Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

Future Problems to be adressed in council:
Oil: Germany does not have large supply of it. In fact, oil is contributed as a mayor factor why ww2 was lost when supply-lines crumbled together and airplanes/tanks were stranded/incapable of doing their duty. The longer we will have a war without fresh (and constant) supply, we will have a problem.
-Short-term: Trade with Britain/Soviet Union. Africa is out due to Drakka-influence, i would say.
-Long-Term: Annex Norway? I hate to mention this even, but they do have the largest untapped ressources of Oil in Europe. At least in our world. The GM may change that so we can not be sure. Aside from the political/moral issues of annexing a country.
-Alternative: Synthetic oil/fuel? This is science-fiction, after all. We should consider this until we have alternative sources of Energy.
The Regime: Playing as ourselves gives us the aftertaste of playing for the man who is widely considered the most (successful and brutal) Dictator in the past 100 years. His politics and morals are twisted while his charisma and ability to inspire a former broken nation to become a mayor power in a bid for total conquest are undeniable. Since we are ourselves, we can not allow the NSDAP to continue in its current form. The problem? We need strong leadership. Not a strong leader, but literally someone who can turn a nation into a threat for the Drakka-Empire which will knock on our door. As much as it galls me to admit it, Hitler could be that man. So what to do? Some alternatives:
-Assassinate Hitler/NSDAP leadership and replace them with more politically moderate people. Dangerous. We could probably make it happen with a few rounds of devoted actions without inciting a mayor civil war (which we really shouldnt), but we need replacements in the making which we can control without them being incompetent or weak enough to be subverted. We could create a worse monster than Hitler this way and nurse it, but we would have done our duty to at least have said "we replaced the one we knew to be evil and took a chance".
-Direct Regime. We can use actions to not prevent Nazi-Germany from rising, but to use that surge to strengthen ourselves for the battle ahead of us and to curb the worst crimes of Nazi-German. Examples would be mass-deportation of jewish population to the Allied nations instead of mass-extermination. We could direct the Burning of the Reichstag not to the Jews, but the Drakka and create a whole new line of racism/supremecy. This option galls me, but i will be first to admit that it has merits.
-Go "Legit" and discredit the fascists in order to return to a different form of government. With our knowledge of Events in the real world, we may be able to destroy Hitlers influence and return to Democracy (or Monarchy/Despotism/whatever). What if we give proof of the Reichstag-burning being an act of Party-Leadership? What if we give proof to the german people and the world of atrocities being done and overthrow the fascist regime in order to join the Allies (or even the Soviets). Or become our own, different, government. This is a long-term plan. We would need to start quickly in order to create powerful movements against the leading party without inciting a civil war (which, again, would be bad).
we could always takeover ourselves somehow, that aside there is a Huge reservoir of oil in austria that was not tapped otl but we could "find" it thanks to our future knowledge, then theirs also the mittelplate reservoir in germany's naval waters, then theirs oil we can "find" in Japanese china.

as for trade we could always trade with america rather easily.
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There were plenty of German resistance groups and individuals, but they were, for the most part, unable to communicate with each other and unite. Maybe form links with them? The most prominent one to start with would be the Catholic Church.
anyhow after hitler do we change it into the Greater Imperial 4th Aryan Reich?

No Aryan, no Reich, no Imperial. Just the Federal Republic of Germany.
that would cause instant civil war from the various nationalist factions which are given steroids since draka verse, also im over here to play nationalist no democratic, ill support anything but democracy for this playthrough.
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sure thing, anyhow any other suggestions flag wise at least? I have another One btw

sure thing, anyhow any other suggestions flag wise at least? I have another One btw

That one is quite similar to the US or UK flag, especially with the choice of colors. I don't recommend it.

How about a red background, a golden sun with eight rays in the center and a black eagle with wings spread wide within the circle?
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Personally, I'd say keep Hitler around for a little while, as we kinda need his charisma, whilst we work on getting ready to have the upper levels of the nazi party suffer mysterious 'accidents'...

Whilst we're at it we could probably push the deportation option that was brought up...
Personally, I'd say keep Hitler around for a little while, as we kinda need his charisma, whilst we work on getting ready to have the upper levels of the nazi party suffer mysterious 'accidents'...

Whilst we're at it we could probably push the deportation option that was brought up...
we arent killing hitler YET we are just being clear on plans for afterwards, make a full plan as it where so we can make necessary prep work
Do we want him gone before he kicks off WW2 or after?

Because if we do it after, it should allow us to have reduced problems with the Allies... not no problems as long as we hold land, but reduced...
.... we might have to do it afterwards. We need the values of austria, poland and france in addition to anything else we can snatch which is immediatly bordering us. Germany can be strong, but not -that- strong.
Welcome to the Axis, @10ebbor10.

Edit: Thoughts on how our military could surpass the OTL version? The Draka won't be giving any quarter after all.
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Yeah, that's my thoughts... My hope is to arrange it such that Hitler and the more extreme higher ups of the Nazi party suffer various 'accidents' sometime during late 1940-early 1941...

