Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

also how is counter intel nat 1 cause THAT? in my opinion it would have caused like a mass draka infiltration not THAT
Because the Allies probably rolled well in discovering the info?
There are other options, and one of them is to make it seems like a fake. We were inserted here by ROB. Thatmeans we're not in birth data registers, citizenshipregisters, stuff like that.

We just send cybandeath on vacation to the Artic, eliminate all traces of him ever existing, and then denounce america for fsking the documents if they release them.
Remember that the other factions are probably trying to get info on us too.
There are other options, and one of them is to make it seems like a fake. We were inserted here by ROB. Thatmeans we're not in birth data registers, citizenshipregisters, stuff like that.

We just send cybandeath on vacation to the Artic, eliminate all traces of him ever existing, and then denounce america for fsking the documents if they release them.
doesnt work. it would still delay every mayor social/diplomatic undertaking in europe by throwing shade on our ideals.
At that point, we would probably be better off (and it would go faster) if we just grabbed our guns and started WWII by invading our neighbouring countries.
What else do you propose?

All the alternatives seen so far are worse in all those aspects.

Other option is to get blackmail on the Americans, somehow.
There are other options, and one of them is to make it seems like a fake. We were inserted here by ROB. Thatmeans we're not in birth data registers, citizenshipregisters, stuff like that.

We just send cybandeath on vacation to the Artic, eliminate all traces of him ever existing, and then denounce america for fsking the documents if they release them.
I have no ties to the german goverment, im a fled revolutionary from ireland with my own company.
What else do you propose?

All the alternatives seen so far are worse in all those aspects.

Other option is to get blackmail on the Americans, somehow.
whatever they have done in alaska? cause that sounds like nukes, powerful nukes, or something simular.
still despite.....the nat 1, mad science good yes?
AAAAAANYHOW over this debacle im resigning from covert defence.

it just feels, tainted now
Covert Action: Identify, make contact and potentially invite to Copenhagen french military which would support the pacification and building of a government sponsored and friendly towards germany. We will try to offer aid and get them to be our concerned french military crying out for help so we have an excuse to play "liberator" instead of "conqueror".
Mention that indications have been discovered by Germany that a significant faction in America may be pushing to use the Government-in-Exile to invade and set up a puppet government. And then there's the concerns that the Draka may take advantage of the weakened defences to conquer a beachhead on European Soil.

Result: Nat 100!

The French, upon being shown proof that the Americans are involved, including fabricating documents framing Germany for ordering the incitement of the riots that sparked the Paris Massacres, are outraged, and soon word spreads amongst the French military communications network to other loyalist military oficers and then to Canada where the government-in-exile is located.

The Drakan issue is seen as secondary to the fact that the Americans were the cause of all their hardship and misfortune, and the government-in-exile orders the loyalist French military forces to cooperate with the Germans to restore order to their nation and end the civil war by any means necessary.

(The French Loyalists are now allied to Germany!)

Social Action: The Council of Copenhagen: The UK, Italy, Spain, Luxemburg, The Association of Neutral Nations (represented by Switzerland and the Vatican), Germany and every other (sorry, not going to write them all up) bordering nations to France meet in Copenhagen to discuss France. Also representatives from Scandinavia. Hitler will attend. Germany will again point out the delivery of American weapons to France and the american expansionism and meddeling which has brought France to its knees.
With the gouvernment in exile and a west-european state up in arms and anarchy, Germany must push for immediate intervention with the commited council to legitimate such action. Order must be restored to France and Paris. As such, they must immediatly align with the current military of France, which has shown its faith with France (unlike the government which fled across the Atlantic) to restore order.
Photo-evidence of Paris is being used to underline the point of necessity of a cooperative, peacekeeping action.
Point out that Germany must protect its age-long neighbor but can, and will not, act against it without the consent of those nations who see the necessity and the fallout of what could sweet as a wave of chaos across Europe. The time to act is now before foreign forces take advantage of this unprecedented catastrophe.
Instead, Hitler will call for a joined operation of all european able nations to aid the beleagured French Army in restoring order and foresee any capitalistic opportunists from taking advantage of the plight of the French people.
(Wished result: UK/Italy (if possible not spain) invade France under the guise of peacekeeping. Germany is allowed to invade with europa-wide legitimacy. Pre-empt any american invasion by putting Europe up against them socially)
(Personal Add-on: I know we wrote to the others that Switzerland should be in charge. But we are certainly not going to push for it. Instead, Germany seems the clear choice, given that we can give manpower and are not locked in an economic depression. The other European states will be glad we take responsibility in addition. Only if the British seem to be chosen, we will push for the whole "Switzerland to be in charge"-option. As for the others manipulating that: How? They are not there.)

