Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

I've heard about the Werwolf, but reading Wikipedia, it turns out that the Germans had the same idea, to employ guerilla warfare... in 1944.

This time, we could actually make it work, not just use it as propaganda.
I'm planning to design a Cargo U-Boat next turn... Give it a VK-Core and design it like the U-Boat we've already got and you've got something that basically specialises at staying underwater and sneaking cargo everywhere...

Build 10 or 12 of those and we won't need to worry about getting blockaded until sonar develops a lot more...
I'm planning to design a Cargo U-Boat next turn... Give it a VK-Core and design it like the U-Boat we've already got and you've got something that basically specialises at staying underwater and sneaking cargo everywhere...

Build 10 or 12 of those and we won't need to worry about getting blockaded until sonar develops a lot more...

Even if those don't get shot down, they could try to take our colony and well, Antarctics is a lot closer to Africa than Germany.

The two science people should work on fixing the UFO in a good enough state we can get it to Germany.
Even if those don't get shot down, they could try to take our colony and well, Antarctics is a lot closer to Africa than Germany.

The two science people should work on fixing the UFO in a good enough state we can get it to Germany.
Currently (and for awhile) it is not going anywhere. Albeit we are making progress into the realm of possibility. We should probably upgrade one of our infantry to the best we can and send them over (via squadron of u-boats). It is the best we can do currently. I think secrecy is our best weapon byond us making a giant fortress in antarktica.

Okay, can we get our two science people to research the 'Vrill Technology'? That should allow us to get it done, and the reroll or bonuses or whatever should allow us to get more from it than otherwise...

And the reason I'm designing the Cargo Subs is if no one sees anything being transported there, then no one knows to look there... Also, I'm planning on them having a 500-700 ton cargo capacity... which basically means we can transport a hell of a lot of stuff down there and support it...

Add in some U-Boat guards, and well, the Draka will be having issues conquering it...
Even if those don't get shot down, they could try to take our colony and well, Antarctics is a lot closer to Africa than Germany.

The two science people should work on fixing the UFO in a good enough state we can get it to Germany.
ill focus my research on alien tech hopefully learning enough even for a MAKESHIFT fucking repair
Pre-Turn 3
March, 1932

World News:
-Workers at a Ford Factory took part in a Hunger March to protest unsafe working conditions and criminally low wages despite the improving economy. The protest was broken up by Ford Security, leading to several minutes of violence before National Guard elements supported the police in restoring order. Eight people are confirmed dead.

-Great Britain and France have entered into trade agreements with the United States. Analysts are wondering if the British agreement could herald a thawing of traditionally icy US-British relations.

-The Royal Navy sails for Malaya to protect British colonial interests from Japanese aggression and encroachment.

-In a letter sent to the BBC Far East office, the infamous Chinese rebel leader known as Comrade Mao claimed responsibility for a string of sabotage, assassinations, and general violence committed against Drakan Citizens. Included were graphic images of Draka being raped, and several depicting scenes of torture and a film showing Comrade Mao personally flaying a captured Citizen alive.

-In response to increasing Chinese Rebel violence and brutality, the Draka have burned down no less than twelve villages, killing all inhabitants. Drakan Archon Sarah Palme declared the Chinese Rebels to be depraved animals, and that they would soon be crushed.

-Nikola Tesla's work concerning electrical transmission have been duplicated! With proof that the technology is feasible, Britain and France are quickly moving to adopt the technology which promises to be cheap and plentiful.

-The United States has moved additional troops and material to the mysterious cordon zone near Anchorage.

Outside Scientific Discoveries:
-The Japanese have revealed a rocket-powered interceptor fighter for protecting the Home Islands and other important locations. Fitted with a single 30mm cannon, these rocket-fighters are designed to bring down fighters and bombers alike.

Internal Scientific Discoveries:
-A scientific research team has found a way to harness light to create a super-focused beam capable of slicing through VK-Steel when powered and amplified by VK-infused glass. This new form of light has been called the 'Laser' for 'Light Amplified Stimulated Emission Ray'.
(New Research Unlocked: Laser Technology)

Military Movements:
-Border skirmishes between Drakan Security Directorate Forces and Imperial Japanese Army troops have broken out over Chinese Serfs attempting to flee into Japanese Manchuria or head for Mongolia and the Soviet Union.
-The Japanese 1st Pacific Fleet has been spotted near the Philippines.
-The Drakan Dirigible Fleet has begun heading back to the yards for decommissioning and modification for civilian service.

