Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

It's composed of a series of commands and coordinates.

For example, use absolute coordinates (as opposed to relative coordinates), set spindle speed to 1500 rpm, turn on the spindle, move end mill to (insert coordinate 10mm above the top of the object) at rapid traverse (as quickly as possible), plunge the end mill linearly at a depth of 2mm at a feed rate of 50mm/min, move end mill linearly to another coordinate at a feed rate of 100mm/min, move end mill at an arc of a certain radius to this other coordinate, etc.
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THAT is something we could use a design action for........ with digital computeing among other things we can already make that tech wise, just need to design it, and im busy with my scarab, im not changing my design action. pretty much everything ive been doing has been a part of one larger plan or other and i need the scarab right now to be as good as possible for several of them.
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Just promise us that if it fails again, you'll reconsider making these Wunderwaffes and make something more practical? Please?
I don't care if he makes a wonderwaffe, as long as it's a practical wonderwaffe... which the SCARAB hasn't been so far, and most likely won't be again.
That Orbital Mirror and Laser Tower system is something that I've already put down in the 'planning' document as something I want...

I very much want that. Especially if we can adapt it so it's also an ASAT weapon, allowing us to defend the orbital mirrors.
We need the V-2 to launch the mirrors into space though.

And spy satellites would be nice too.

Another option is a satellite that fires either kinetic projectiles ("Rods from God") or EMP (a GoldenEye expy)

Or somehow make that Sun Gun a reality.

These are far-off plans that require a much stronger industry than the one we currently have though.
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I'd say we'd probably be best off with the Rods from God platforms as our orbital weapon for the most part. It's not subject to adverse conditions like lasers, more flexible than EMPs and is harder to stop then an orbital nuclear strike.

EDIT: Not to mention if we needed to, it's probably possible to make a modified Rod that throws a chemical weapon everywhere upon impact. Use the impact to eject it from the rod and use the shockwave to spread it everywhere... 'fun times'...

That said, we're still going to want the Laser AMD and Orbital Mirrors to bounce it, because that keeps us same from ICBMs and the like, later on.

Now let's get back to more immediate concerns...
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SOC: Social Welfare
SOC: Scandinavian Diplomacy
SOC: Something, Something Vatican Maybe? - Help Round up the members for the Council of Copenhagen perhaps?
SOC: Council of Copenhagen
SOC: Allow use of VK-derived products in the German Economy

RS1: Turbofan
RS2: Night Fighter Aircraft
RS1: Improved Architecture/Structural Engineering
RS2: Uses and Mass Production of Titanium, Silicon and the VK versions
RS1: Vril Technology
RS2: VK Rocketry
RS1: Vril Sarcophagus
RS2: VK and Animals
RS1: Industrial Lasers
RS2: Naval Lasers

DES: J-1 Spatz Fighter Bomber
DES: Update 'Tiger' family designs
DES: 'Improved' SCARAB
DES: UT-1 Erzengal Super-Heavy Cargo Plane
DES: Industrial Electronic Management System

PRD: 2 Synthetic Manufacturing Complexes
PRD: Atomic Research Labs
PRD: Nuclear Test Facility
PRD: Radar in Italy
PRD: Set up a Zombie Secret Manufacturing Facility

MIL: Lend-Lease Mundane AA to Italy, Send Luftwaffe to help
MIL: Revise Invasion of France plans
MIL: Explore Vril Cityship in Antarctica
MIL: Sink American Cargo Ships to Britain
MIL: Reorganise German Military Structure and unify all services

