Social : Partycrashing at the Olympics
Given the mass issues of the Great Depression, the 1932 Olympics were never going to be a success anyway. High costs, as well as the distant location of the US, would prevent many countries from joining, and that's without the recent events.
The United States seeks to use the Olympics as a way to unite the populace, but we will ensure that it'll divide them instead. After all, this is not an Olympic of the People, it's an Olympic for the Rich, and to distract the poor. Panem et Circenses, as the Romans used to say.
To wake the American public, we will provide shocking material to the right sources. We will provide evidence of American weaponry being used to massacre the citizens of France. We will show that while American citizens languish in poverty, the US spends millions on frivolous games where no one bothers to show up anyway. We will reveal, through indirect sources, that the United States governement is planning to enact similar purges as happened in France upon it's own populace.
This all will accumulate until the outrage becomes a massive catastrophe, whereupon Hitler himself will give a great speech to remind the soldiers of the world that they should not fight for nefarious leaders, but for the people, and the glory of their nation. That the citizens should unite, and overthrow corrupt leadership. That Germany will not aid this oppression, in any way, form or shape (ie, cancel Versaillle payments).
If we time this right, the Outrage will coincide with the Olympics, completely overshadowing the games, instead reinforcing the negative opinions. 1932 is also the year of the US elections. If we act now, the political landscape may be turned upside down.
Research Action : The Japanese have created the Atomic bomb. We know that the creation of these weapons requires a high amount of fissile material. U-235 is one of these materials, but extracting it from U-238, which accounts for the majority of Uranium, is a complex affair as both are incredibly similar to one another.
Nevertheless, this will, no, must be accomplished. U-235 is slightly less dense than U-238, which that they can be sorted by density. First, the Uranium will transferred into gaseous form, most likely Uranium Hexafluoride. This material is both corrosive and poisonous, but it has a triple point at a mere 60 degrees Celsius, making it highly desirable. From there, it will be sorted by high speed centrifuges, and then converted back into weapons grade uranium oxides.
The centrifuges will require the majority of development time. In order to get sufficiently fast enrichment, they will need to rotate at supersonic velocities. Work on the Donar engine can easily be transposed on these designs, particularly work on it's near frictionless intake fans. VK materials are used through the design, both for the machine itself, and it's protective casing. After all, at supersonic velocities, shrapnel can be extremely deadly.
It's expected that without the application of VK materials, this process would not have been possible, and that far slower processes would have need to been used. As the Japanese have no sign of knowledge about VK materials, we can come to the conclusion that they did not used these technologies, and that our production should be several orders of magnitude greater than theirs.
Design : Our current torpedoes are short ranged, and leave highly visible trails. This limits our submarines actions to attacking at night, or against unarmed targets. Obviously, this won't do, as it renders our submarine fleet far less effective than it should be. As such, we need to design a number of torpedoes for a variety of roles, here mentioned in order of importance.
- TVK Zaunkönig : A torpedo intended for use against enemy warships, at extreme range. It's powered by a VK engine, giving it tremendous range and high speed. Guidance is accomplished by a simple mechanical guidance system for the first X meters, before switching to a passive acoustic homing system, which targets the sounds created by the sound of the ship's screws. It's equipped with 2 possible detonators : an impact pistol and a magnetic pistol. The compact size of the VK design allows for a small and compact torpedo.
- TIII G7ut : A simple and cheap torpedo intended for use against convoy vehicles. No VK is included in it's design. It's propelled at high speed by a gasoline boosted HTP turbine, giving it great range and less of a trail than the conventional steam turbines. It uses a simple targetting system, which causes the torpedo to start sailing a back and forth pattern if it misses it's initial target.
Production : IG Farben
IG Farben is the world largest chemical consortium, a giant of industry in Europe and beyond. They create synthethic rubber, plastic, medicine as well as whole range of other, more conventional products.
Current economic policy in Germany favors private industry, guided by the governement in essential tasks. As such, the IG Farben conglomerate will be tasked with expanding chemical production of fertilizer and ammunition precursors, primarily nitrates generated by the Haber process.
Like many chemical processes, these tend to be extremely energy intensive, consuming a large amount of German power production. The deployment of an on Site VK Rankine power plant should allow for a factory with unparalleled production and efficiency, as well as perhaps allowing for new innovations previously thought unfeasible.
Military : Deep undercover action [Top Secret : Don't tell anyone]
France has sustained a major coup. Massive purges have occurred, killing thousands and suppressing the population, with the aid of United States Weaponry. For now, the population is united by fear, but that'll soon change. If we can lay contact with the resistance, and destroy key structures, then the regime will fall.
Werewolf units will infiltrate France, posing as French symphatizers from the Ruhr area near the French border. Using contacts and aid from the French resistance, as well as maps created a few months ago, they will seek out and destroy key infrastructure targets. This will prevent the French government from effectively using it's army against the citizenry. Power infrastructure target, railway stations, all will fall and burn.
Covert : The Socialist Movements in France are supported by almost 50% of the population. It's highly unlikely they will support this massive crackdown/purge. Our actions will galvanize the population, and it's our intention to set up a broad French coalition of socialists and nationalist (the real ones, who believe in the Equality, Liberty, Fraternity thing) to work undercover as a resistance to stop the massive purges instigate by the French regime.
Social : Olympics
Design: Torpedos
Research : Nuclear
Production : IG Farben Facility
Military : France Fried
Covert : La Résistance