Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

im just glad with the results of my science summit, the extra actions is worth even failure in france cause that is frankly easily salvageable.
As previously stated, the French Socialists vanished along with the French Communists into Russia. Only Nationalist factions remain to fight it out with government Loyalists while other factions ranging from Anarchists to Monarchists have come crawling out of the woodwork.

How many uh, French Socialists left? Because that could be over half the population when you factor in the communists. The socialists were VERY popular in the 1930s France.
I'd say all the dedicated have left, and those who just preferred the Socialists over others have just hidden or changed allegiance.

Also... I think we need to enter France with out military, and proclaim it's a 'Peacekeeping' mission or something... restore the nation to strength, and prevent others (such as the Draka) from exploiting it's collapse... of course, we don't mention that we're going to make sure the France that emerges is very friendly to Germany...
I'd say all the dedicated have left, and those who just preferred the Socialists over others have just hidden or changed allegiance.

Also... I think we need to enter France with out military, and proclaim it's a 'Peacekeeping' mission or something... restore the nation to strength, and prevent others (such as the Draka) from exploiting it's collapse... of course, we don't mention that we're going to make sure the France that emerges is very friendly to Germany...
the dedicated was where the half the population was from, if you included french liberals you have somwhere between 2/3 and 4/5

and even then any socialist into russia is a MASSIVE political incident, one I dont see hermit stalin allowing
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the dedicated was where the half the population was from, if you included french liberals you have somwhere between 2/3 and 4/5

and even then any socialist into russia is a MASSIVE political incident, one I dont see hermit stalin allowing

Well according to Gideon in the convo I think he said they're still one of the factions fighting.

Social: Veidt will personally go to the UK, trying to create a formal trade agreement with the British government in the interest of continued peace between both powers, and will try to keep them at least neutral on the matter of France. Should that fail, he"ll go around them, meeting with the wealthiest individuals to work out his own trade deals with Britain, indirectly tying a knot with Germany for mutual benefit.

Result: Minor Success

British cannot stand by and let a valued ally in Europe descend into anarchy and while they have been convinced to calm down and not immediately launch their forces into France, they let slip that they are also entering into negotiations with the Americans since their weapons are being used in this civil war.

British industrialists and businessmen are too nervous about the possibility of possible British involvement in France to make any deals as they are busy meeting with their political allies.

(British remain somewhat neutral on the issue of France.)

Research: Modular Designs Principle: Since January, Germany has been developing weapons with modularity and parts commonality in mind, from their small arms to their armored fighting vehicles. Now it shall be a formal policy in all research and development. Every design we build from now on is made up of parts, that you can mix and match to come up with something... or more realistically, if we want to improve a certain part of a design, say the turret of a tank, we just pull off the entire turret, and put in a complete version of the improved turret, then connect a few odds and ends, and the tank's ready to go.

This should not only make the German war machine more efficient, but soldiers and engineers will have increased familiarity and all designs will be made with future-proofing in mind. This way we can remove just one compartment of a tank if we want to upgrade a particular aspect instead of ripping apart the entire design or making a new one from scratch.

Result: Success!

With the experience in high parts commonality and streamlined logistics put into place, the formation of distinct principles for creating Modular Designs for anything from rifles to buildings paves the way for faster upgrading and production of vehicles, weapons, and infrastructure, ensuring that Germany can maintain it's startling level of technical prowess, one that the Draka with their vaunted rate of advancement will be hard pressed to match, as many believe.

(Industrial Capacity Costs reduced by 50%)

Design: The current uniform of the German military is woefully inadequate for the rapid developments occurring around the world. As a result, Veidt will design a new battle dress uniform. The helmet will be redesigned so as to have inner padding and a helmet strap. Instead of normal grey, all uniforms will utilize Flecktarn camouflage, with camouflage not being a radical concept seeing as how Germany using it in the Great War. This will include woodland, desert, urban and winter variants. Additionally, soldiers will be provided with face-paint camouflage, and ghillie suits will be developed for snipers. A modular tactical vest with steel and VK-plate inserts to protect the crotch and torso will also be developed, along with a variety of rucksacks at different sizes depending on the mission and a bladder pouch, allowing soldiers to drink water without having to give up a hand to do it.

