Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

Pre-Turn 4
April, 1932

World News:

-Despite it being an Anti-Drakan Propaganda Film, the movie 'Saints Of Bulgaria' takes much of the world by storm after it is released to standing ovations in Germany and finds a following across the world.

-The Olympics are starting! Use a Social Action to send athletes to the games being held in Los Angeles! Results will be displayed in the OOC Thread.

-President Von Hindenberg's health is slowly deteriorating, leaving many to fear what will happen to Germany should he die.

-Massive riots have swept across France, instigated by the French Socialists. The resulting violence was only quelled by the involvement of the Army and the United States has agreed to help the French and British governments against possible uprisings by providing weapons, food and ammunition to their militaries.

-Nikola Tesla has unveiled the military applications of this technology, creating a so-called 'Tesla Cannon' that unlike the strange ring-and-ball Tesla Coil looks much like a chimney, leading many to mock it as the 'Chimney Thunder' gun.

-More and more Chinese Peasants are migrating enmasse into the Soviet Union; reports indicate that entire villages of serfs are vanishing into the night, escaping towards the Soviet border where they are never seen again. Despite Comrade Mao's proclamations of armies being secretly trained, many believe that the Chinese are taking advantage of their relative 'newness' to vanish before the Draka can increase their grip further, as well as escape the predations of the Japanese.

-In a major move against Japanese saber rattling in the region, the United States has moved large numbers of troops, ships and aircraft to their far-flung Philippines territories.

-A massive explosion has rocked Japanese Machuria. Soon after, Prime Minister Yasaburo Otaka revealed that Japan has cracked the secret of the atom first put forward by Einstein's theories.

Outside Scientific Discoveries:
-The Japanese have revealed that they have created the world's first nuclear detonation.

Internal Scientific Discoveries:
-A wild-eyed aircraft designer barged into your office, raving about how the Donar Electrojet could create an aircraft that came to him in a dream. He then presents a model of the aircraft in front of you before collapsing just as security managed to reach him and remove him from the premises, leaving you with the model.
Eh, it could be feasible, but it would take a lot more than what you have now.
(New Research Unlocked: Nachtvogel Project Concept)

Military Movements:
-Drakan forces in China have suddenly launched themselves across the border! The Drakan-Japan War has begun! Japanese border forts are being rapidly overrun, and the Drakan forces have penetrated over twenty kilometers into Japanese China in a single day!
-Imperial Japanese Army forces are scrambling to intercept the Drakan forces.
-The Japanese Pacific Fleets are being recalled to shell Drakan positions and deploy their carrier aircraft to bomb vulnerable targets.
-The Drakan Elephant Bombers and Raptor Fighters are quickly proving their superiority over the Japanese air forces, and the Elephants have deployed large amounts of Mustard Gas on Japanese positions followed by conventional bombings.

Income Report:
+2000 Manpower
+1100 Supplies
+1060 Ammunition
+2000 Industrial Capacity
+2200 Fuel
+800 Electronics
+2300 VK

Political Directives:
-Hitler wants a German Battleship made within the revised naval limitations agreed upon with the British.
-The Draka are only across the Mediterranean Sea. The Chancellor desires a formal alliance with Mussolini.
-The Japanese atomic weapon is concerning. Acquire data on it, and see if Germany can duplicate such a device.

Internal Troubles:
-Von Hindenberg is not doing well. Strangely, Hitler has no interest in the old man's health.
-Some enterprising soul has taken a photo of some of the Totenmensch! The photo must be found and destroyed before Germany is revealed to be engaged in researching what is essentially necromancy!

There are new Intelligence Reports on the Master Data Sheet!
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-A wild-eyed aircraft designer barged into your office, raving about how the Donar Electrojet could create an aircraft that came to him in a dream. He then presents a model of the aircraft in front of you before collapsing just as security managed to reach him and remove him from the premises, leaving you with the model.
Eh, it could be feasible, but it would take a lot more than what you have now.
(New Research Unlocked: Nachtvogel Project Concept)
The Night Raven? Really? The one from Ace Combat 3?

-Hitler wants a German Battleship made within the revised naval limitations agreed upon with the British.

Can we turn this into a battle-carrier?
Does Hitler have a certain caliber of gun in mind, like 30 cm?
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Maybe I'll make the battlecarrier.

The Mobile Radar would help it in spotting enemy forces.

It would have to be made of VK-metal by necessity though.
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So you want me to come with something Iowa-esque instead?

How about having it as a mothership for PT boats while providing fire support with its guns?
Well, i am now a German Nazi Necromancer. Great!
Are we still on hold or can we post our decisions for next turn while the Soviets get their due?

