Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

[x] Social: Our diplomatic efforts so far are... lackluster. Let's make some friends in Europe then. One potential ally is Italy, and they could help stand against the Draka later on. To this end, send representatives to negotiate an alliance with them. See how diplomatic and trade relations with them could be increased.

Result: Major Success!

Il Duce is pleased to be considered an equal of Germany at the negotiation table, and he is willing to increase current trade relations with Germany, but he has a request.

Italy currently is being harassed at it's southern regions by flights of Drakan aircraft from North Africa, and the Italian Airforce and Regia Marina are having trouble forcing them back. Mussolini desires that the Luftwaffe aid the Italians in forcing back the Drakan provocation raids, which have already claimed several lives.

If Germany can provide such aid, Il Duce promises to enter into a formal military alliance and friendship treaty with Germany, which would have the advantage of opening the Mediterranean to Germany via grants of military access.

(Have the Luftwaffe aid the Italians in fighting off Drakan raids for at least four months to secure a military alliance with Italy.)

Research: Mobile Radar: A more compact version of the radar, which could be equipped on mobile platforms, would really go well with say, the new battleship, for instance.

Result: Success!

There were many difficulties with creating a small enough, light enough radar system to be carried by vehicles and aircraft, but eventually a design for a protected dome containing the radar systems and acting as a broadcasting antennae instead of the large metal frame of the stationary versions is found to be workable enough.

This new radar system, named 'Uhu' for it's 360-degree search radius, has a shorter range than the stationary radar stations across Germany, but with VK-Steel it is light enough that it can be carried by half-tracks, ships, and potentially be mounted on aircraft.

Such a relatively small, compact radar system could become vital technology in future war efforts. And since others will likely attempt to copy any captured examples, counter-measures should also be devised in the future.

(New Technology Unlocked: 'Uhu' Vehicle-Portable Radar System.)
(New Research Unlocked: Night-Fighter Aircraft)
(New Research Unlocked: Counter-Radar Defenses)
(It is now possible to design vehicles and aircraft with the 'Uhu' system.)

Design: Scharnhorst-class battleship: This is a pocket battleship, capable of punching above its weight. It is advertised as a coastal defense ship, and it looks the part, but in reality, its VK power source allows it to sail the oceans anytime. It would stick around the European coast for now, however. Its main battery is composed of six 46cm/65-caliber (caliber as in the barrel length) guns, a longer-barreled version of the historical Yamato's, in three-gun (not triple, since each gun can elevate and fire independently) turrets, one fore (in front) and one aft (at the back).
Its secondary armament, meanwhile, is made up of twenty 12.7cm/65-caliber dual-purpose guns, in dual-gun turrets, which are mounted amidships (in the middle), five to port (on the left side) and five to starboard (on the right side). It is also fitted with multiple quad 3.7cm autocannons around the ship for anti-aircraft and point defense, and carries sonar and a Hedgehog (or depth charges if the Hedgehog is unavailable) in case of enemy submarines.
It has sloped armor to match its firepower, being capable of resisting its own 46 cm guns as well as torpedoes (while applying the principles of the all-or-nothing armoring scheme), and has gun stabilization, radar, and analog fire control systems to ensure the accuracy of its weapons, even while on the move.
Its citadel, where the armoring is concentrated and where the vital systems are, is at the center of the ship, and is as small as possible for efficiency reasons while maintaining enough reserve buoyancy to help the ship stay afloat despite sustaining damage. It uses a waterproofed and watertight VK power core (or array of power cores, whichever is better) to reach a top speed of about 30 knots, and is shaped to have a reduced radar cross-section.
It is also designed to have reduced noise and heat emissions, and has various features to protect the crew and to keep the ship seaworthy for as long as possible even while sustaining damage. Lastly, it is easy to build, operate, maintain and repair, uses VK if necessary, and is painted light gray for camouflage purposes.

Result: Success!

The Scharnhorst, despite some initial confusion (your main gun arrangement made no sense), takes some very creative fudging of the actual numbers to not arouse any suspicions when the British, but conspicuously not the French, inspectors pop in for a surprise visit of the naval yard where the name ship of the class, the Scharnhost, is under construction.

Thankfully, the VK Power Core Array, a custom-built set of eight VK Power Cores, hadn't arrived due to heavy rains causing damage to the rail lines heading up to the Hamburg naval yards. Even so, the sharply-sloped armour catches the eye of the Royal Navy inspectors, as does the heavy armament for a vessel listed for coastal defence but they are largely unconcerned since from all appearances the diesel engines (installed as a backup for the VK Power Core Array) clearly don't have the fuel to allow the Scharnhorst significant range nor a decent top speed.

