Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

Pre-Turn 2
February, 1932

World News:

-The United States has unveiled the world's first hand-held fully-automatic rifle. The M1 'Victory' Automatic Rifle is a revolutionary compact weapon firing the .30-06 cartridge with a massive 30-round magazine. Already, other nations have noticed this new weapon which promises to give every soldier the firepower of a machinegun with the range of a bolt-action rifle.

-President Von Hindenburg of German has fallen ill. Chancellor Hitler has declared a moment of prayer for the venerable statesman.

-Drakan brutalities against the native peoples of the Middle East and China continue, but the natives are fighting back, somehow managing to acquire weaponry from unknown sources.

-Nikola Tesla has at long last proven his theories of wireless electricity, beaming an electrical signal from London to Paris, lighting a display on the Eiffel Tower. Many nations are showing their interest in this new way to power cities and homes.

-With the improvements to modern petroleum engines, Autosteamers, particularly Drakan models, are beginning to fall out of favor. This could have negative impacts on the Drakan economy.

-A mysterious explosion destroyed over a mile of wilderness in Alaska. The explosion site has been completely cordoned off by the United States Army.

Outside Scientific Discoveries:
-Germany has linked smoking to lung cancer and a number of other distressing and gruesome maladies.

Internal Scientific Discoveries:
-VK has been discovered to possess highly energetic and malleable properties, able to be used as anything from a propellant for bullets to a powerful explosive and even an energy source. It could revolutionize not just explosives and propellants, but high-energy physics, chemistry, metallurgy and more.
(New Research Unlocked: VK Ammunition)
(New Research Unlocked: VK Explosives)
(New Research Unlocked: VK Metallurgy)
(New Research Unlocked: VK Power Sources)

Military Movements:
-The Soviet Union has massively expanded their defenses along the Draka-Soviet Border. Many are wondering if the Soviets are expecting an escalation of border skirmishes with the Drakan forces.

-Our forces have recently in engaged in internal wargames in defiance of the Versailles Treaty. Chancellor Hitler has declared the wargames are an exercise in defending the German people from outside aggression, and that Germany will not start any conflicts like the Great War again.

-Imperial Japan has continued to creep down to British Malaya, leading many to believe the Rising Sun intends to poach Britain's colonial interests.

Income Report:
-Manpower: +600
-Supplies: +480
-Ammunition: +700
-Industrial Capacity: +600
-Fuel: +500
-Electronics: +0
-Radioactives: +0
-VK: +200

Political Directives:
-The Fuhrer desires some manner of weapon that uses VK.
-The Fuhrer wants intelligence out of the United States and Russia.

Internal Troubles:
-Von Hindenburg has fallen ill. The Fuhrer does not want him to live.
-The SS Special Projects Division is investigating a remote castle called Wolfenstein.

There is a new Intelligence Report!
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Result: Success!

The Privatization of the Banks and the Industrial Sector goes ahead rather smoothly, and somehow there seems to be no trouble against the Jews. Perhaps the Chancellor thinks that these efforts will be punishment enough for gold-hoarding Jews?

(+200 per turn on all resources except Radioactives and [CLASSIFIED])
Should we not have +200 Electronics?
NP. I didnt check all the numbers. It was a fluke i saw that. Albeit i do have a question: We are at -100 Ammunition? What happens now? Are we allowed to lack ammunition as long as our batallions are not in combat?

I just finished editing the Master Data Sheet. You narrowly avoided a major ammunition shortage.
A few questions for you Gideon...

Is our 'Turn Income' for this turn our permanent income baseline from now on until modified, or is it what we get this very turn, with more actions needing taking to get any resources next turn?

Also what does it take to construct Infrastructure, and can we construct multiple infrastructure with the same action? Can we construct mixed production actions of infrastructure and units?

How do we upgrade our 2 generic infantry battalions?
A few questions for you Gideon...

Is our 'Turn Income' for this turn our permanent income baseline from now on until modified, or is it what we get this very turn, with more actions needing taking to get any resources next turn?