Result: Nat 100!

What comes out of the experiments and designs is combination of both Flecktarn and Digital camouflage patterns, using newly-developed Digital Computing to help create fractal disruptions via the insertion of pixellated elements into the 5-colour temperate climate patterns. Because it blends both smooth and sharp fractal angling, there is a marked improvement in physical concealment at most ranges, which combines well with the face paint, developed by a cosmetics company, that helps disrupt the visibility of the face, with colourations for both night and day operations.

The improvements to the Infantry Plate-Vest are also welcome, and the new 'hands-less' water bladder fascinates the soldiers as much as is considered useful, though a canteen is still issued in case of damage to the bladder.

As for styling, you found a suitable designer in Hugo Boss, and with new synthetic fiber developments, the new German uniform can be made as breathable or insulated as required, without the need for soon to be scarce natural fiber materials.

The new camouflage also has an additional bonus application for vehicles, which should also be of aid to their survivability.

(New Technology Unlocked: Digi-Flecktarn Camouflage Temperate Pattern)
(Bonus Technology Unlocked: Digi-Flecktarn Vehicle Camouflage)

Military: Have the Type VIII Squadrons sneak in up to five Werwolf SpecOps companies and several crates of Great War-era arms company around 1-3AM, should the unrest not die down. The Werwolf company will use sanitized non-VK, but modern military equipment and unmarked uniforms, along with face masks. Their goal will be aiding any resistance. The U-Boats meanwhile will focus on cutting off any American supplies sent to aid them.

Result: Minor Success!

While the situation has drastically changed, the Werwolf and U-Boats are able to accomplish some of their objectives while in France.

Production: Knickebein Radar Stations

Result: Success!

The Knickebein Radar Stations are unique from normal radar facilities in that they are not made to detect anything but to guide aircraft at night or in low visibility conditions to their targets by the process of triangulation; two stations aim radar beams over the same target, and aircraft follow one beam until it merges with the second, giving the bombers a location to drop their bombs.

These stations are more sparsely built than the standard radar stations, since their purpose is to guide planes to targets in Europe when the time comes.

Covert: What happened in France is a coup in all but name, meant to suppress over half the French population and subvert not only their rights in a democracy, but their basic human rights.
Covert: In co-conspiracy with Adawulf Jager, Conrad Veidt prepares a covert-action of transporting military equipment into France and support any resistance-groups against the ongoing coup-regime. Five Werwolf companies (or just one if the production fails) are sent to:
-Arm the resistance and help with their fight against the government by destroying key-holdings, then retreat.

While Class VII U-boats seek out munitions-transports from the USA. In a night-action, one (or, opportunistic, several) of those ships in harbor are sunk with torpedo-attacks. In the explosions of the munitions, such an action can easily be contributed to the ongoing brutalities while making a proper investigation hard to impossible. The U-boats else wise retreat back to Germany without ever making contact with the surface while the Werwolves retain their specialty of stealth to further destabilize France's regime before pulling out.

Should exotic or VK technology be observed, we will fight VK with VK. All Werwolf troops will be given cyanide pills just in case, and will use uniforms and equipment with no identifying marks. They shall claim to be a private group of sympathizers from the Ruhr sent to support the French people in the pursuit of democracy if the media ever questions them. Arms and munitions will be sent through the U-Boats while non-military supplies will be shipped/smuggled in under the guise of humanitarian aid, should they be caught. The German government will of course deny any involvement.

Result: Success!

Despite the collapse of the French government and full-blown civil war breaking out, the operations to destroy US-supplied arms and munitions are successful as the U-Boat and Werwolf Companies cause havoc with supply lines for all major factions, greatly weakening them while also directing the blame towards the other factions.

