Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

Remember, not a word of this goes to the OOC thread. Just as Hitler did not trumpet the results due to the treaty, we shall do the same.
-Social Action: Confrontation: Attend a NSDAP-Party with Hitler, Himmler, inner circle and Baron Leopold Wolfgang von Thaler. Praise the Blutkreuz's assembly of Knowledge leading to this new development and technology. Ask how this was achieved and seek to prod some answers. Then give Himmler and Hitler photo-evidence of the Blutkreuz talking to Draka and Jew's and and inspire them to set restrictions on the Blutkreuz, until they are satisfied that no Zion or Draka conspiracy shall gain from the Fatherland's Victory, or indeed, any other Landsfeinde., enemies of the German State. Suggest the SS is best-suited to take care of this swiftly before the Enemies of Germany know of our success.

Result: Critical Success!

You narrowly avoid disaster.

Publicly confronting Von Thaler in this party would be the greatest, stupidest blunder you could accomplish and so you sing the praises of Von Thaler as he reveals Blutkreuz's mastery over some Vrill trinkets, such as a device that creates images out of thin air, and another that allows a man to levitate objects.

Parlor tricks, but ones that provide hints. And so you keep things quiet until you can speak with Hitler and Himmler in private and present your findings. Hitler is incensed but manages to calm himself as you present your suggestions while Himmler balks but Hitler's force of will means the SS leader will do as ordered.

Soon after, the Blutkruez are placed under SS supervision on suspicions of collaborating with enemies of the German State and People, with your photo evidence front and center. Von Thaler accepts the charges and restrictions while his teenage daughter and second in command is clearly incensed by the decision made by Hitler.

You may have to keep an eye on Hitler; Sigrid Von Thaler is noted for being a vindictive little wench and she won't take this perceived insult lying down.

(Blutkreuz placed under SS supervision until 1934.)

-Research Action: Less cost-intensive shells/bullets. Caseless shells were researched during WWII, but too late and too infrequent. Albeit they do cut the cost-intensity, they do have other problems such as lowered performance and prone to misfire/destruction if not handled carefully. We will be working to improve on earlier designs until we have shells/bullets which cost only a fracture of the effort to be made. Germany will not sacrifice quality, but it will gain what is needed currently and for the future: Quantity

Result: Success!

The answer to the performance failings of Caseless Ammunition comes once more from VK; by impregnating powdered VK into the binding agents, the propellant becomes water-proof and incredibly robust in the face of rough handling and damage, able to fire reliably due to the energetic properties of VK, and be able to increase the stopping power of both the 7.92x33mm and full-size 7.92x57mm Mauser rounds used by the Kar98k and G32 'Sieger', the latter now found in sharp-shooting and second-line duties.

Tests with modified G32 and Kar98k rifles show that the new round is much lighter, reducing soldier fatigue when carrying large amounts of ammunition, and the solidness of the round means that they can be treated like normal cased rounds, meaning that soldiers have no need to be gentle when loading the 100-round straight magazines or the 200-round helical drums using the 'loading ram' that has been issued to speed up manual loading of magazines with loose ammunition.

While the rounds are still vulnerable to heat, the VK infusion means that the rounds would have to be blanketed in napalm to set them off, or sit them on an active VK Power Core.

With the reduction in brass consumption, lower weight and with VK to increase power without increasing the amount of propellant needed, the usefulness for the G32 is immediate and the design is updated for Caseless Ammunition, leaving the Kar98k to retain cased ammunition.

(New Technology Unlocked: Caseless Ammunition)
(G32 'Sieger' upgraded automatically with Caseless Ammunition)

-Design Action: Doctrine: Part 1-3 of Festung Deutschland. With the Treaty of Versailles in action, Germany is, at least on paper, restricted to a certain number of men under arms. Sudreuz proposes Operation "Fortress Germany" and pull able-bodied men into a program to "strengthen the body, see and beautify Germany and build Shelters, bridges as a Three-Months Program". Part 1 of this Three-Months program will be to recruit a whole army of able-bodied men to become future pioneers and engineers for the german army. All around Germany they will work on defensive works, bunkers, bridges, barracks and other facilities. Part 2 will offer these men increased pay to become "Protectors of German Borders, Peace and Security" and make them, in name, policemen and border patrol while they will be trained in military tactics and arms. In the last month (part 3), these men can be integrated into any Wehrmacht/SS/Tank-Units at leisure while building confidence in defenses as well as give a, first steady, then rapid advance in manpower when those men are being made into tactical units of great value.

Result: Success!