Also, i am disappointed. My movie did not make headlines.
April 1932
Somewhere in the countryside
Mood: Thoughtful

The man calling himself Sudkreuz was fascinated. So many things, so much development in such a short time. Magic and necromancy by his hand. The hand he was now looking at, opening and closing it occasionally. He considered a great many things, amongst them the Enigma which was Hitler as a person. Right now, arguably, the most powerful man in Germany, rallying the people and, as much as Sudkreuz hated to admit it, making a good job of it with his shadow-council pulling many of the strings.
His gaze ran out to the street where the car was stopped by another armed patrol. A Wehrmacht-Soldier poked his head into the Car and looked at Sudkreuz. "Heil Hitler, Herr Sudkreuz." He gave a nod at that, none of them moving their arms due to the constrained of the car itsself. "Sie können weiterfahren." The Soldier pulled his head back in and the Driver, Sudkreuz personal driver, continued up the road calmly.
Much to do. The Council was busy. The man calling himself Dieter Sudkreuz could not help but smile for a moment at the absurdity of the situation. "Herr Sudkreuz, wir sind gleich da." the driver informed him and he thanked the man and got ready, pinning the Party-allegiance to his chest. He was nervous, his body craving a smoke. But he knew that the man he was to meet would disapprove. And above all, he needed that man pliable.
When he did exit, a correctly dressed man of the SA adressed him. "Ihre Waffe bitte." Sudkreuz carefully removed the Luger-Pistol and handed it over before being informed "Warten sie bitte noch ein bisschen." How exceedingly polite of the SA-man.
His gaze fell into the distance of the German countryside and he rubbed his forehead.
He was the German Necromancer. The Ahnenerbe and, probably, a de-facto member of Blutkreuz, the faction he himself stifled in their power. The irony was.... pretty ironic.
His driver warned him with a low cough of the arrival of the man he was seeking to meet. He turned and put on his best smile as he approached the small man and clacked his heels. "Guten Tag, Mein Führer...." he adressed Hitler.

Social: Confrontation. Sudkreuz, with current successes backing him, makes up a schedule to see that Himmler, Göring and most of the Nazi-leadership is busy and meets with Hitler in the German countryside. Despite his... historical... dislike for the tyrant, he will speak with him politely and have dinner with him. At some point, he offhandly mentions that he was concerned as Hitler left the Movie straight afterwards. He hopes that the Movie was to his liking? He then will eventually strife over to general politics. He agrees with Hitlers wish to ally with Italy wholeheartedly.
But Sudkreuz would like to mayhaps bring a thought to mind? Greece itsself would make for a valuable ally against the Draka. Poland is close and concerned with the Soviets. An alliance with germany would strengthen the border to the soviets and allow Germany to fortify a theoretical border against the Communists. With that.... There are several other smaller states in the Middle-East and northern Europe who would make valuable alliances. Sudkreuz himself fears that the Draka-agression is only a matter of time before it will fall over Europe. And with that, quick alliances will be made. Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland... Once a war breaks out, those states would be fending for themselves. If we act swiftly and give concessions to them, allowing them to profit from superior german engineering and industry to become stronger themselves, these would be allied borders which we can support in a defense against enemies while they could collaborate to a large draft centered around a strong Fortress-Germany, making them proud soldiers of a large nation. A Reich, one dares suggest?
Of course, conquering them may be possible. Surely, the German Forces have made enourmous progress.... But to use those forces, so well-kept secrets, would startle France, the British and other, envious, forces into action. We must remain resolute to make alliances profitable and make those states dependant, but willing to serve our defenses.
Not to mention that every ally Germany has, the British and France do not.... (Playing to his current upset status with the British and France)
(Results wished for: Hitler uses his own actions to make allies in Europe. The Council is allowed to give concessions to European countries to create tight economical/military alliances. The Council is given more independant power. Nazi-influence degrades. Something along those lines. We have made a lot of progress and very few things which straight-out vexed Hitler. We should be given more power and influence over the man on top)
Resarch: VK Explosives. VK seems effective in all other ways, so why should it be different when it comes to viotile explosive action? Sudkreuz is not much of a technician in that sense, but he has smarter people working under him and wants this being done. He also suggests a kind of controlled explosion useful for Rocketry.
Design: Festung Deutschland 3/3. In years to come, the Pioneer and Engineer-platoons created will be useful for advanced warfare. With a lot of recruits, new ones can be added from amongst the Recruits and will be trained by their peers. Not to mention that the defenses of Germany actually will hold up and have a lot of manpower to be kept on the highest standards. Germany will not be caught off-guard and overrun easily.
Production: 2 VK-Titanium Refineries will be built. The best of German engineering will be refined and we will have the best-possible armies (and industry) available.
Military: Sudkreuz and German Oberkommando (High Command) examine France and its defenses as well as capabilities, making evaluations and plans how to best take the country with military action, should such be necessary. They also will look at Logistics and points of interest along the way to make such an endevour as painless for the Wehrmacht as well as the french populace.
Covert: Someone has taken a picture of an uncovered Totenmensch (which are only referred to as "Kerzenmacher" Candlemakers in the Military Code from this point on). Sudkreuz takes responsibility. In addition to sending Agents to identify the person and then to make up a reason for the police to arrest him/her for a minor infriction, he also lets loose to the press a few more pictures of zombies often dressed up prominently in historical garnments next to unpreterbed german stagehands. At the same time Filmstudios Munich make the formal announcement that they are starting their new project "Tag der unruhigen Toten", Day of the unruly dead, which is expected to come out in September this year.... Sudkreuz has a reputation as a Media-Mogul now. So why not use it?
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Carl Gelb
Berlin, Germany
April, 1932

