Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

[X] Social Action: You decide to try your hand at foreign diplomacy this month. Scandinavia is an important region for Germany, both because it provides crucial material for the German economy, and because it guards the entrance and exit to the Baltic sea. You will work to improve relations, both political and economic with Germany there, and maybe even increase the popularity of the fascist parties in the different countries? Also, someone's been up to funny business in France other than you, and you don't want them getting their hands on Scandinavia too.

Result: Neutral

As it turns out, the Soviet Union is starting to come out from behind their Iron Curtain, as Soviet diplomats are also present negotiating an exclusive economic trade deal with the Scandinavians, same as you.

Negotiations stall in light of this development as the Scandinavian government reassesses it's position.

Research Action 1: Last month another member of your little council managed to develop the principles needed in order to make everything developed be modular to futureproofed. This month you decide to direct part of your expanded research teams towards developing an improved understanding of architectural principles and structural engineering, such that in the future, all our designs are the best they can be. You inform the research teams on the project to be especially mindful of the requirements needed for underground construction and excavation.

Result: Success!

The new architectural principles developed and their related improvements in structural engineering provides critical details on how to build and operate facilities and infrastructure underground, allowing for the possibilities of underground living spaces, railroads with electrically powered trains, and possibly roadways using electrically-powered cars in order to save fuel for military endeavors, emergency power or heating.

But there is a problem. Concrete.

While concrete is strong enough, the material risks corroding or rotting from exposure to fungus and moulds infiltrating the mineral structure and leeching it away. Some form of 'Super Concrete' will need to be developed in order to build entire subterranean structures.

(New Research Unlocked: Uber Concrete)

Research Action 2: Thanks to the efforts of a different member of your council to the one mentioned previously, your research teams have expanded enough to work on a second project every month. As such, you direct the new teams to improve our understanding of titanium and silicon. In particular what effects mixing them with different elements have, if adding minute amounts of various elements changes their properties, what happens when you add VK to the mix and how to mass produce the results.

Result: Auto-Success

The results of these experiments are already known due to earlier experiments in digital computing and metallurgy; Titanium-based alloys are lightweight and stronger, while silicon is largely inert and suitable as building material, a component in high-strength and heat-resistant ceramics as well as being able to be alloyed with aluminum for a lightweight material that while unsuitable for aircraft is perfect for light vehicles.

VK added to these materials makes them stronger primarily, as well as greatly decreased weight in a process that has physicists scratching their heads, while manufacturing can be accomplished via the Synthetics Complexes and Foundries.

(New Technology Unlocked: VK-Materials)

Design Action: You have a several designs based on the Tiger Heavy Panzer tank that had been developed before the newest metals and scientific understandings were known, even though it was only a short while ago. As such, you direct your design teams to go back over those designs and rework them to include all your new developments into their base design. Whether it's using a better alloy, making it easier to upgrade parts of the design or just swapping the coaxial machine gun for one of the new designs. They are to try and keep the design externally as similar as they can. Oh, and while they are at it, maybe they can use the new composites to add some defences to them? Say, against the Panzerknacker? Like slat armour? or maybe making the armour a metal/composite sandwich? Don't forget to make a conventional and a VK design of everything whilst they are at it! We might be revealing VK shortly, but until we do, let's do all we can to keep it a secret yes? Oh, don't forget to pain them all with the new camouflage patterns, yes?

Result: Auto-Success

The Tiger I is now upgraded to the Tiger I Ausf B with the new upgrades to it's design, materials, and capabilities, despite not a single one seeing combat.

For security's sake, the main gun is not upgraded to a laser cannon to ensure secrecy.

(Tiger I upgraded to Tiger I Ausf B.)

Production Action: You order your construction teams to create an Atomic Research Lab, lets hope it allows some insights into the atom soon yes?

Result: Success!

The Atomic Research Lab is the heart of the nascent German Atomic weapons project. Here, research can begin on creating the world's second atomic program.

(You may now conduct Atomic Weapons research.)