Permanent baseline increase+plus the fluctuating influx of new resources.

Also what does it take to construct Infrastructure, and can we construct multiple infrastructure with the same action? Can we construct mixed production actions of infrastructure and units?

If this was my other game, Infrastructure would cost money, lots of money. This isn't my other game so it's at the mercy of the dice. And not yet, increased numbers of actions come with certain infrastructure. You'll be informed when you unlock them.

How do we upgrade our 2 generic infantry battalions?

Perform a Design Action to initiate an upgrade of the Generic Infantry Battalion. If successful, your active Battalions will be upgraded, and the Production item for Generic Infantry Battalion will be replaced with the upgraded version.
Another question. Which category of action is used to build infrastructure. I assume production?

Oh and the Rocket Labs aren't noted as available infrastructure.
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Social Action: Continue working towards improving the German Industry and Infrastructure, requesting help from the others in the Council for the Development of the Axis to organise the political and business side of things
Research Action: Your researchers have been tasked to investigate the potential uses of 'VK' in ammunition, with an emphasis on it's ability to be used in the new Cartridge being developed. Co-operate with Dieter's research into less expensive ammunition. Perhaps there may be some synergy there?
Design Action: You have tasked your design teams with meeting Hitler's demand for a new Heavy Machine Gun and Cartridge. The cartridge shall be of 13mm calibre, with length as of yet undetermined. It shall attempt to use VK where effective. The design considerations of the heavy machine gun will include making it air-cooled, have a maximum fire rate of at least 600 rounds a minute, and being durable, reliable and accurate. It shall be possible to change the HMG's barrel from behind the gun, allowing a HMG Crew to swap barrels without moving from behind the gun, or moving the gun itself to a great degree. Efforts will be made to keep the cost of both cartridge and HMG low.
Production Action: Your construction crews are directed to construct the recently designed Rocketry Labs
Military Action: Units not assigned to any specific task will be placed on guard duty around the Council's research, production and VK facilities, with an emphasis on ensuring no foreign element obtains samples of VK or the design schematics for the Tiger and Panzerknacker.
Covert Action: You shall deploy your espionage teams to America with the task of obtaining as much information on their military technology as possible. Emphasis will be placed on obtaining any information on their new M1 'Victory' Automatic. Share all information recovered with the rest of the Council, especially Conrad.
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Well, I think we should try to infiltrate the US and the USSR. Being blind is not fun.

On the other hand, I really want to mess with Tesla's energy transfer system. See, the problem with a system that can transfer energy everywhere for anyone to use is that anyone can use it, even if you don't want them too.
Berlin, February
Mood: Concerned

The man calling himself Sudkreuz sat back in his chair. Comfortable. He thought about the past days and enjoyed a cigarette, despite the new wave of Anti-smoking. Yesterday, he had taken the boy who was supposed to be his son into the park. It was nice, distracting... normal. The man called Dieter Sudkreuz did not mind, but he had to re-focus on the work now. His free hand not holding the cigarette played absently with the pin. A hated symbol, a golden pin with the Swastika, marking him an old member of the NSDAP. Hitler was as much of a douchebag in person as he had ever suspected. But this man had also charisma and hatred enough to whip a nation into a total war which would engulf the world, holding it together with willpower and a fanatical belief.
Sudkreuz hated that he was dependant on that hatred to be directed somewhere useful in order to survive. "Herr Direktor, der Bote ist hier." He startled, having been lost in his thought and took a moment to identify the words, then he gave a smile and a "Danke ihnen, Fräulein Isolyn." The man who entered had no message which could simply be left at the door. The briefcase was attached to his wrist with a chain and they greeted each other before the man correctly placed the briefcase, waited for Sudkreuz to unchain him and then, after receiving thanks, went outside, leaving Sudkreuz to go through folders of papers with accumulated news. SS General Otto Giftmacher? Really? Giftmacher? That was a bit on the nose right here. Poisonmaker.
This was so... stereotypical. Sudkreuz shook his head and pondered the next moves, then glanced through the heaps of photographs. These should do. Time to distract Hitler and get some news.

