Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

It's good that we've pulled the German economy out of the Depression. However, this does mean if we want to improve the economy further, we're going to need to research or design stuff before we can use it with a social action.

EDIT: Also, HOLY SHIT at the amount of Ammunition and Industrial Capacity we're getting.

I don't think we need to expand Industrial Capacity ever again...
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Intelligence Reports By Faction:

-The Allies are planning to send troops and scientists to Antarctica.

Soviet Union:
-The Soviet Union knows about the Allied expedition and is preparing their own to Antarctica.

Oh crap. Looks like we're going to need to get Hitler to declare the region around our Antarctican Colony German Sovereign Territory, if we don't want issues developing.
Carl Gelb
Berlin, Germany
June, 1932

[x] Social: While one of our comrades works on Scandinavia and another tries a broad diplomatic campaign on Europe as a whole, you will focus on Italy and Spain. At minimum, trade deals and mututal defense pacts will be desired. Ideally, Germany will seek to rope them into EU-style (sans Schengen open borders) open markets with each other and a NATO-style military alliance. The more they are willing to tie themselves to Germany, the more we will give them into return. This includes modernization of their economy, military and intelligence agencies (excluding our newest Enigma) up to German standards if we get most of what we want. Things we can offer include but are not limited to: surplus and current (conventional) military equipment (especially older ships that can serve as coastal defense), military training and doctrines, new business ideas and models, subsidizing infrastructure and industries, mundane non-military technologies and favorable loan rates. All of them should be aware of Draka aggression in the Mediterranean, and our publishing of Draka collusion in France will help reinforce this. Italy is expected to enter a formal alliance after all we've shown to be capable of.

[x] Research 1: Rubber Reactive Armor: A surprisingly simple way of increasing a vehicle's effective armor, an RRA brick is composed of two sloped plates, usually made of metal, sandwiching a layer of an inert material, such as rubber. When it is struck by a projectile, such as a kinetic or HEAT round, the impact energy released into the inert layer, and the resulting pressure, causes the two plates to bulge at the impact area, blunting the impact force of the projectile, and destroying the projectile. This lightweight armor brick can be stacked in multiple spaced layers for increased protection, can be applied anywhere on a vehicle, and is safe for nearby infantry whenever it triggers. Lastly, it can be upgraded by using VK (I'm not calling it non-explosive reactive armor because we don't have explosive reactive armor.).

[x] Research 2: Teleportation: Object Transportation: With the discovery of science fiction tech from that spaceship, let's put some of that to good use! One of those is teleportation, which would be really, really useful for transporting objects from one place to another, like VK shipments from Antarctica to Germany, or goods from the factories to somewhere else, or resources from the mines to the factories, or supplies from the rear to the frontlines. The fictional Protoss were able to warp in entire buildings, vehicles and ships from one planet to another. Perhaps we could do the same on a smaller scale?

[x] Design 1: Flakpanzer I Gepard: This is a Tiger which is modified to act as a mobile anti-aircraft and fire support platform. It carries a pair of 3.7cm autocannons within a modified version of the Tiger's turret, permitting a higher elevation arc and turret traverse than the Tiger. Its hull and turret armor scheme is changed to 33 mm all around to lessen the weight. It is also armed with a coaxial machine gun and a roof-mounted machine gun, and is powered by a 700 hp turbocharged diesel engine. It takes advantage of mobile radar and the latest fire control systems to ensure the accuracy of its guns, and uses wet storage for its ammunition. It is lighter than the Tiger, is easy to produce, maintain and repair, and can maintain formation with the Tiger. Lastly, there will be two versions: one that is conventional, and one that uses VK, both with the latest technological updates and camouflage paint.