Military Action: Hitler has asked that we come up with a plan for breaching the Maginot Line. Well, we had a plan in Fall Blue before France collapsed. Let's revise it yes, and see what needs to be changed? perhaps we can even enter France with the permission of one of their military leaders, no need to break through the wall at all?

Result: Success!

Fall Red is the revised invasion plan for France and while the focus remains on breaching the Maginot Line, it is expanded to include either capturing the Line, or getting the cooperation of the commanders in the Line, but eventually it is agreed that using Werewolves to hit the Line from the rear and capture it will be the quickest and cleanest option if time is a vital issue.

The Chancellor is pleased with the plan and approves it for distribution to the Generals.

(Plan Fall Red is now ready for use.)

Covert Action: Someone's been messing around in France and it's not us. Let us do all we can to see if we can find them, and complicate their actions. And if we get the opportunity to deal with the ones in charge... well, You've asked Angela to assist the covert teams and earmarked a Werewolf Company. That should be sufficient to make the problems 'disappear'. And in the meantime, any information you obtain on the channels those people use to supply the factions in France can be fed to the other tasks your council is doing. After all, I'm sure they'll find some use for it...

Result: Success!

As it turns out, France was, and still is, riddled with Drakan agents looking to remove what at the time was the strongest continental power in Europe, with the aim of removing France and then spreading out from there to hit the weaker nations, supported by an invasion of French Algeria and naval landings in Spain and Italy.

Angela Wolff's deployment lends itself well to operations in France. Her almost-supernatural shooting ability is the death of many senior agents and even wiped out a covert unit of Citizens with both a bolt-action rifle and her new PSG-32Schwere Sniper Rifle.

But something else comes to light; the Americans were in France recently, moving away from Germany.

(Drakan agitation network of Serfs and Citizens is badly disrupted by Werewolves and Angela Wolff.)
(New information will be revealed in another player's update.)
We can use the Drakan presence as a rallying beacon.

"The Draka were trying to destroy your country! Let us band together to remove them."
dident we already find some way to support structures at some point? something with vk maybe?

also how much evidence do we have on Americans in france?
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We have yet to use VK with concrete.

By the way, do we have Reinforced Concrete?
Result: Neutral

As it turns out, the Soviet Union is starting to come out from behind their Iron Curtain, as Soviet diplomats are also present negotiating an exclusive economic trade deal with the Scandinavians, same as you.

Negotiations stall in light of this development as the Scandinavian government reassesses it's position.
This is concerning. expected, but annoying and concerning.
I am so glad I decided that I needed to do Scandinavia this turn, despite the situation in France, after having it delayed last turn.

We were 'this close' to losing Scandinavia to the Soviets potentially. I guess we know the next region we're going to be heavily involved in, once/as France stabilises.
[X] Social Action: I darkwinter shall personally travel to spain to meet the spanish monarchy, and to establish ties between the third reich/weimar republic, and the spain, while I am there I shall attempt to negotiate a non aggression pact, and various trade deals to tie us closer together, but also to increase the resources at Germany's, and my disposal.

Result: Critical Success!

Spain is eager to engage in trade deals and instead offers a mutual defence pact against the Draka, as they have heard about the lending of German pilots and equipment to the Italians.

Lately they have seen movement near French Algeria, which has declared itself for the old government and has denounced the 'Fourth Republic' holding Paris, and fear that if Algeria is invaded, they could be next if the Draka bypass the notorious British naval base at Gibraltar.

Even now, Drakan scout planes have been spotted, along with small boats.

(Spain will increase Supplies and Industrial Capacity to Germany if Germany enters into a Mutual Defence Pact against the Draka.)

Research Action 1: the time has come to do some research into vrill technology, hopefully we can gain some insight into the alien secrets that the pieces of technology we have hold, how they work, the physics, electronics, mechanics, even culturally how the vrill operate, we must LEARN. this will of course coincide with searches into the alien spacecraft in Antarctica.

Result: Nat 100!

With the new examples and duplicate examples of Vrill technology, the sheer scope of the alien's mastery of technology is revealed.

The Vrill used VK as a key multipurpose component in much of their technology, as many scientists are able to correlate to German technological achievements, and since they have machinery that literally generates VK, that means that somehow the Vrill were able to crack the fundamental rules of the universe, allowing them to literally make a new element that does not exist on the atomic scale known to mankind.