Team-mates, please read carefully and comment
-Social Action: Confrontation: Attend a NSDAP-Party with Hitler, Himmler, inner circle and Baron Leopold Wolfgang von Thaler. Praise the Blutkreuz's assembly of Knowledge leading to this new development and technology. Ask how this was achieved and seek to prod some answers. Then give Himmler and Hitler photo-evidence of the Blutkreuz talking to Draka and Jew's and and inspire them to set restrictions on the Blutkreuz, until they are satisfied that no Zion or Draka conspiracy shall gain from the Fatherland's Victory, or indeed, any other Landsfeinde., enemies of the German State. Suggest the SS is best-suited to take care of this swiftly before the Enemies of Germany know of our success
-Resarch Action: Less cost-intensive shells/bullets. Caseless shells were resarched during WWII, but too late and too infrequent. Albeit they do cut the cost-intensity, they do have other problems such as lowered performance and prone to misfire/destruction if not handled carefully. We will be working to improve on earlier designs until we have shells/bullets which cost only a fracture of the effort to be made. Germany will not sacrifice quality, but it will gain what is needed currently and for the future: Quantity
-Design Action: Doctrine: Part 1-3 of Festung Deutschland. With the Treaty of Versailles in action, Germany is, at least on paper, restricted to a certain number of men under arms. Sudreuz proposes Operation "Fortress Germany" and pull able-bodied men into a program to "strengthen the body, see and beautify Germany and build Shelters, bridges as a Three-Months Program". Part 1 of this Three-Months program will be to recruit a whole army of able-bodied men to become future pioneers and engineers for the german army. All around Germany they will work on defensive works, bunkers, bridges, barracks and other facilities. Part 2 will offer these men increased pay to become "Protectors of German Borders, Peace and Security" and make them, in name, policemen and borderpatrol while they will be trained in military tactics and arms. In the last month (part 3), these men can be integrated into any Wehrmacht/SS/Tank-Units at leasure while building confidence in defences as well as give a, first steady, then rapid advance in manpower when those men are being made into tactical units of great value.
-Production: Build the Biofuel-Plant and see it in action. Also (vote): 4 new Battalions of generic Infantry
-Military Action: Retrieve -everything- found in Antarctica to Germany. We cant let the Draka (who are closer to the Antarctica than us) get there and take everything away. It needs to be protected and safeguarded while resarched and doing it on the spot is too dangerous
-Covert Action: If Social Action successful: Assist in hunting down/putting under housearrest Members of Blutkreuz while killing off any foreign contacts they had in germany.
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Suggestion: Someone blow up Draka Powerplants in Eastern Europe and blame it on the Soviets.
Oh and the whole: Use people to not get infiltrated ourselves was a good call. Thank you. And if you could do that again, we would be appreciating that.
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Suggestion: Someone blow up Draka Powerplants in Eastern Europe and blame it on the Soviets.
Oh and the whole: Use people to not get infiltrated ourselves was a good call. Thank you. And if you could do that again, we would be appreciating that.

I'm not sure that's a good idea. If we fail, we get the Draka attacking us.

If we succeed, our army is currently too weak to take advantage and take the soviet Union.
Carl Gelb
Berlin, Germany

Your wargames not only highlight the Wehrmacht's strengths, but also their weaknesses. In simulations ranging from open warfare to city fighting, German High Command sees what they have to work with in case of a war. And while the German soldier is well-trained and equipped, there is clearly room for improvement in these forces.

During the wargames, a young officer comes to your attention. Colonel Rudi Jaeger is an infantry officer and his tactics and command have made his forces highly effective in all fields of battle. As such, he is recruited into your services to help develop new warfare doctrines for the rest of the Germany military.

Interestingly, Himmler's SS troops are nowhere to be found despite them being a military arm in their own right.

I was with the others, watching the military exercises. It's one thing to read about the blitzkrieg (they don't actually call it that here though), and another to see it in action. Along the way, we found an officer who we could work with in developing their way of warfare. No, he's not Rommel or Guderian, but he looks like he knows what he's doing. I don't know if he is an avid Nazi or not though.