[x] Social: Our diplomatic efforts so far are... lackluster. Let's make some friends in Europe then. One potential ally is Italy, and they could help stand against the Draka later on. To this end, send representatives to negotiate an alliance with them. See how diplomatic and trade relations with them could be increased.

[x] Research: Mobile Radar: A more compact version of the radar, which could be equipped on mobile platforms, would really go well with say, the new battleship, for instance.

[x] Design: Scharnhorst-class battleship: This is a pocket battleship, capable of punching above its weight. It is advertised as a coastal defense ship, and it looks the part, but in reality, its VK power source allows it to sail the oceans anytime. It would stick around the European coast for now, however. Its main battery is composed of six 46cm/65-caliber (caliber as in the barrel length) guns, a longer-barreled version of the historical Yamato's, in three-gun (not triple, since each gun can elevate and fire independently) turrets, one fore (in front) and one aft (at the back). Its secondary armament, meanwhile, is made up of twenty 12.7cm/65-caliber dual-purpose guns, in dual-gun turrets, which are mounted amidships (in the middle), five to port (on the left side) and five to starboard (on the right side). It is also fitted with multiple quad 3.7cm autocannons around the ship for anti-aircraft and point defense, and carries sonar and a Hedgehog (or depth charges if the Hedgehog is unavailable) in case of enemy submarines. It has sloped armor to match its firepower, being capable of resisting its own 46 cm guns as well as torpedoes (while applying the principles of the all-or-nothing armoring scheme), and has gun stabilization, radar, and analog fire control systems to ensure the accuracy of its weapons, even while on the move. Its citadel, where the armoring is concentrated and where the vital systems are, is at the center of the ship, and is as small as possible for efficiency reasons while maintaining enough reserve buoyancy to help the ship stay afloat despite sustaining damage. It uses a waterproofed and watertight VK power core (or array of power cores, whichever is better) to reach a top speed of about 30 knots, and is shaped to have a reduced radar cross-section. It is also designed to have reduced noise and heat emissions, and has various features to protect the crew and to keep the ship seaworthy for as long as possible even while sustaining damage. Lastly, it is easy to build, operate, maintain and repair, uses VK if necessary, and is painted light gray for camouflage purposes.

[x] Production: Construct two VK-Rankine Power Plants, preferably discreetly fortified against attack.

[x] Military: Have competent and trustworthy officers handle the Werwolf training of the Bulgarian and Turkish refugees, as part of Operation Wespe. This is to be done discreetly for operational security purposes.

[x] Covert: Operation Wespe: Bulgaria and Turkey were both conquered by the Draka, suffering the atrocities brought upon them by their new overlords. Surely there are refugees from those countries who are willing, and able, to fight back, having nothing to lose. Send agents to search for them, then after having them vetted in case of infiltration or betrayal, have the refugees trained in the ways of the Werwolf Doctrine, including how to make improvised explosive devices, and give them the mission of infiltrating Draka territory with crates of weapons from the Great War, as well as conventional MP32s and the tools to make those, in tow. They are to wreak havoc upon the Draka, reinforcing existing rebel groups if possible. Lastly, they are to be given cyanide pills or the current equivalent of such, so that the Draka cannot force information out of them in case of capture. All of these are to be done discreetly, to preserve operational security. In light of newly gained connections with the Bulgarian resistance, see if they could help ensure the success of this operation.
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