COV: Investigate Soviet Embassy
COV: Ensure Allied/Draka/Soviet hands are off France, or remove them if they are there, give uncovered information to other council members
COV: Nothing so far - Perhaps defend Germany from Enemy Covert Actions? (Well, we need someone doing it)
COV: Implicate the Soviets and Anarchists in sinking the Cargo Ships
COV: Expand Intelligence and Counter-intelligence Services, Train Counter-Intelligence services using Werewolves
I think @whydoyoubother We'd decided that it would be best if you instead used your military and covert actions to identify members of the French military who we could include in the Council of Copenhagen, and use to create a Pro-German government
Covert: Identify, make contact and potentially invite to Copenhagen french military which would support the pacification and building of a government sponsored and friendly towards germany. We will try to offer aid and get them to be our concerned french military crying out for help so we have an excuse to play "liberator" instead of "conqueror".
Changed it I have nothing for my military action yet (I was thinking of supplying Operation Wespe with information/supplies so they can keep going).
I would also like to stretch that the Americans will likely invade -this turn- in france. We need to do something.
Changed it I have nothing for my military action yet (I was thinking of supplying Operation Wespe with information/supplies so they can keep going).
I would also like to stretch that the Americans will likely invade -this turn- in france. We need to do something.
Operation Wespe could use a boost for it to be sustained.
Military: Resupply and exchange information with ongoing Operation Wespe. The Resistances we sparked must be kept alive and going and Sudkreuz will see to that Military supplies will be delivered to the right middle-men in order to keep morale up, the Bulgarian/Turkish/German Forces well-supplied and informed about what they know and to avoid being caught.
Production : Dead Man's Shift

One of the major time consumers in the design of new weaponry and vehicles is the need to produce and test time. Since these designs are highly secretive, parts have to be ordered or custom made from many different sources, and then assembled, often by the designer himself. This all takes up lot of time.

Luckily, Germany possesses a massive, untapped workforce whom are highly capable, and extremely discreet. The Dead, or Totenmenschen. They can work tirelessly, precise, and without need for food or chance of disobedience.

This action will construct a massive underground factory in the gypsum mines under Kohnstein, located in central Germany. Staffed by thousands of Totenmenschen working day and night (in shifts, most likely), this factory complex will be able to turn a bunch of scrap metal and a paper design into a tank or plane within the day.
I am, by the way, against this. We still do not know if there are long-term side-effects or can guarentee that some of those wont wander off in general. Having them in low number allows us to watch them and oversee if problems happen. I am really against having an army of superstrong undieing creatures do what is basically slavework.
It has been said several times that the incantations are the only way to ensure slavish obedience in the undead. The ones currently being carefully studied and interviewed are not so restrained.
I am, by the way, against this. We still do not know if there are long-term side-effects or can guarentee that some of those wont wander off in general. Having them in low number allows us to watch them and oversee if problems happen. I am really against having an army of superstrong undieing creatures do what is basically slavework.

Not slavework. It's not a mass producing factory, it's a rapid prototyping facility.

But yeah, I'llchange it. Thought we had more Totenmenschen in use.
On a side note, we really want to avoid getting a US puppet in France, which means that we must be faster than the US. US intervention will take at least a week, that's just the limit of their vessels speed in crossing the atlantic. Even if they don't do military stuff, but merely send more weaponry, it'll still take time.

Anyway, my point is that it'll have to happen fast. By the time the Copenhagen conference takes place, the military governement needs to be already emplaced, so that the Conference can do little but affirm their authority. Merely inviting the military will not be enough. I reiterate, our only advantage in France is our location as a neighbouring nation.

Hell, if we invite them, chances are that they may just reconnect with the US puppet governement, which is what we don't want.
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We acknowledge the new republic and the Convention is merely to get other european countries to legitamise it while we send troops to pacify it?
The idea is that by the time the convention rolls around, supporting the military governement is the logical choice to make.

Not sure we should openly intervene though. Support in resources and supplies certainly, and maybe covert support as well.
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Okay, that looks really good whydoyoubother...

I think we're assigning you all the PR roles from now on :p

Also, @Cybandeath Can you please add an actual covert action? A suggestion is to defend Germany from outside agents, and keep it clear.

You also need to write up your Social Action, even if it's only to go 'Help round up support for the Council of Copenhagen, especially from the Vatican
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