Meanwhile, the Waffen-SS troops were nowhere to be found. Figures. They have their own agenda, after all.

The following factions are present inside Hitler's government.

-Old Guard: Made up of former Prussian and German nobility, these represent the last actually humane members of the military, honorable but bound by that same honor to follow Hitler.

-The SS: The SS under Himmler are Hitler's private army, used for the tasks Hitler cannot trust to the Wehrmacht. Only the most loyal and fanatical soldiers and politicians are part of the SS, and Himmler's own occult dreams mean he speaks to Hitler about expeditions to find artifacts like the Holy Grail or Spear Of Destiny.

-Blutkreuz: Blutkruez or Blood Cross are made up of people that frankly you are inclined to lump under 'bizarre', simply because these are the kind of occultists, alienists and spiritualists that apparently Himmler decided not to accept into his little club. Blutkruez is lead by Baron Leopold Wolfgang Von Thaler, old Prussian nobility who is fanatical about the mythical Vrill, stating that they were not spiritual beings but hyper-advanced aliens who blessed humanity with their gifts.

Somehow, this is looking even more insane than the history you knew of.

Okay, the relatively honorable Old Guard nobles and the evil SS people were somewhat expected, but the Blutkruez, now that one throws a curveball into things. I never thought they would that inclined into, well, pseudoscientific things. Occult stuff? Aliens? Really?

Are they going to look for the Ark of the Covenant or the Tesseract or something?

Unfortunately, there is no material that is suitable for usage as a bullet-resistant, let alone bullet-proof material that is currently available.

So much for that idea. I guess the required materials would have to be developed first.

The Tiger is presented to Hitler and in field trials impresses the Chancellor and Army High Command. The new tank, with it's massive 88mm gun, thick armour and impressive road and rough-terrain speed and agility, is quickly approved for production and you are rewarded a personal commendation and the first of a newly instituted medal; The National Service Award.

You return to the office with a shining silver medal neatly pinned to your chest.

The Chancellor (he's not the Fuhrer yet) asked for a heavy tank, and what came to mind was the Soviet IS-2, a fast breakthrough tank. Might as well get to it, I guess. The military could use a reliable heavy tank to help out in the upcoming war. To this end, I commissioned a design, incorporating late-war design elements, resulting to something which, in short, might as well be a modified Panther. Since it uses that 8.8 cm gun and is designated as a heavy tank, I named it after the legendary Panzer VI Tiger. It could be the main battle tank of the army later on.


Okay, reading about Nazi Germany and watching TV documentaries about World War 2 are one thing. Meeting the man himself, the one at the center of many evils during his regime, is another story entirely. Sure, on the outside, I was calm and professional like Carl Gelb would be, but on the inside, I was internally screaming.

At least the prototype Tiger didn't disappoint. It should be able to live up to the reputation of the historical one without being plagued by the same issues. I even ended up getting a medal for it, something to do with "doing a great service to the German people". Hitler's approval, however, secretly fills me with shame.

-The SS and Heer are at odds with one another about counter-intelligence operations.
-Blutkruez has meeting in secret with various individuals ranging from Jewish scholars and American businessmen to even Draka.
-The Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine are in conflict over the status of carriers and the planes they carry. The Luftwaffe wants carrier pilots to be Luftwaffe trained while the Kriegsmarine wants it's own air arm.

For the first one, it's not that surprising. The Wehrmacht and the SS tend to be rivals anyway.

For the second one, it's a surprise to me that the Blood Cross people meet with Jewish scholars. How long will that last, however, before they ostracize them and commit crimes against them like the Nazis?

For the third one, it's kinda like the one between the modern day US Navy and Air Force, I think. They're not so clear either on who commands the carrier aircraft.

-The United States has unveiled the world's first hand-held fully-automatic rifle. The M1 'Victory' Automatic Rifle is a revolutionary compact weapon firing the .30-06 cartridge with a massive 30-round magazine. Already, other nations have noticed this new weapon which promises to give every soldier the firepower of a machinegun with the range of a bolt-action rifle.

