy you some needed goodwill for any major asks. (-400R/turn, +45PS)

[ ] [FUND] 0.75% - Cutting your funding level in half would be an excellent way to buy some goodwill and allow the IEC to take fewer promises this year, allowing somewhat more flexible planning. (-300R/turn, +30PS)

[ ] [FUND] 1% - Going down to a single percent of the Council's funding after multiple years of increases wouldn't harm your actual ability to get things done too much, and would take some of the pressure off you to perform more miracles.(-200R/turn, +10PS)

[ ] [FUND] 1.5% - Last year you'd requested a percent and a half of the budget, promising to deliver a worldwide slate of research centres and other promises besides, and you'd delivered on everything - and then some. You'd even put a satellite into orbit successfully, and gave a second satellite the best shot you could. However, that level of funding is jealously regarded by those tasked with distributing the portion of the world's resources allocated to the Council, and will be hard to hold on to. (-70PS)

[ ] [FUND] 2% - If you've got big plans and a desire to put them into action, two percent of the Council's budget will get you there - but be prepared to fight for it every millimeter of the way. (+200R/turn, -120PS, must take at least two promises from all parties (except SDL, who will oppose your budget in any case here) and complete them. Failures cost twice as much PS. Failing more than half will lock out any budget allocation higher than 1% for 5 years, and may lock down to .75%.)

All promises, unless stated otherwise, are intended to be kept within the year - from Q1 to Q1.

Kept in 1954:
All promises kept.

Failed in 1954:

Must take at least two.

Internationale (Marxist-Leninist)

[ ] Conduct Materials Research (Phase 5) (+10 PS, Int(M-L) moves 2d10 steps towards Favor, small additional progress requirement added in order to represent finding materials good for civilian use)

[ ] Conduct Jet Research (Phase 3) (+5 PS) (Int(M-L) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d5 towards Oppose)

[ ] Build a Launch Facility in Eastern Asia before 1957Q1 (+10PS) (Int(M-L) moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering Asia and Europe. (+10PS) (Int(M-L) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Launch a Venus probe before 1960Q1. (+5PS, +2 to Dnipro Aerospace Metallurgy Centre's bonus)

[ ] Hire a spacefarer from Eastern Europe. (+5PS, Int(M-L) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Build 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in Western or Eastern Europe (+5 PS, Int(M-L) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Build 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in North America (+5 PS, Int(M-L) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Campaign for the Marxist-Leninists (Unlocks a political action) (Int(M-L) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor per project completion)

Internationale (Debsist)

[ ] Conduct Supersonic Jet Research (Phase 3) (+5 PS) (Int(D) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards Oppose)

[ ] Complete Exploratory Propellant Research (Phase 3) by 1956Q1. (+5PS) (Int(D) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Build a Launch Facility in North America by 1957Q1. (+10PS) (Int(D) moves 3d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering North America. (+5PS) (Int(D) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Launch a probe to Mars by 1960Q1. (+5PS, +2 to Long Beach Propulsion Research Complex's bonus)

[ ] Hire a spacefarer from North America. (+5PS, Int(D) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Build 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in North America (+5 PS, Int(D) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Campaign for the Debsists (Unlocks a political action) (Int(D) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor per project completion)

Internationale (Councilist)

[ ] Conduct Materials Research (Phase 5) (+10 PS, Int(C) moves 2d10 steps towards Favor, small additional progress requirement added in order to represent finding materials good for civilian use)

[ ] Build a Launch Facility in Asia by 1957Q1. (+10PS, Int(C) moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Deliver a Weather Observation Satellite covering Asia and South America. (+10PS) (Int(C) moves 3d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Launch a Lunar Impactor before 1956Q3. (+5PS, +2 to New Delhi Physics Institute bonus)

[ ] Build the New Delhi AND Beijing Scientific Complexes by 1956Q1. (+10PS) (Int(C) moves 4d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Hire a spacefarer from Western or Eastern Asia. (+5PS, Int(C) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Build 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in Asia (+5 PS, Int(C) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Campaign for the Councilists (Unlocks a political action) (Int(C) moves 2d5 steps towards Favor per project completion)

Free Workers of the World

[ ] Take the hit for broaching the Nuclear Power topic to the Council. (FWW sets stance: Quietly Pro-Nuclear) (+15PS)

[ ] Conduct Nuclear Power Plant Design Studies (+10PS) (No movement)

[ ] Conduct Materials Research (Phase 5) (+5 PS, FWW moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Conduct Prototype Spaceplane research (+5PS, FWW moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards Oppose)

[ ] Build a Launch Facility in the Pacific Islands by 1957Q1. (+10PS, FWW moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Hire a spacefarer from the Pacific Islands. (+5PS, FWW moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Commit to building a telescope on the Moon by 1975. (+15PS, FWW will move 20d10 steps towards Favor on completion.)

[ ] Build 2 points of Industry or Electrification in the Pacific or Africa (+5 PS, FWW moves 2d5 steps towards Favor per project completion) (can be taken multiple times)

[ ] Campaign for the Free Workers(Unlocks a political action) (FWW moves 2d5 steps towards Favor per project completion)

United Workers' Front

[ ] Do everything the SDL wants you to not do. (+5PS) (UWF gains great satisfaction, SDL moves 4d10+2d5 steps towards oppose)

[ ] Build a Launch Facility in South America by 1957Q1. (+10PS, UWF moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Complete Exploratory Propellant Research (Phase 3) by 1956Q1. (+5PS) (UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Build and test-fly a spaceplane before 1956Q3. (+5PS, +2 to Sao Paolo Aerodynamics Centre's bonus)

[ ] Transfer APCP formula to the UWF for use in military rockets. (+5PS) (UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor, SDL moves 2d10 steps towards Oppose)