With the promise of good pay, good food, and the chance to make a difference for the German people, patriotic young men sign up to become the start of Germany's Pioneer Corps, the engineers who allowed the Blitzkrieg to be successful and made the invasions of France and Germany such tough nuts to crack by the Allies.

These men build everything from bridges to houses, and their presence along with the films of a sharp-nosed man named Goebbels surges the spirit of nationalism in the German people which Hitler takes advantage of.

And there's only more to come.

(Part 1 of Festung Deutschland complete.)

-Production: Build the Biofuel-Plant and see it in action.

(Wasn't sure what you meant by that vote bit. Sorry.)

Result: Success!

The Bio-Fuel plant goes into operation and you see for yourself how biological matter ranging from plants to dead animals is broken down and chemically catalyzed to create a liquid biological crude oil that can be further refined into suitable vehicle, naval and aircraft fuel. Combined with efforts to create synthetic fuels, this new facility will go a long way to keeping Germany fueled and running.

(Bio-Fuel Plant constructed. +120 Fuel per turn for each Bio-Fuel Plant built.)

-Military Action: Retrieve -everything- found in Antarctica to Germany. We cant let the Draka (who are closer to the Antarctica than us) get there and take everything away. It needs to be protected and safeguarded while researched and doing it on the spot is too dangerous.

Result: Minor Success

Despite the SS oversight, the Blutkreuz essentially rule the crashed alien ship and refuse to allow anything to be removed even with the threat of the Draka. Even so, you manage to remove more than a few intriguing pieces of Vrill technology. Unfortunately, the VK-generating machine cannot be removed from the ship, the Blutkreuz state that the machine is a part of the ship and cannot be removed without irreversibly destroying it's ability to generate VK.

The Draka are incredibly close, closer than Germany would like. But unless this city-sized ship can be repaired and made to fly to Germany, there's no point in worrying about the situation. Queen Maud Land will have to become a permanent Nazi colony in order to maintain the supply of VK to Germany, explain the Blutkruez commander on site.

Once the world would have been dependant on oil for the future war. But even now you recognise that any future war will hinge on VK and you reluctantly accept this fact.

(New research unlocked: Vrill technology)
(There wasn't much that could be moved out of the ship, and the ship cannot be repaired by meager human knowledge. Germany must find a way to defend The Ship and the VK mines surrounding it while maintaining secrecy.)

-Covert Action: If Social Action successful: Assist in hunting down/putting under housearrest Members of Blutkreuz while killing off any foreign contacts they had in germany.

Result: Critical Success!

Thanks to earlier efforts by one of your comrades, the majority of Bludkruez is brought into house-arrest quietly and without resistance, while the network of foreign contacts they had in Germany is smashed as SS troops kick in doors and drag them off into the night. Without this network, Blutkruez' influence is severely curtailed while the SS will likely reap the benefits of any Blutkreuz research before you, but that's a small price to pay for making sure Hitler isn't listening to lunatics too often.

He's got enough on that front.

(Blutkreuz foreign contacts in Berlin and Germany removed. Permanently.)
Just so that we're on the same line. Silence means not saying anything. It does not mean discussing the turn in the OOC thread.
discussing our stolen tech is info that another faction already has and it is more advantageous for the third faction to know of the tech stealing occurrence, also its silence on what WE did not what someone else did to us.
Except that now the third faction knows we have a tank, and they know we spied on them.

Meanwhile, we still know nothing.

So telling them is an action which is completely disadvantageous for us.

So it's better to have silence about the entire turn.
Okay... we've got effective, very nice caseless ammo... that's extremely nice... But we need two people to research the Vrill Technology I'd say...

One to research it, and one to support, because we need that tech...
Social: Germany imports a lot of things, primarily tungsten, rubber and oil. One country which could provide all three is the Netherlands. Have some representatives go there and set up diplomatic relations and trade agreements.

Result: Success!

The Netherlands agrees to the Trade Agreement.

(+100 Supplies, +100 Fuel per turn. -130 Industrial Capacity per turn)

Research: Work with Colonel Jaeger to improve the current warfare doctrine such that it is capable of guerilla warfare. In other words, aside from being able to employ conventional maneuver warfare, they are capable of dispersing into pockets of highly flexible and mobile units, hitting and running, ambushing, sabotaging and hiding, harrying and disrupting enemy forces, poking holes in their defenses, making them bleed, and disrupting their lines and logistics, conserving friendly forces and reducing the enemy's ability to fight. Their use of mission-type tactics (which they are already good at) would help in this regard. It's not a "one or the other" thing either; the guerilla units could work together with the conventional units to crush the enemies before them.