-President Von Hindenburg of German has fallen ill. Chancellor Hitler has declared a moment of prayer for the venerable statesman.

-Drakan brutalities against the native peoples of the Middle East and China continue, but the natives are fighting back, somehow managing to acquire weaponry from unknown sources.

-Nikola Tesla has at long last proven his theories of wireless electricity, beaming an electrical signal from London to Paris, lighting a display on the Eiffel Tower. Many nations are showing their interest in this new way to power cities and homes.

-With the improvements to modern petroleum engines, Autosteamers, particularly Drakan models, are beginning to fall out of favor. This could have negative impacts on the Drakan economy.

-A mysterious explosion destroyed over a mile of wilderness in Alaska. The explosion site has been completely cordoned off by the United States Army.

Outside Scientific Discoveries:
-Germany has linked smoking to lung cancer and a number of other distressing and gruesome maladies.

Internal Scientific Discoveries:
-VK has been discovered to possess highly energetic and malleable properties, able to be used as anything from a propellant for bullets to a powerful explosive and even an energy source. It could revolutionize not just explosives and propellants, but high-energy physics, chemistry, metallurgy and more.

The US came up with a battle rifle already? That was fast! We'll need to invent the assault rifle like the historical Sturmgewehr 44 to catch up. Most infantry combat is at relatively close range after all.

Oh dear, the president (I thought there was only the chancellor) isn't feeling well. What if he's the only check to Hitler's power?

And then, there's this faction not present in history, called the Draka, and they're just as evil as the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese. That's not good at all.

Did somebody say wireless electricity? That's still a topic of research even in the modern day world. I can't believe Tesla made it work this time. That would be heaven-sent in terms of infrastructure and power supply for Germany.

...And I'm not sure how steam engines still persist up to now. Aren't internal combustion engines better in every way?

What's this, a mile-wide explosion? That's really big. Was it a meteorite impact like at Tunguska... or is it actually the result of a nuclear bomb? Technology progresses quickly here, so the Manhattan Project could have been fast-tracked. We better find out.

Now I'm seeing banners with the phrase "Government warning: Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health." Well, I'm not a fan of smoking in the first place. Getting lung cancer isn't in my life plans.

In other news, I can't believe the Blood Cross managed to find a crashed alien ship. An actual UFO! And it's no conspiracy theory at all. It actually exists! Mind. Blown.


They found some sort of yellow crystal that spreads, which sounds like Tiberium, and from their reports, it sounds like a wonder-material, with the potential to revolutionize our technology. What is this, our version of Eezo?

-The Soviet Union has massively expanded their defenses along the Draka-Soviet Border. Many are wondering if the Soviets are expecting an escalation of border skirmishes with the Drakan forces.

-Our forces have recently in engaged in internal wargames in defiance of the Versailles Treaty. Chancellor Hitler has declared the wargames are an exercise in defending the German people from outside aggression, and that Germany will not start any conflicts like the Great War again.

-Imperial Japan has continued to creep down to British Malaya, leading many to believe the Rising Sun intends to poach Britain's colonial interests.

Draka versus Soviets. Who would win? I don't know. Depends if General Winter will cooperate or not, I guess.

Whoops, forgot about the Treaty of Versailles. At least a good excuse was found, though the part about not starting any conflicts like the Great War, I find dramatically ironic. The Great War is also known as World War One, and World War Two was sparked when Poland was invaded by Germany. The irony, Hitler. The irony.

Meanwhile, it appears that Japan is already on the move. I won't be able to do anything about them eventually invading the Philippines though...

Political Directives:
-The Fuhrer desires some manner of weapon that uses VK.
-The Fuhrer wants intelligence out of the United States and Russia.

Internal Troubles:
-Von Hindenburg has fallen ill. The Fuhrer does not want him to live.
-The SS Special Projects Division is investigating a remote castle called Wolfenstein.