[x] Design 2: T-1 Engel: The problem with the UT-1 Erzengel is that the fuselage can't quite support itself in flight right now, even with the use of VK. Therefore, until research into super-heavy aircraft is done, I will design a modified and downsized version of the UT-1 instead, called the T-1 Engel. This long range transport aircraft has four high-bypass turbofan engines mounted on its swept wings, and has hardpoints on its wings for carrying drop tanks. It has all the required features of a transport aircraft, such as a reinforced floor and a large cargo door. It is as big as the C-130 Hercules (which is a lot smaller than the Spruce Goose), and can be modified for many roles, such as bomber, gunship and AWACS. Its wings have winglets for extra range, and it has protected self-sealing fuel tanks and redundant systems. Lastly, it is made of conventional materials, but if necessary, a VK version would be made as well.

[x] Production 1: Encourage the production of trucks, half-tracks and other utility vehicles, to mobilize infantry and equipment.

[x] Production 2: Encourage the maintenance and improvement of our transportation infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, roads, public transport, rail transport, water transport, air transport, etc.), which will be a boon to our economy, industry and military.

[x] Military: Continue defending Italy against Drakan aircraft. In line with this, have the Italian officers be trained by Wehrmacht officers in our way of warfare, and be held to the same standards as the Germans. After all, teach a man to fish...

[x] Covert: Establish spy networks around the world, with focus on the Draka. In line with this, have our computerized systems intercept Drakan communications and obtain intelligence on them.
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[X] Social Action: Last month you tried to negotiate treaties with the Scandinavian Countries, only to find that the Soviet Union was also trying to get close, and friendly relations with them. This could be... problematic, for the Germany, and the Pan-European Treaty Organization you how to one day establish against the Draka. As such, you tell you people to go back, and make sure you get those treaties. To help with this, you offer them access to the scientific and engineering knowledge required to make biofuel plants, synthetic rubber and plastics. And if your new Arctic and Alpine gear is ready in time, offer the mundane and less exotic, non-military gear, as well. I'm sure they'll find a lot of use for them.
[X] Research Action 1: Last month, your research teams had a major breakthrough in constructing underground structures. Indeed, you'd be able to build massive underground complexes right now, if not for a slight problem. You don't have what you need to build them with. Fortunately, your research teams are rather adept at material science these days, and so you tell them to go forth and research some form of uber concrete.
[X] Research Action 2: You know one of the bigger concerns with making underground structures habitable is their 'life support' systems. Also, the German citizens in Antarctica have been complaining. So you'll direct the rest of you research teams to figuring out how to make improved life support systems. Whether it's air filters, scrubbers or cleaners, water treatment, purification or extraction, heating, cooling, even sewage management, treatment and extraction, you'll develop better ones.
[X] Design Action 1: As mentioned earlier, the German citizens in Antarctica have been complaining. Well, lets fix that problem. Your design teams are directed to develop better Arctic and Alpine Environment Gear. New clothes, military uniforms with arctic or alpine camouflage patterns, better habitation, improved weather seals, better food, eating utensils, you'll design everything needed to make a German able to be warm and comfortable in the harshest Artic or Alpine, they have many similarities after all, conditions. Well, up to a point, you aren't a miracle worker. Most of the time at least. Oh, make sure to include designing gear to allow amphibious operations in Arctic or Antarctic waters. Just in case.
[X] Design Action 2: (European Youths' Aeronautics Club 1/2) The Luftwaffe no longer needs to hide. However, just because they can be expanded at will now, doesn't mean there aren't limits. One of the bigger ones being Pilots. As such, you will begin the formation of the European Youths' Aeronautics Club. Building off the previous successes in developing clubs and other organisations that boost the social spirit of the German citizen, whilst also teaching them skills that would be useful in wartime, you will found a club that will awaken young Germans, and later other European citizens you hope, love of flying and teach them how to fly. You only plan on organising the club and beginning to teach how to fly gliders this month. Next month is when you'll organise the powered flight sections of the club, unless something drastic happens.
[X] Production Action 1: You need to make friends with the Scandinavian countries. Fortunately, you have a way of doing that. You offer them your assistance constructing, expanding and improving their infrastructure, whether it's laying new water and sewage pipes, constructing new power plants, or building roads to isolated towns, you shall help!
[X] Production Action 2: Last month, your little council designed quite a few new aircraft. Time to build a few of them, yes? Produce 4 J-1 'Spatz' Electrojet Fighter Squadrons, 2 Krähe Night Attack Fighter Squadrons and 2 Ho-9 'Night Raven' Electrojet Stealth Fighter-Bomber Squadrons, as well as 4 Pioneer Battalions and 2 Sturmpanzers Companies. Concentrate efforts on ensuring the Pioneers are ready in time for the invasion.
[X] Military Action: You've developed a plan, organised an international coalition, and received permission. Send the word to all coalition members and inform all military personnel with the latest plans and information. The French Intervention has begun. All unassigned forces will assist with the campaign, except for the new J-1, Krahe and Ho-9 Sqadrons. Make sure they know to stop anyone from committing war crimes or the like, okay? You're going in to save the French peoples, not kill the resistors and enslave the rest, who do they think you are? The Draka? As a sidenote, you are pleased to inform your soldiers that the limitations on the use of VK equipment is reduced to only those consisting primarily of VK, excluding the infantry plate-vests. With the use of VK Augmented Luftwaffe Fighters in Italy, and potentially Spain this month, there is no need for the absolutely draconian restrictions previously, though avoiding the use of VK variants is still desired.
[X] Covert Action: The Americans and the Soviets are both outfitting scientific expeditions to the Antarctic. This presents us with the possibility, remote as it is, that they may be discover our operations already in place there, or even worse, are actively seeking it out. The best way to avoid them discovering our operations is by having them investigate entirely different parts of the Antarctic. We will do this by funding select researchers in the US expedition (the USSR's expedition is planning to follow them, after all), who propose research sites as far away from our base as possible. In addition, we will provide funding for several of our own researchers to join the mission. The US is often relatively open with it's scientific expeditions, especially those with no military element, so we expect that this will be allowed. By funding legitimate researchers and providing them with aides from the state security, we can covertly keep track of the US's discoveries in the Antarctic.