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief as the inspectors leave and the train carrying the VK Power Core Array arrives an hour later, ready for installation.

The sheer amount of power these cores would provide was planned in mind for possible naval applications of Laser technology, as a laser-based main armament would be more effective in a long-ranged fleet battle than conventional guns, but this power could also be used for other technologies and advancements as they become available.

(New Unit Available For Production: Scharnhorst-Class Pocket Battleship)
(Free Unit Acquired: Pocket Battleship 'Scharnhorst')

Production: Construct two VK-Rankine Power Plants, preferably discreetly fortified against attack.

Result: Success!

These two power plants are the most powerful power generation systems in the world, just one able to produce ten times the output of the Quattara Depression at full operations, though for now these facilities are kept at a lower state of output as they come online, supplied by mountain rivers, in secret locations and built semi-buried to protect them from prying eyes and bombers.

Once connected to the military and civilian power grids, it is likely that even if all coal and oil-burning power plants were shut down right now, these two plants would keep Germany lit without so much as an iota of strain.

Military: Have competent and trustworthy officers handle the Werwolf training of the Bulgarian and Turkish refugees, as part of Operation Wespe. This is to be done discreetly for operational security purposes.

Result: Auto-Success

You don't get to wear the Wolf Badge if you're incompetent or indiscrete.

Covert: Operation Wespe: Bulgaria and Turkey were both conquered by the Draka, suffering the atrocities brought upon them by their new overlords. Surely there are refugees from those countries who are willing, and able, to fight back, having nothing to lose. Send agents to search for them, then after having them vetted in case of infiltration or betrayal, have the refugees trained in the ways of the Werwolf Doctrine, including how to make improvised explosive devices, and give them the mission of infiltrating Draka territory with crates of weapons from the Great War, as well as conventional MP32s and the tools to make those, in tow. They are to wreak havoc upon the Draka, reinforcing existing rebel groups if possible. Lastly, they are to be given cyanide pills or the current equivalent of such, so that the Draka cannot force information out of them in case of capture. All of these are to be done discreetly, to preserve operational security. In light of newly gained connections with the Bulgarian resistance, see if they could help ensure the success of this operation.

Result: Success!

Through Bulgaria, the call to arms goes up and begins to spread. In Turkey, those who dream of being rid of the Draka make the risky step to escape the plantations and compounds in order to join with men and women in strange uniforms, wearing the badge of a wolf, who speak perfectly in Turkish with no accent.

Joining them are Bulgarians, hard-eyed and vicious, who provide the weapons and the training alongside the strange men and women wearing the mark of a wolf. They are told that they are now wasps, and that every sting they deliver to the Draka is another small dose of venom that shall one day cripple them.

And you get something in return; the Soviet Union are more active in supporting resistance activities than previously believed. They are supplying Central Asian and Chinese rebels, and rumour has it that the Americans are also in China on some unknowable errand, such is the word that passes through the grapevine of resistance gossip.

(Operation Wespe begins. Time will tell if it bears fruit.)
(The Soviet Union and United States appear to also be involved in backing rebel groups.)
Italy currently is being harassed at it's southern regions by flights of Drakan aircraft from North Africa, and the Italian Airforce and Regia Marina are having trouble forcing them back. Mussolini desires that the Luftwaffe aid the Italians in forcing back the Drakan provocation raids, which have already claimed several lives.

Uhm, doesn't Versaille mean that we don't have a Luftwaffe?

I mean, we may have one in secret, but officially?

Once connected to the military and civilian power grids, it is likely that even if all coal and oil-burning power plants were shut down right now, these two plants would keep Germany lit without so much as an iota of strain.

Ultimate Power:o
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Uhm, doesn't Versaille mean that we don't have a Luftwaffe?

I mean, we may have one in secret, but officially?
We may have to put up flak and radar for our allies-to-be. That would definitly give the italians a leg-up on the Draka. Luckily, we have pioneer/engineers and radar. So far, so good. Everything seems to be going after our wishes. I am still waiting for the bomb to drop.
Edit: Note: Resarch Spain. If Italy is having trouble due to being close to Draka, what about those poor sods?
Can the VK power cores be used to power some sort of energy shield system?
Was the pocket battleship a good idea, or should I have given it nine main guns arranged like that of the Yamato?
On a side note, those power plants offer many interesting opportunities.

