Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

Eh, we've kinda, sorta, maybe reformed Hitler into someone who's almost certainly not going to cause the Holocaust. Why can't we do that to the rest of them?

Or at least let's wait until we've actually identified someone competent to replace them.
Social : The New Economy

VK will change the economy forever, in such an extent that it's hard if not impossible to overstate the consequences. Even so, the innovation continues at extremely rapid pace, with new opportunities popping up faster than they can be resolved. As such, implementing the changes by central directives from the government proves to be a near impossible affair.

On the other hand, not maintaining government control over the technology would be an obvious mistake. Failing to control VK and it's applications would rapidly result in Germany being outmatched economically and in the field as enemies take advantage of our research.

As such, the solution lies elsewhere. The success of the IG Farben Facility shows the way forward. Industry cooperation with government supervision. The Goal of this operation will be to set up communication channels between Germanies large industrial conglomerates, and the governement. VK itself, nor it's applications, would be deregulated, but it's products will.

Examples : VK powerstations produce a massive amount of power at extremely low cost. In the first instance, this electric power will sold at low cost to the energy distributors. They will be responsible to ensure it's distribution to the rest of the country, and the expansion of their grid that may be needed to do this to it's full potential.

In addition, like with the IG Farben deal, trusted corporations can petition for aid in case of large scale projects. If the local grid is incapable of efficiently providing power, then a local generator may be installed.

Alternative projects are the introduction of VK refineries into the metalworking industry, the introduction of VK alloyed components (no VK products sold to civilians) in industry, introduction of new processing methods, the potential introduction of computing in select industries, and more.

Social action fleshed out.
Research :
- Industrial Lasers

Lasers have a number of advantages that makes interesting for industrial use. They're precise, effective, and most importantly suffer little wear even when drilling through hard material. Drills have to destroy an object through abrasion, requiring a drill head that's harder than the material it's drilling. A laser merely needs to supply sufficient power to evaporate the material, which is easy with VK technology.

Controlling the laser can be a harsher challenge. For safety purposes, the laser apparatus will be entirely encased in a protective cover. The laser beam will be emitted through a hole, and can then be redirected via an assembly of lenses. Control over these lenses needs to be precise, resulting in thoughts for a computer controlled system.

The Digi-Eins and it's more primitive variants are more than capable of controlling a laser assembly. By connecting electric motors with the lens assembly, we can ensure precision control and thus machine components to before unparalleled precision and efficiency.

- Naval Lasers

VK technology is strong, but volatile. Short circuits, especially are a big issue. The electric current unleashes a self-perpetuating reaction that unleashes large amounts of heat and electricity.. In small infantry, this not so much a problem as the system fries itself before it can do anything. On a large scale, you've created a firebomb.

The Naval laser design therefore focuses primarily on the safe containment of the weapon. The laser is held inside a tube, deep within the vessel. Like in the industrial lasers, the beam is redirected by a system of lenses.

The advantage of this is that the laser itself sits immobile within the hull of the vessel. The turret only contains a small lightweight assembly of lenses. This allows a turret the size of the average anti-air cannon to project the same amount of fire power as the 2500 tonnes main guns of most battleships.

Due to this, laser cannons have unparalleled traverse, and fire rates which are only limited by available power and heating of the lens array. Efforts to reduce the heating problem also exist, and focus primarily on either having multiple smaller cannons each with their own lens array, or by having redundant lens arrays that are switched between beam activations.

Maybe we can upgrade the Scharnhorst-class next time with the naval laser tech?
Eh, I was planning to do the subs first. Current sub is completely non- VK, has none of the new fancy torpedoes, and all that.
The Flak-88, or "Flugzeugabwehrkanone" is intended to be a multi-use artillery cannon, capable of functioning as anti-air, anti-tank (based on the Tiger-1's gun, so upgrades here should translate to that design) and light artillery.

At it's basis, the Flak-88 is made with VK-components. The use of VK-steel allows for far higher barrel pressures than previously thought possible, translating in higher muzzle velocity, range and effectiveness. Target goals are to reach velocities well in excess of 1200 m/s.

Ammunition has also seen a few interesting tricks. The basic Flak round is fitted with a small Vk component. This component continually emits an oscillating radio signal. When something big, like a plane or the ground is nearby, the radio wave is bounced back towards the shell. This interferes with the oscillator, letting the rest of the circuit know that something big is near. Secondary parts of the circuit time the interference to detonate the shell either at the point of closest approach or at a minimum distance. These types of shells are expected to decimate both air units and unprotected infantry. Against tanks, one would obviously use a standard penetrator shell.

For the basic version of the weapon, these are the only improvements made. The VK version has a few more tricks up it's sleeve.

It's fitted with a radar unit, combined with a digital computer. This allows the cannon to aim in on it's target even in darkness.

The Flak.
Just the AA gun, not a Flakpanzer?