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I seriously don't want the Soviets getting their hands on Scandinavia, and the technologies are a good way to do it. Not to mention they've not exactly exotic (Artificial Rubber, Plastic), and the only one I'd assume the Soviets wouldn't think of, we've already told them about (Biofuel).
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"The German people are a nationalistic sort. They really do love their country. The Chancellor's talent for public speaking only amplifies this effect. Now, one of the keys to a nation's greatness lies in technology. To this end, encourage interest in science and engineering at the primary and secondary levels of education, and encourage the study of science and engineering at the university and post-graduate levels, offering scholarships whenever possible. Education is the greatest weapon of a nation, and Germany will benefit much from it in the long run. Also, encourage investment in the education and research sectors, for the production and passing on of knowledge is invaluable."
Okay, yeah, That'll probably be good next turn, but we're a bit tight this turn.

EDIT: Just call the Electrojet E-Jet, should help, and FIghter-Bomber F-B, or something like that.
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On a side note, the americans are planning to interfere in Brazil. Do we leave them alone, or mess stuff up.
South America's in the Allied Sphere of influence as far as I care. Not sure what the Soviet Union's got in it's sphere, other than probably the Chinese Rebels and maybe the Japanese... Maybe...

Just as the Axis have Europe as their sphere of influence.
June 1932
Mood: Concerned

Half a year and the man called Sudkreuz was terrified at what and how he changed the world with his actions, his ideas, his drive. A drive which he now had enflamed across Europe in order to.... well? Ends justify the means? Path to hell being paved by good intentions?
But the luxiary of that thought was a kind of distant thing as he and his children (as much as they could be his) walked through the Zoo on a sunday.
The Effort. It had even a name, everything he had driven into action. One Europe, one voice. And the one which enflamed them had been, ironically, Hitler. His words, Hitlers Charisma. How crazy was that little bearded person? Quite. But not to the point of being unreasonable.... yet. And he was useful still. How brutal, how inhuman of Sudkreuz to think of another human being as a ressource.
He settled on the bench to let the children play and opened the Newspaper. His headlines. Not about him, but fabricated, in great part, by him.
Oh well. More to do so that, in fifteen years, men and women could come to this place in peace again. Because peace was a thing of the past. War was pushing towards them. And he intended to win this one before Germany, before Europe, burnt in its entirely and slavery was a new norm.