Germany consumes a lot of coal and oil to keep it's basic industry running, but now we pretty much eliminated any need for either in industry. VK foundries do the metalworking, and lots of other equipment runs on electricity.
A centralized power source has its own issues. Time to make spare plants?
Social action: the time has come to recruit scientific figures from throughout europe, by hosting a scientific summit in berlin and revealing various advanced technological advances I hope to recruit as many scientists, including various historical figures to the axis cause, most importantly Albert Einstein.

Result: Success!

You manage to secure many important scientists that could be a great help to German technological advancement, but Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla escape your grasp.

Both men wish to remain apart from the politics involved in your efforts, but the new influx of intellectual power frees up important time for your own research efforts.

(Many scientists recruited.)
(+1 Research action for all players.)

Research action: digital computing, a most important technology to allow further research capabilities in of itself and to open up new avenues of research and design, the time has come for the age, the age of the computer, supported of course by both VK technology, and my amazing transistors.

Result: Success!

While VK-Germanium is a very effective transistor, the rarity of Germanium means that you need to shift your attention to instead combining VK with Silicon, which has surprising effects; processing speeds of early models using a VK-Silicon mix for the transistors and primitive chips when built into a test computer are nearly on par with a Commodore 64 or an Apple II.

For something in 1932, that's fairly incredible. While these computers will not yet be able to do the kind of technical wizardry you know, the usage of Binary and the development of VK-Silicon transistors and chips means that your own Digital Computer is more powerful and compact than any possible equivalent that could be made right now with conventional technologies, even with VK-based power supplies.

(You have created Digi-Eins, Germany's first Digital Computer.)
(You have reached the limits of computer technology for now...)

Design action: in my past life I was frankly fascinated with the inner workings of various machines, why we haven't advanced down that way further instead reverting backwards by focusing entirely on electronics I will never know but all the same I shall create a mechanical marvel of mine based of a machine from my past life, the one, the only, the beetle, which I will rename the SCARAB, built entirely upon various mechanical processes including hydraulics. this machine was delicate enough to handle eggs from one arm onto a spoon held by another arm, and to even lift a human woman, a early version even assembled a small nuclear reactor.

however the most important thing about this machine is the fact that it is designed for repairing irradiated aircraft while keeping the operative entirely radiation free up to a constant exposure of over 3000 roentgens a hour. thats radiation levels that will kill you in 10 minutes.

Result: Failure.

The design is workable, serviceable even, but OKW sees no use for a machine that can withstand radiation when it is the superheated air and stray electrical arcs capable of partially melting VK-Steel that are the real danger for mechanics servicing VK-powered vehicles. While they acknowledge that the design could be use in handling radioactive materials should Germany find a need for it, when it comes to using it for VK-powered machinery they can't see any place for it.

Production action: Using my company as a spearhead I shall begin the construction of another two biofuel plants to cut down germany's oil, and fuel issues, and to prepare for the continued mechanization of our military forces.

Result: Success

Two new biofuel plants come online.

Military action: I shall arrange a tech trade with a japanese for their nuclear technology, in exchange for fuel, ammunition, medical supplies, weapons, and food, brought in by our Uboats to insure the safe delivery of their cargo.

I will also of course flat out and directly tell them the soviets are trying to steal their nuclear tech and possibly the americans as well as we speak.

Result: Failure

The Japanese reject your trade deal and accuse you of attempting to sow confusion in the ranks when their counter-intelligence efforts have found no signs of Soviet or American infiltration.

Covert action: as usual I will make efforts to eliminate any and all foreign spying operations against our glorious axis. feeding false information, and uncovering and executing spies publicly after a quick trial.

Result: Success

Germany remains clear of enemy infiltration for another month.
[X] Social Action: The Council is undertaking several potentially risky actions in France this turn. And they would benefit from the United Kingdom avoiding getting entangled in that potential mess. As such, you will work with Veidt to keep them from interfering. You shall focus your efforts on persuading them to not intervene militarily, and if not halt, greatly limit military supplies being transferred over.

Result: Failure.

The British, while friendlier towards Germany, are not about to deny aid to France in their time of crisis.

Research Action: Last month your research teams made great progress both conventional metallurgy, and using the results to create improved VK metallurgy. Now you direct them to repeat that feat by improving our knowledge of mundane material science that wasn't covered by last months research into metallurgy. In particular, you are interested to see if they can come up with useful composites and ceramics, as well as synthetic materials, such as artificial rubber, fibres and plastics. And perhaps they will even find something useful with such elements as Germanium and Silicon... you've heard 'rumours' that they may prove useful with the creation of more advanced electronics, and maybe even a... digital computer you think it's being referred to as? Of course, once they've made progress in expanding our knowledge of material science, it's worth seeing if any of it may have beneficial results when combined with VK.