Result: Success!

With Jaeger's input, you come up with the Werwolf Doctrine, a system of continuous low-level harassment warfare for front-line and recon forces, as well as possible future specialist units, that is adaptable for offensive and defensive operations where German soldiers make use of all available resources including enemy equipment to reduce their combat effectiveness through attacks on supply lines and soldiers, and the employment of psychological warfare mechanisms in order to sap at morale and induce higher levels of fatigue.

Under the precepts of the Werwolf Doctrine, the only difference between a trained soldier and a trained partisan is location and disposition of allied forces as well as distance from friendly lines.

(New Technology Unlocked: Werwolf Doctrine)

Design: Schützenpanzer I Puma: We need to mechanize the infantry, for them to be able to keep up with the panzers. Horses are simply not enough these days. To this end, an infantry fighting vehicle named the Puma will be designed. Using the chassis and many components from the Tiger, this tracked armored vehicle transports infantry and fights alongside them, supporting the panzers in the field. It has a similar shape to the Tiger, but has thinner armor, at 33 mm all around, as well as a taller hull. It is armed with a turreted 2 cm autocannon, a coaxial machine gun, and a roof-mounted Panzerknacker, and carries a radio. It uses a front-mounted turbocharged 700 hp diesel engine and a 6-speed transmission and employs both side skirts and turret spaced armor. It is capable of neutral steering, carries a crew of three (driver, gunner, commander), and can transport up to six passengers, allowing them to enter and exit via the rear doors. It is lighter than the Tiger, is easy to produce, maintain and repair, and can maintain formation with the Tiger.

Result: Success!

Despite the theft of your Tiger I technical data, you develop the Schützenpanzer I Puma to begin properly mechanising the Heer into something that could be properly called a modern military force. Despite the development of VK-Steel armour and VK Power Cores, you keep the design conventional as a proof-of-concept.

The Puma uses a modified MG08 for a placeholder co-axial machinegun due to one of your compatriots stating that they are soon to have a working Heavy Machinegun to place in that position, but even with the weaker gun the co-axial arrangement shows that the Puma can hold it's own against a dedicated attack by light vehicles and infantry, with the possibility of engaging heavier armour if the reports about VK-infused steel penetrator cores for vehicle cannons and autocannons are true.

What does impress you is the Panzerknacker battery on the roof; with eight tubes of HEAT rockets, the Puma can bring down light vehicles, threaten tanks, and engage infantry in cover, and the ease of reloading means that the crew can rapidly restock the barrels so the Panzerknackers can deliver more pain to armoured targets.

All in all, the Puma is looking to be a suitable means to properly mechanise the Heer.

(New Technology Unlocked: Puma Infantry Fighting Vehicle)
(Puma can be upgraded!)
(Generic Infantry Battalion can be upgraded!)

Production: Support the construction of the Biofuel Plants. We refuse to run out of fuel in the middle of battle.

Result: Auto-Success!

Military: Support Mr. Sudkreuz's (@whydoyoubother's) efforts to move all the materiel from Antartica to Germany. Those findings are not to be stolen by anyone else.

Result: Auto-Success!

Covert: There's a lack of intel on the Allies and the Soviets. Send spies to rectify this issue. We need to know their plans, new technology and equipment, news, politics, movements, important locations, among others. Oh, and have them investigate that explosion in Alaska. Who knows what caused that? It could have been a meteorite... or a bomb.

Result: Neutral

The Americans and Soviets are on high alert so your agents simply set themselves up and prepare to send back intelligence reports.

(Intel Reports will be received from the Allies and Soviets)
So, question?

Do these support actions do something, or is it only a reroll if the original action fails?
Social Action: Continue working towards improving the German Industry and Infrastructure, requesting help from the others in the Council for the Development of the Axis to organise the political and business side of things.

Result: Success!

With all the work done by your comrades, you find it much easier to organise work and employment programs alongside construction projects that boost employment and slowly restore like to Germany's industrial heartlands.

(+150 in all categories except Radioactives and VK per turn)

Research Action: Your researchers have been tasked to investigate the potential uses of 'VK' in ammunition, with an emphasis on it's ability to be used in the new Cartridge being developed. Co-operate with Dieter's research into less expensive ammunition. Perhaps there may be some synergy there?

Result: Critical Success!

As it so happens, there is extensive synergy as Powdered VK allows for the creation of tough, high-quality Caseless Ammunition that is more powerful than cased ammunition and much lighter to carry in magazines due to the lack of brass casings. But you find that there is much more that could be done, and so you go a step further and begin integrating VK into the propellant itself, not just the binding chemicals, followed by using data on VK Metallurgy to create VK-steel cores that would allow bullets to make a mockery of cover and conventional armour.

