Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

including fabricating documents framing Germany for ordering the incitement of the riots that sparked the Paris Massacres,
A close call for us?

Result: Failure

The superstructure fails during testing, and attempts to reinforce the superstructure are ineffective. The Erzengel is feasible, but until this problem is solved, it could collapse in mid-flight.
The plane is probably too big. Try making it the size of the C-130 or the B-52.
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so axis is quickly turning into axis of european nations.

also this is now a must.

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And yeah, the Erzengel probably failed because we've unlocked the research for super-heavy aircraft, we haven't unlocked the technology for super-heavy aircraft.
I take it we're going to be using 2 or 3 Military actions to organise and direct the Joint Invasion of France this turn? And probably 2 or 3 Covert actions to ease the way, prevent anyone from doing stupid stuff like warcrimes and keeping the draka too busy chasing hteir tails to invade?
Also note this bit:

Results of 4th Council Vote: Joint Rebuke To The United States for their role in providing arms.

That's all of Western Europe rebuking the United States
Sjus you.

No sharing results of turns before all turns are processed.

Follow the rules. Ordnung muss er sein.

Edit : Oh wait. This is IC. My bad.
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Also note this bit:

Results of 4th Council Vote: Joint Rebuke To The United States for their role in providing arms.

That's all of Western Europe rebuking the United States
and that includes uk XD there goes alot of relations between uk and the usa.
Acquired Special Personnel/Resources:
-Colonel Rudi Jaeger (Bonus to Infantry Warfare Doctrine Research)
-Totenmensch X (Bonus to Totenmensch Research, Improved Totenmensch Firepower when attached to any Totenmensch force.)
-Angela Wolff (Independent Operative. Can be employed as an assassin for Covert Actions. Can be further trained as a Panzergrenadier or Werewolf)
-Titanium: A difficult to manufacture metal with a wide variety of applications.
-Alien: It's a live alien that you cannot communicate with.
Social :

Germany does not have the resources to lead an invasion in Draka led Nepal. Therefore, we will sponsor a scientific expedition to prepare for an ascent the Everest, and to measure it's precise height.

This will require an extended expedition in most of Nepal

Result: Success!

The SS and Blutkreuz group departs via passenger airship to Babylon (Iraq), where they will then head towards TIbet to begin a preliminary study of Everest and begin the search for whatever they are searching for in those frozen peaks. While the Draka will likely involve themselves at some point, you're confident that the SS and Blutkreuz will be more than capable of handling themselves.

It'll be some time before you receive any news back however.

Research :
- Industrial Lasers

Lasers have a number of advantages that makes interesting for industrial use. They're precise, effective, and most importantly suffer little wear even when drilling through hard material. Drills have to destroy an object through abrasion, requiring a drill head that's harder than the material it's drilling. A laser merely needs to supply sufficient power to evaporate the material, which is easy with VK technology.

Controlling the laser can be a harsher challenge. For safety purposes, the laser apparatus will be entirely encased in a protective cover. The laser beam will be emitted through a hole, and can then be redirected via an assembly of lenses. Control over these lenses needs to be precise, resulting in thoughts for a computer controlled system.

The Digi-Eins and it's more primitive variants are more than capable of controlling a laser assembly. By connecting electric motors with the lens assembly, we can ensure precision control and thus machine components to before unparalleled precision and efficiency.

Result: Critical Success!

The usage of computers to control the direction and duration of lasers in order to cut metal is a major boon for German industry, which has to rely on heavy cutting tools, particularly for VK-Steel and other VK-infused metals and alloys. By using lasers, it is possible to cut VK-Metals with greater speed and efficiency, increasing outputs and reducing times for manufacturing parts and materials.

These new computer-guided laser cutting devices are an incredible boon for German industry, and the effects are soon obvious.

(Industrial Capacity, Ammunition Supplies Double!)

- Naval Lasers

VK technology is strong, but volatile. Short circuits, especially are a big issue. The electric current unleashes a self-perpetuating reaction that unleashes large amounts of heat and electricity.. In small infantry, this not so much a problem as the system fries itself before it can do anything. On a large scale, you've created a firebomb.

The Naval laser design therefore focuses primarily on the safe containment of the weapon. The laser is held inside a tube, deep within the vessel. Like in the industrial lasers, the beam is redirected by a system of lenses.

The advantage of this is that the laser itself sits immobile within the hull of the vessel. The turret only contains a small lightweight assembly of lenses. This allows a turret the size of the average anti-air cannon to project the same amount of fire power as the 2500 tonnes main guns of most battleships.

Due to this, laser cannons have unparalleled traverse, and fire rates which are only limited by available power and heating of the lens array. Efforts to reduce the heating problem also exist, and focus primarily on either having multiple smaller cannons each with their own lens array, or by having redundant lens arrays that are switched between beam activation.

Result: Success

Naval laser weapons offer incredible firepower to vessels at sea, as the beam could penetrate to magazines and ignite the ammunition, or simply cut a ship in half from the sheer power of the beams, with the traverse rate to allow the guns to even shoot at aircraft, which would allow for a ship with multiple lasers to almost literally sweep the skies clear.

The main problem with this weapon is that the Particle Compression Sleeve that gives the Laser Cannon it's distinctive barrel does have to be removed to allow this range of movement, meaning that while a Naval-grade laser can cut a plane in half, it won't cause an explosion at the moment of impact unless it is lucky enough to hit ammunition.