Ironically, the Tiger's gun is basically a modified 8.8cm Flak.
It's just the gun, because I'm not sure it's feasible to put an 88 mm gun on a flakpanzer. It's a rather big gun after all. encasing that in armor and retaining the ability to point up may be hard.

Yup. Considering that the Tiger's are getting an upgrade anyway, I hope there's some benefit there.

Edit: On the other hand, I'm afraid I may be exploring a dead end here. We do have lasers which are better in almost every way...

Edit 2: Nope, no dead end. I forgot that lasers have issues with clouds.
Okay, I'm redoing my actions in the light of the news that we can get all the actions, because extra actions are awesome.
ummm the milling machine already exists, a common one that was used all the way to 2004 was just made in 1938.............

it was so successful it had MANY clones even long after it was made

one such clone

and the first milling machine was made in 1814......
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Design :

Making decisions is a hard job. Making informed decisions vastly more so. The amount of information that needs to be processed in order to make informed decision takes up most of the time and workforce available of most agencies, and resolving that is not a trivial issue.

The Digi-eins however, could perhaps be the start of the solution. It's ability to process data rapidly is so far unprecedent, and opens many new possibilities. Under the Mittelwerks program, Digi-eins based systems will be distributed to major factories. These installations will be used to keep track of productivity, inventory, worker absenteeism, and dozens of other statistics.

They're designed to allow use both separately, or as a group. As a group, the Digi-eins system is grouped by level. For example, all production lines of one factory would report to 1 system, and then that system and that of all the other factories of the same corporation would report to another system, and so on. Alegdonic feedback is used to allow centralized oversight while leaving minor problems to the local users.

An example:

Mechanical failure stops 1 production line in a factory. The Digi Eins system notices the failure, and informs the factory manager, assuming he doesn't already know. The factory manager can now increase production in other lines, if the production line can not be fixed.

If the situation is not resolved in time, then the failure is propagated to the next level. The corporation now knows about a shedule issue in one of their factories, and can thus decide to increase production in another factory.

If the situation still isn't resolved, it goes to the level above, and contracts can be given to other corporations to make up for the shortfall. If that can not be resolved, high command is informed.

Production : Dead Man's Shift

One of the major time consumers in the design of new weaponry and vehicles is the need to produce and test time. Since these designs are highly secretive, parts have to be ordered or custom made from many different sources, and then assembled, often by the designer himself. This all takes up lot of time.

Luckily, Germany possesses a massive, untapped workforce whom are highly capable, and extremely discreet. The Dead, or Totenmenschen. They can work tirelessly, precise, and without need for food or chance of disobedience.

This action will construct a massive underground factory in the gypsum mines under Kohnstein, located in central Germany. Staffed by thousands of Totenmenschen working day and night (in shifts, most likely), this factory complex will be able to turn a bunch of scrap metal and a paper design into a tank or plane within the day.

Military :

Interdepartmental rivalries have long caused issues within the German military. With the restrictions of the Versaille removed, and with the power entrusted within me by Hitler, propose and organize the creation of a single, unified Oberkommando that controls the Army, the Navy and the Airforce.

This is a great departure from OTL, where the creation of a single unified command did not occur until 2 days before Hitler's suicide.

Covert :

The German espionage agencies are needed in more places than they can be. As such, they shall be tasked with organizing a major expansion in personnel and capabilities. Significant assets will be deployed to screening personnel, to ensure that this goes entirely without issue.

The counterintelligence teams will also have greater cooperation and in select cases train with Werewolf units, giving that in recent times the Werewolf units were essential for their operations.

Bohn, those are my new revised actions.
ummm the milling machine already exists, a common one that was used all the way to 2004 was just made in 1938.............

it was so successful it had MANY clones even long after it was made

one such clone

and the first milling machine was made in 1814......
That's a manual milling machine, not CNC.

CNC gives you automated machines that can be programmed to manufacture parts on their own.
Yeah, A CNC Mill is a milling machine that has a computer added to it to control the mill, which has a bunch of preprogramed actions in it, and when someone tells it to make something, they send a message saying 'use Preprogramed Action 1 here for 3 seconds, then use PreAct2 for 5, move milling bit to here, then do PreAct6 for 8 seconds, then... etc, etc, until the item is finished.'
There are many types of CNC machines. Mills are but one of them.

Yeah, A CNC Mill is a milling machine that has a computer added to it to control the mill, which has a bunch of preprogramed actions in it, and when someone tells it to make something, they send a message saying 'use Preprogramed Action 1 here for 3 seconds, then use PreAct2 for 5, move milling bit to here, then do PreAct6 for 8 seconds, then... etc, etc, until the item is finished.'

Actually, it uses coordinates, not time.

The common programming language of CNC machines is G-code.
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Okay, I didn't do that much research into them, just enough to know they use preprogramed actions and how you make something with them is string a bunch of preprogramed actions together.