Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

add attachment in later versions we are not gonna be fighting dakka for several years at least
Here's an idea: Get black-ops units to run a sabotage campaign against the Draka. They are not to wear or carry any indicators of being connected with Germany. They are allowed to do as they wish, provided that they do not compromise Germany and they are able to make the Draka industry bleed.
Here's an idea: Get black-ops units to run a sabotage campaign against the Draka. They are not to wear or carry any indicators of being connected with Germany. They are allowed to do as they wish, provided that they do not compromise Germany and they are able to make the Draka industry bleed.
Dangerous. If one of them gets taken alive, we are being targeted. I am not saying i do not agree, but.... Dangerous.
we would have to use equipment from the great war to not implicate ourselves
Alright, let us talk action-economy.... This is strictly social/undercover missions:
for now, i would like one person to play defense and see that we are not being dicked over by the other factions.
2 people to devote undercover actions against the Draka (arm the rebels, blow up industry, whatever)
and 3 people (that would be everyone) to work on Germany. That includes: Bringing neighbour-states into the fold, work on Hitlers inner circle and gather/make allies whom we can use in the future who are not stark-raving-mad fascists.
My next covert action is to pass along intel (regarding the Draka) and weapons to the Japanese.
my covert has and will be just repeat counter espionage
Is our product in order to counter the Draka going to be something like this?

More like this, maybe? Except with webbing.

1. I have an idea for a social action that I think I"ll use in the future: With the support of the Old Guard military (especially in the Abwehr) and the more patriotic/militaristic business contacts and coordination with law enforcement/park rangers, Veidt will found the National Gewehr Verband. Any leaders will come from the Old Guard and more moderate reactionaries who are anti-Draka. Veidt will buy out the members with free food and beverages at the events, maybe some gift baskets.

Officially? It will be a shooting and hunting club.

Unofficially? It will both act as a private militia for us and loophole around the Versailles Treaty for Germany to expand her military, allowing us to train infantry.

2. We could then set up something like the Civilian Marksmanship Program that's affiliated with it to both encourage marksmanship and be the main entity of military surplus being sold to civilians. Said weapons being sold to civilians can also be the explanation for why Draka rebels are using surplus K98 rifles without implicating the German govt.

3. This is something I'm taking inspiration for from an alternate history fic: The establishment of the Reichspolizei (RP), an armed federal police force. We will use that and try to get as many non-batshit insane people in there as possible so long as they aren't communists, socialists who are sympathetic to communism or Draka supporters, with a strong bias for the Old Guard. They will be in charge of aiding local police in emergencies, protecting government buildings, polling stations during elections and politicians. I think that so long as we can get enough members of the Old Guard and more moderate nationalist socialists, we can have it sanctioned by Hitler. Maybe get some retired military officers who are bit too old to serve to fill senior positions, which will also help lower suspicions and strengthen the Old Guard.

4. To go along with #3, we will transfer the duties of the coast guard, forest guards and border guards to the military. The first will give the Kriegsmarine an excuse to train their personnel, even if it would be with smaller boats. The second? Why, it's a perfectly valid excuse to have treaded-vehicles for moving around the forest and moving things like fallen trees. They most certainly would not be Panzers. ;) Lastly, it gives them an excuse to train maneuver warfare.
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Should I come up with a medium tank or can the Tiger be our main battle tank?
More like this, maybe? Except with webbing.

1. I have an idea for a social action that I think I"ll use in the future: With the support of the Old Guard military (especially in the Abwehr) and the more patriotic/militaristic business contacts and coordination with law enforcement/park rangers, Veidt will found the National Gewehr Verband. Any leaders will come from the Old Guard and more moderate reactionaries who are anti-Draka. Veidt will buy out the members with free food and beverages at the events, maybe some gift baskets.

Officially? It will be a shooting and hunting club.

Unofficially? It will both act as a private militia for us and loophole around the Versailles Treaty for Germany to expand her military, allowing us to train infantry.

2. We could then set up something like the Civilian Marksmanship Program that's affiliated with it to both encourage marksmanship and be the main entity of military surplus being sold to civilians. Said weapons being sold to civilians can also be the explanation for why Draka rebels are using surplus K98 rifles without implicating the German govt.