The chancellor doesn't want the president to live? Sounds like he's aiming to remove that check to his power, and be a dictator. Figures.

Wolfenstein? That sounds like something out of fiction. I don't know the significance of that though.

--The Draka appear to be preparing for a major military offensive into Japan. It is expected to be launched in May.

The Draka seem to be aggressive today. We'll have to prepare in case they decide to move in on Germany.

[x] Social: Germany imports a lot of things, primarily tungsten, rubber and oil. One country which could provide all three is the Netherlands. Have some representatives go there and set up diplomatic relations and trade agreements.

[x] Research: Work with Colonel Jaeger to improve the current warfare doctrine such that it is capable of guerilla warfare. In other words, aside from being able to employ conventional maneuver warfare, they are capable of dispersing into pockets of highly flexible and mobile units, hitting and running, ambushing, sabotaging and hiding, harrying and disrupting enemy forces, poking holes in their defenses, making them bleed, and disrupting their lines and logistics, conserving friendly forces and reducing the enemy's ability to fight. Their use of mission-type tactics (which they are already good at) would help in this regard. It's not a "one or the other" thing either; the guerilla units could work together with the conventional units to crush the enemies before them.

[x] Design: Schützenpanzer I Puma: We need to mechanize the infantry, for them to be able to keep up with the panzers. Horses are simply not enough these days. To this end, an infantry fighting vehicle named the Puma will be designed. Using the chassis and many components from the Tiger, this tracked armored vehicle transports infantry and fights alongside them, supporting the panzers in the field. It has a similar shape to the Tiger, but has thinner armor, at 33 mm all around, as well as a taller hull. It is armed with a turreted 2 cm autocannon, a coaxial machine gun, and a roof-mounted Panzerknacker, and carries a radio. It uses a front-mounted turbocharged 700 hp diesel engine and a 6-speed transmission and employs both side skirts and turret spaced armor. It is capable of neutral steering, carries a crew of three (driver, gunner, commander), and can transport up to six passengers, allowing them to enter and exit via the rear doors. It is lighter than the Tiger, is easy to produce, maintain and repair, and can maintain formation with the Tiger.

[x] Production: Support the construction of the Biofuel Plants. We refuse to run out of fuel in the middle of battle.

[x] Military: Support Mr. Sudkreuz's (@whydoyoubother's) efforts to move all the materiel from Antartica to Germany. Those findings are not to be stolen by anyone else.

[x] Covert: There's a lack of intel on the Allies and the Soviets. Send spies to rectify this issue. We need to know their plans, new technology and equipment, news, politics, movements, important locations, among others. Oh, and have them investigate that explosion in Alaska. Who knows what caused that? It could have been a meteorite... or a bomb.
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Social Action: Restore the Saar

Some parts of Germany are still under enemy occupation. This will not do. Support the Holding of a plebiscite in the Saar. Given strong anti-french sentiments, it's very much expected that they will vote overwhelmingly to join Germany again. Aside from the economic value of the Saar, this action has great symbolic value. It is a breach of the Versaille treaty, but unlike the military exercises earlier, it puts Germany in a positive light. This should set the tone as the Versaille treaty being an unjust treaty that oppresses the people, forcing them to live under an occupation they resent, rather than a treaty meant to contain a dangerous threat.

Research Action: VK Power Sources

The VK material is unlike anything seen, being highly energetic and relatively malleable. For now, the nature of the material is unpredictable. It's energy release is spontaneous, the physics that cause it to happen unknown. Physical research is ongoing, but has concluded little else but that the reaction does not appear chemical in origin. Without more information, the design of a power source is complex work. For now, the plan focuses on the controlled periodic detonation of VK pellets inside a large vessel filled with a buffer gas. From there, the heat is extracted and used by a steam engine.

Design Action: Create the Type VIII Fast Attack Submarine

The Type VIII Fast Attack Submarine is an innovative submarine design that runs contrary to many of the submarine designs currently favored by the Kriegsmarine. At 1000 ton displacement, it is about the same size as the Type IX oceangoing submarine, among the larger of designs that Germany is currently considering for mass production. The Type VIII is armed with 6 forward torpedo tubes, and 2 aft tubes, and carries 16 torpedos internally. No torpedos are carried externally, meaning that each tube can only be used twice before the ship has to resupply. Unlike the IX, the type VIII is not equipped with a deck gun.