Result: Success!

There is a distinct need for less imported natural materials, particularly from Africa, and to produce more locally and in this regard it is best to go synthetic.

Scientists discover useful carbon-based composites that have high heat resistance and could be useful in new models of vehicle brakes, as well as heat shielding and radiation. This is followed by a new way to create high-durability ceramics that can be mated to VK-Steel to improve infantry armour by providing improved ballistic and thermal protection.

IG Farben manages to perfect the creation of a form of plastic that is very tough and long-lasting, which could be valuable in anything from furniture to rifle stocks, while another team linked to the conglomerate develops an artificial fiber that breaths easily and can be made to a very high quality, superior and longer-lasting than natural versions, which would be perfect for uniforms.

Artificial rubber takes longer, but eventually a team cracks the code behind the necessary artificial polymers that allow for 'Alpine Rubber' to be developed, which should greatly ease strain on logistics when it comes to tyres and boot soles.

The only matter now is producing these in bulk.

(New Technology Unlocked: Carbon Composites)
(New Technology Unlocked: Synthetic Rubber)
(New Technology Unlocked: Plastics)
(New Technology Unlocked: Improved Ceramics)
(New Infrastructure Unlocked: Synthetics Manufacturing Complex)
(New Research Unlocked: VK Synthetics)

Design Action: You decide that this month your design teams will look into designing a form of combat armour for the troops. More specifically, what you've decided to call 'NBC Combat Armour', which stands for Nuclear, Biological, Chemical. It is named such because it is designed to allow a soldier to fight in a region contaminated with radioactive dust, biological and/or chemical weapons for an extended duration, with minimal impairment. It shall consist of a full body sealed suit, that is both moderately armored against bullets and shrapnel, and positively pressurized, so if it is torn, a soldier at least has a chance of using a armour patch to seal the cut before being exposed, as well as having air filters and scrubbers such that the soldier does not need to rely on the internal 15 minute 'combat conditions' air tank, which will instead be reserved for the initial moment after putting the armour on before the air cleansers kick in, and if a weapon is used that proves able to penetrate the air cleansers, giving German troops outside the immediate casualty zone of the attack a chance to escape to a location where external air can again be used. As well as developing the armour, armour patches will also be developed to allow a soldier to repair minor penetrations of the armour in combat if needed. The results of the research teams this month will be provided to the design teams, allowing for hopefully better results. You will also allow your design teams to co-operate with Conrad's as his teams design a new Non-NBC conditions battle uniform. There should be many synergies between the efforts, though you don't feel hopeful of making a single design.

Result: Failure.

It is impossible to create a full-body suit of protective equipment that can carry a small air pump to pressurize the suit without overloading the soldier in question with the weight of their equipment. There is also the issue of putting on the suit in a suitable timeframe, particularly during gas attacks, as the bulky armoured suit is difficult to put on and secure against chemical agents during testing.

About the only thing that does go right is that the suit could be worn over a standard field uniform.

Production Action: You organise the training and provisioning of five more Werewolf companies as well as the construction of another two Type VIII U-Boat squadrons and three Panzergrenadier Battalions.

Result: Success

The new forces are brought online to begin operations for Germany, but the formation of the new Panzergrenadier Battalions causes a shortage of ammunition.

Military Action: You shall organise and assist Veidt's covert actions in France. After all, it is such a concern to have one of our neighbours, who has so much control over us to become so tyrannical... after all, we do not want another Napoleon now do we? Especially one who can legally order us to disarm once we make the necessary defences to protect ourselves from them. And if the Civil War does kick off... well, you are going to have to require the French troops in the Ruhr region leave, for it is even more concerning to have the forces of such an... unstable government on our territory... though you won't remilitarise the region just yet.

Result: Neutral

The situation has changed in France...

Covert Action: The news of the American 'Project GOLEM' is frightening. As such, you will work with the newly unified German Intelligence community to create a new organisation, one that shall be even more secretive than most, for it's purpose is to organize the defense of Germany's communications, and the penetration of the rest of the world's communications security.

Result: Success!

The deceptively named 'Office Of Communications' has no listed headquarters, has no record of membership save for files deep in guarded facilities, and is responsible for ensuring that Germany and any eventual allies are able to converse covertly without anyone eavesdropping, and eavesdrop on others.

