Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

No conventional version?
impossible. I considered it for a bit, then realised we cant make a conventional version. Yes, its engines need to be VK and hull need to be Aluminium (or wood). If it is wood, its altitude is.... hampered. To the point where people could take rifleshots at it.
To make a "conventional" plane like this, it would have to go back to the stone-age (not literally).

EDIT: Also, this thing should be incredibly cheap ressource-vise (Except for VK) it literally is just a flying hull with basics inside and an engine. We did not necessarily spare on quality, but this could, theoretically, be mass-produced swiftly. For... lets say.... an attack on france.
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Covert Action: Implicate the Soviets of Operation Hundeleine by laying false messages and puzzlepieces making it look like the ships are being covertly assaulted by a hidden Soviet-fleet (or alternative). The soviets are currently the magicians of the world, having made millions of people disappear without trace: to implicate them of yet another feat is feasable.
Added this. Also, i suggest someone upgrades our U-boats to VK so they are not spotted. But again... i am not really trying to hide it much from the Allies. We need to make a message clear of "back off" which the players over there understand.
impossible. I considered it for a bit, then realised we cant make a conventional version. Yes, its engines need to be VK and hull need to be Aluminium (or wood). If it is wood, its altitude is.... hampered. To the point where people could take rifleshots at it.
To make a "conventional" plane like this, it would have to go back to the stone-age (not literally).

Does it really have to be that big? How about C-130 Hercules-size instead?

Edit: We can then make AWACS, bomber and gunship variants of it.
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Added this. Also, i suggest someone upgrades our U-boats to VK so they are not spotted. But again... i am not really trying to hide it much from the Allies. We need to make a message clear of "back off" which the players over there understand.

Torpedoes don't sink ships instantly. It'll take several hours for them to sink, more than long enough to send cries for help via radio.
And I'm trying to avoid a war with the US for the time being. We want to avoid the mistake Germany made, which is declaring war on the entire world at once, which would be what happens if we start blowing up their convoys.

I mean, the US declares war because their convoys get blown up. The UK declares war because those convoys were intended for them. France is already at war. And the Soviets are upset because you tried to blame them.
And I'm trying to avoid a war with the US for the time being. We want to avoid the mistake Germany made, which is declaring war on the entire world at once, which would be what happens if we start blowing up their convoys.

I mean, the US declares war because their convoys get blown up. The UK declares war because those convoys were intended for them. France is already at war. And the Soviets are upset because you tried to blame them.
I agree with this. Let's not provoke them to make war on us.
Social Action: The Council of Copenhagen: The UK, Italy, Spain, Luxemburg, The Association of Neutral Nations (represented by Switzerland and the Vatican), Germany and every other (sorry, not going to write them all up) bordering nations to France meet in Copenhagen to discuss France. Hitler will attend. Germany will again point out the delivery of American weapons to France and the american expansionism and meddeling which has brought France to its knees.
With the rightful, democratic, gouvernment in exile and a west-european state up in arms and anarchy, Germany must push for immediate intervention with the commited council to legitimate such action. Order must be restored to France and Paris.
Photo-evidence of Paris is being used to underline the point of a cooperative, peacekeeping action.
Point out that Germany must protect its age-long neighbor but can, and will not, act against it without the consent of those nations who see the necessity and the fallout of what could sweet as a wave of chaos across europe. The time to act is now before foreign forces take advantage of this unprecedented catastrophe.

We kind of don't want to get the original governement back in place. Those are the guys who hate us and want to enforce Versailles.

Edit: Anyway, have we thought about the possibility of discussing this with the allies?
Okay, @Cybandeath can you replace you ... 'improvement'... of the SCARAB with the design of CNC Milling? That seems like it's something that would fulfil you goals, and it's much more useful that what you are proposing...

That said... Current Turn:
SOC: Social Welfare
RS1: Turbofan
RS2: Night Fighter Aircraft
DES: J-1 Spatz Fighter Bomber
PRD: 2 Synthetic Manufacturing Complexes
MIL: Lend-Lease Mundane AA to Italy, Send Luftwaffe to help
COV: Investigate Soviet Embassy
Pyro Hawk
SOC: Scandinavian Diplomacy
RS1: Improved Architecture/Structural Engineering
RS2: Uses and Mass Production of Titanium, Silicon and the VK versions
DES: Update 'Tiger' family designs
PRD: Atomic Research Labs
MIL: Revise Invasion of France plans
COV: Ensure Allied/Draka/Soviet hands are off France, or remove them if they are there
SOC: Help round up the players for Council of Copenhagen
RS1: Vril Technology
RS2: VK Rocketry
DES: 'Improved' SCARAB - PLEASE REPLACE with say, CNC Milling?
PRD: Nuclear Test Facility
MIL: Explore Vril Cityship in Antarctica
COV: Nothing so far - Perhaps defend Germany from Enemy Covert Actions? (Well, we need someone doing it)
SOC: Council of Copenhagen
RS1: Vril Sarcophagus
RS2: VK and Animals
DES: Super-Heavy Cargo Plane
PRD: Radar in Italy
MIL: Sink American Cargo Ships to Britain
COV: Implicate the Soviets in sinking the Cargo Ships - If you are going to sink them, it might be better to use this to identify which ships are best to sink
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@Gunman @10ebbor10 Can one of you research Covert Operations Weaponry? It looks like it's going to be something we really need

Also, we still need that FlakPanzer. I think we'd managed to agree of twin 3.7mm autocannons?
@Gunman @10ebbor10 Can one of you research Covert Operations Weaponry? It looks like it's going to be something we really need

Also, we still need that FlakPanzer. I think we'd managed to agree of twin 3.7cm autocannons?
Here is the Flakpanzer design, but someone else has to implement it for me.