Allows us to gain the territory the early successes give us, and still leaves us with the choice of invading the USSR, whilst avoiding letting Hitler do such foolishness as giving the Draka free rein to conquer Italy and thus can a foothold on Europe that doesn't require and amphibious invasion...

As long as we can keep the Draka limited to the Turkish territories and the Caucasus as their land invasion routes, we should be able to hold them off much easier... especially if we have a good navy...
//I am mainly concerned that all of you will rely on me to get you ressources. I require everyone's full cooperation to jumpstart the german warmachine.
//I am mainly concerned that all of you will rely on me to get you ressources. I require everyone's full cooperation to jumpstart the german warmachine.
duly noted, I will make sure to find some kind of industrial design or research next turn.
if no one has suggestions on what that should be I will be moveing towards makeing ZE BEETLE

its a fascinating piece of tech and actually manageable in the early world war 2 tech area from the large lack of complex parts and that is not considering the tech boost we should have from just being in the draka verse PLUS my charecter, hehehehehhehehhehe MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAH *cough* choke* gag*

anyhow that aside some specs for those interested, remember this was JUST the prototype they never really did much research with it like the entire project was like 1.5 million dollars for research, wages, machines etc I mean jesus ahem sorry specs now well otl specs

Developed between 1959 and 1961 by Jered Industries for General Electric's Nuclear Materials and Propulsion Operation Division, which in turn delivered it to the U.S. Air Force Special Weapons Center (that's the kind of bureaucracy Vogons would cherish in their poetry), the Beetle's central purpose was to work in conjunction with a fleet of massive, nuclear-powered aircraft. It had to provide three main utilities: immense lifting capability, protection against acute nuclear radiation for its operator, and precision manipulation. And it at least fit the bill. The Beetle could pull and punch with 85,000 pounds of force (the most powerful boxers top out at around 1,300 pounds), had armor made with over 13 inches of lead and steel plating, and had precision pincers (like a beetle's, hence the name) that could, if need be, pick up an egg without cracking it.
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((Honestly, I'm a bit worried about the designs as they are now. The tank is something that belongs in the 1944's, not 1931, and the other 2 designs provide very little information . Then again, not my game, so I don't know how much detail is expected. ))

Fluff, later maybe


[x] Social: Nazi Germany had a tendency to ignore valid science because it did not fit with their political beliefs. Try to subtly lobby to prevent this from happening, using the Draka as an example of scientific prowess and it's effect on the battlefield

[x] Research: Germany needs fuel for it's ships, tanks and aviation. Coal to oil processes provide an interesting candidate, but there are others.

[x] Design: Aerial bombardement is limited by enemy action. Flying at night can resolve this issue, but makes targetting near impossible. The Knickebein system uses 2 beams to resolve this issue. A primary beam which the bombers follow, and a secondary beam which crosses the primary directly above the target. Bombs are dropped once the secondary signal is recieved.

[x] Production (vote): Robert Konrad couldn't care less, at present.

[x] Military: Advise the use of military power for economic gain, by having engineer corpses coordinate and build civil projects, for example.

[x] Covert: Send investigators to subtly catalogue the locationsvof powerplants, factories and transport hubs in nearby countries, such as France, the UK, and others.
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lots and lots of dakka its why I bloody named my gun the dakka gun/ dakka m1 XD
M1, as in Model 1? That's US nomenclature. How about MG-1, as in Maschinengewehr 1, instead?

//I am mainly concerned that all of you will rely on me to get you ressources. I require everyone's full cooperation to jumpstart the german warmachine.
Good point. I'll see what I can do in terms of logistics or industry.

We could use transport planes, trucks and IFVs, for starters.

Wikipedia said:
The German Army entered the war with a majority of its infantry formations relying on horse-drawn transport. The infantry remained foot soldiers throughout the war; artillery also remained primarily horse-drawn. The motorized formations received much attention in the world press in the opening years of the war, and were cited as the main reason for the success of the German invasions of Poland (September 1939), Norway and Denmark (April 1940), Belgium, France and Netherlands (May 1940), Yugoslavia (April 1941) and Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union (June 1941). However their motorized and tank formations accounted for only 20% of the Heer's capacity at their peak strength. The army's lack of trucks (and petroleum to run them) was a severe handicap to infantry movement especially during and after the Normandy invasionwhen Allied air power devastated the French rail network north of the Loire. Panzer movements also depended upon rail: driving a tank over 150 kilometers wore out its tracks.[6]


It is a myth that the German army in World War II was a mechanized juggernaut as a whole. In 1941, between 74 and 80 percent of their forces were not motorized, relying on railroad for rapid movement and on horse-drawn transport cross country. The percentage of motorization decreased thereafter.[19] In 1944 approximately 85 percent was not motorized.[20]
We'll need to address this issue.
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Well, in the original Drakaverse timeline, the german military is fully mechanized by 1941 apparently...

Also, I am helping you work towards improving Germany's industrial might... and I'll probably continue to do so every now and then... I am acting as an Engineer after all, and just because I'm more interested in creating weapons and such, doesn't mean I'll ignore the industry and resource extraction... after all, we need industry to build the weapons and resources to build them with...