The Werwolf forces also open the way for smuggling in humanitarian supplies to the French people, who tell of the various brutalities the factions will commit to anyone who is of the opposite faction or tries to remain 'Neutral' in this war, demanding that the French people stand up to support their various causes.

(US Supplies in French docks destroyed.)
(Faction supply lines disrupted.)
(Civil War factions weakened.)
I say we reveal all atrocities the loyalists are commiting. and combine that with continued american guns being supplied through the british to cause these atrocities and massacres of civilians.
Result: Failure

There is no French Resistance. Such individuals vanished some time ago and those who know about the German operations to provide information provide the answer.

The Soviet Union offered them asylum.

Your Werewolves have no targets; France is burning in the fires of a chaotic, brutal civil war and those whom you sought to use are now likely serving Soviet interests out of a simple wish to survive.

Result: Failure

As previously stated, the French Socialists vanished along with the French Communists into Russia. Only Nationalist factions remain to fight it out with government Loyalists while other factions ranging from Anarchists to Monarchists have come crawling out of the woodwork.

umm the fighting factions would be what we are going after still.....

also that second action was towards people leaning towards us not necessarily active members in need of the soviet asylum.
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Pre-Turn 5
May, 1932

-The United States has come out on top of the Olympics medal tally, beating the Domination Of Draka by ten Gold Medals. Already, deliberation is taking place as to where the 1936 games will be held.

-The Soviet Union has stunned the world by establishing embassies across the world. Could this be an opening in the Iron Curtain or a plot to spread the message of Communism?

-Chancellor Hitler has made a scathing tirade against the United States' hosting of the Olympic Games, calling it a modern day 'Bread And Circus' act to distract the American people from their poverty, and further pointing the finger of blame straight at the United States for supplying arms to the French and British, which allowed the French to brutally kill so many protestors in Paris some months prior. He further extolled both soldiers and citizens to rise up against corrupt and unworthy rulers, to regain their own lives.

-France has suddenly and rapidly descended into violent civil war after Hitler's fiery speech, forcing the French government to flee to Canada in exile. A Fourth Republic has been declared in Paris, but the country is essentially engulfed in anarchy as multiple factions fight for power. This is further not helped by the sudden and swift departure of a massive portion of the French population...into Russia.

-President Von Hindenburg may be on the road to recovery from his mystery illness.

Outside Scientific Discoveries:
-None of Note.

Internal Scientific Discoveries:
-None Of Note.

Military Movements:
-Drakan advances have slowed thanks to fanatical Japanese resistance.
-A new and violent campaign of resistance operations from Comrade Mao has swept through Drakan and Japanese territory. The dangerous Communist rebel leader has become a symbol of nationalist spirit for the Chinese people, spurring increased recruitment for the Mao.
-The French Civil War has broken out, splitting the country into multiple territories claimed by several factions. Fighting remains heaviest around Paris.

Income Report:
+2500 Manpower
+2100 Supplies
+4500 Ammunition
+2500 Industrial Capacity
+2700 Fuel
+1300 Electronics
+1000 Radioactives
+2200 VK

Hitler's Directives:
-Versailles is now ineffective since the main instigator is now wracked with civil war. The Wehrmacht will expand, and your job is to begin assessing how best to breach the Maginot Line and drive straight to Paris.
-The Soviets establishing embassies is suspicious. Investigate the Berlin Embassy.

Internal Troubles:
-Blutkruez and the SS are demanding that an expedition is launched in Drakan Tibet, both stating that there is key information regarding the Vrill and VK there.
-The Soviet Union has opened an Embassy in Berlin.

There are new Intelligence Reports!
May, 1932

-The United States has come out on top of the Olympics medal tally, beating the Domination Of Draka by ten Gold Medals. Already, deliberation is taking place as to where the 1936 games will be held.

-The Soviet Union has stunned the world by establishing embassies across the world. Could this be an opening in the Iron Curtain or a plot to spread the message of Communism?