With new advances in code-breaking and code-making, you feel confident that you can read other's mail without them doing the same.

(German communications security reinforced.)
(Increased chance of success for decoding foreign communications.)
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Social : Partycrashing at the Olympics

Given the mass issues of the Great Depression, the 1932 Olympics were never going to be a success anyway. High costs, as well as the distant location of the US, would prevent many countries from joining, and that's without the recent events.

The United States seeks to use the Olympics as a way to unite the populace, but we will ensure that it'll divide them instead. After all, this is not an Olympic of the People, it's an Olympic for the Rich, and to distract the poor. Panem et Circenses, as the Romans used to say.

To wake the American public, we will provide shocking material to the right sources. We will provide evidence of American weaponry being used to massacre the citizens of France. We will show that while American citizens languish in poverty, the US spends millions on frivolous games where no one bothers to show up anyway. We will reveal, through indirect sources, that the United States governement is planning to enact similar purges as happened in France upon it's own populace.

This all will accumulate until the outrage becomes a massive catastrophe, whereupon Hitler himself will give a great speech to remind the soldiers of the world that they should not fight for nefarious leaders, but for the people, and the glory of their nation. That the citizens should unite, and overthrow corrupt leadership. That Germany will not aid this oppression, in any way, form or shape (ie, cancel Versaillle payments).

If we time this right, the Outrage will coincide with the Olympics, completely overshadowing the games, instead reinforcing the negative opinions. 1932 is also the year of the US elections. If we act now, the political landscape may be turned upside down.

Result: Neutral

The Chancellor's Speech that coincides with the Olympics does not have the impact you were expecting on the United States as the nation is clearly busy industrializing and revitalizing their economy which means that while the mood of the Olympics is soured, they are not spoiled and the Americans even manage to win more medals than the Draka.

President Roosevelt expresses his dismay that the French used American support to enact the Paris Massacres and immediately orders all arms shipments to France stopped.

And then France collapses into civil war. Numerous factions break the country between them as the government flees receives asylum in the United States, and your operatives discover that just prior to this madness, a massive chunk of the French population, made up of Socialists and Socialist-supporters, have vanished from the country.

The Third Republic has collapsed, different factions are declaring themselves the Fourth Republic. Britain has no care for Versailles to enforce more than the naval portion of the treaty. Germany now has front row seats to the collapse of a nation.

(Olympics soured but not spoiled.)
(France has collapsed into anarchy.)
(Where did all the French Socialists go?)

Research Action : The Japanese have created the Atomic bomb. We know that the creation of these weapons requires a high amount of fissile material. U-235 is one of these materials, but extracting it from U-238, which accounts for the majority of Uranium, is a complex affair as both are incredibly similar to one another.

Nevertheless, this will, no, must be accomplished. U-235 is slightly less dense than U-238, which that they can be sorted by density. First, the Uranium will transferred into gaseous form, most likely Uranium Hexafluoride. This material is both corrosive and poisonous, but it has a triple point at a mere 60 degrees Celsius, making it highly desirable. From there, it will be sorted by high speed centrifuges, and then converted back into weapons grade uranium oxides.

The centrifuges will require the majority of development time. In order to get sufficiently fast enrichment, they will need to rotate at supersonic velocities. Work on the Donar engine can easily be transposed on these designs, particularly work on it's near frictionless intake fans. VK materials are used through the design, both for the machine itself, and it's protective casing. After all, at supersonic velocities, shrapnel can be extremely deadly.

It's expected that without the application of VK materials, this process would not have been possible, and that far slower processes would have need to been used. As the Japanese have no sign of knowledge about VK materials, we can come to the conclusion that they did not used these technologies, and that our production should be several orders of magnitude greater than theirs.

Result: Critical Success!

The enriching facility is the only one of it's kind and the most sophisticated. Here, Uranium is processed via gasification and centrifuges into usable Uranium Oxides and from there enriched into the necessary U-235 Isotope that heralds the very first weapons grade atomic material for Germany.

This is not without it's dangers, particularly the usage of Donar-derived turbine centrifuges, which could result in not just the facility shutting down, but potentially detonating with enough force to leave a kilometers wide crater in the German hinterlands, spreading deadly radioactive fallout.

But the risk is worth it; unlike the Japanese who likely can only manage a few kilograms a month, you manage to acquire several hundred kilograms from the initial operations.

Germany's atomic programme is ready for business.