When combined, the resulting round is capable of reliably penetrating VK-infused steel plating, meaning that not even vehicles would be safe from a German rifleman in combat; cover would be rendered useless and without VK-steel to protect their vitals and head, the only protection would be to dig foxholes and hope that concealment will increase their chances of survivability.

And with VK-steel parts, the new G32 'Sieger' is more than capable of handling the increased pressures and recoil.

(Caseless Ammunition upgraded to VK Caseless Ammunition)

Design Action: You have tasked your design teams with meeting Hitler's demand for a new Heavy Machine Gun and Cartridge. The cartridge shall be of 13mm calibre, with length as of yet undetermined. It shall attempt to use VK where effective. The design considerations of the heavy machine gun will include making it air-cooled, have a maximum fire rate of at least 600 rounds a minute, and being durable, reliable and accurate. It shall be possible to change the HMG's barrel from behind the gun, allowing a HMG Crew to swap barrels without moving from behind the gun, or moving the gun itself to a great degree. Efforts will be made to keep the cost of both cartridge and HMG low.

Result: Nat 100!

The New Model Heavy Machinegun would have likely been a straight knock-off of the American M2 Browning, when you have both a brilliant idea and come across a round that solves your problem of ammunition.

The Luftwaffe has been using the World War 1-era 13mm TuF round for their aircraft and this big, heavy round has plenty of space for explosive warheads, armour-piercing cores, and tracers, all of which are very handy in a heavy machinegun cartridge as well. So you immediately lift the designs and using VK Caseless Ammunition information as a base, create a highly-compact 13x70mm bullet that can be linked together using disintegrating metal links that allow for articulated feeding into the new gun.

And of the new gun itself, you decide that there is only one weapon that could be iconic of the German army and design a massively up-scaled version of the MG42, designated the MG113, that comes up to a man's shoulder when stood up on it's heavy, reinforced stock while the barrel of the weapon is fitted with a six-chamber, X-shaped recoil compensator that can be detached from the weapon when it is mounted on a tripod or inside a vehicle such as the newly-designed Puma I.

Thanks to VK-steel, VK Caseless Ammunition, and the design of the gun, the MG113 is capable of matching the iconic firerate of it's inspiration, able to produce a consistent average of some 1300 rounds per minute with a noise that is less like a buzzsaw and more like a roar. Since the barrel is made of VK-Steel to resist the incredible heat of the VK Caseless Ammunition, the gun takes an incredibly long time to overheat even when going at full blast for several minutes.

When presented to Hitler, he is suitably impressed with the MG113 'Lowe' or Lion.

(New Technology Unlocked: MG113 'Lowe' Heavy Machinegun)
(Puma I can be upgraded!)
(Generic Infantry Platoon can be upgraded!)

Production Action: Your construction crews are directed to construct the recently designed Rocketry Labs

Result: Success!

With the new Rocketry Labs constructed, it will become possible to build all manner of rockets for any kind of purpose, whether as weaponry or as a way to reach the heavens.

(New Infrastructure Produced: Rocketry Labs)

Military Action: Units not assigned to any specific task will be placed on guard duty around the Council's research, production and VK facilities, with an emphasis on ensuring no foreign element obtains samples of VK or the design schematics for the Tiger and Panzerknacker.

Result: Failure

An unknown group manages to steal the schematics and somehow an operational Tiger I without any evidence as to who did the deed.

Covert Action: You shall deploy your espionage teams to America with the task of obtaining as much information on their military technology as possible. Emphasis will be placed on obtaining any information on their new M1 'Victory' Automatic. Share all information recovered with the rest of the Council, especially Conrad.

Result: MInor Success

Your agents manage to secure a working M1 Victory along with the design schematics, but in the process they were revealed before escaping.

(The Americans know that Germany stole the data on their rifle.)
Okay... That machine Gun...

Holy Shit guys...

I just made a 13mm MG42! It fires at 1200 rounds a minute! That's DOUBLE what I was aiming at...

Oh, and it's air cooled, which means, whilst in some environments it might be less effective, it's much lighter... and once you superheat the barrel, well you can always swap it... though why you'd need to swap the barrel if it's made of VK steel is a question...

Christ, the New Germany War Machine is an absolute TERROR... And we haven't even gotten that far in yet...

Before we develop a new military uniform, we need three key technologies... A better, can be used all the time NBC Combat Armour, Bulletproof Infantry Armour and Infantry Camouflage...