-Chancellor Hitler has made a scathing tirade against the United States' hosting of the Olympic Games, calling it a modern day 'Bread And Circus' act to distract the American people from their poverty, and further pointing the finger of blame straight at the United States for supplying arms to the French and British, which allowed the French to brutally kill so many protestors in Paris some months prior. He further extolled both soldiers and citizens to rise up against corrupt and unworthy rulers, to regain their own lives.

-France has suddenly and rapidly descended into violent civil war after Hitler's fiery speech, forcing the French government to flee to Canada in exile. A Fourth Republic has been declared in Paris, but the country is essentially engulfed in anarchy as multiple factions fight for power. This is further not helped by the sudden and swift departure of a massive portion of the French population...into Russia.

-President Von Hindenburg may be on the road to recovery from his mystery illness.

Outside Scientific Discoveries:
-None of Note.

Internal Scientific Discoveries:
-None Of Note.

Military Movements:
-Drakan advances have slowed thanks to fanatical Japanese resistance.
-A new and violent campaign of resistance operations from Comrade Mao has swept through Drakan and Japanese territory. The dangerous Communist rebel leader has become a symbol of nationalist spirit for the Chinese people, spurring increased recruitment for the Mao.
-The French Civil War has broken out, splitting the country into multiple territories claimed by several factions. Fighting remains heaviest around Paris.

Income Report:
+2500 Manpower
+2100 Supplies
+4500 Ammunition
+2500 Industrial Capacity
+2700 Fuel
+1300 Electronics
+1000 Radioactives
+2200 VK

Hitler's Directives:
-Versailles is now ineffective since the main instigator is now wracked with civil war. The Wehrmacht will expand, and your job is to begin assessing how best to breach the Maginot Line and drive straight to Paris.
-The Soviets establishing embassies is suspicious. Investigate the Berlin Embassy.

Internal Troubles:
-Blutkruez and the SS are demanding that an expedition is launched in Drakan Tibet, both stating that there is key information regarding the Vrill and VK there.
-The Soviet Union has opened an Embassy in Berlin.

There are new Intelligence Reports!
you forgot to update the intel
One could breach the line, or just bypass it entirely.

[x] Social: How good is our social welfare system, our social safety net? With the economy growing virtually overnight, more investment could be made by the government in its basic services and social welfare benefits, like public education and healthcare, so that everyone can prosper with the economy. The government is there for the people, after all.

[x] Research 1: Turbofan Engine: The earliest turbojet designs would be around at about this time. Air passes through a series of compressors, and is mixed with fuel and ignited in the combustion chamber. The exhaust gases then pass through the turbines, and exit through the nozzle, creating thrust. Adding a large fan in front, big enough to let some air bypass the turbojet itself, turns the system into a turbofan. This flow of bypassing air translates to a quieter and more efficient jet engine than a turbojet of equivalent thrust.

[x] Research 2: Night-Fighter Aircraft: The darkness should be our ally, not our enemy. We should be able to do sorties at night too, since battle waits for no one.

[x] Design: J-1 Spatz: This monoplane single seater multirole fighter-bomber is inspired by the JAS-39 Gripen. The "J" in its name stands for "Jaeger", as in "Hunter" or "Fighter". It has a monocoque fuselage and a tail, and has a cropped delta wing, a foreplane and a tailplane, making it a three-surface aircraft like the Su-37. It has a low-bypass turbofan engine mounted within the fuselage, behind the enclosed cockpit, fed by an air intake at the bottom of the fuselage, and is armed with four 3cm autocannons on the nose, good for both air-to-air and air-to-ground. It carries hardpoints on the wings for bombs, rockets and drop tanks, among others, has enough armor in critical areas (like the cockpit and engine) to resist heavy machine guns, and can handle all kinds of missions, day or night, thanks in part to its radar and radio. It is easy to produce, fly, maintain and repair, has retractable landing gear in a tricycle configuration, has fire control systems, and uses an ejection seat for its pilot. The fuselage is designed in such a way that it can generate some lift of its own, aiding its wings. The engine has exhaust vanes and/or a tilting nozzle which act as thrust vectoring, and the shape of the plane is designed to follow the area-rule and to reduce its radar cross-section while maintaining its stability. It carries redundant systems and has well-protected self-sealing fuel tanks. It also has ways to cool its exhaust in order to reduce its heat signature, and would be painted in an appropriate camouflage pattern. Lastly, there would be two versions: a conventional one made primarily of wood (and/or metal if necessary), and a VK version, which would use an electrojet instead of a turbofan.