Flakpanzer I Gepard: This is a Tiger which is modified to act as a mobile anti-aircraft and fire support platform. It carries a pair of 3.7cm autocannons within a modified version of the Tiger's turret, permitting a higher elevation arc and turret traverse than the Tiger. Its hull and turret armor scheme is changed to 33 mm all around to lessen the weight. It is also armed with a coaxial machine gun and a roof-mounted machine gun, and is powered by a 700 hp turbocharged diesel engine. It takes advantage of mobile radar and improved fire control systems to ensure the accuracy of its guns, and uses wet storage for its ammunition. It is lighter than the Tiger, is easy to produce, maintain and repair, and can maintain formation with the Tiger. Lastly, there will be two versions: one that is conventional, and one that uses VK.
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I noted something interesting.

We got 2200 VK this turn, which is 100 VK less than the 2300 we got the previous turn.
Well, most of the French ports are on fire currently. Just continue doing that. Support non-US aligned forces in taking over the ports, giving us plausible deniability when their ships get blown up.
since the us stopped trading with france, those transports in france would be british. you want me to burn british ships instead?
SOC: Social Welfare
SOC: Scandinavian Diplomacy
SOC: Help round up the players for Council of Copenhagen
SOC: Council of Copenhagen

RS1: Turbofan
RS2: Night Fighter Aircraft
RS1: Improved Architecture/Structural Engineering
RS2: Uses and Mass Production of Titanium, Silicon and the VK versions
RS1: Vril Technology
RS2: VK Rocketry
RS1: Vril Sarcophagus
RS2: VK and Animals

DES: J-1 Spatz Fighter Bomber
DES: Update 'Tiger' family designs
DES: 'Improved' SCARAB - PLEASE REPLACE with say, CNC Milling?
DES: Super-Heavy Cargo Plane

PRD: 2 Synthetic Manufacturing Complexes
PRD: Atomic Research Labs
PRD: Nuclear Test Facility
PRD: Radar in Italy

MIL: Lend-Lease Mundane AA to Italy, Send Luftwaffe to help
MIL: Revise Invasion of France plans
MIL: Explore Vril Cityship in Antarctica
MIL: Sink American Cargo Ships to Britain

COV: Investigate Soviet Embassy
COV: Ensure Allied/Draka/Soviet hands are off France, or remove them if they are there
COV: Nothing so far - Perhaps defend Germany from Enemy Covert Actions? (Well, we need someone doing it)
COV: Implicate the Soviets in sinking the Cargo Ships - If you are going to sink them, it might be better to use this to identify which ships are best to sink

I rearanged the action list. Like this, it's easier to understand what's going on.
10ebbor10, yeah, it seems to work fine, but at the moment it looks like we're kinda getting left behind in the Covert side of things... better weaponry means we can get more... aggressive without running into problems... it might mean we can guard against that sort of thing better too. Which might become a factor real soon. Also, I'd like Angela to have the best equipment she can when she does her thing in France this turn, and my research slots are full with things to allow me to make the redesign better.

It's probably also better if we research VK Synthetics sooner rather than later.

Yeah, I was thinking of doing it that way, but it was annoying to write up as it was, you had it easier because that was done :p
Military: Operation Hundeleine, Dogleash: Set ablaze any cargo ships which come to france, mainly british and american. Use any current Werewolves in France as well as 5 Squadrons of Type VIII U-boats to make supply of France unfeasable as ships in harbor explode, sink and cargo disappears. Keep the methods of terror rotating, but constant in order to cripple any cargo-fleet which arrives in france (except the german network established)
Covert Action: Implicate French Anarchists (all factions) and the Soviets of Operation Hundeleine by laying false messages and puzzlepieces making it look like the ships are being deliberatly assaulted by hidden Soviet-forces (or alternative). The soviets are currently the magicians of the world, having made millions of people disappear without trace: to implicate them of yet another feat is feasable.
Okay, that's better, not great, but better. At least now we don't have everyone screaming at us. They'd just yelling, if we get found out.

We'd going to need someone to do a covert action to protect the secrecy on that action though. We seriously don't want it getting out that we're the ones behind it. Hitler may just end up having us shot because it betrays his 'Valorous Knight' image now...

Isn't it funny that by changing Hitler's thoughts we may end up shooting ourselves in the foot with regards to certain covert actions?
Isn't it funny that by changing Hitler's thoughts we may end up shooting ourselves in the foot with regards to certain covert actions?
Hence why i prefer having him posturing in Copenhagen while this is going down. Also, do not forget a military action to reinforce Operation WEspe. We need to stay ahead and keep on the ball. Not that we need more than just that to keep them supplied. i would also like to transfer 2 more werewolf-units to france to keep messing with everyone.