3. This is something I'm taking inspiration for from an alternate history fic: The establishment of the Reichspolizei (RP), an armed federal police force. We will use that and try to get as many non-batshit insane people in there as possible so long as they aren't communists, socialists who are sympathetic to communism or Draka supporters, with a strong bias for the Old Guard. They will be in charge of aiding local police in emergencies, protecting government buildings, polling stations during elections and politicians. I think that so long as we can get enough members of the Old Guard and more moderate nationalist socialists, we can have it sanctioned by Hitler. Maybe get some retired military officers who are bit too old to serve to fill senior positions, which will also help lower suspicions and strengthen the Old Guard.

4. To go along with #3, we will transfer the duties of the coast guard, forest guards and border guards to the military. The first will give the Kriegsmarine an excuse to train their personnel, even if it would be with smaller boats. The second? Why, it's a perfectly valid excuse to have treaded-vehicles for moving around the forest and moving things like fallen trees. They most certainly would not be Panzers. ;) Lastly, it gives them an excuse to train maneuver warfare.
I like those good ideas. We have to be creative in bypassing the treaty after all.

Seems like main battle tank material, seeing how little it costs compared to light tanks.

What do you think is our light tank? I think it could be a Leichttraktor, a Panzer I or a Panzer II.
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Should I come up with a medium tank or can the Tiger be our main battle tank?

Have it be our MBT. The Hond II is going to be upgraded to using 102mm cannons minimum, and then by the Eurasian War they"ll have the Hond III. With the Hond III being comparable to the Chieftain tank from the 50s/60s and IS series tanks, using a 120mm cannon.

The Draka Hond III v the T-72

^Canon stats of it.

-- some technical neepery... the Hond III isn't really equivalent to an Abrams
(although it looks rather like the M-1) except in the high power-to-weight

The armor is homogenous rolled steel, for starters; the rangefinder is
split-view optical and a ballistically stabilized co-ax, rather than laser; the
stabilizer is equivalent to the US models of the early 1950's, and so on. An
early-mark Chieftain would be sort of in the same ballpark, except that the
Hond has a much better engine and suspension.

(Suspension is torsion-bar with hydraulic shock-absorber backup on the first
three and last road wheels.)

The Domination's Eurasian War APC has no real equivalent in OTL; it's based on
the tank chassis and has a similar degree of protection. (The Jannissaries use
a much lighter 8-wheeled model.)

The Germans of TTL have pretty well completely mechanized transport, as well --
lots more trucks than in OTL. By 1941 the infantry in their armored and
mechanized units are also all in tracked APC's, a mixture of half-tracks and
models based on Soviet light tank chassis.

Their MBT is a 43-ton model mounting a high-velocity 88mm gun; roughly
equivalent to a late-model Panther with better armament and a more reliable
engine. Call it sort of like an early-model Centurion, or an M48.
-- S.M. Stirling

Source for the quote: Google Groups

So with the Tiger as our MBT, we're already ahead of the curve of what the Drakaverse!Germans had in the 1940s.

I hope our Tiger I can later be upgunned.
Yeah, looking at the Tiger, we seem to have skipped straight to MBT territory...

Still need Light Tanks, except we'll probably end up calling them Cavalry Tanks instead...
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I think the proposed Puma IFV by @UbeOne could fit that role? IFVs are basically Light Tanks after all.
IFVs can be used like light tanks, except IFVs can carry infantry too.

Otherwise, all tank roles can be fulfilled by the MBT/universal tank.

I hope our Tiger I can later be upgunned.
We could use a longer barrel for its 8.8 cm gun later on, like the historical Tiger II.

After that, we could develop APDS shells to increase its penetration value.

Where is this btw?

Entwicklung series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, and we should totally do this. Maybe not now, but by at least the mid-1930s.
My subsequent armored vehicle designs are spin-offs of the Tiger, which is kind of in the spirit of the E-series Standardpanzer program.
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I'm tempted to add a grenade launcher, but I"ll hold on that until it's been confirmed the Allies are using it right now. Besides, I think I can sneak it in as part of a future design action of G32 variants.