Gives all our troops NBC protection, which is absolutely necessary, camouflage, and resistance to enemy fire...
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Okay... That machine Gun...

Holy Shit guys...

I just made a 13mm MG42! It fires at 1200 rounds a minute! That's DOUBLE what I was aiming at...

Oh, and it's air cooled, which means, whilst in some environments it might be less effective, it's much lighter... and once you superheat the barrel, well you can always swap it... though why you'd need to swap the barrel if it's made of VK steel is a question...

Christ, the New Germany War Machine is an absolute TERROR... And we haven't even gotten that far in yet...

Before we develop a new military uniform, we need three key technologies... A better, can be used all the time NBC Combat Armour, Bulletproof Infantry Armour and Infantry Camouflage...

Gives all our troops NBC protection, which is absolutely necessary, camouflage, and resistance to enemy fire...
praise rngesus
What do you guys think of this? Looks good so far? Please clarify the things I posted in parenthesis @Gideon020

Social Action: Veidt, using his new prestige and money will found the National Gewehr Verband. To help make sure he gets the support he needs, he"ll make sure Hitler, Himmler, Von Thaler, and other prominent members (Is Hans von Seeckt the informal leader of the Old Guard?) on its' many purposes:
1. Building community spirit.
2. It will unofficially act as a private militia that will help create a gun culture that Switzerland and America has. This is useful because...
3. It will give Germany a skilled reserve of manpower to enlist when the war comes. Should things ever get truly desperate, Germany can always use the NGV as a Volkssturm of those who are too old or unfit to serve in the Reichswehr.
4. Act as the institution for the purchase of military surplus equipment--particularly weapons--by any eligible German citizen. Since the Great War has come to an end, Germany has demobilized and many of these weapons will be replaced by emerging new technologies, this shouldn't be an issue. Veidt/the NGV will acquire the military weapons and they will then sell the weapons to any members at a discounted price.
5. With so many military weapons being bound to flood the civilians arms market, Germany will have plausible deniability if we decide to provide arms to any faction or ally.
6. Any increased ammo consumption by civilians will lead to the expanding of munition production through the beauty of free market capitalism. Should war break out, Germany will not have to strain as much to retool itself into a total war economy.

The fact a private citizen like Veidt is the leader of the new organization will help make it look less like a violation or loophole of the Versailles Treaty. Furthermore, Veidt will offer free food, beverages, alcohol (strictly after any shooting events) for free and even gift baskets for any special events or holidays, like the founding day of the NGV. The NGV will engage in sports such as skeet shooting, hunting, marksmanship and Multi-Gun/practical shooting, with heavy emphasis on the latter. Machine Guns and other heavier ordinance will occasionally be pulled out for the fun of it, and so members can get familiar with their use and operation.

Any prominent people of German high society will of course receive a letter invitation. Senior positions will be vetted to ensure no communist, Bleutzkreuz who engaged with foreign contacts, or any batshit insane member of the NSDAP (re: SS faction) get a senior leadership position. Recruitment will expand beyond the NSDAP (particularly into the DNVP), so long as they are not a strong supporter of the existence of the Weimar Republic, a communist or have had contact with dangeous elements like commies or Draka. So yes, even members of the SPD or more moderate parties can join, and of course so can the apolitical. Infact, Sigrid Von Thaler (the wife of Von Thaler I assume?) will be offered an invitation for a senior position--also as a subtle way to show women are allowed to join. Infact, to help keep people from thinking up sexist prejudices at the idea, we will publicly advertise the NGV as being family-friendly. This will help lessen any notions this is a workaround of the Versailles Treaty, train youth who are too young to serve and get females involved too.

Veidt will also try to mingle with various members of high society who join. With the Old Guard, Veidt will give some of his private thoughts on how he believes the Weimar Republic is an illegitimate, artificial institution and we should either return to the pre-Great War government system, or a more military, authoritarian one. To those not formally part of the NSDAP, he will express his support for the return of the Kaiser from his exile, though begrudgingly admit there would be less backlash abroad and domestically if the Crown-Prince became the new Kaiser instead.

With the Von Thalers, we will quietly express our displeasure at the SS's latest actions and try to shift any blame to them instead.
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well it looks good so far, it would also allow us to break versie without breaking versie with private militias becoming a thing
Wait, so they didn't just get the plans. They stole a Tiger too?


We'll also have to choose where to apply VK. Many of our advanced weapons rely on the use of VK to function.
I wouldn't complain to much about smuggling logistics, given that our VK supplies comes from the other end of the world.