(New Infrastructure Unlocked: Uranium Processing Facility)
(New Infrastructure Unlocked: Atomic Research Lab)
(New Infrastructure Unlocked: Nuclear Testing Site)

Design : Our current torpedoes are short ranged, and leave highly visible trails. This limits our submarines actions to attacking at night, or against unarmed targets. Obviously, this won't do, as it renders our submarine fleet far less effective than it should be. As such, we need to design a number of torpedoes for a variety of roles, here mentioned in order of importance.

- TVK Zaunkönig : A torpedo intended for use against enemy warships, at extreme range. It's powered by a VK engine, giving it tremendous range and high speed. Guidance is accomplished by a simple mechanical guidance system for the first X meters, before switching to a passive acoustic homing system, which targets the sounds created by the sound of the ship's screws. It's equipped with 2 possible detonators : an impact pistol and a magnetic pistol. The compact size of the VK design allows for a small and compact torpedo.

- TIII G7ut : A simple and cheap torpedo intended for use against convoy vehicles. No VK is included in it's design. It's propelled at high speed by a gasoline boosted HTP turbine, giving it great range and less of a trail than the conventional steam turbines. It uses a simple targetting system, which causes the torpedo to start sailing a back and forth pattern if it misses it's initial target.

Result: Success!

These new torpedoes pass trials with flying colours, particularly the new gas-heater G7, which uses a fairly simple gyroscopic system mated to a powerful magnet, which allows the torpedo to do a basic zig-zag pattern and when in range, homes in by way of magnetic attraction to ensure a direct hit.

The TVK is a more sophisticated weapon, but the redundant detonators and powerful VK-Explosive warhead mean that for half the size of a conventional torpedo, the TVK detonates with the force of two, meaning that Germany will be able to match any other naval power by sheer dint of firepower delivered by German U-Boats.

(New Technology Unlocked: TVK Zaunkönig VK-Torpedo)
(New Technology Unlocked: G7 Gas-Heater Conventional Torpedo.)

Production : IG Farben

IG Farben is the world largest chemical consortium, a giant of industry in Europe and beyond. They create synthethic rubber, plastic, medicine as well as whole range of other, more conventional products.

Current economic policy in Germany favors private industry, guided by the government in essential tasks. As such, the IG Farben conglomerate will be tasked with expanding chemical production of fertilizer and ammunition precursors, primarily nitrates generated by the Haber process.

Like many chemical processes, these tend to be extremely energy intensive, consuming a large amount of German power production. The deployment of an on Site VK Rankine power plant should allow for a factory with unparalleled production and efficiency, as well as perhaps allowing for new innovations previously thought unfeasible.

Result: Success!

The expansion and connection of the new IG Farben chemical complexes to VK-Rankine Power Plants established on-site greatly increases the production output of these facilities, and also makes them less at risk of being shut down due to power outages. From these new complexes, IG Farben will be able to greatly expand their rate of manufacture.

(Ammunition supply doubles)

Military : Deep undercover action [Top Secret : Don't tell anyone]

France has sustained a major coup. Massive purges have occurred, killing thousands and suppressing the population, with the aid of United States Weaponry. For now, the population is united by fear, but that'll soon change. If we can lay contact with the resistance, and destroy key structures, then the regime will fall.

Werewolf units will infiltrate France, posing as French symphatizers from the Ruhr area near the French border. Using contacts and aid from the French resistance, as well as maps created a few months ago, they will seek out and destroy key infrastructure targets. This will prevent the French government from effectively using it's army against the citizenry. Power infrastructure target, railway stations, all will fall and burn.

Result: Failure

There is no French Resistance. Such individuals vanished some time ago and those who know about the German operations to provide information provide the answer.

The Soviet Union offered them asylum.

Your Werewolves have no targets; France is burning in the fires of a chaotic, brutal civil war and those whom you sought to use are now likely serving Soviet interests out of a simple wish to survive.

Covert : The Socialist Movements in France are supported by almost 50% of the population. It's highly unlikely they will support this massive crackdown/purge. Our actions will galvanize the population, and it's our intention to set up a broad French coalition of socialists and nationalist (the real ones, who believe in the Equality, Liberty, Fraternity thing) to work undercover as a resistance to stop the massive purges instigate by the French regime.

Result: Failure

As previously stated, the French Socialists vanished along with the French Communists into Russia. Only Nationalist factions remain to fight it out with government Loyalists while other factions ranging from Anarchists to Monarchists have come crawling out of the woodwork.