Many examples of Vrill technology are impossible to understand, the Vrill appear to use some unknown form of self-generated energy to power some of their truly esoteric technologies, which when combined with the revelation of a shattered alien skeleton with large VK nodules in the skull, lends credibility to a theory that the Vrill possessed incredible mental powers, but used physically-handled technology with seperate power supplies to reduce strain on their powers, and to prevent some form of societal indolence from setting in.

But the scientists are able to understand the capabilities of several technologies that could be replicated with some work and dedicated facilities. And a dedicated team of scientists begins permanent work on unlocking more secrets of VK.

(New Research Unlocked: Cloning)
(New Research Unlocked: Teleportation)
(New Research Unlocked: Vrill Energy Manipulation)
(Bonus Research Unlocked: VK Personal Flight Pack)
(Bonus Research Unlocked: Mirage Field)
(Bonus Research Unlocked: 'Drop' Pad)
(Bonus Research Unlocked: Vrill Targeting Device)

Research Action 2: rocketry is one thing, but VK rocketry? implementing the various applications of VK technology we should be able to make better strides in rocketry then even a draka supertech germany normally would, ALL SHALL BOW BEFORE THE WEIMAR SPACE PROGRAM, or will if we ever actually make one....

Result: Success!

The main problem regarding VK-powered rockets is how to use VK as a fuel, as VK more often than not detonates instead of burning, but eventually a solution is discovered.

An old project to generate power by detonating pellets of VK in a special chamber is mated to a liquid-fuel system, where a time-release flow of very small VK Pellets is released into the liquid fuel, the detonation of the VK in the combustion chamber generates greater thrust, allowing a rocket to fly almost to the edge of space, which impresses the research teams and a visiting Werner Von Braun, who offers a few insights and improvements to the rocket design.

The new liquid-fuel engine is volatile, but the power it possesses makes it a valuable risk to take, and opens the way to an entirely new range of rocket applications.

(New Technology Unlocked: VK Liquid Rocket Engines)
(New Research Unlocked: Ballistic Rocketry)

Design Action: the Scarab saw little success but that can be changed with a good update, primarily a upgrade to allow easy mobility, as well as to upgrade the ease of controlling it, and finally its full industrial capabilities by enlarging it, adding more arms, a second pilot, the main purpose of the old version above radiation was repairing aircraft and vehicles, now we should be able to add it to general industry in general MASSIVELY increasing industrial capacity while also not only preventing job losses but INCREASING the number of jobs to go around.

Result: Success

The two-man 'Scarab' industrial mobile industrial machine is designed for lifting heavy materials and machinery, and it's precision movements mean that in high-risk situations such as the handling of VK and now Radioactive materials, which gains it popularity for that very purpose as the military's needs are about minimizing the amount of extra machinery needed to handle VK in the field.

For nuclear weapons development, a machine that can withstand intense radiation levels and gently handle materials that will be used for bombs and possible atomic rockets, is perfect for the technicians and scientists who are lacking in suitable protective equipment, and currently there is no feasible need for the machine in an industrial environment.

(New Technology Unlocked: Scarab Nuclear Handling Machine.)

Production Action: we need a place to test our nuclear technology as such me and my company with our research expertise shall create a nuclear testing facility. but most importantly we shall build it deep underground to keep nuclear tests away from prying eyes and knowledge without a deeply infesting intelligence network.

Result: Success!

The underground Nuclear Testing Site is in fact a series of artificial chambers that are accessed by temporary elevators that can be removed and their shafts filled in when the device is put in place.

The location is in the north of Germany, near Hellberge, with three chambers several kilometers apart for testing of atomic devices. New chambers will be constructed as required.

(Nuclear Test Site built. It is now possible to test atomic weapons.)

Military Action: I will have a order given for our troops in the frozen south as it where to investigate the spacecraft further, the thing is fucking huge, as such there is surely many, many different things we have missed, even this will likely not be enough to fully explore its secrets.

Result: Nat 100!