[ ] Hire a spacefarer from South America. (+5PS, UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Campaign for the Front (Unlocks a political action) (UWF moves 2d5 steps towards Favor per project completion)

Social Democratic League

[ ] Build the Sydney Microelectronics Research Centre by 1956Q1. (+10PS, SDL moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Conduct Design Studies (Alternative Launch Systems) by 1956Q1. (+5PS, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards favor)

[ ] Conduct All-Sky Survey (Phase 3) by 1956Q1. (+5PS, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards favor)

[ ] Do not pursue Spaceplane research (+5 PS, SDL moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Do not pursue Rocketry research (+5 PS, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Build 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in industrialized regions (+5 PS, SDL moves 2d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Campaign for the League (Unlocks a political action) (SDL moves 2d5 steps towards Favor per project completion)

Colonized Peoples' Advancement League

[ ] Complete all stages of Tracking Facilities by 1957Q1 (+10PS, CPAL moves 6d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Conduct Transistor Computing Investigation in Mombasa by 1957Q1. (+5PS, CPAL moves 2d10 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Build a Launch Facility in South America by 1957Q1 (+10PS) (CPAL moves 3d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Build the New Delhi Institute for Physics by 1956Q1. (CPAL moves 3d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Build the Big Ear by 1956Q1. (CPAL moves 3d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Hire a spacefarer from Africa and the Pacific each. (+10PS, CPAL moves 4d5 steps towards Favor)

[ ] Help sponsor the construction of 2 points of Industry or Infrastructure in colonized regions (+5 PS, CPAL moves 2d5 steps towards Favor) (Requires you to take at least that many Redirect Funding to Africa requests, or using the Bother Councilors option during the year for other locations)

[ ] Campaign for the Colonized Peoples (Unlocks a political action) (CPAL moves 2d5 steps towards Favor per project completion)


[ ] Research Support - You have a network of scientific institutions to whom you send a variety of data and perform experiments for. By putting a little extra pressure on those institutions, you can get some help for your internal purposes. (-5PS, +3 to all Science and Engineering dice until 1955Q1)

[ ] Broach the topic of Nuclear Power. With the initial investigations into the possibilities of nuclear power complete, they have provided you with a dossier you can use to argue the case for the benevolent usage of the atom. Your Outreach department has also started doing groundwork to combat the stigma around nuclear power. (-35PS, variable reactions from the Parties, gain permission to further pursue the topic of the usage of nuclear technology)

[ ] Demil Locker Access - In the future, your scientists may come up with ideas for spacecraft that may require access to the kind of parts that can really only be found ready-made within the stockpiles of military equipment lying about. By acquiring pre-emptive permission, you can gain access to things like rocket motors, artillery barrels and the like before they're turned into scrap steel once more. Given the current situation, the giving of this permission may be grudging. (-30PS, eases some Alternative Launch Systems research)

[ ] Right Stuff Assistance - You have such an incredible volume of applications that it might be worthwhile to ask for help in processing them all. This will auto-complete Right Stuff, but some of the candidates you get might be… less qualified than desired. (-5PS)

[ ] Request Negotiation Aid - The most time-consuming part of locating appropriate sites for new launch complexes is negotiating with local interests, some of whom are opposed to such projects for a variety of reasons. By asking the regions' Councilors for help, the IEC may find itself in position to more quickly advance its plans in a way that is beneficial for everyone involved. (Lowers progress requirements on Launch Sites, slightly increases R costs) (-10PS)

[ ] Redirect Funding to the IEC - By pulling on the right strings, you can get funding redirected to the IEC beyond the percentage allotment.
-[] Write-in PS cost (1PS=5R/turn)

[ ] Redirect Funding to Africa - The homeland of the IEC is ever in need of further investment, industrialization and modernization. The stench of centuries of imperialist exploitation can only be washed away with the wealth that was stripped from it being returned. (Adds extra rolls per turn for Stat increases)
-[] Write-in stat category (e.g., Electrification) (-5 PS per time taken, can be taken multiple times)

Each Graduate pick adds 1 dice to the sector you picked. You have a maximum of 7 5 picks this year. Picking fewer Graduates than are available will add additional background rolls per quarter to increase the world's stats, such as Industry or Electrification. E.g., taking 1 fewer dice adds 1 additional roll per quarter for stats. This directly influences the world's Reconstruction rate and thus your baseline budget update during the next WC.

Each can be picked up to two times. Each pick comes with a cost of -5R/turn.

(2 GRAD picks removed due to North American reconstruction)

[ ] [GRAD] Operations
[ ] [GRAD] Facilities
[ ] [GRAD] Engineering
[ ] [GRAD] Science
[ ] [GRAD] Politics


QM/N: I had a bit of a brain-fart with regards to omake rewards. If you submitted an omake and I did not ping you to tell you your reward, please ping me.

Voting begins at noon tomorrow, EST.
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[ ] [FUND] 1% - Going down to a single percent of the Council's funding after multiple years of increases wouldn't harm your actual ability to get things done too much, and would take some of the pressure off you to perform more miracles.(-200R/turn, +10PS)

[ ] [FUND] 1.5% - Last year you'd requested a percent and a half of the budget, promising to deliver a worldwide slate of research centres and other promises besides, and you'd delivered on everything - and then some. You'd even put a satellite into orbit successfully, and gave a second satellite the best shot you could. However, that level of funding is jealously regarded by those tasked with distributing the portion of the world's resources allocated to the Council, and will be hard to hold on to. (-70PS)
[ ] Redirect Funding to the IEC - By pulling on the right strings, you can get funding redirected to the IEC beyond the percentage allotment.
-[] Write-in PS cost (1PS=5R/turn)
Are you sure about those prices? The 80 PS from dropping income from 600 to 400 is enough to get another 400 income?