Income Report:
+3200 Manpower
+1200 Supplies
+2200 Ammunition
+600 Industrial Capacity
+780 Fuel
+300 Electronics
+600 VK

Political Directives:
-The Chancellor wants to increase the amount of VK shipped into Germany from Antarctica.

Internal Troubles:
-The recent infiltrations are troubling. A central intelligence organisation is necessary in order to ensure that the Heer and SS squabbling doesn't potentially let more enemy agents into German facilities.

There are new intelligence reports!
-The Japanese have revealed a rocket-powered interceptor fighter for protecting the Home Islands and other important locations. Fitted with a single 30mm cannon, these rocket-fighters are designed to bring down fighters and bombers alike.
The Komet goes better with the Japanese kamikaze mentality anyway. :V
-Workers at a Ford Factory took part in a Hunger March to protest unsafe working conditions and criminally low wages despite the improving economy. The protest was broken up by Ford Security, leading to several minutes of violence before National Guard elements supported the police in restoring order. Eight people are confirmed dead.

I'll take this into account in my next social action. Safe and comfortable working conditions for everyone! OSHA-ish standards!

Let's not be slave drivers like a certain faction.
Carl Gelb
Berlin, Germany
March, 1932

I learned from my colleagues, who are in the same boat as me, just how bad, and scary, the Draka are. They freely advocate slavery, or serfdom as they call it, do not observe human rights at all, and are even more the aggressive military conqueror than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. They make the Nazis look mild, and are somehow way ahead of the world in technology, manpower, and industry. The world under their Yoke would be a terrible place, even more so than the Reich. We ought to remove such a blight from the world, hopefully with the aid of the Allies and Soviets. We won't stand a chance alone.

...After the current Chancellor and his crazy cohorts go down, of course. Let no genocide occur here this time.

At least my comrades are more politically savvy. I'm not sure where to begin on deposing the Nazi leader. Maybe strengthen the Old Guard and Blood Cross factions, to weaken the SS? Anyway, it would be easier for me to try to strengthen the industry and military. More clear-cut that way.

Reading the news, it seems that the future Chairman Mao isn't much better than the Draka. War crimes all over the place...

Meanwhile, I can't believe just how... perfect VK is. As a power source, it can solve all the modern world's energy problems. Cleanly too. Then in metallurgy... wow, it's the stuff that dreams are made of. Everything an engineer would want in a structural material, it's all there. Unbelievable...

News from Wolfenstein... what's this, undead soldiers? And we can do that now? What is the world coming to...?

Then I hear of the shenanigans of the Blood Cross. That's... the stuff of science fiction. Energy weapons, super soldiers, mind reading, cloning... Wow... They might as well be HYDRA, with all the fancy toys.

Germany is scary.

[x] Social: Encourage the standardization, mechanization and automation of trade and industries, including agriculture, to increase productivity and efficiency without requiring much manpower. What we lack in people, we make up for with machinery. Also, promote safe and healthy working conditions and work ethic. Public safety and health is paramount, as per the codes of engineering ethics, and happy, healthy and safe employees mean motivated and productive employees. In line with these, encourage the idea of first aid kits at every work-site, hard hats, safety shoes, pallets, standardized shipping containers and jerry cans.

[x] Research: VK-Rankine Combined Cycle: In a regular Rankine cycle, which is how most power plants operate, a boiler heats water, turning it into superheated steam. The steam travels into a turbine, turning the blades of the turbine. The spinning turbine, in turn, runs the generator via a shaft, producing electrical power. Meanwhile, the steam, which expended much of its heat energy and pressure on the turbine, goes into the condenser, where a heat exchanger and accompanying cooling tower (to cool the cooling water) cools down the steam, condensing it into water. The water then heads back to the boiler via the pump, and the cycle begins again. Two common ways (which could both be used at the same time) of increasing efficiency are the use of a multi-stage turbine with reheaters, and the use of a regenerative system. In a VK-Rankine Combined Cycle, however, the VK power core takes the place of the boiler. This means that the VK core produces electric power on its own... and uses its radiating heat to power the Rankine cycle. Therefore, it is much more efficient than a regular Rankine cycle, and is much cleaner, having no problems with air pollutants compared to say, burning coal or oil. This would really help our energy industry.