The lack of deck gun and external torpedo storage is a direct result of the fact the Type VIII is optimized for underwater maneuvering, unlike all other Kriegmarine designs. This is also reflected in the ship's propulsion system, which to some may seem like a throwback to the past. Steam turbines where never particularly successful on submarines, owing to the great amounts of waste heat produced by the massive boilers . A new fuel, investigated but rejected by the alternative fuel investigation, can be used here. Hydrogen Peroxide, chemically known as H2O2, may be too expensive to use as a generic fuel substitute, but it can be used to great advantage in a limited number of designs. The T-stoff, per it's official designation, spontaneously decomposes into water and oxygen when exposed to a catalyst. In the type VIII, the resulting mixture of steam and oxygen is mixed with a small amount of diesel fuel, further increasing the temperature, before being fed into a high efficiency steam turbine.

Optimization of the hull for underwater travel, as well as the unprecedented power of the P-stoff drive, allows the submarine to reach speeds up to 50 km/h, underwater. Without the noisy P-stoff drive, the maximum velocity is 5 km/h on electrics alone. Above water, it's capable of maintaining an efficient cruising speed of 16 km/h. It's range is comparable to the type IX, allowing it to attack as the US East coast. Underwater, it's range is significantly better, with a range of 150 km on batteries and 300 km on HTP. Crash diving performance and maximum depth are greater than equivalent designs, a result of the optimization for underwater operation.

The type VIII is not intended to raid commerce, which is the intended purpose of the Type IX. Rather, it's intended to hunt enemy warships. This is the reason for it's underwater focus, as no submarine can survive a shoot-out with a battleship. The Type VIII is supposed stealthily to sneak upon an enemy warship, unleash it's torpedo's, dive and then retreat. If pursued, it's HTP drive can be engaged to evade the enemy.

Edit : In order to bypass Versaille restrictions, select parts of the design, will be done by a front located in the Netherlands, labelled as a design for a private deep sea exploration sub.

Production Action: Private Research institute

With Hitler's approval, commence the construction of the Institute for Applied Advanced Scientific Research. Located near Munchen. Deep in the German interior, the location is both relatively accessible while still far away enough from the nearby city to allow it room for expansion, and make security a much easier affair.

Military Action:

Send Soldiers to aid the SS in castle Wolfenstein. Last time we found an UFO, who knows what we find now.

Covert Action:

Figure out the status of fascist aligned parties in our neighboring states. Conquest through diplomatic realignment is far better than conquest by steel.

Edit : The shuttle us the size of a small city. I'm not sure we can move it.
Edit 2: As you can see, I went with fun over practicality for the Type VIII
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Depends, so long as the enemy does not escort their cargo vessels, the type VII is superior. It's deck gun can be used to destroy enemy ships with impunity, as it has far more ammunition. Also, the Type VII has equal underwater range (on batteries), and a faster surface speed. Armaments wise, the Type VIII only has 2 more torpedoes, despite being quite a bit larger and more expensive. Of course, on it's HTP drive the the type VIII outruns everything.

The Type VIII is intended as a prototype to evolve a type XXI style submarine from, and as a specialized design to hunt enemy carriers and battleships. It won't replace the type VII or the type IX. Design wise, it's a combination of the I-201 and the type XVII.
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...Wait a minute, hydrogen peroxide? Did you just make an underwater Komet?
Not quite. The Komet utilized C-stoff and T-stoff. In my benign grace, I did not include the C-stoff. It merely has the T-stoff, which means there's no hypergolics on board.
Meanwhile, I'm thinking of a multi-role fighter for the Luftwaffe. It would be inspired by the wooden wonder, the de Havilland Mosquito.

Edit: Wait a minute, perhaps the VK could be used to make those bulletproof vests?
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