Result: Success!
HItler Result: Nat 100!
Results of 1st Council Vote: Swiss Administration over France.
Results of 2nd Council Vote: Joint Military Invasion of France.
Results of 3rd Council Vote: Revelation of Drakan complicity.
Results of 4th Council Vote: Joint Rebuke To The United States for their role in providing arms.
Results of 5th Council Vote: Germany will be granted military command of Pan-European Joint Forces.

The Council Of Copenhagen is the greatest example of europe putting aside political differences for a united cause and it is Hitler's charisma and speeches calling for Europeans to protect European interests, and that it is the duty of all Europeans to bring peace back to France and restore it's rightful government, without American interference.

"It is the place of Europe to protect Europe!" He thunders, "Not the Americans who give guns to criminals and terrorists as revenge for their losses in the Great War, and hide behind the great oceans and call it 'Isolationism', and act as if they are in the right!"

"Friends! If none will step forward to stretch a hand towards the French, then Germany shall do so alone! We shall be as a knight, protecting the French from their own evil, and the world will see that Germany stands in the light! So I ask you, join us in that same light!"

He is met by applause, and the votes are quickly called for and decided.

(You have the finger on the trigger. Declare the invasion of France at any time.)

Resarch I: The Sarcophagus of the Vril. It has remained in a coolbox for now, but it is time to bring it out. Full ABC-outfits and security. Who knows what it inside? Not us. But we intend to find out without unleashing flesh-eating killer-viruses.

Result: Success!

It takes some hasty creation of purpose-made computer equipment, and the creation of a dedicated clean room in case of unknown biological threats, with the most stable and dedicated troops on hand in case there is a need to engage a hostile alien entity.

"Herr Gunther, are we ready?"

"Ready, Herr Schmidt. Making final cuts now."

The VK-Steel saw begins the final cuts that will disable the locks on the sarcophagus, before with a clang the lock falls away and the lid pops up, releasing a cloud of vapour that forces the scientists to retreat in case it is dangerous, before vent fans force the gas into sterile containment to reveal the partially-open sarcophagus as a new team heads in while the others are decontaminated.

The lid is carefully lifted all the way to reveal the occupant. It is large, nearly nine feet tall, vaguely reptilian in features with three eyes, non-visible ears, and no sign of obvious sexual dimorphism, wearing a one-piece, skin-tight suit of unknown material.

Soldiers in ABC gear are brought in, just in case, and detection mechanisms are reading off the scale levels of VK inside the alien as a doctor carefully peels back an eyelid to reveal an oval pupil.

That instantly contracts as the alien suddenly inhales, causing the doctor to stumble backwards as the soldiers lift their rifles while the alien flails slightly before relaxing, looking around in clear confusion and not a little panic, particularly at seeing armed soldiers and what look like scientists standing around it.

It sits up, panic giving way to caution as the doctor approaches again and since there is no way to communicate with the creature, begins the examination anew, which calms the alien significantly as it realizes that it is being put under a medical inspection. Eventually the doctor pronounces the creature to be healthy, as far as he knows, and with the lack of hostility the soldiers lower their weapons.

(Unique Character Acquired: Alien)
(New Research Unlocked: Live Alien)

Resarch II: VK Physiological Enhancement of Animals. This is a necessity of animal cruelty. Sudkreuz is unhappy, but eventually he orders it nevertheless and reads the reports with less humanity than before. (No need to become descriptive here. I hate myself already)

Result: Critical Success!