The soldiers and scientists spread out further inside the massive alien vessel, discovering a number of fascinating technologies and materials, along with two more intact sarcophagi, both potentially containing alien life forms if the data gleaned from the computers on the giant boxes is correct.

While many of the new technologies already have examples in Blutkreuz, SS and your possession, a few unique examples are acquired for your study.

But the real coup comes from finding what looks like the ship's hanger. Inside is something that can fit inside an Oxen cargo submarine for transferal back to Germany.

An alien fighter craft, larger than any aircraft in the air, but able to fit inside the submarine to be shipped back to Germany. This machine is in perfect condition, the VK-infused structure seemingly defying age despite the fact that the scientists date it as being nearly 12 million years old.

It's armaments are unknown, and it's computer systems are only barely understandable with the new advancements in Digital Computing.

It could present a major technological revolution for Germany.

(New Research Unlocked: Semi-Biological Alien Computing Substance)
(New Research Unlocked: Alien Medical Machinery)
(Bonus to studying the Alien Sarcophogus)
(Bonus Research Unlocked: Alien Fighter)

Covert Action: I as usual shall defend Germany from foreign intelligence operations. if none occur then I shall divert what I can to listen whatever rumors I can.

Result: Nat 1

A report comes back from the internal security teams with a report from France. The news is chilling.

Documents related to your orders to incite the riots in France were not incinerated as ordered and mistakenly disposed of conventionally. When the error was discovered minutes later and agents sent to retrieve the documents, the trashcans were found to have been rifled through, the documents, with your signature, gone.

According to Angela Wolff and the Werewolf company in France while disrupting Deep Cover operations lead by covert Drakan Serfs and Citizens, the Americans had passed through France while moving away from Germany.

The United States very likely has this information in their possession. It could spell disaster for the Copenhagen Conference if it is released.
Seriously. These natural 1s are really sadistic in how they seem to go beyond the scope of what we even do. If we could choose it I'd rather we not have any natural 100s if it gave us no natural 1s. do realise that the other factions get Nat 1's as well, don't you? I don't pick on your group, I spread the pain evenly.
We're just extremely upset because so far, the Nat 1s we've been getting are on really painful actions...
Look, its not that bad.... If the americans release it, europe splinters and the draka invade. They are not ready for it, so we should give them that message and throw them a bone of sorts to keep them silent in exchange for those documents. do realise that the other factions get Nat 1's as well, don't you? I don't pick on your group, I spread the pain evenly.

I realize that. I'm not saying you're being unfair. My issue is that with the amount of rolls we make (42), we have a 34% chance of a natural 1 at any given time, and the two or three natural 1 rolls we have done a lot more pain than any relief all the natural 100s (I'm pretty sure we've had at least 1 or 2 per turn) have been a boon for us. Natural 100s are really nice boons that give us more than we ask for. Natural 1s, well one that targeted France was so bad it made the UK and France get closer to the USA, and this one was just about rooting out spies. That's why I asked if there's a way to cancel out natural 1s.

No matter what we do to improve our security, we always have about a good chance of our social and covert actions fucking us over from a natural 1. We could put every classified document on an island with killbots and a natural 1 would let them take everything.
Gideon would making a promise to dedicate industry and effort to rebuilding France (Basically requiring 1 Social Action and 1 Production Action, as well as temporarily reducing our available Industrial Capacity by 25% or something for 3-6 months) help reduce the problem if those documents are brought up at the Copenhagen Conference? Basically as an apology for the actions of a rogue agent from Germany?
Gideon would making a promise to dedicate industry and effort to rebuilding France (Basically requiring 1 Social Action and 1 Production Action, as well as temporarily reducing our available Industrial Capacity by 25% or something for 3-6 months) help reduce the problem if those documents are brought up at the Copenhagen Conference? Basically as an apology for the actions of a rogue agent from Germany?
... There is another option and i hate to mention it.
Seppuku program.
Colonel Sebastian Darkwinter, once the documents are revealed, is arrested and tried for treachery.
im pretty sure the conference was this turn yes? then any negotiations already happend.

otherwise we have work to do....
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