[x] Design: Sturmpanzer I Elefant: This is a Tiger that is modified to carry a long-barreled 15 cm gun-howitzer within an integrated low profile 71 degree (from the vertical) sloped casemate, instead of the 8.8 cm KwK within a turret, in order to act as artillery, assault gun and tank destroyer. The armor scheme is changed to 100/33/33 to lessen the weight while maintaining its strong frontal armor. It still carries a roof-mounted machine gun for dealing with infantry, but it no longer has a coaxial machine gun. It takes advantage of analog fire control systems to make its weapons as accurate as possible, and uses wet storage for its ammunition. It uses the same engine as the Tiger, is easy to produce, maintain and repair, and can maintain formation with the Tiger. Lastly, there are two versions: one that is conventional, and one that uses VK.

[x] Production: Support the construction of @whydoyoubother's VK Foundries. The miracle material will revolutionize our industry, and our military. It is now the greatest thing since the Industrial Revolution.

[x] Military: With Colonel Jaeger's input, organize, train and equip units which will specialize in the Werwolf Doctrine. They will be our Special Forces. The regular soldiers can do it, but these guys would be able to do it better.

[x] Covert: Look for ways (methods, equipment, etc.) to increase the espionage and counter-espionage capabilities of the Abwehr and other intelligence-related agencies, networks and communities. Have them reorganize and integrate so that they can operate as one centralized well-oiled machine, united in mission and vision, duty and goal (while decreasing the influence of the SS over the organization). Have all Enigma code machines upgraded with more rotor scramblers and such to make them even harder to decrypt. Someone stole the plans of my Tiger. I ought to prevent cases like that from happening again. A lack of intel-sharing among agencies partly caused 9/11. Let such a pitfall be prevented. Lastly, to improve security measures, TSA-style checkpoints will be implemented. The guards will: Log who comes in and out at what time, check for ID, pat down people for anything suspicious and look through any bags as they go in and out. It will make going inside our facilities a little longer but TSA-style checkpoints improvised in the 1930's will make it more difficult to infiltrate, let alone steal things.
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what I got so far

Social Action
: through our considerable influence within the frankly massive french socialist party we should no I WILL incite protest gathering hundreds of thousands of socialist in a massive demonstration in paris, and if things get ugly, fight back, HARD. this in itself regardless of if their is a crackdown or not will only swell the socialist with more members increasing our influence in France further. This in turn will bring us one step closer to both ending our stupid world war treaty, and the gaining of the first new member of the axis!

Research Action: Vrill, fucking Vrill, let alone there VK matierial they brough with them there tech is frankly, well, ALIEN. All the same however I WILL master their tech, and bring success to a new world order! mwhahahahahhahahahMWHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
what I got so far

Social Action
: through our considerable influence within the frankly massive french socialist party we should no I WILL incite protest gathering hundreds of thousands of socialist in a massive demonstration in paris, and if things get ugly, fight back, HARD. this in itself regardless of if their is a crackdown or not will only swell the socialist with more members increasing our influence in France further. This in turn will bring us one step closer to both ending our stupid world war treaty, and the gaining of the first new member of the axis!

Research Action: Vrill, fucking Vrill, let alone there VK matierial they brough with them there tech is frankly, well, ALIEN. All the same however I WILL master their tech, and bring success to a new world order! mwhahahahahhahahahMWHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Social: Protesting already? Isn't that too quick, and too risky? Let the fascist sympatihizers grow and organize first.

Research: Can you be more clear on this?
Social: Protesting already? Isn't that too quick, and too risky? Let the fascist sympatihizers grow and organize first.