First off, do not inject VK into a fish. The results are not pretty and require flamethrowers to deal with.

Secondly, small animals tend to have explosive reactions to VK.

However, it is discovered that large dogs and gorillas actually accept VK more readily than other animals, gaining a massive level of increased intelligence, sufficient that dogs can understand human speech and the lone enhanced Gorilla, named Marcus, is able to learn how to speak and use complicated tools.

In both cases there is an increase in overall physical strength, resilience, natural healing ability and stamina with these enhancements being possible to pass on genetically.

With the discovery of Cloning however, it should be possible to be able to mass-produce any enhanced animals rather than rely on natural breeding. Such creatures would be able to breed, until it is possible to restrict this. Certain generals feel that cloned animals could be valuable for specialist military roles.

(New Research Unlocked: Kampfhund)
(New Research Unlocked: Kampaffe)
(New Research Unlocked: VK Enhancement of Human Physiology)

Design Action: UT-1 "Erzengel". The UT-1 is an unarmed transport-aircraft. Design-wise it may remind of the failed "Spruce Goose"-project, but this is more feasible. 2 stories tall, the Erzengel (Archangel) is made of VK Aluminium to allow for the titanic size while weigth not being as harsh a factor. It has an outer shell of VK Aircraft armor in order to give it more resiliance. The "Donar" seems perfect to test out on this new plane.
After several considerations, Guns or similar were not included into the design. However, it should be possible with little problem to change small parts of the existing design and add gunturrets at a later time (or an alternative line of flying fortress). Mainly, the Erzengel is created as a flying transport for both supplies and manpower. It is made for survivability, altitude (due to VK, Speed as well, coincidently) and cargo-space while making safe transport possible and feasable.

Result: Failure

The superstructure fails during testing, and attempts to reinforce the superstructure are ineffective. The Erzengel is feasible, but until this problem is solved, it could collapse in mid-flight.

Production: Radar in Italy. With Mussolini on their side, Sudkreuz will have a few facilities set up in/across Italy. He would rather not explain but instead show and keeps these facilities rather low-key and to the side. Then the reports will come in of when and where the Draka move in order to amaze El Duce and allow him to defend his place properly. At which point Sudkreuz will ask for these facilities to be properly protected by elite-guard (And again stretches the need for keeping this from other countries).

Result: Success!

The covert construction and revelation of the Radar Stations across Italy stuns il Duce Mussolini, who proclaims that now Italy's skies shall be impossible for the Drakan snakes to slither through as the coordination with the air defense crews and fighters promptly wreaks increased havoc on the Drakan air raids.

(Italy receives a Radar Network.)

Military: Resupply and exchange information with ongoing Operation Wespe. The Resistances we sparked must be kept alive and going and Sudkreuz will see to that Military supplies will be delivered to the right middle-men in order to keep morale up, the Bulgarian/Turkish/German Forces well-supplied and informed about what they know and to avoid being caught.

Result: Success!

The boosted numbers of supplies being sent to resistance forces and Werewolves in Bulgaria and Turkey is a major help to Morale, particularly the delivery of PSG-32 sniper rifles for the Werewolf snipers.

What is a real help is the increase in quality local intelligence as confidence in liberation and freedom grows, allowing the Werewolf-led rebel groups to strike at more high value targets.
To be fair, that was probably one of the safest Military/Covert/Social rolls to Nat 1 this turn... It's just really, really potentially painful.

Just imagine how bad it would have been if my covert action this turn had Nat 1'd...
Okay, that problem solved itself fast.

I think we need to investigate Hitler for psychic powers.
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Thats.. awesome. And I suppose Italy really, really likes us. Cool.

One question, though, @Gideon020 : Is not Gunman already triggering the invasion of France with French/European Support?
"Europe for the Europeans!"

Ah, there's an idea...

A Greater European Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Germany shall be the leader, the guiding spirit.

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