Social Action: Veidt, using his new prestige and money will found the National Gewehr Verband. To help make sure he gets the support he needs, he"ll make sure Hitler, Himmler, Von Thaler, and other prominent members (Is Hans von Seeckt the informal leader of the Old Guard?) on its' many purposes:
1. Building community spirit.
2. It will unofficially act as a private militia that will help create a gun culture that Switzerland and America has. This is useful because...
3. It will give Germany a skilled reserve of manpower to enlist when the war comes. Anyone too young to enlist now will have months or years of training behind them by the time Germany has to fully mobilize for war. Should things ever get truly desperate, Germany can always use the NGV as a Volkssturm of those who are too old or unfit to serve in the Reichswehr.
4. Act as the institution for the purchase of military surplus equipment--particularly weapons--by any eligible German citizen. Since the Great War has come to an end, Germany has demobilized and many of these weapons will be replaced by emerging new technologies, this shouldn't be an issue. Veidt/the NGV will acquire the military weapons and they will then sell the weapons to any members at a discounted price.
5. With so many military weapons being bound to flood the civilians arms market, Germany will have plausible deniability if we decide to provide arms to any faction or ally.
6. Any increased ammo consumption by civilians will lead to the expanding of munition production through the beauty of free market capitalism. Should war break out, Germany will not have to strain as much to retool itself into a total war economy.
The fact a private citizen like Veidt is the leader of the new organization will help make it look less like a violation or loophole of the Versailles Treaty. Furthermore, Veidt will offer free food, beverages, alcohol (strictly after any shooting events) for free and even gift baskets for any special events or holidays, like the founding day of the NGV. The NGV will engage in sports such as skeet shooting, hunting, marksmanship and Multi-Gun/practical shooting, with heavy emphasis on the latter. Machine Guns and other heavier ordinance will occasionally be pulled out for the fun of it, and so members can get familiar with their use and operation.
Any prominent people of German high society will of course receive a letter invitation. Senior positions will be vetted to ensure no communist, Bleutzkreuz who engaged with foreign contacts, or any batshit insane member of the NSDAP (re: SS faction) get a senior leadership position. Recruitment will expand beyond the NSDAP (particularly into the DNVP), so long as they are not a strong supporter of the existence of the Weimar Republic, a communist or have had contact with dangeous elements like commies or Draka. So yes, even members of the SPD or more moderate parties can join, and of course so can the apolitical. Infact, Sigrid Von Thaler will be offered an invitation for a senior position--also as a subtle way to show women are allowed to join.To help keep people from thinking up sexist prejudices at the idea, we will publicly advertise the NGV as being family-friendly. This will help lessen any notions this is a workaround of the Versailles Treaty, train youth who are too young to serve and get females involved too.
Veidt will also try to mingle with various members of high society who join. With the Old Guard, Veidt will give some of his private thoughts on how he believes the Weimar Republic is an illegitimate, artificial institution and we should either return to the pre-Great War government system, or a more military, authoritarian one to help Germany get through these trying times. To those not formally part of the NSDAP, he will express his support for the return of the Kaiser from his exile, though begrudgingly admit there would be less backlash abroad and domestically if the Crown-Prince became the new Kaiser instead.
With the Von Thalers, we will quietly express our displeasure at the SS's latest actions and try to shift any blame to them instead.