(New Technology Unlocked: Naval Lasers)

Design :

Making decisions is a hard job. Making informed decisions vastly more so. The amount of information that needs to be processed in order to make informed decision takes up most of the time and workforce available of most agencies, and resolving that is not a trivial issue.

The Digi-eins however, could perhaps be the start of the solution. It's ability to process data rapidly is so far unprecedent, and opens many new possibilities. Under the Mittelwerks program, Digi-eins based systems will be distributed to major factories. These installations will be used to keep track of productivity, inventory, worker absenteeism, and dozens of other statistics.

They're designed to allow use both separately, or as a group. As a group, the Digi-eins system is grouped by level. For example, all production lines of one factory would report to 1 system, and then that system and that of all the other factories of the same corporation would report to another system, and so on. Alegdonic feedback is used to allow centralized oversight while leaving minor problems to the local users.

An example:

Mechanical failure stops 1 production line in a factory. The Digi Eins system notices the failure, and informs the factory manager, assuming he doesn't already know. The factory manager can now increase production in other lines, if the production line can not be fixed.

If the situation is not resolved in time, then the failure is propagated to the next level. The corporation now knows about a shedule issue in one of their factories, and can thus decide to increase production in another factory.

If the situation still isn't resolved, it goes to the level above, and contracts can be given to other corporations to make up for the shortfall. If that can not be resolved, high command is informed.

Result: Success!

With digital computing helping to streamline decision-making in factories, identifying problems for quick resolution or switching to new production lines. This will greatly reduce delays in production times, and improve the accuracy of stock levels for factories to know when to replenish their supplies.

(+1 Production Action for all players)

Production : Dead Man's Shift

One of the major time consumers in the design of new weaponry and vehicles is the need to produce and test time. Since these designs are highly secretive, parts have to be ordered or custom made from many different sources, and then assembled, often by the designer himself. This all takes up lot of time.
This action will construct a massive underground factory in the gypsum mines under Kohnstein, located in central Germany. This factory complex, which will include the most modern facilities of various industries, will allow the rapid construction and testing of prototypes.

Result: Success!

The Kohnstein Forge is the most secret manufacturing and rapid-prototyping facility in the world, buried deep underground and dedicated to the production of prototypes on multiple dedicated production lines. Here, everything from guns to tanks, even ships, are designed and tested in what has to be the largest facility in the world, before the larger examples are broken down for recycling at nearby foundries or for shipping to bases for further testing.

(New Infrastructure Built: Kohnstein Forge)
(+1 Design Action For All Players)

Military :

Interdepartmental rivalries have long caused issues within the German military. With the restrictions of the Versaille removed, and with the power entrusted within me by Hitler, propose and organize the creation of a single, unified Oberkommando that controls the Army, the Navy and the Airforce.

This is a great departure from OTL, where the creation of a single unified command did not occur until 2 days before Hitler's suicide.

Result: Critical Success!

Hitler leans on the various military branches, particularly on stubborn Goering, and forces the establishment of Oberkommando Deutschland (OKD) to create a unified military command for Germany's military might.

(Oberkommando Deutschland established.)
(Heer, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine now under a unified command structure.)

Covert :

The German espionage agencies are needed in more places than they can be. As such, they shall be tasked with organizing a major expansion in personnel and capabilities. Significant assets will be deployed to screening personnel, to ensure that this goes entirely without issue.

The counterintelligence teams will also have greater cooperation and in select cases train with Werewolf units, giving that in recent times the Werewolf units were essential for their operations.

Result: Success!

A number of suspicious incidents prove that the expansion is needed, and the move is pushed forward to cross-train operatives with Werewolf units, while new screening methods are put in place.

And most importantly, all documents that are not specifically marked for storage are incinerated as standard operating procedure to prevent another near-catastrophe from occuring.
I wonder if the other two groups have done anything like my researches into Improved Alloys/Composites/Plastics/Synthetic Rubber/Titanium.

I mean, once we've gotten VK, there's been a fairly strong push to just skip getting the better 'mundane' product and figure out how to use VK to solve your issues. And having said that, having a better mundane base is best early on because it means everything from then on is lightly better.

'Next Turn Result pops up' 'Reads'

Okay, Ebbor, that's some really good work of yours there.

Now we just need the 'active' action slots. whydoyoubother, you want to design a PR Firm or something for us next turn using the new Design Slot? That's probably got good odds of giving us another Social Action, which we're going to need pretty damn soon probably.

EDIT: Also, anyone else notice that between the Industrial Lasers and Modular Design Principles, In the last two turns we've effectively quadrupled how much Industrial Capacity we have?
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I mean, once we've gotten VK, there's been a fairly strong push to just skip getting the better 'mundane' product and figure out how to use VK to solve your issues. And having said that, having a better mundane base is best early on because it means everything from then on is lightly better.
VK should be a tool, not a crutch.

Better mundane products mean even better VK-versions of them.

And the VK only lasts as long as the supply line is safe.
Now we just need the 'active' action slots. whydoyoubother, you want to design a PR Firm or something for us next turn using the new Design Slot? That's probably got good odds of giving us another Social Action, which we're going to need pretty damn soon probably.

I'm thinking of up of setting up Germany Today and/or Veidt/German National Broadcasting Corporation, given my Business specialty.