Research: Can you be more clear on this?
its researching vrill technology,

and we are nationalist we need to hit hard and fast while conditions are as bad as possible for the everyday man, and while ties with other nations are as lows as they will EVER be.
[X] Social Action: You will assist Carl's work on improving the mechanization and automation of trade and industry, building off your previous work increasing it. An emphasis will be placed on ensuring the safety and happiness of the workforce... after all, the happier a workforce, the more productive it is, and injuries remove crucial experience and divert manpower from other areas for days, weeks, if not months at the very least
[X] Research Action: One of the others in your little group's researchers have made some magnificent breakthroughs with the use of VK in metallurgy... It is all extremely interesting and useful... but you can't help but think... can it be better? You will assign your researchers this month towards experimenting with conventional metallurgy, looking for better mundane alloys, and perhaps even finding such things as a method to mass produce titanium to mix into alloys... And once your researchers have discovered those better alloys and metals... well, we'll see if using a better base alloy in VK Metallurgy creates a better VK-infused metal...
[X] Design Action: The Chancellor desires a better method of obtaining VK from the Antarctic Outpost... and you direct your designers to co-operate... Submarines capable of transporting cargo across the oceans have been shown to work before... now you will improve upon the idea. Utilizing the principles used to make the VIII U-Boat such an effective underwater warship hunter, you will design a large U-Boat that is powered by a VK Power Core to provide extreme duration submerged operations, that when used with the improved underwater performance will result in immense range of undetectable travel. To go with the immense range, the U-Boat will have a cargo capacity of at least 1000 tons, though armaments will be minimal, and all internal. Care will be taken to ensure that the new Cargo U-Boat has everything necessary to travel for such long distances underwater, which includes but is not limited to an on-board Electrolyser able to function even as the submarine travels underwater. Efforts will be made to allow rapid transfer of the cargo, such as allowing the insertion of troops into enemy held territory, or the replenishment of other submarines at sea.
[X] Production Action: You have designed quite a lot of new equipment in the last two months. Now you will take advantage of it all. All your Generic Infantry Battalions will be upgraded with the latest in gear. This includes the Panzerknacker, and Non-VK Puma. The Infantry Plate-Vest, G32 Sieger and Lowe HMG will be produced, but not, repeat, not approved for daily use. Instead, they shall be placed in secure armouries built, only to be distributed upon the area being defended coming under assault. Unauthorised use, distribution or access will be harshly punished. However, troops at the Antarctic Colony will have unrestricted access to all gear, because no one's supposed to know it's there, and if anyone does bump into it, they won't be reporting in...
[X] Military Action: You will organise the permanent distribution of your groups personal military forces that are not being actively used for another purpose to guard the groups facilities, in particular, those dealing with VK and Military research, development and production
[X] Covert Action: The theft of the designs for the Tiger has revealed a problem. Germany's intelligence and Counter-Espionage agencies are... frankly either miserable, or too busy fighting one another to do their job properly. You will co-operate with Carl's work to 'fix' this problem. However, you will make sure that the result will be able to be 'nudged' to 'miss' the actions of the group, on occasion...
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[X] Research Action: One of the others in your little group's researchers have made some magnificent breakthroughs with the use of VK in metallurgy... It is all extremely interesting and useful... but you can't help but think... can it be better? You will assign your researchers this month towards experimenting with conventional metallurgy, looking for better mundane alloys, and perhaps even finding such things as a method to mass produce titanium to mix into alloys... And once your researchers have discovered those better alloys and metals... well, we'll see if using a better base alloy in VK Metallurgy creates a better VK-infused metal...
If they can use ceramics too, and come up with composite armor, that would be nice as well.
Sorry, but right now I'm pushing the Metallurgy as far as we can as possible. Composites, Plastics and other such things comes later. Unless one of you guys wishes to do that, in which case I'll have my researchers co-operate.

And thanks Ebbor.

Also guys, someone needs to do an action to allow us to trade some of our stuff with Japan... limit it strictly to conventional stuff...
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March 1932, Berlin
Mood: Furious

The man who called himself Sudkreuz was raging in privacy. Over and over again his fists hit the prepared punching bag and he felt the urge to scream in addition as fury took hm over. The source of his Fury was his wife. Not because she had done anything but given him a compliment.
It had been during the evening hours, Sudkreuz returning to what he referred to now as "his family" and the prepared dinner. It was... pleasent. a stark contrast to the long hours of work he endured, not to mention talking to people whose ideology he despised. His daughter was at a curious age so she asked what her "father" did at work. While Sudkreuz was still thinking about how to phrase the answer, the mother shot in that he was helping Mister Hitler to "fix Germany". And Sudkreuz almost choked on the dinner when he heard the words. While his mind raced, he stumbled about that he saw to that people got jobs and that he merely advised the current chancellor. He never wore the NSDAP-badge at home. But dinner was ruined for him and he excused himself swiftly and was now raging impotently against training equipment.
He was the cause of Hitlers successes. He was fixing Germany for all the wrong people and the right reasons. When the Nürnberg trials were to come around, he would be sitting with the other Nazi-collaborators. Fuck.
Without him, there was no way that Hitler would be so successful and he consented to damning himself with each step. Sudkreuz put one arm against the punching bag and rested his head, exhausted. How can you ask a soul to bear such burdens and retain sanity? He was gazing into Hell and slowly changed his own focus until he would become a Nazi through and through. How many jews to sacrifice in order to go through with his plans? A hundred? A thousand? A million?
He refused to think about this further and pushed off. Buissness. He narrowed his eyes and then gave a distant nod, speaking to himself words he never thought he would say: Let's make Propaganda.