Social Action: Support @Pyro Hawk with attempting to make an ally of Scandinavia. Sudkreuz will work on an economic-social angle and point out the recent developments which can help stabilise the (currently) less than stellar economy of the scandinavian states and the opportunities to open to the markets of Europe.
Resarch I: Alien Resarch. Attempts at communication are made. Do we feed the Alien? How do we feed it and what? So many tests to make genuine first contact with the species. Show it pictures. Let it listen to music and see how it reacts. Those kind of things.
Security is still at max when it comes to this, but lets try to be effective without the thumbscrews. If it is failed to make contact within a week, request and take over custody of Baron Leopold Wolfgang von Thaler (If he is in Germany currently), swear him to secrecy and let him attempt to make contact with the Alien entity.

Resarch II: VK Physiological Enchancement of Humans. The natural step after the Animal-Experiments of last month, we should test out the capabilities we can do for human gene- and bioengineering.

Design I: Social Engineering. Staff of specialists in different cultures are expanded for the council. In addition to trained diplomats, polititical advisors and language-specialists Sudkreuz also seeks to expand the Staff to include political and social theorists for future endevours.

Design II: Doctrine: Improved Officer Training. Already Napoleon found that his officers should be chosen on ability and Merit, not an accident of being born into the right class. As such, Germany will push to school its Officers in the increasing amount of new tactical thinking. Class and ability to direct itsself to a situation will be seen as important. Still, there is a limit how far any man (or woman) can be driven and many young officers join the Reichswehr and the ranks of the Council in order to serve as military staff in both the field and at the tactical table.

Production I: Radar for Spain. Germany would like to continue vexing the Draka by supplying its allies/to be allies with technological goodies to counter any immediate sneak-attack

Production II: Build 2 Biofuel-plants in Italy as a gift to our new ally as a pact and show of "Germany as the spearhead of a European Pact"

Military: Liberation of France; Support @Pyro Hawk s military action of taking france as non-violently as possible.

Covert: Find the Submarine which went missing and bring it home. In addition to being evidence for your deeds and sinking ships of the british, Draka and Americans, it is also not right to abbandon ones people in a shallow steel-grave. Find them, retrieve them.
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As far as I'm aware. Antarctica's already pretty damn hidden, considering it's all buried dozens of metres underground, at least.

@Gideon020 That right?
My new social action.

No, no. In for a penny, in for a pound. Go for Spain, Italy and Greece. If you want I can help you draft it out so we get (secret?) mutual defense treaties against the Draka at minimum, and preferably military and economic alliances. Italy now wants to ally. Spain wants a mutual defense pact minimum. Greece is concerned about Draka aggression. Offer them German technical expertise, export models, etc. to pressure them into wanting a more formal alliance.
No, no. In for a penny, in for a pound. Go for Spain, Italy and Greece. If you want I can help you draft it out so we get (secret?) mutual defense treaties against the Draka at minimum, and preferably military and economic alliances. Italy now wants to ally. Spain wants a mutual defense pact minimum. Greece is concerned about Draka aggression. Offer them German technical expertise, export models, etc. to pressure them into wanting a more formal alliance.
see my social action
Expanding the Pact of Steel to the rest of the Mediterranean huh? Probably a good idea, we'll see how it turns out later. We'll want at least two co-operating though, to prevent it exploding on us.

@whydoyoubother How about designing a Torpedo Bomber? It's going to be very useful if we need to fend off a Draka naval invasion, and we can probably find uses for it elsewhere later on, once SAMs and better torpedoes start appearing.
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