[x] Production: 2 Synthetics Manufacturing Complexes: Let's take another step to solving our logistical puzzle! Preferably discreetly fortified against attacks too.

[x] Military: Lend-lease conventional anti-aircraft equipment to the Italians. They could use the help against the Drakan Air Force. Have the Luftwaffe fly sorties against Drakan Air Force incursions too.

[x] Covert: Investigate the Soviet embassy established in Berlin. Surely there is something behind the scenes...
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Okay, the modular design principles, whilst not quite what I hoped for when I... pushed... the idea... is probably going to be even more effective...

A flat 50% reduction to the cost all across the board forever, is extremely good...

Also, Gideon why are our Werewolves still using the Kar98 Sniper Rifle when we have a G32 Sniper Rifle variant?
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[X] Social Action: You decide to try your hand at foreign diplomacy this month. Scandinavia is an important region for Germany, both because it provides crucial material for the German economy, and because it guards the entrance and exit to the Baltic sea. You will work to improve relations, both political and economic with Germany there, and maybe even increase the popularity of the fascist parties in the different countries? Also, someone's been up to funny business in France other than you, and you don't want them getting their hands on Scandinavia too.
[X] Research Action 1: Last month another member of your little council managed to develop the principles needed in order to make everything developed be modular to futureproofed. This month you decide to direct part of your expanded research teams towards developing an improved understanding of architectural principles and structural engineering, such that in the future, all our designs are the best they can be. You inform the research teams on the project to be especially mindful of the requirements needed for underground construction and excavation.
[X] Research Action 2: Thanks to the efforts of a different member of your council to the one mentioned previously, your research teams have expanded enough to work on a second project every month. As such, you direct the new teams to improve our understanding of titanium and silicon. In particular what effects mixing them with different elements have, if adding minute amounts of various elements changes their properties, what happens when you add VK to the mix and how to mass produce the results.
[X] Design Action: You have a several designs based on the Tiger Heavy Panzer tank that had been developed before the newest metals and scientific understandings were known, even though it was only a short while ago. As such, you direct your design teams to go back over those designs and rework them to include all your new developments into their base design. Whether it's using a better alloy, making it easier to upgrade parts of the design or just swapping the coaxial machine gun for one of the new designs. They are to try and keep the design externally as similar as they can. Oh, and while they are at it, maybe they can use the new composites to add some defences to them? Say, against the Panzerknacker? Like slat armour? or maybe making the armour a metal/composite sandwich? Don't forget to make a conventional and a VK design of everything whilst they are at it! We might be revealing VK shortly, but until we do, let's do all we can to keep it a secret yes? Oh, don't forget to pain them all with the new camouflage patterns, yes?
[X] Production Action: You order your construction teams to create an Atomic Research Lab, lets hope it allows some insights into the atom soon yes?
[X] Military Action: Hitler has asked that we come up with a plan for breaching the Maginot Line. Well, we had a plan in Fall Blue before France collapsed. Let's revise it yes, and see what needs to be changed? perhaps we can even enter France with the permission of one of their military leaders, no need to break through the wall at all?
[X] Covert Action: Someone's been messing around in France and it's not us. Let us do all we can to see if we can find them, and complicate their actions. And if we get the opportunity to deal with the ones in charge... well, You've asked Angela to assist the covert teams and earmarked a Werewolf Company. That should be sufficient to make the problems 'disappear'. And in the meantime, any information you obtain on the channels those people use to supply the factions in France can be fed to the other tasks your council is doing. After all, I'm sure they'll find some use for it...
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