Social: Film Production from Munich create an Epic Movie with a running time of over two hours. Kreuz und Drache, Cross and Dragon, as the movie is called, is a Propaganda Movie directed against the Draka and sold cheaply all across europe with attempts to publish it in the US. A young german soldier after the Great War is called to eastern europe to help a bulgarian friend of his to track down his family. The germans Hero-journey, allowing him to right wrongs as he passes through lands savaged by war, mainly by mending bridges between all nations, leads him to the conclusion that Draka have taken the family hostage.
Despite being advised against it, the Hero-character moves into Draka-territory. Memories from the burdens of war allow him to cope with the hardships while he makes his track. Meeting a dying priest in a church, the hero revives the priests believe in god and the triumph of good over evil, receives a blessing and is told about a group of refugees he then seeks out. Falling in love with a passionate german nurse, the Hero vows to bring the refugees over the border, culminating, after much hardship, in a fight with a brutal Draka for the life of those he has vowed to protect. Refusing to be broken in spirit, he overcomes the Draka and, inspired by the prayers of the refugees, pierces the Draka in an image of a Saint overcoming a Dragon.
The dieing Draka propesises that the world will be theirs in a matter of 50 years while all people once free will be broken and dies laughing.
At the end of the Heroes journey, coming back across the border with the refugees, he can not fulfill his love with the nurse and mentions that, after all he had seen he could not retain silence. Others must know and become aware and the silent consent which the world gave to "the forces of evil" must be broken once and for all. He returns to Munich in Germany and ponders where to go when he comes to a Bierhall announcing a speech of the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. The movie fades to black as he enters the Bierhall and ends with the prophetic words of "Where will the world head to when, while we struggle, others seek to destroy?" as well as recent pictures of burnt villages and atrocities commited by the Draka.
The Movie is meant to raise awareness not only in Germany, but across the whole of the western world and will be subtitled for other countries into french, danish and english.
Resarch: Totenmensch Fluid. As much as Sudkreuz despises the idea of raising the dead, it is a potential which can not be fully dismissed. If possible, Castle Wolfenstein should be purchased to control who is "Lord of the castle". The resarch team will act with extreme caution to find out the properties of this new fluid.
Design: Doctrine "Festung Deutschland" 2/3. The to-be German Engineer and Pioneer-corps are being trained in arms and securing the border, continuing their efforts to secure and shelter germany in case of an attack. Many improvements are simple, but show the ingenuinity of the efforts.
Production: 2 VK-Foundries. The Potential of VK has opened the sky with possibilities. To have a dedicated foundry to safely harvest VK and the properties of it is both the directive of the Chancellor (cursed as he might be) and the better potential to utilise the Material in Germany itsself.
Military: Use 1 Type VIII U-Boat Squadron (@10ebbor10 action) to transfer 1 Generic Infantry Battalion to Antarctica, supply and defend Antarctica from any intruders coming too close. The Infantry Battalion will "dig in" and resolute that it becomes hard/impossible to spot the efforts of the Germans from the sky. This singular Battalion will also be fully geared as by @Pyro Hawk efforts with VK Infantry Plate-Vest, G32 Sieger and Lowe HMG
Covert Action: Attempt to find out about codename GOLEM which is run by the Allies. some papers could be enough to give us an inkeling and Sudkreuz would rather that the agents do not lean too far out of the window and get captured.
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Sorry, but right now I'm pushing the Metallurgy as far as we can as possible. Composites, Plastics and other such things comes later. Unless one of you guys wishes to do that, in which case I'll have my researchers co-operate.
No problem. Metal alloys are good too.

That's not how these actions wlrk. Units are produced with a production action. I plan to take care of that.

On that note, I'm pretty sure that tge VK foundry is a foundry that involves VK in it's construction, not one that is needed for VK.

This same technology could allow for steel foundries that are smaller and able to churn out increased amounts of vital steel for war material.
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Just a possibility... but instead having the Hero figure slay the Draka, have the 'prayers' of the refugees and some help from one or two of them allow him to cripple the Draka, and then they run off and cross the border. Then at the very end of the film, the Commander of the Draka who was crippled comes up to the Draka and when the Draka states they're going to hunt down the one who crippled them once they've healed, have the Commander go 'I forbid it... all you need to do anyway is wait a decade or two, and you'll be able to take all the revenge you desire...'

Sort of a 'We all need to work together to put down the Draka threat' vibe whilst also reinforcing the message 'The Draka and EVIL... and they're coming for you...'